pAa gpt THE CAROLINA TIMES SAWJBDAT. DEC. 11. 1»54 Wa4 CHIEP EXEC0TIV6-0F m ItolONAL UBeAN LEASUE FC« 40 yefm/ne joinep the when IT HAPONUrONEFUUTl/MeEMPtOYEE , ANP ^UP6er. WHEN HE RETIIiEP IN 1950, IT na^p OVeii 50 ^Cfie$,400 eMPlOYEE$,ANP A NATIONAL PUC^OP ^ ^ooo^commx? m eu^^whk^ian on race- kuhoi^, YEA© SPECIAL APVI$oe TO $6Cnr OFCCMUMEBCe ^NiaC.eOP02s AC^POFVlOriNlAUNIOMCOd^/^PCORNaLU ('oe) HE w/^ A OF fiY:iTAT& PLANNlN6r ?R;KY$TAT6 UH^PUXiWeNT l>6iwice APVI^fXYCOUNCIl; AM.7EMNI$ ^^OCmO^rn TAkSSt J8 NE6iaOE^ IN OWN 5HIPIN1015 rteWi^TH&RliSTAMCWO^N TO ACTUAUr AT TEMPT COU?N IZATIONIM AIWA. PURlNfir THE REI^TPFAY TA)^ mSShmn^^cxM »ft»ep iaw AuovviMfir »UIUPlNi^^lR^»-i^ IM CMPSVf^f^U ANP MU6H pgQpegty - Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Set For 44th Annual Conclave In Washington WASHINGTON, D. C. An attractive and busy pro gram of activities has been ar ranged for the distaff side for visitors who attend the 44th annual Grand Chapter Con clave of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity in Washington, Dec. 26 to 30. Wives and sweethearts of jCjipiyt torothers of the Washing- " ton Alumni Chapter and under graduate chapters at Howard University and Miner Teachers College h*v» organized Bspeci- ally to handle thi» phase of the conclave program, with Mrs. ThoniM Countee, chairman of the comenittee. Among the many activities planned is a tehion show at Raleigh Hotel’s Pall 'Mall Room, featuring model* from New York City showing the latest creations. This is -sehedttled #w^ ■ Wednesday, December 29. Mrs. Artie Bell is chairman of the fashion show committee. The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will' sponsor a cocktail party and reception for Grand 'Chapter officials and conclave cot - to’ . ter tal‘ ter. ec^ officials on Monday, December 27, and Kappa delegates and friends will be guests of the Pan Hellenic Council, Tuesday, Dec. 28, at 10 p.m. at Lincoln Colo- nade. A card party and buffet luncheon has been arranged for the ladies on Tuesday, Dec. 28, at "the Kappa Kastle, 1708 S. Street, N. W., ‘with eleven prizes already donated for the affair. Embassy tours and sightsee ing trips also have been sche duled for the ' closing day, Thursday, December 30, at 2 p. m. In addition, the Alpha Wives have arranged an entertainment program for Monday, Dec. 27, from 3 to 6 p.m. All of these activities are, of course, in addition to the Kappa _ ITIo^Cl .AUNDRY* CLEANERS sit WASHINGTON RT. 17 roBTEB sntan raONV 1171 dance, scheduled for the Na tional Guard Armory, on Mon day night, December 27, and the fraternity’s closed dance, on "niursday, December 20, at Hotel Statlar. Real Estate, Renting Insurance, Repairs, And Building Supplies ...See... Union Insurance And Realty Co. Telephone 3-6521 814 Fayetteville St. Durham. N. C. North Carolina Conference Of NAACP Branches Completing One Of Its Most Successful Years ROCKY MOUNT The North Carolina Confer ence of Branches of the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, thrii its President Kelly M. Alexander of Charlotte, has Just aiuiounced that the Tarheel NAACP unit, composed of more than sixty branches over the state, is completing one of its most progressive years of acti vity on behalf of the civil rights of minority- group citizens. The State Conference is nearing its goal of raising )10,600 on the ten-year program of NAACP to raise a million dollars each year thru 1963 on the “Fighting Fund For Freedom” (4-F) drive to eradicate all forms of racial and religious discrimination in America by the 100th anniver sary of the Emancipation Pro clamation by Abraham Lin coln. In a recent memo to branch officers, Alexander stated that up the first of November a total of $7,231 had been raised on the Freedom Fxmd drive. This amount included a special do nation in late September (sent direct to national NAACP) of $1000 from the North Carolinsl Teachers Associatiwi, whose ^sTRAKna QSBOia.T mi lEMiDiiii];^ s HIM 8000 members have been giving increased support to NAACP's educational program during re cent years. NAACP CHRISTMAS SEALS , Alexander expressed confi dence that the |10,600 goal would be reached and passed before the close of the year be cause of the increased interest in the purchase of NAACP Christmas Seals being distribut ed by branches and individuals over the state. REV. OWENS Recently the Rev. A. D. Owens, president of the Reids- ville 'NAACP branch, raised a net purse of $500 for NAACP thru a “Queen Rally”. Kelly Alexander was speaker at the affair. LOFTUS C. CARSON Alexander annoimced that the NAACP Legal Department (national) has made available to Tar Heel communities desir ing to reach an orderly solution of the program of integration in public -schools, the services of a sociologist—Loftus C. Carson, 810 Tuscaloosa St., Greensboro, who will be glad to co-operate with interested officials. He is here to work on desegregation. Both-races are urged to use Carson’s services. McLEAN TO MISS. CON. Charles ^A. McLean, Asst. Field Secretary for North Caro lina, wiU represent the state at a regional advisory council con ference in Columbus, Miss., December ll-12th. This confer ence, headed by Mrs. | . Ruby Hurley, Regional Secy.,' Birm ingham, Ala., wiU study the progress (or lack of it) ip each Southern State; the extent of organized opposition; and the “creating of a receptive cli mate for the implementation of the Siipreme CTourt decision of May l7th” outlawing segrega tion in public schools because of race. A member of the national NAACP Board, Alexander hope to, again, present one of the leading reports at th^ annual board meeting in New York the week in January. To that end he asked the all-out efforts of all citizens in the “fight for fredom”. Lyon Park Class Visits Library 6n Tuesday morning, Nov 16, at 11:15, the third grades of the Lyon Park School went KW rOitK tSsi NOW IN NtW TOM Cnv Tkm Rn«r IMngt in Un ■’ I^AI • Awo—soJBtleiu ol Luxunous jJkstuiUi J vcr ERVE ItitSmaii ■MMMWkbbV think ei4tm CALVKRT DISTILLERS COMPANY NSW YOKK CITY ’•uiiu wiuinr im rmr. u«ih iutial iriiiTt- nnr ajwui SOUK* p AdI EOi MANUFACTURED IN NXR, NEAR RALEIGH, AND. SOLD ALL OVER NORTH CABOUNA $cagtam*$ BLENDID WHISKIY MJ Pr«*{. 8^ Cnin Naatral SrfaiM a ^ S^atgram-DutiUmCorporutiQn,ChryslerBuUding,N0tmYafk 1 HOUR MARTTNIZmG, Inc. FOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING AND SERVICE. 400 West Main Street FIVE POINTS DON'T MISS TELECASTS WTVD-DURHAM CHANNEL-11 ao TV TOUB STLVANIA DEALER IN DURHAM MONTGOMERY & ALDRIDGE PHONE 8185 CORNER MORGAN AND ROpTT STREETS (Opposite Carolina Theater) by chartefed bus to the Stan ford L. Warren Public Library. The trip was made in th» ob servance of National Book Week and as a study project of the imit, “Community Helpers.” At the library, the children were greeted by Miss Annie Mae Tucker, Then Miss Viola Poe carried them on a tour of the reading rooms and to the auditorium where they saw at tractive displays ^ind posters featuring Book Week. Among the displays were, “An Ameri can Heritage,” “Audio Visual Equipment." '‘The United Na tions,” land “Characters from Favorite Story Books.” After the tour Mrs. Sadie S. Hughley, the children’s librari an, showed the delightful movie, “Heida” which the children enjoyed very much. After the movie they thanked their library community help ers for a wonderful visit and at 12:30 they boarded the bu* for the return trip to Lyon Park School. The children found this trip to the library to be inspira tional and educational. They eojoyed their relationship with the library staff and the bus driver. Letters of thanks for making this trip* possible have been sent to their principal, Mr. F. G. Burnett, the Stanford L. Warren Library Staff and to the bus company. Accompanying the children on the trip were their teachers, 'the Mesdames N. P. Grigsby, V. Bivens and A. W. Bennett. •\ODAy/ REMEMBER VOID TH[ Pi: -M B'J- YOUR auto tH A ’C' Lfn ^ ^ ^ JilaM,t tuw kaitcolo^ , Don’t WMe aa^ther jnwdmia ffii*t tree Godetroy’a Larten«e tatlayt Don’t watch helplessly as your hair turns gray and drab and makes you look old before your time. Look your best! Ask at your cdtmetio counter for (Jodefroy’t Larieuse Hair Coloring in the red box. Choose from 18 flattering; colx«. LarlBuse GOOCFROY MFG. CO. • 3itO OUVI ST. • ST. LOUIS 8, Aa rnmmmmmsssgmssaBmmmmmm It’s An Easy Matter To Call Your Doctor^ But WillYoo.. ^ Able To Cover Costf ★ ★ ★ If You Arc Not Secure, Write Or See One Of Our Agents Immediately About Our Hos- pitalizatioft Plan? And4feal& And Accident Insurance. SOUTHERNT FIDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Agents: THOMAS NICHOLS & RICHARD B. WALKEB 527 ELM STREET DIAL 3-3331 CANADA DRYlS Old Ebony KENTUCKY STRAIGHT Bourbon Whiskey Old Ebony KENTL'CKY Boijrbon M PROOF ^ Dlitrlkvt^ by CANADA DRY OINOUt All, INC., Now York, N. Y.