r AGE rotm fife oAMUna mm SATCltDAT, MAT tt, 1*54 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence Zelma Lee, to Calvin J. Clark, ton of Mr*. Sadie Clark and the late Virgil Clark of Philadel phia. Pa. The wedding will be /hid June 19 at the West Dur ham Baptist Church. Miss Jones is a graduate 6f Winston-Salem Teachers Col lege and at present is a member of the Lyon Park School facul- ty. Mr. Clark completed a course in engineering at Encom Engi neering School in Germany in 1951, and is currently employed at the Piasick Helicopter Cor poration in Morton, Pa. DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOB THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK Mrs. Lillian Buchanan, Editor—9-1480 assocIatFeditors MBS. MABEL POWELL — Peanontown—Phone 9-41S4 MISS M. L. STEPHENS — West DarhaiB—Phone 7-4164 MBS. N. J. CUBBT — West End—Phone 7-8862 MISS BACHEL NUNN — Hickstown One new member was wel comed into the club, Mrs. Vlr- gie Davis. Guests present were Mes- dames C. Foreman, Mary Ray, Bessie Gilmer, Sue M. Bullocic and Roxie Rowland, a lovely dinner was served by the hos tess. Members present were Mesdames Charlotte Miller, B. Peel, G. McNeal, Lou Barnes, Annie Perry, Josephine Reed, Janie Wheeler, Minnie. Forte, Gladys Rivers, Julia Lucas, Le na' Richardibn, Lillian Willi ams, Thelma Parham, E. Cotton, Virgie Davis, Thomasine Regis ter, "Sadlie Harris, Margaret Marsh, Misses Geneva Richard son and Cleo Russell. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Sallie Harris, 1212 Rosewood Ave. Mothers Day Program Mrs. Mary C. Evans sponsor ed a very enteresting program Mothers Day at St. Joseph AME Church on Sunday evening. J Each Mothers Day since May 1930, she has sponsored very fine programs such as this—In vocation—Mrs. Nannie C. Green, Recitation - Cheryl Stray horn. Piano Solo-Gayle Ray. ‘Mothers Helpers’ a group of first gra ders. Mother Patricia Vinson. Rec. .^Jacqueline Henry. Solo-A- nita Parker. Reading—Carl Whisenton. Introduction Speak er—Mrs. J. C. Scarborough, Sr. Guest Speaker Mrs. Loris Shaw Ray, whose address was very timely and enteresting. Trio— Mrs. Mary C. Evans. Crown Bearer--Doris Johnston. Por traying—Mrs. Evans’ daughter Loretta Johnston. Mrs. Jose phine Strayhorn was surpris ingly crowned queen of the junior mothers, who gave some fine remarks about Mrs. Evans’ work, flowers she can smell while she is living—for she can not read her tombstone when she is dead. Remarks by the pastor, Rev. D. A. Johnston. Ushers—Mesdames Ametta Bar nes, Marion Henry, Sylvia Markham and Josephine Stray- hom. Mrs. Katie Tapp Taylor of Vote For LEN NON U. S. SENATE Signed CHABLES W. WHITE Dnrham County Mgr. '(Political Advertisement) _ Washington, D. C., has returned home after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tapp at their home on 1033 Carnell St. George I. Woody of Washing ton, D. C. motored to Durham on last Friday. She spent the weekend. He was accompanied by his mother-in law,’ Mrs. Jean ette Patterson of Price Street, and his aunt Mrs. Vinie South erland of Lakeland St. who spent a week in Washington visiting Mr. and Mrs. Woody and other relatives and friends. -The Azalea Club- Mrs. Roxie Davis entertained the Azelea • Garden Club last Monday evening at her home on Otis St. Beautiful roses decora ted the home.Miss Geneva Rich ardson opened the garden gate with helpful information on care of Azalea. During the busi ness session, deligates were se lected for the State convention of Garden Clubs of N. C. which will convene at Briclcs, N. C. June 7-8. Delegates are Beneda Peel and Mrs. Effie Cotton. Mrs. Gladys McNeal and Mrs. Annie Perry were elected alternates. Utopia Club Mrs. Theodosia Robinson was hostess to the Utopia Club on Friday night, at her home on Mebane St. Very pretty ar rangements of roses and other flowers were seen throughout her beautiful home. Devotions were led by Mrs. Marion Alston. The club agreed to remember three of its sick members by sending each $0 enclosed in a card. A delicious menu was served by the hostess. She was assisted by her daughter. Miss Mary Holloway. Mrs. Robinsons’ guests were Mesdames, Ara Abraham of Newark, N. J., Bessie Gilmer and Lillian Buchanan. Members present were Mesdames Marion Alston, Ethel Perry, Matilda Townsend, P. Grace Williams, Roda Prince, Hattie Meadows, Emma Randolph, Vivian Stowe, Elnora Smith, Mabel Mabry, Dora Green, Laura Burnette, Bessie Pratt, Lena Richardson, Minnie Forte, Wilma Milum. The president, Mrs. Mabry, thanked the hostess for an en joyable evening. Wednesday Mrs. Harris went to Suffolk to appear on a Career Day program at Booker T. Washington High School. She reported a very nice day. Pvt. Eulace D. Malloy, son of Mrs. Katie Malloy Davis of 1307 Soiith Street has com pleted the automotive mainte nance course conducted by the 12th Engineer Battalion Specialist School and now is an instructor in Auto Maintenance 8th Infantry Divi^on, Fort Jackson, S. C. Pvt. Malloy is "a former student of Hillside High School in 1953. The Volunteer Nurses’ Aids met on May 11, 1954 at A. B. Duke Nurses Home. The meet ing climaxed the end of the Aids Activities for 1954. The officers of the year were: Pres. Mrs. Mary Horton, Sec, Mrs. G. D. Goldston, Trea., Mrs, G. G. Sampson. Approximately 40 Aiders at tended the meeting. Until Oct., 1934, ■ happy vacation to you all. Mrs. L. M. Harris, President and Director of Durham yJtoi- ness School, along with M^*^nd Mrs. J. W. Hill and little Jimmy recently visited Arlington, Va., where Mr. Hill is scheduled to be a consultant at the Hoffman Boston High School. Saturday and Sunday were spent in Washington visiting friends. Fresh Killed Frayers lb. 39c WATCH WINDOWS FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS Dillard's Self-Service Market 9^‘*We Sell The Best For Less*' • ONE JtllLE SOUTH OF BEECHWOOD CBMVRBT ^ ON FATETTEVn.LE BOAD V^ROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE CALL 4-1748 or 6-2386 wf oveiding WW bfk «Mw. won aat, IHtiiy («r t •r t Mch iKmU? WInr bt mnrbodr feanr ]FMr 1UW b ho? of cfik w«Mi telu « HMk OwrM ■nay aai wMaaML IVr look, ub diw fMl Imp las Minn tub aaoA. ma wldwit wiTSll- • *>tim UK OuM. (I^t “tri ttm ■»»-). “A FUENDLT CHUBCH” WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH Whits Rock Squab■ MILES MARK FISHER, MnnsTKB SUNDAY, MAY 23, 8:45 A. M.—Call To Worship Elbctronics 9:30 A, M.—Sunday School Lessok; "Micaiah Whithstandt Fait Prophett,” I Kings 22:1-40. PROF. J. M. SCHOOLER. Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—“On Laying By School Books” .... Pastor Senior Choir, Mrs. V, W. Alston, Directress Young People’s Choir, Mesdames Morrison and Parker, directing 8:30 P. M Baptist TRAnana Union J. L. LASSITER, Director 7:30 P. M.—“Youth in Charge of the Church”—^Mrs. Bradsher’s Class; Sermon. Gospel Chorus, MISS LEANA E. ROBERSON, Director The Durham Hosiery Mill Sunday School Class sponsored a singing program Sun^y af ternoon May 8 at the AF of ^ No. 194 Hall. Members of the class at tending were were Annie Ruth Fields program committee, Mildred Mangum, Pres. Mattie Markham, teacher, Madgalene Barbee, Sec. Annie Taylor business committee, ' Mamie Pretty Sec. and Treasurer of Xmas Savings Club. Nixol Wig gins, Historian, Jessie Atwater, Mattie McCrae, Elnora Flintall, Sallie Dewney, Louise Jenkins, Annie Berdoux and Bevead Foster. KID’S SOCIETY Jvm ROSSER - Editor - Phane 4-5805 ASSOCIATE EDITOR: BETTY JO GOODL.OE Our sympathy to the Weaver and Trice Family in the loss of their husband and brother. On Monday evening Miss Lil lie Wells entertained members of the Cosmetology Club Chap ter one, at her home 608 S. Al ston Ave. The meeting was opened with the usual procedure. The presi dent Mrs. P. F. Love, presided. After the business session, a de licious repast was served to the following: Mesdames Pauline Love, Cora Washington, Esther Pugh, Burnece Pretty, Ethel Owens, Lela Wise, Elizabeth Brown and N. J. Curry. John Rich returned to his home pn Moreland Ave., after undergoing treatments at the Veterans Hospital. He is im proving nicely. Miss Lena Burton, 1006 Grant Street celebrated her birthday Sunday May 9. Guest were as follows: Mrs. Fannie Thorpe, 813 Grant St., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burton 1006 Grant St., Mrs. J. B. Davis, 512 Lyon Street. Mrs. Thorpe served fried chicken and roast beef with all the trimmings. The table was decorated in blue and white. Mrs. Burton received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts of Ferrell St., spent Mother’s Day in Greensboro visiting their daughter Mary Frances, who is a*junior student at A and T College, They attended a spe cial service with their daughter. Jacqueline Thompson of Fa ber Street was honored at a birthday party Sunday, May 9. The party was held in the West Dur^m Baptfst Educational Building. It was Jacqueline’s eleventh birthday. About 25 children came and enjoyed playing games and bating ice cream, cookies, candy and pea nuts with Jacqueline. The sixth grades of Lyon Park School visited many places of interest in Raleigh last week. They saw Governor Umstead and he shook hands with each of them. Fifteen Patrol boys and girls from Lyon Park School visited Washington, D. C. last week. Alberta Allen of Third Street Was nine years old May 3. About 30 of her schoolmates helped her celebrate her birth day. For amusement they had square dancing, played jack rocks andr^ fiddle sticks; they also did clay modeling. Refresh ments of ice' cream, cake, candy and nuts were served. Alberta received many useful presents. Mamie Alston of the Recre ation Center Play School has been absent on account of meas les. Booker Kennedy, Jr., accom-> panied'his mother and daddy to Thomasville Ga., to attend the funeral of his cousin, Dr. M. L. Walton, recently. Melva Jean Daye and Marva Oliver Brown, spent last Sun day in Rocky Mount visiting relatives. Thornton Wilson of Greens boro is spending a few days with Melva Jean Daye. Martha Grinsley, Grade 3-1 Whitted School, was the win ner of the barbeque grill given by the P.T.A. at the carnival Friday night. Phyllis Stark, Grade 5-1, held the lucky num ber for a delicious cake. Joycelyn McKissick has been absent from school on accaunt of illness. Pearson School held its an nual book rent picnic Friday, First Calvary Baptist Church SUNDAY, MAY'23, 0:30 A. M ' Sunday School Richabd James, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sbrmon Rev. A, B. Brockman Music Senior Choir Miss Mary L, Stephens, Organist 8:00 P, M, . Baptist Training Union JoTOPH Hkrrod, President 7:30 P, M.—Sermon Rev. A. B. Brockman "LITTLE OLD MOTHER WELCOMES YOU" SAINT JOSEPH A, M. E. CHURCH REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 23, 9:30 A. M Sunday School W. G. RHopES, Supt. WOMAN’S DAY SERVKSES 11:00 A. M Mrs. Vivian C. Mason of Washington, D. C. 6:00 P. M A. C. E. League WnopRED Martin, President 7:00 P. M Mrs. Mason MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH REV. E. T. BROWNE Pastor / ' SUNDAY, MAY 23, 0:30 A. M Sunday School C E. Richardson, Supt. 11:00 .^'M.—Sermon Pastor Brown* 8:00 P. M, Baptist Training Union Subject: “Our Faith in Jesus Christ” Ephasians 3:8-10 7:30 P. M Talent Program Music Senior Choir No. One Mrs. R. S. McCollum, Organist May 14. On that day it was raining, so the picnic was held indoors. Instead of a ball game with Walltown School, the school'held a talent show. The Chamberlin Studio pre sented its nineteenth annual re cital at White Rock Church on Stmday evening. Over sixty pu- Jjils participated in this prog ram. At the close of the recital, Mrs. Minnie Fort presented prizes to the winners of the es say contest which White Rock had held. Contestants were re quired to write on the subject, “The Maccabees.” The' winners were: First prize, Juanita Hamilton; second prize, John te. Peel and third prize, Dorothy Smith. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Brown presented a dance recital: “Footnotes of 1954” by her pu pils at the W. D. Hill Communi ty Center on Friday, May 14. On Wednesday afternoon,- May 12 at 4:30 o’clock, the Y-Teens of the Harriet Tubman Branch YWCA, celebrated their activities for the program year with a very colorful May Day exercise, held in the backyard of the YWCA, 312 Umstead St. The Queen and her attendants were selected from the girls selling the highest amount of potato chips in each club durmg Sale the annual Potato Chip which was held in, March. The Queen’s Court consisted of: Crown Bearer, Chatry Perry; flower girls, Mona Alyce Bennett and Cariella Herndon. Attendants were: Rosa Ed wards, Whitted School; Flossie Harris, Pearsontown School; Edith Divine and Mary Cly- burn, YWCA Club; Romonia Hargraves, Hillside School; Rel- la McMilllon, East End School, Johnnie Daniels of Lyon Park School was crowned Queen of May. Train Bearers were Eve lyn McNeil and Godefroy Hern don, Jr. Included on the program were the following numbers: Ribbon Dance, YWCA Club; Sq. Dance, Whitted Club; Tokoypi Bushi, Las Amegas Club; Gyp sy Dance, Lyon Park Club; Ca valcade of Sports, Hillside Club; Chinese Dance, YWCA Club; Square Dance, East End Club; Mexican Dance, Hillside Club; Swiss Dance, Lyon Park Club and the May Pole, YWCA Club. A large number of spectators were on hand to witness this event. Mrs. E. M. King is Y- Teen Director for the Harriett Tubman Branch YWCA. The operetta, “Spring Glow,” was given at Lyon Park School last Thursday night. It was ma(le up of first grade pupils. Main characters were; First Jack Frost, Albert Eubanks; Spring;, Bettye Atwater; Blue Bird, find Annetta Merritt, Board Of Education . For County Honest and Equal Representation Vote For L A. DOWNEY Protect Tonr Bight To DrlTe Under the new North Carolina Law For Anto Liability Insurance SEE OR CALL CHABLES O. BBAOSHEB Bradsher Insurance Agency »-511« OB 8-29SS 807 Fidelity Bank Bnildlng Come See! Come Share These BIG SAVINGS Scotch Maid Frozen Chopped or Leaf SPINACH Del Rich Green and White LIMA BEANS ^~15c A^fcP Fancy Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 2 Cana 2fc Iona Sliced or Halves PEACHES 2 r49c Nabisco Ritz CRACKERS l-lb. Pkg. 33c Ann Page Creamy PEANUT BUTTER 5-OX. Jar PINEAPPLE PIE STUFFED (HIVES SPAGHETTI ROAST BEEF ANGEL FO&D PECAN ROUS Westover Peas BLACKEYES 27c PABKER JANE SULTANA ANN PAGE PBEPABED AANSINENA JANE FABKEB JANE FABKEB CABAMEL 25c 39c 49c 25c 39c 49c 29c 8-01. Pie I0V4-O*. Jar 15 3/4-01. Cans 12-01, Can Lb, Bing pkg. No. 308 Cans A&P Fancy Prune PLUMS 2 ”0^'^ 45c Heavy with Juice LEMONS Per Lb. 17c 404 MANOUM S'TBEET 310 S, DBIVEB AVENUE 410 CHAPEL HILL STBEET ALSO A&P STOBE CHAPEL HILL, N. C.