$20 The above photo shou>$ W. J. Kennedy, Jr., pre«id«nt o1 North Carolina Mutual Life In- turance Company, delivering the dedicatory addreu at the Morrlton Training School Sun day when seven new building* were dedicated and named for prominent persons of the state. Others on the platform are from left to right and seated, D. S. Coltrane, Assistant Director of the Budget; Mrs. Rose Aggrey, president, N. Federation of Women's Clubf and Mr*. J. S. Brown, educational director. Morrison Training School. Over 400 Attend Rites Held At Training School HOFFMAN Over 400 State officlttls, edu cators, social workers, religious, civic and Irateraal leaders from New York, Massachusetts, Vir ginia, South Carolina and throughout North Carolina at tended a program to name buil dings at Morrison Training School, Hoffman, Sunday, April 23th. Seven buildings were named in honor and memory of Mrs. W. T. Bost, former Commission er of Public Welfare; Supt, P. R. Brown and his wife, Mrs. J. S. Brown; Hon. D. S. Coltrane, Asst. Dirwtor, State Budget >-Bureau; Commissioner S. E. Leonard, N. C. State Board of Correction and Training; Ver non E. Crowder, a member of the Training School’s staff for 20 years; Lonnie Perry, who was killed whUe in the act of performing his duties in con nection with the School’s pro gram; and the late Thad L. Tate of Charlotte. Mr. Tate A Boy** xbov6»- ment in 1914 which resulted in the establishment of the insti tution. The Honorable C. A. Dillon, Chairman, State Board of Cor rection and Training, extended greetings and welcomed the visitors to the School. He em phasized the progress that bad been made in the Correctional School program, and spoke in glowing terms of the work be ing done at the School. W. J. Kennedy, Jr., Presi dent, N. C Mutual Life Insur ance Company, spoke on "A New Look at Morrison Training School.” He cited the progress made at the institution under the administration of Superin tendent Brown. He was high in his praise of the contributions (Please turn to Page Ten) Dr. Trov H. Thompson, pro minent physician of Burlington, who was successful in the Pri mary Election held Monday, April 20, as a candidate for the Burlington City Council, Dr. Thompson ioill be in the run- ^ to be held Twsday, May S. ¥ ¥ ¥ Against Times Publisher Compromised VOLUME 31 — NUMBER 44 DURHAM, N. C., SATUBDAT, APRIL 30,1955 PRICE 10 CENTS Negro And White D.C Colleges IVIerged WASHINGTON, D.C. Washington's two city opera ted teachers’ colleges—one Ne gro and one white—^have mer ged though, it won’t be official until July. This is how it will work. The president of the white school— Winson Teaches' College—^Dr. Walter E. Hager, will become head of the combined school. The president of the Negro school—^Miner Teachers* Col lege, Dr. Matthew J. White head, will become one of the three new deans, 'nie other two deans will be the registrar of Wilson and the dean of stu dents at Miner—^Dr. Paul Carr and Miss Hope Lyons respec tively. I^. Ha^ has been advocat* tng^lhat m schools be nwiygrf since 19S0. Then last fall'his school enrolled 36 Negro stu dents on dropping its racial re strictions. Miner’s prexy, Dr. White head, is 47 and came to the bead of the school two years ago. He was at North Carolina State (Please turn to Page Ten> Here are a few more of the many babies that have filed for Carnation’s Second Annual Healthy '^Baby Contest. Many ^pictures came in too late for this week’s issue of The Caro lina Times and will be publish ed next weekr Those above are as follows, Top-^Micheal Duane Rojiers, son of Mr. William G. Rogers, n-F Wabash Avenue; KarenDenice Burnette, Daugh ter of Mrs. Willia Mae Burnette, 32-C Braswell Street; Center- Annette Marie Thomas, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thomas; Jacqueline A. McNair, dattffhter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton McNair. 1211 N. Hyde Park Avenue; Kenneth Ray Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. John £. Hughes. 808 Pine Street; Casi- mir Kay Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown, Sr.. 402 Law son and Montee Brovm. son of Mr. and Mrs. JE. L. Brown. 402 Lawson Street. ONLY IHItS MORE Wffl(S TO HIE FOR CARNAIIOM "HEALTHY mV CONTEST A late bulletin from the Car nation Company reminds our readers 'there are only three more weeks to go in Carna tions Second Annual Hometown Healthy .Baby Cont^I All en tries must positively be post marked no later than midnight. May 14th. Every baby who is cute and healthy-looking has an excellent chance to win. Little girls, little^ boys, chubby babies, tiny newborn babies. (Editor’s note: Elsewhere In this iwper you will find a free official en^ blank and com- (Please turn to Page Ten) Mother-Daughter WeekefidAtNCC Sat. And Sun. One of the special features of the Mother-Daughter- Weekend will be a recital solieduled for April SO, 1988 at 8;S0 p. m. in B. N. Duke Auditorium. (Please turn to Pa^ Ten) Find Negro Naaied Official Ofiinging Group lilrs.. C. Ruth Edwards, pro fessor (ft voice at NCC, has been elected secretary-treasurer at- ■ the Neath Carolina Chapter of the liiitional Association of Teachers of Singing. The NCC professor, who serv ed in 1S53 as a meml>er of the NATS'a regional planning s^- sion, served in 1954 as chairman of oau^ of Ihe ;|ftemom sessions. •'iSxf. was elected af regional meeting held last week at Queens’ College, Char lotte, North Carolina. She is the first Negro to hold an office in the association’s Southern region. In addition to serving as sec retary-treasurer effective for meeting next October, Mrs. Ed- (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Anna Arnold Hedge- man, assistant to the Mayor of New York City who will be Woman’s Day Speaker at St. Joseph’s jUfE Church, Sunday May 22. Mrs. Hedgeman was formerly assistant to Oscar R. Ewing, of the Health Education and Welfare Department of Washington, D. C. She is also a former teacher, welfare worker. Y.W.C.A. Executive, Civil De fense Executive, lecturer and volunteer worker in many civic and religious organizations.. WiHdiis Says Negroes Disgusted With Demoaots MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Negroes are “disgusted” with the do-notUng policy of the Democratic^ontrolled 84th Con gress on crucial civil rights is sues and are coming to believe in electing nortbem Republicans to take away the power of the southern Democrats, it was a- serted here last week by Boy Wilkins, executive secret^ of the National Association for the Advancement of C«>lored People. In his first public statement since his election to the top NAACP post on April 11, Mr. Wilkins maintained that Ne groes “are tired of tfae stubborn attitude of southern Democrats and some believe they should act to take away the majority of power from Democrats, who have abdicated to the southern wing.” Mr. Wilkins, who grew up in St. Paul, addressed a midwest regional conference the NAACP oa April 17. He said the southern argu ments before the Supreme Court during the hearings on imple menting the anti-segregation school decision “sounded like 1870.” The southern spokesmen, Mr. Wilkins declared, “are still liv- inv in the past when they con trolled the destinies of Negroes.” Other nntinnai officers of the NAACP who spoke at the three- day midwest conference were Edward R. Dudley, special as sistant; Robert L. Carter, assist ant counsel; Oloster B. Current, director of brani^tes; and Madi son S. Jones, special assistant lor housing. JOHN AVERY BOYS' CLUB TO HAVE BRICK PARTY MAY 1 A Brick Party for tfae benefit of the John Avery Boys’ Club will be held here Sunday, May 1. Sponsors of the affair which is Tseing held to secure donations of bricks to aid in the erection of a new home for the Club, to be located on Branch Street, will be Radio Station WSRC, ac cording to an announcement made here Wednesday by J. S. Stewart, chairman of the build ing committee. Stewart stated that repre sentatives of the Club will be stationed in various sections of the city from 4:30 p. m. to 7:15 p. m., Sunday and tliat a tele phone call to 5-0062 will bring a ready response of a repre sentative to a home, business or church for the purpose of regis tering the name and address of the donor and the number of bricks he or she wishes to give. Bricks may be purchased in amounts of 100 or more at the following prices: 1,000 at $32, 500 at $16.00, 250 at $8.00 and 100 at $3.20. Present location of the Club is 508 Fayetteville Street. Its director is Lee W. Smith, who for the past several years has done much through his leader- sliip to decrease juvenile delin quency in the city by furnishing for boys wholesome influence (Please turn to Page 1^) Dr. Roscoe C. Giles, noted surgeon from Chicago, will serve as guest clinician at the spring meeting of the John H. Hale Surgical Society. The meeting is to be held in Union. S. C., on May 4, ot the Com munity Hospital. Dr. Giles, a Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery, is a member of the surgical staffs of Provident Hospital. Chicago; Cook County Hospital. West- side Veteran’s Hospital and the Alexian Brothers Hospital and he is assistant professor of sur gery at the Chicago Medical School. Union Baptist To Move Into New Church The Rev. A. S. Croom, pastor of tfae Union Batist Church, has announced that on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, the Union Baptist Church members will move into the new modem church building on Roxboro Street On ttie site of the old church building on Corporation Street a brief cereskoaf^'ivill be held iietween nine and ten o’clock. At ten, the congregation wUl march to the new church home where brief services will be held be fore the group enters the build ing. T^e program for the day, fol lowing these feature, wUl con sist of services of praise and gratitude, a brief message wUch will be followed by house in spection and the serving of tea, coffee, ice cream and other edibles. To Name New 'Rec'Center For Noted Minister The Durliam City Council in their last session held Monday night, April 18, paid a signal honor to the memory of the late Rev. T. A. Grady, and gave very tangible evidence of ap preciation for the service he rendered in this city, when it passed a resolution officially designating the community building to be erected adjacent to the Burton School as the T. A. Grady Commtmity Center. The name had been suggested to the City Council by the Bur ton Community Civic League. The body took notice ot the fact that the former Ebenezer Baptist Church minister had during his life time worked “tirelessly and faithfully to se cure appropriate and adequate recreational facilities for the commtmity, and on several oc casions had appeared before the City’s Governing Body urging the securing and developing of parks" and recreational facilities for the people in the East Dur ham area where his church was located. Because of this service, the Govmiing Bbdy felt that it was befitting to give the new Center the name of the Rev. Mr. Grady as a public recognition of his contribution “to the spiri tual and general well being of the people of his community.' The $2QJM0 Ubel sidt against L. K. Aurtin, pabUaiwr of tbe CAROLINA TDCrS came to an abrupt end here TteMtey OMini- ing when the case was settled before trial with Austin agreeing to pay to tlie Kev. N. A. Trlee the sum of $500 for damay, The cliarges of libel against tte TIMES publisher came as the result of an article which ap peared in the April X issue of tlie TIMES last year in iMcb it was reported that tbe Rev. Trice, wtio at the time was owner of an imdertalcing establishment fai Durham and Fuquay Springs, had refused to preach the fii- neral of a memtier of one of fais churches in Durham because he was not allowed to bury tbe body. Replying on information fur nished Tsy the Rev. E. T. Browne, pastor of the Moxmt Venum Baptist Church, W. A, Amey, owner and manager of tfae Anney Funeral Home and Fred Watson, stepfather of the de ceased, Miss Francis Elliott, tiie article was published in the TIMES in good faith and with the belief that the informatimi fumi^ied the TIMES was true. According to Austin a few days prior to the TIMES AprU 3 edition of last year the Rev. E. T. Browne came to the office of the Carolina Times and in formed him that he could do the Negro mibisterial profession a great service in Dtirham by ex posing a condition whiob he, Rev. Browne, felt was a dis grace, if true, on all of its mem bers, or words to that effect. He then told Austin tiiat it had been reported to him tiiat the Rev. N. A. Trice had refused to preach the ftmeral of a member of ids church because he was not allowed to bury the body. He was then asked by the Times publisher wfaere he cotild get the facts in the case, whereupon Rev. Browne advised him to sae the undertaker W. A. Amey, v/ho handled the funeral and is the owner and operator of the W. A. Amey Funeral Home, located at 401 Pine Street Austin stated he finally went to Amey who advised him that the information as reported was true and that he would to Fred Watson, the stepfather of the deceased as soon as he got off from work which was in the evening. Amey and Austin call ed on Fred Watson as agreed, and then residing at 111 Pied mont Avenue, who informed the publisher in the presence of Amey that the Rev. Trice did tell Irim that if h could not bury the body of Miss Elliott he could not preach the funeral. The Times publisher later in quired of Amey if Watson was reliable whereupon the under taker stated that he knew tire man well and on several oc casions had loaned him money and he had always paid him on time and as he promised. And furtlier that he had buried his mother. Austin told Amey, “Well his record is certainly bet ter than mine.’* After trying repeatedly and to no avail to reach tbe Rev. ’Trice at the funeral parlor of the min ister, then operating under tfae name of the Mims and Trice Fu neral Home on Alston Avenue and at his home, 1302 ^uth Street, tbe staff of the Times finally gave its approval for publication of tbe article. When later confronted with tfae denial by tbe Rev. Trice and his threat to bring a libel suit against the TImea Watson was against the Times, Watson was. Austin and as t>efore repeated the cbarfe against the minister. However, several we^ later when he was requested to meet with Attorney M. X. Johnson, busineaa manager ot the TImea and the newapapor'y faiwyer, he refused to do so and dianged his story. | . ThJa newspaper feek, there fore Ita owes tbe Bev. Trice a retractioii ot tbe stmry as pid>- lisfaed in its April 3 edition, la- spite ot tfae fact the managemeat (Pleaae tom to Page Ten) M. Saturday Is The Last Day To Register For The Durham County School Boiid Election

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