PAOB rOUK THl OABOUWA TMM SATUBPAy/ MAY tnd. UBI ^nrarnaHMCiw DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES AU Newt For TMsPaoeMvMtBeSubmUUd Before Ten A. M. Monday Of Emek Week MRS. P. W. HARRIS, Society JSditor—Phone 6-WlS AuocUrte EdUon Mas. Ma—i. Powux, Peartontown—Phone (^134 Mum M. L. Stxpebn, West Durham—Phone 7-4164 Mks. N. J. Curkt—Wert End—Phone 7-8802 Miaw Rachxl Nuifif—Hickttoum GARDEN CLUB TOUR The Azalea Garden Club held its annual Spring Tour, April 18. The group met at the home of Mrs. Banette Peele on Dunbar Street and upon viewing her garden went on to tour many other lovely gardens. On entering Mrs. Effie Cotton’s Garden, the group was served with drinks and sandwiches. Climaxing the tour was a visit to the estate of Mr. John Sprunt Hill. On Saturday, April 25, the Azalea Garden Club gave a Garden Bazaar, featuring the auctioning of numerous plants and flowers. It was a real opportunity for those attending to get much desired additions for their respective gardens. Delicious homemade cake and fancy tidbits were also avail able. Gates prizes were warded those holding lucky numbers. The next regular meeting will be held with Mrs. Travis Free. COSMETOLOGY CLUB The Cosmetology Club, Chapter One held its monthly meeting on April 20, with Miss ^rah Dotson, at the Vanity Fair Beauty Salon, on Fayetteville Street. Mrs. Pauline Love, Vice-President, presided over the business session, at which time plans were made to attend the North CaroUna Beauticians’ Association in Charlotte, April 26-29. Officers were elected for the year. Miss Lois Burroughs were reported much improv^. Rev. R. D. Rogers was reported very ill at home, 700 Milton Avenue, Miss Moore was present to represent the Institute to be held in June. The hostess served a delicious repast to the following members; Mesdames P. F. Love, M. Jeffries, E. Pugh, B. Fowler, L. Coleman, E. Burnett, L. Johnson, B. Moss, M. Bluunt, G. Washington, C. McCloud, F. Harris, E. Brown, C. Horton, P. Hart, M. Minor, M. McMillan, N. J. Curry, L. Well and Sadie Fitts. NEW ARRIVAL Linda Linda Merle Cooke is the latest addition to the D. B. Cooke household. MRS. BENNETT IS HOSTESS The Year-Round Garden Club met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bennett on Masondale Ave nue. The Giuxien Gate was opened by Mrs. Bennett., Busi ness deliberations were presided over by the president, Mrs. Pearl Cordice. Leroy Frazier gave a report on the trip by Year-Round Gardener^ and members from other Garden Clubs in the city to Wilmington to attend the Azalea Festival and tour the Orton Plantation and Greenfield Park. Plans were p>erfected for the tour of Club members’ gardens on April 25 and May 2. Mrs. Felice Holmes was guest. Several gardeners who had been absent for one reason or another for sometime were welcomed back. Mrs. Bennett, assisted by her little daughter. Noma Alice, served ice cream, cake, mints and nuts to the follow ing; Mrs. Felice Holmes, Mrs. Pearl Cordice, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Frazier, Miss Edna* Mason, Mrs. Ada Leach, Mrs. Mary Henderson, Katie Love, Rosa Suitt, Mary Kennedy, Marie Spiegner, Berta Davis, Mary Green, Ann Webh, Ethel Perry, Roxie Rowland, Josie Rich, Hattie Meadows, Gertude Long, Grizzle, Bailey, Allie Dick, Carrie Burah, Flossie Torrain, and Plassie Harris. MRS. ETHEL PEERY ENTERTAINS “UTOPIA” MEMBERS Mrs. Ethel Perry proved a delightful hostess Friday eve ning when she entertained the Utopia Club in her home on Linwood Avenue. Beautiful assorted flowers from the Perry Garden were arranged throughout the home. Mk. Sallie Harris led the devotions which were inspiring and uplifting. Business was presided over by the president, Mrs. Mabel Mabry. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Alice Far- rison and in her charming way brought a most interesting and helpful talk on “Home Beautification.” The club mem bers and guests enjoyed Mrs. Farrison. Guests of the eve ning were; Mesdames Lola Solice, Stella Alston and Thelma Hill. Mrs. Perry invited guests and members into the Hining room where they were served buffet style. Utopia members present were Mesdames Mable Mabry, Elnora Smith, Hattie Meadows, Marion Alston, Rosa Farrington, Rada Prince Freeland Price, Sallie Harris, Wilma Milum, Lena Richard son, Nellie Williams, Matilda Townsend, Ann Webb, Bessie Pratt, Laura Burnett, Minnie Forte, P. Grace Williams, Dora On Those Special Occasions At THE DO-NUT SHOP 336 East Pettigrew Street Phone 9-6747 “Tbe South'! Finest Sitablkhment'’ W. G. PEABSON, n, SEE US FOR PARTY AND MEAL RESERVATIONS Try Our **Sin'cial Of The Day** Only ^OC Green, Plassie Harris and Mabel Powell. | OUT-OF-TOWNERS VISIT LOCAL GARDENS The Spring Hope Garden Club spent Sunday afternoon in the city, coming especially to visit the garden of Mrs. Hat tie Meadows. The 'group was indeed delighted with the beauty of the Meadow’s garden. Mrs. Meadows carried the visitors to the gardens of her neighbors, Mesdames Grizzel Bailey, Wihna Milum, and Ethel Perry. These gardens were greatly admired by the group. Miss Melvyn V. Weeks is tl^ adivsor to the Spring Hope Garden Club. Others making the trip and enjoying the gar dens were Mesdames Ora Evans, Dorcas Williams, Lency Wiggs, Betty Gay, Thelma Ohree, Sudie Dickens, Addle Perry, Wynonia Wiggins, and Irene Harris. MRS. PLASSIE HARRIS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB , Mrs. Plassie Harris was hostess to the Merry Wives Bridge Club and guest players at her home on Formosa Ave nue, Saturday evening. Before play a delectable repast was enjoyed. Guest players were Mesdames Louise Elder, Eliza beth Pratt, and Isadore Michaux. Merry Wives playing were Mesdames Fannie Roberson, Josephine Clement, Olivia Cole, Thelma Perry, Selena Wheeler, Sadie Hughley, Alice Farrison, Ethel Berry, and Francis Schooler. Gue^t prize was won by Mrs. Elder. Club prizes went to Mesdames Clement and ^hooler. NEW YORKER ON TOUR Dr. Lou La Brant, professor of English at New York University, was guest speaker at Hillside High Assembly Friday. After the lectures Mesdames Selena Wheeler and Margaret Shearin carried Dr. Lou La Brant on a sightseeing trip to North Carolina College, Duke University, and other places of interest in thp city and then over to the University of North Carolina. SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. Badie White and children entertained their hus band and father Reverend J. Lee White at a surprise Birth day Party on April 19. It was indeed a high day for Rev. White. Special services were held honoring him at the Covenant Presbyterian church. At home for the gala affair were his daughter, Mrs. Melba White Martin and children, James, Jr. and Michael, his son, Harold and family of New York, Martin White, his brother of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Shaddy White, brother from Winston-Salem, sister-in-law, Mrs. Mattie High, of New York. Home folk helping in the celebration were: Mrs. Sarah White Fogg, and children Wilmer White, Ji; and Paulette Fogg, Mrs. Penny Mitchell, Miss Ozebelle Mitchell, Mrs. Pazovo Mitchell, ^r. and Mrs. Andrew Spaulding, Mrs. Thelma Spaulding, Prof. and Mrs. Lloyd Spaulding, Mrs. Jane Spaulding, and Mrs. Maggie Lennon. , ' CALIFORNIAiTiS GUEST HERE Miss Josephine Stewart of Berkely, California, was the houseguestpf Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Stewart the past month. She was extended many coutersies by friends in Durham. She was entertained by Mrs. Dora Green, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Alston. The Stewarts honored her at a card party. Miss Stewart was also guest of Mrs. Bruton and Mrs. Julia Farrington at the meeting of the Needlecraft Club. JUNIOR DORC^’HOLDS MEETING The Junior Dorcas Club met Friday evening, April 17, at the home of Mrs. Grace Lyon. After the business session was completed, a delicious repast was served to the follow ing members: Mesdames D. Overby, M. Weaver, L. Midgett, R. Southerland, N. William, R. Fortune, N. Wall, B. Noel, S. Smith, M. Borland, D. Dunstan, M. McClain. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Noel. pOpuUWTY CAMEL 21111^-*' 3rdsr' 4thr’ For MILDNESS and FLAVOR CAMELS AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE thfln any other cigarettel Scarborough and Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24—Hour Ambulance SeiTico 24 PHONE 3-3721 622 EAST PETTIGREW STREET DUNNAGAN—^Mn. Annie M. Dunnacan of Boute 1, HUlaboro died Middenly April 23, 1953. Fimeral services were held April 26,1953, at the Caines Chapel. Bnrial in Church Cemetery. MEBANE—Mrs. EUcabeth Mehane of 512 Dunbar Street died at Lincoln Hospital, April 24. Funeral services were held'at Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church Monday, April 27. Burial in Beechwood Cemetery. GOTTEN—Mr. Robert Cotten of 813 Glenn Street died at Lin coln Hoapital Saturday, April 25. Funeral services were held Tues day, April 28, at the Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church. Burial in Beeeh- wood Cemetery. DAVIS—^Mrs. Minerva White Davis of Third Street died April 27. Funeral arranyment are incomplete. AMEY^ FIMRAL HOME "Respect For The Living And Reverence For The Dead" AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24 — HOUR SERVICE — 24 Don’t spend more than you can afford. This is the ^vice we give to all those we serve, and we really mean it. Like you, we think the moment of parting should he tender, spiritual and beautiful, hut such an atmosphere need not be lavish. In our home the prices are plainly marked, "Total cost depends on the merchandise se lected,” and each family makes it’s own decision. Central High Presents Play WHITEVIIiLE “Hansel and Grtel,” a five scene play was presented by the Primary Department of Central High School in the school audi torium on Thursday, April 23, 19S3. The characters were; James McClain as Hansel, Evelyna Baldwin as Orethel, Charles Simpson as the FathM’, Doreen Baldwin as Oretel, Charles and Carolyn BerUy as the witch. The Fairies were: Marie King, Karen Gore, Mattie Ford, Vivian Reese, Patricia Faison, and Catherne Baldwin, Walter Boone and Lendon Pridgen were dwarfs. Luben Best, Roscoe Hemingway, Kermit James, and Rot>ert Smith were Elves. The Witch’s Chorus were composed of Hazel Graham, Evelyn Green, Mamie Anderson, Patricia Han nah, Penelope George, Floretta George, Sandria DIcIes, An nie McIntyre, La Ruth Hodges, James Teachey, Rebecca Mf- Koy, Cassie Burrough, Julls Sim mons, Isaac Shipman, Gene Ed ward Moses. Mrs. M. E. Covington, Mrs. S. B. Evans, Mrs. E. A. Powell and Miss Luovenla Brown were directors. The Baptist Training Union of the First Baptist Church ef Otford sponsored a speaking con- test recenUy on the general subject of the value of a movie projector In church work to ^^^Mtlon with the BTU-s projeet of purchasing a movie projector. The above four members of the BTt were winners to the speaking contest. Left to right they are Alice Marion Parker, Araell Skipwith, whose speech, "The Work of the Projector to The Church,'* won first place; Dor^w Hamme and Hasel Purcelle. The First Baptist Church of OJtford is pastored by Reverend C. A. Atkins. Kennedy Speaks To Raleigh NCM Agents RALEIGH Leaders of the Negro Com munity must assume greater re- ATTEND MUSIC FESTIVAL Miss Mildred'Jones and Mrs. O. M. PtUfers directors of the Central High School Choral Club motored with the group to Fayetteville, N. C. on April 23 to participate in the State Music Festival along with other top ranlcing Choral groups from over the state of North Caro lina. The Central Choral Group won the honor by receiving A-1 rattogs at the District Festival held at Rocky Potot recently. Upon their return they will continue to prepare for their An nual receital which is to be held in the very near future. Sylvester Mack is accompan ist. • • • MOTHER GOOSE RIDES Miss Louvenia Brown's first grade presented the Modem version of '^e Old Woman ^ Who Lived m a Shoe” to chap el recently. The very colorful and enter taining program displayed a var iety of talents among the First Graders. This charactn of tiie old wo man was played by Miss Brown with the entire calss to the cast. Miss Shirley Ellis, retirinff president of the New Homema kers of America which held their sev^th annual conference at North Carolina College last week, is shown here. Miss Ellis, senior at Raleigh’t Washington High School, is now chalrmon of the NBA executive board. mW METHOD UUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Qtiality • Service 405 Roxboro Street DIAL 6959 SPECIAL 2—BIG 8 OZ. CANS—2 TROPICAL DOUBLE STRENGTH HAIR GROWER 2 Boxes For $1.00 THIS MONTH ONLY Call 5-2502—We Deliver itayBeaiitllul ■ cnrolding Mmliilytoi WttM iMr 10 HIMt Ifhr look oldor, worn 'oat, jittery for S ft I 4i|« «m1i monthT Wl^ let evtrybody lEMoir jma **thno** to hcroT ThouMods of ' *1 and wooMii take • little Cordul boUd new energy and bi^look, met, oJees better, feel r eftch montn. Some even ■ fit Oftrdnl. (Bay: **aant-troM-ey«'’). I MONTHLY CIUMPS CNANQE OF LIFI Ebenezer Baptist Church . 1410 GLENN STREET REV. J. A. BROWN. Poator SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 1953 9:30 A. M. SUHDAT StSOOL W. W. Babui, Sup*. 11:00 A. M.- 6:00 P. M. PamtIoi Baptiit TRAmuro UmDH Biiss Matth Mabkham, Preeident • / SUNDAY NURSERY, Miss Ella J. Loho, SupenHsor 7:30 P. M.—SmioM Pasnb sponsibillty in sponsoring con structive programs to elevate the masses declared W, J. Ken nedy, Jr., of Durham, president of the N. 0. Mutual Life In surance in the keynote address launching the "Bigger and Bet ter Business Week” observance sponsoreed by the Phi Beta Sig ma Fraternity at the Manly St., Christian Church, Sunday night. “We cannot accomplish this by isolating ourselves as soon as we have achieved a higher per sonal standard for ourselves. We must assist in elevating other individuals and families to simi larly high standards.” he con tinued. SEND J. E. SIRAWBM back to IIk Gty Cooicil AS CpUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE ; 12 Years' Experience ! Cast Your Vote For Progress Without Waste Or Extravagance • No Prejudice • No Partiality • No Procrastination **LUae Old Mother Welcome* You** Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church Reverend D. A. JoluuitoBf Pattor SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 1953 9:30 A. M. StniDAT School W. G. Rhodm, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—The Fellowship of Communion Pastor 6:00 P. M. A C. E. Lbaoue WINIFRED MARTIN, PrttUlmt 7:00 P. M.,—Save Your Hi0h Moments Pastor First Calvary Baptist Church RevCTend H. EL Hart, Pattor SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 1953 9:30 A. M. Richabb Jaicbi, Supt. Sunday School "A FRIENDLY CHURCH” - White Rock'Baptist Church WHITE ROCK SQUARE Milks Mabk Fishxr, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 1953 _8:45 A. M.—Call To Worship Electronics 9:00 A. M.—Sunday School Lesson: “'Building the Church at Ephesus,” Acts 18:23-21:14. PBOF. J. M. 8CSOOUBR. 5«p*rint«nd«nt 11:00 A. M.—“Not Tired of Communion” ... Senior Choir, M2IS V. W. ALSTON, Dinetrm Pastor 6:30 P. M.—B. T. U. J. L. Lassiter, Director 7:30 P. M.—“Profits or Prophets” Pastor Oo^wl Chorua, msS LKANNA ROBERSON. IMnatnn 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Gukst Minister MUSIC _ : SENIOR CHOm Miss Mary Stephens, Organist 6:00 P. M. Training Union JoBEPB Herbod, President 7:30 P. M.—Sermon Guest Minister Mount Vernon Baptist Church REV. E. T. BROWNE Pottor SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 1953 9:30 A. M — Sunday School Clyde Richardson, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Pastor Browne 6:00 P. M. Training Union Miss Lyda Vanhook, Directress 7:30 P. M.—^The Lord’s Supper MUSIC SENIOR CHOIR NO. II - Mrs. E. H. Foole, Organist