PAGE FOUR ■fMK CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 1>54 DURHAM SOCIETY NOIES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTE]> BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK » « « * MRS. LILLIA^ BVCHANANy EdUor - 9-1480 t * * * ASSOCIATE EDITORS MRS MABLE POWELL — Pearsontown, Phone 9-4134 MISS M. L. STEPHENS — West Durham, Phone 7-4164 MRS N. J. CURRY — West End — Phone 7^862 MISS RACHEL NUNN— Hickstowi^ dosia Robinson, Sallie Warren, Evelyn Rogers, Eva Plummer, Mabel Watson. CARD OF THAI«CS We wish to express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, and neigh bors, who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement. The fafnlly of F. H. Rowland. Robert Edward Ward of, using the Christmas Theme. Af- Ridgcway Avenue ha? returned | ter a short busine^ period, pre home after a recent visit with parental grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ward, of New- bern, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Buc hanan of 604 Colfax Street celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary Sunday the 12th at thw home, with family rela tives and a few friends. Mrs. Eula Prince of Daytona Beach, Florida arrived in the city last Saturday to spend the winter .with her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Winslow on Fayette ville St. The regular meeting for December of the Ladies Aid So ciety of St. Joseph’s AMK Church was held in the lounge of the Educational Building. The Christmas spirit per meated the air. The tree was alight, the Christmas story was read and carols were sung. “Thank-you” bags were in and the financial contents iwliya -wnEle funds to help with the Christmas Cheer] of the Church. Gifts were exchanged and opened with rapturous anxiety and shown each other with sin- sere delight. Tables were laden with de licious refreshments brought by the members. Everyone had a good time—enjoyed good fel lowship, ,gave and received, to help carry on the true Christ mas spirit. - •The ^roup was urged by Mrs. Estella Nixon, President, to continue the good work through out the coming year. Members present—Mesdamea Ruth Bolden, Beatrice Bur nett, Ernestine Bynum, Geral dine Butler, Nola Cox, Martha Donnell, Evelyn Dudley, Lu-| ciie Hancock, Plassie Harris, Julia Henderson, Carlotta Hol mes, Thelma Lanier, Omeda Livingston, Estelle Nixon, Hat tie Scarborouglv"'^ Margaret Shearin^S^iKlfa"wheeler, Ger- nnslow, Bessie Whitted, 5hd Misses Betty Atwater, Snow Bailey, Lucille Baines, Marie Faulk, Hattie Jenkins, Geneva Mebane and Inez Cole- mjn Mr. and Mrs. Major Geer and childya*; ‘James, Michael, and Jr. of Dunstan Street, ’■ed to Danville, Virginia, ist Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Geer’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. UTOPIA CLUB )Sallie Harris of Rose lle entertained the last Friday evening Devotions were ^^^^.Hatti« Meadows, ► sided dver by the president, Mrs. Mabel Mabry, a social hour was enjoyed. Gifts were brought for ex change. Mrs. Plassie Harris act ed as “Saint Nick.” Everyone was in the Christmas mood, and a very delightful evening was spent, A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served by the hosless. She was assisted in serving by Mrs. Virgie Davis and Mrs. Minerva Evans. Mem bers enjoying the fellowship were Mesdames Laura Bur nette, Bessie Pratt, Rosa Far rington, Matilda Townsend, Ma rion Alston, Wilmer Milum, Matie Alston, Ethel Perry, Es sie Curry, Dora Green, Hallie Dillihunt, Lena Richardson, Freeland Price, Nettie Williams, Minnie Forte, Hattie Meadows, Gladys McNeal, Plassie Harris, Rader Prince and Mabel Ma bry. DINNER GUEST Mrs. Henretta Lyon and sis ter Mrs. Allie Mitchell and family of 1409 Fayetteville St. had as their Thanksgiving din' ner guests Mrs. Bernice House, Sylvester and Ernest Butcher of Raleigh, Miss Renora Harris of A: and T. College, Greeiisboro, Miss Martha Thompson of Shaw University, Raleigh and Miss Ruth Thompson of North Caro lina College, Durham, The Kingdom Seekers Bible Class of the Mount Vernon Bap tist Church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of the teacher, Mrs. E. B. Fogle on Pine Street. Christmas decorations and singing Christmas Carols gave everyone the true spirit. Devo tions were led by the president Mrs. Georgia Thompson, who also presided over the meeting. Projects of the class and plans for the anniversary to be held February were discussed. A delectable repast was served by the Social Committee, with Mrs. Josephine Brown, chairman, co-workers Mrs. Fan nie Rowland, Mrs. Claudia Un derwood and Miss Myrtle Dal- rymple. Guests present were, Mrs. J. L. Holloway, Pastor E. T. Brown, T. L. Rowland, S. V Cross, Percy • White, King Brown. Closing remarks were made by the pastor. Forty mem bers were present. The Williams Family Circl^ had its monthly meeting with Mrs. Raymond Williams on Fay- etteviHe Street. Mrs. Madge Turner, President, presided, Twenty-five family members enjoyed a delightful visit with each other. Stork Club Gives Christinas Party The members of the Stork Club entertained their hus bands and guests with a Christ mas party and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Suitt, 502 Gray Street Saturday, December 11th. The table was laden with plenty of food pre pared by the members of the club and the house was beauti fully decorated for the occasion. Christmar gifts were exchanged and Secret Pals were revealed. Games and music were enjoyed and there was fun for all. Those present were:Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. John Sellars, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene The Church Improvement Club of St. Joseph AME Church was recently entertained by j Mrs, Mabel Davis at her home on Dunbar Street, and by Mrs. Eva Plummer at her home on Martha Avenue. Mrs. Mabel Watson president brought the devotional message and pre sided. Plans for the Christmas doings were made. Each hostess served delight ful refreshments. Because of the bad weather, only a few members were present. Those were Mesdames McNeil, Theo- Harringfon, Mr, and Mrs. De- vom Exum.^Mr. and Mrs, Wm. P. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Flintall, Jr. Mr, and Mrs. J, T. Tucker. ( Mesdames: Ruth G. Reaves, Velma Jones, Ruth McCuUum, Georgia Mitchell, Gwendolyn Jones, Miss Mary Taylor and Edgar Bittle. Each guest left declaring Mr. and Mrs. Suitt perfect hosts. Sorors Entertain At Dinner For Undergraduates Alpha Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, entertained the Under-graduate Chapter of the Sorority, Alpha Chi, on Thursday evening, at the Algonquin Tennis Club House. A very interesting and entertaining program had been planned by the Committee. Carols were sung and then each Soror Introduced herself in a unique way. Prizes were given to those who were most unique. A bowl of Wassail was presided over by Soror Beatrice Burnett who gave a toast in keeping with the Christmas ipirii A delightful dinner was served, buffet style. Prior to the serving of dinner, questions had been drawn by each Soror, which covered interesting facts about the Sorority. After dinner these questions were answered and in many instances'proved very informative. Gifts were given to each of the Under graduates, who in turn enter tained with an original skit and several lively songs. ’The fol lowing Under-graduates were present: Audrey Flamer, Yvon ne Scruggs, Carolyn Black, Phyllis Martin, Robbie Graham, Jacquelyn Yarboro, Lenoar Johnson, Frances Vines, Doris Robinson, Paula Bennett, Joyce Morgan, Bernice Whitehead, Sally Mae Hughes and Marjorie Lennon. The Graduate mem bers present were: Rose B. Browne, Artelia Bryant, Pearl PatiUne Newton, Joyce Harri son, Eveljm Kennedy, Jessie Kearney, Thelma Carrington, Carol Bowie, Lucille Hancock, Grace Massey, Luvenia Parker, Althea Holmes, Bernice Plum mer, Elna Spaulding, Olga Barksdale, Mable Beale, Bea trice Burnett, Josie , Pittman and Bettie Spurlock.' iSoror Elna Spaulding was Chairman of the Committee, Everybody congratulated her and her Committee on a most successful evening. KID’S SOCIETY JUNE ROSSER - Editor > ehone 4S80S ASSOCIATB XDrrC»; BBTTY JO GOODLOB On December S, the W.I.C. Circle met at the home of Blanche and Robbie Rochelle at 517 Martha Street. The meet ing was ofiened by singing "O Come AU Ye Faithful.” Mrs. Faison led the prayer. The busi ness meeting was discussed. The members drew'names for the exchange of Christmas pre sents, after which refreshments were served. Members present were: Irma Page, Dixie Howanl Mary Overby,, Claudia Prince, Bemell Toomer, Wilma Prince, Margie Toomer, Doris Prince and Patricia Pippens. The next meeting will be held at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The Young Mothers Club gave a Christmas party at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center; Satiu-day, December 11. Elach child whose mother belongs to the club invited i>ne guest, ^here were some fifty childreii pre sent Refreshments included hot dogs and soft drinks. The child' ren danced, marched, and play ed games. son, Charlene McDougle, Wini fred McQueen, Carolyn Rich ardson, Cheryl Strayhom, Doris Schooler, Patricia Spaulding, Clementine Smith, Feme Thorp, Carolyn Thornton. SECOND HONOR ROLL Clara Allen, Bennie Booker, Willie Mae Bailey, Mary Ann Coimcil, Helen Davis, Greer Gdsden, Emma Rose Graves, Priscilla Harris, Elaine Lam beth, Velma Morris, Wilma Mc Intyre, Sherrill Schooler, Glo ria Weaver, Madelyn Yarbo rough, Mrs. Merca Lee Yarbo rough, Mrs. Alvera Thompson. Mrs. Scott’s seventh grade class of Whitted School present ed a play entitled, “The Trial of Billy Scott.” This play was about English. Billy Scott, who used a singular verb with a. plural subject, was tried and sentenced to a year of hard work at Junior High. The beauty of die oft’mM Oiriitinu Koi| hu been in impifatioa to many for many centuric)■ may this ChriKmai bring all of ut doier to the hopeful metiage... Peace On Baidi, Good Will Toward Meal CLARK AND SORRELL, INC. CHAMBERLAIN STUDIO, FIRST HONOR ROLL Patricia Bowling, Eldee Brown, Beth Carnage, Claudine Daye, Constance Farrington, Betty Jo Goodloe, Doris John ' Info evsry homa we tend oor very beif wishes for A HAPPY_HO|,IDAYI Home Furniture Company 407 N. MANGUM ST. OmllffHSSfW# rtory of «h* liMplrafien. Toward MERRy^ CHRISTMAS May Ui« ItriglH I Mar of ChriitnuM aver yen alwaya . .. bringinc yon eonliaDnl pnec ami Joyl "LITTLE Om MOTHER WELCOMES YOU" Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON^ BASTOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1* 9:30 A. M. W. A. Marsh, Superintendent SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A. M.—SERMON 6:00 P. M. Dr. J. Neal Hughley A. C. E. Lkagui WmirBXD Mabtin, Superintendent 7:00 P.’M.—SERMON MUSIC Dr. J. Neal Hughl SENIOR Mbs. Nbu. Htnmit, Directress lughiey CHOm Firsl* Calvory Baptfst Church REVEREND A. L. THOMPSON, PASTOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 9:30 A. M. Rjchabo Jamks, SuperinfandeKt' SUNDAY SCHOOL. BATO’S GULF SERVICE Open 24 Hours Each Day Alston Ave.—^Dial 5-2211 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC Pastor Younq Piopue’s Cboib 6:00 P. M. Miss Bxatbick Mitchxu. .1 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION JosKFH Hxbbod, President 11:00—SERMON: "Good News and the Messiah'*^ The Pastor ERS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY COISSERVATI VE SOLID ★ DEPENDABLE DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA YOU TOO CAN FIND RELIEF From Arthritis, Neuritis And Rheumatism OF THE SEASONI we extend a Irwly lincert wlih fer a Marry Qiiitimat and may good thing be youn during lii* New Yoorl THE iUAERICAN TOBACCO CO. PASCHALL BROTHERS -Plumber»- MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH REVBRKND K.T. BROWMl Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. E. RicBABSfloir. Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Browne 6:00 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Subject: ’‘Giving Tomorrow A Living Faith’* Matthew 16-21-28 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR MUSIC Mrs. E. H. Foglx, Organist MALE CHORUS SAYS MRS. TUTTON Of. Rt. 2, Box 193 Bonnerton, N. C. I bad been sick tor two years. : I was 'old I had Arthritis, Neurit and Bheunatlsm. 1 tried i rythlng people told me to >. 7. 1 had been Just about crippled In nearly «t- ery Joint of my. body with tmnscnlar soreness from head j to foot. My hands, had be- : come deformed and my ank- ; les were set. A friend of tnlne recommend> ed "Doe” Green’s Compound to me. I ordered the slx-bottle treatment. I have been won derfully blessed and restored to active life. “Doe” Green’s Componnd is , sold on a moneybaek gnar- ; antee. Just Send $2.00 To “DOC” GREEN’S PRODUCE CO. 605 Albem/orle Ave. Greenville, N. C. AGENTS WANTED “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” Whit« Rock Baptist Church White Rock Square MILES MARK FISHER, PASTOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 8:45 A. M.^ALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON: "Glory To God In The Highest” , Psalms 148:1-3, 11-13; Matthew 1:18-25. Pbof. j, M. School*e, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—"Mor SimoB Choib, I 6:30 P. M. Pastor Fisher 3. V. W. Alston, Dibkctbiss BAPTIST TRAINING UNION J. L. liASSim, Director 7:30 P. M. Youth in C3iarge of the Church, featuring Mrs. E. B. Artis’ Class; Sermon Gospel Chorus, Mns Liaka E. Robbbsom, Directress Saturday, December 25—^11:00 a. m. Annual Christmas Baptismal Service; 6:00 p. m. Church School Cluistmas Observance.

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