\ \ ' f AGE Fomt THl CAKOUWA TfMES SATOBDAY, JUNE 25. It85 Miss Nellie Rose Dmmmond Of Philadelphia Bride Of Local Man #0 I f t- MKS. JAMES CURTIS FUllJBB PHILADELPHIA, Pa. On Sunday, May 8, at 4 p.m., Miss Nellie Rose Drummond of Philadelphia became the bride of James Curtis Fuller, son of Mrs. Beatrice Fuller Spencer, 1008 Fairview Street, Dur ham. Rev. W. A.' Hubbard, Jr. officiated at the double ring ceremony which was performed at the - home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard in Philadelphia. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother-in-law, Raphear Jenkins of Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. Clara Jenkins of Baltimore, sister of the bride, was matron ofhonor, Miss Elaine Morgan of Balti more was maid of honor, and William Drummond of Phila delphia was the best man. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Drummond, senior of Broadnax, Virginia received her education in Broadnax, graduating from the high school there. She is now doing secretarial work in Philadelphia. Mr. Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spencer, of Durham is a HiUside High School graduate ^and attended New York University. He is an accomplished musi cian and was a former instruc tor of the Durham Business School of Durham. Immediately following the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins sister and brother-in-law of the bride, entertained at a wed ding reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Mes- dames Charles Nicholas, Lin coln Williams and Louise Par ker presided at the punch bowl. Mesdames Helen Drtmmiond and Blanche Howard presided over the Bride’s Book. Out of town guests included Robert S. Henry of New York City, classmate of the groom, James O’Connor of Astoria, L. Iv, New York., i William Montgomery of Mt. Holly, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Camden, N. J., Mrs. Beatrice G. Spencer of Durham, mother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dnmunond of Baltimore, brother of the bride, and a host of friends. For the present the bride is ‘residing in Philadelphia while the groom has returned to army duty where he is presently on North Carolina College andi'tour-of-duty. United States Army, Goose Bay, Labrador. GARDEN CLUBS IN CONVENTION The Sixth Annual Conven tion was held in La urinburg, June 13-14, with the state president, Mrs. Bessie B. Red ding of Oxford presiding. The convention was largely attended with garden clubs re presented throughout North -for morB . pure pleasure, have a Camel No other cigarette is so rich-tasting yet so mild Carolina. We are sure the Gardeners were very much benefited from the Work Shop, which Included malting arrangements and cor sages for all occasions. Mr. A. T. Sims, Horticul turist of Hampton, Virginia lectured on screening, back ground and caring for lawns. T. W. Flowers, Horticulturist of A&T College, Greeq^boro, gave a lecture on Planting Shade Trees and Shrubs for Various Types of Homes. The trophy was won by Garden Club of Warrenton. Second prize was won by Garden Club from Henderson and third prize was won by the garden club from Durham— The Lyon l^ark Garden Club Durham should feel very proud of its Garden Club of the'^city because it was the recipient of one of the State prizes. The meeting for 1956 will be held in Charlotte, June 11- 12, 1956. DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOB THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFOBE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK * * * • MRS. LILLIAN BVCHANAN, Editor - 9-1460 • * • •. ASSOCIATE EDITOBS MRS. MABLE POWELL — Pearsontown, Fhon* (Mkl34 MISS M. L. STEPHENS — West Durham, Phone 7-4164 MRS. N. J. CURRY — West End — PhiHie 7-8862 MISS RACHEL NUNN— Hickstown Mrs. Lillie Dixerson of Blue- field, West Virginia is visiting her daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Wright, S09 Du pree Street. Emile Fonsworth of Houston, Texas was the recent house guest of Dr. and Mrs. William Brown of the North Carolina College. During his stay in the city he was dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Wright of Du pre# Street. Mr. Fonsworth is the husband of our own Miss Jeanette Lynch, who taught here in the city schools for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Striclcland of 1025 Kent Street, had as their guests last week, Mr. Strick land's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill of Coatesville, Penn., also a nep hew and wife, Mr. and" Mrs. Ferman Strickland of Ashe- boro. The house was beautifully decorated with cut flowers of red Roses and Snapdragons. The garden gate was opened by gardener Alene Mebane with Scripture and prayer, the club song was led by gardeuef Victoria Joyner. The meeting was presided over by the President, gardener Alice Jones. Minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted, reports of various committees, along with the sunshine com- inittee report. Gardener Eliza beth Hester who has been away from the club due to sickness, was present and stated that she wouldn’t be with us for a while. We were very sad to grant to her a leave of absence, but hope she will be back with us real soon. The membership committee submitted two per sons names to become mem bers, they were Mrs. Mary S. Coward and Mrs. Buttler. We are looking forward to seeing them in our next meeting. The program chairman pre sented the year book for 1954 the committee was highly praised for their work. With the presentation of the guests by the hostess, we were dismissed by the president. The hostess invited us into the dinning room, the table was beautiful, decorated with an ar rangement of Cut flowers, a delectable menu was served buffet style. Those enjoying our (mother’s) gardener Tapp’s hospitality were guests, Mrs. Mary Gunn and Miss Bettie Gunn. Club memljers were garden ers Elizabeth . Hester, Notie Curry, Pearl Brown, Catherine Shdw, Alene Mebane, M. W. Webb, Alice Jones, Helen Mc- Dade McClain, Victoria Joy ner, Fannie Tapp, Louise Thorp, Grade Frazier, Annie B. Green, Fannie Cozart, Sadie Mebane, Sophronia Green, and Josephine Hoskin, Gardener Sophronia Green Thanked the hostess for a delightful evening. Mrs. Tapp, mother of the club, gave a rec^rose to each mem ber present. The next meeting will be with gardener M. W. Webb—1200 Moreland Avenue. Attorney C. J. Gates o Pe koe Street was the guest on last Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. service at Kyles Temple Chur ch on Dunstan Street, where a wonderful sermon was preach ed by the Pastor, Rev. George Tharrington. Gates, delivered a inspiring message on “Faith in God.” Following the morn ing service they were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKay of Dunstan Street. Mrs. Eva Mae Brown of Matthews Street is a patient at Lincoln Hospital. The Friendly Workers Sick Club met June 3, with Mrs. Elf- fie Weaver at her home on Otis Street with the president, Mrs. Ella M. Andrews presid ing. The minutes were read and approved. After the business session a delicious menu was served dur ing the social hour. The president was surprised with some birthday gifts on her birthday. Members present were Mes dames OUie Price, Cecelia Evans, Ruth HoUo\^ay, Novella Crawford, Minnie Atwater, Lil lie Williams, Effie Weaver, Ella M. Andrews, Pearl Ben nett, Mamie Brown, Winnie Wee Shop 203 WEST MAIN 6W IN MATCHABLE SEPABATES Delightful blouses in orlon and cotton that require no ironing. Easy to iron .... Sport and boy blouses $1,98 to $4.98. Small and Large Sizes. Gay Wash Skirts, Pleated and Circular. $2.98 - $5.98. Sizes up to 44. WITH THESE AMAZINGLY LOW PRICED SHOES l^riday And Saturday GNflly [\ $1.67 ♦3.47 $1.97 SAMPLE SHOE STORE 104 MOBBIS STBEET AT FIVE POINTS Hendon Elsie Hooks, MIm Mar garet White, Margaret Geer f and Grover Fowler. Mr*. Ruth Holloway thanked the hostess for a delightful evening. Mrs. Maggie Griffin of Bond Street has returned home from Philadelphia, Pa., where she visited her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrp. Nehemiah Felder. Mr. Felder has been quite ill but is much improved. Miss Lillie McKenzie and Miss Ethel Cooper of Laurin- burg were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, 508 Dunbar Street. Miss McKenzie is the sister of Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Eula Prince of Daytona Beachi Florida is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Winslow on Fayetteville Street. MRS. SARAH FELDER HOS TESS TO GARDEN CLUB On Monday evening at 6 p.m., the “Year Round Garden Club’’ was entertained by Mrs. Sarah Felder, at her home on Dunbar Street. Arrangements of roses made a beautiful setting. The garden gate was opened by Mrs. Hat tie Meadows singing the hymn “In -the Garden,” and repeat ing the club’s prayer and motto. A very interesting business session was held, with the pre sident, Mrs. Pearl Cordlce pre siding. Mrs. Flossie Toran, the secre tary read the minutes, which were approved. Mrs. Alice Farrison brought some fine information on mul ching and feeding roses. A very appetizing menu was served buffett style ahd was enjoyed Shown above are members of the Pi Chapter of the NatiofUtI Chi Eta Phi Nurses sororit]/, recently organized in Durham by Mrs. Carolyn W. Wyche, Southeastern Regional Director of Charlotte. Those initiated into the local group and appearing in the picture, seated, from left to right, Mrs. Nora T. Allen, treasurer; Mrs. Susie C. Buie, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Evelyn H. Dud ley, president and Mrs. Lyda F. Betts, vU>e president. Back row, standing, from left to right are. Mrs. Norma C. Peddy, Mrs. Pauline Brooks, Mrs. Ruth P. Amey, recording secretary; Mrs. Hillard C. Clark, sergeant at arms; Mrs. Gladys H. Swift, choplain; Mrs. Alberta L. Allen and Mrs. Lillian P. Thompson. by all. Guests present were Mrs. Mabel Mabry, Mrs. Ethel Mar shall, Mrs. Bessie Pratt, Mrs. Lil BUchanan and Miss Mary Baines. Other members attending were Mesdames Mary Green, Carrie Biu:ch, Wilmer Milum, Mary Raye, Eugenia Simmons, Katie Love, Mary Henderson, Maggie Walton, Annie Mayo, Mag Kennedy, Rosa Suitt, Ethel Perry, and Miss Edna Mason. ' MISS MARIAN B. BROWN FETES CHOIR NO. TWO OF ST. JOSEPH AME CHURCH After choir rehearsal on Thursday evening, June 16th which was held at the “Marian Music Studio” on Pettigrew Street, a social hour was held. At this time, Miss Brown, the organist of the choir had prepared. some delicious re freshments which were served indoors in picnic style and en joyed very much. Invited guests present were Miss Lillian Burton, Miss Mary Holloway and the pastor, the Rev. D. A. Johnston. Members present were Mes dames, Cora Brown, president, Mary Campbell, Rosa Farrar, Lucy Briggs, Jessie Downey, Maggie Griffin, Alma Hughes, Cora McAdam, AUie Mitchell, Hattie Johnson, Edna Barbee, Susie Martin, Georgia Single tary, Maggie Williams, Lillian Buchanan, Miss Christine Mc- ' (Continued on back Page) /TIoieL SIS WASHINGTON ST. S11 rosm STBBR raoNi iiii First Calvary Baptist Church BEVeBEND a. L. THOMPSON, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 26 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL niCBARD JAMKS, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC JOSS MARY L. STKPHXSS, OfVttnM PASTOR SENIOR CHOIR 6:30 P. yi. ourcn KCRITT. PmUmtt 7:30 P. M.—SERMON BAPTIST TRAINING UNION _ PASTOR Lawr«no« Wayn* Sullivan, San AnienTdrlWae*—\ • PIrat Priz* WInnar In on* of Carnation'* Feed your baby (^rnation, America’s healthy baby" milk! IVIRY YlAR in cities across America, Carnation Milk sponsors its famous local “Healthy Baby” contests. Every one of the thousands of healthy tots entered is a Carnation baby... every one raised on Carnation Milk. Of all forms of milk, Carnation is the safest for baby’s bottle. The most nourishing, too, and the most digestible. It's no wonder 8 out of 10 mothers who feed a Carnation formula say “My doctor recommended it." Ask your own ddctor about Camation...the milk every doctor knows. Sesd^-^Osai mrjg Carnation makes coffee taste 80 rich, milliona prefer It to cream. You will, too I ..an(/Cooh'ng.'ioo/ Discover Canation’s apecial blending giudtti^the „ MGret of smoother sauces, creamy caaseroles, rich desserts, perfect soups! In every recipe that calls for milk, UMHuamatloD— the milk that whips! 'from Oonttntsd Omotf* FOR GENERATIONS, AMERICA'S FAVORITE MILK MT. VERNON . BAPTIST CHURCH BEVEBEND B.T. BB01 Pastoz SUNDAY, JUNE 26 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. ■. taCSARDSOIt. SupvrtmUndmt 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Browne MUSIC SENIOR CHOIR NO. ONE MRS. R. a. IfcCOLLDM, Orgaaitt 6:00 p. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION “Beyond the Offering Plate”—PhU. 4:10-19 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR _ The Young Adult Choir “A FRIENDLY CBXJBCW White Rock Baptist Church WMt* Roefe Squan MIUS HARK FISEER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JUNE 26 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.-^UNDAY SCHOOL LESSON: “God and the Nanons,” Zephaniah 3. PROF. J. U. aCMOOIM, SttiMrtatMMtelit 11:00 A. M.—^“On Changing The Thermometer" The Pastor ffmior Choir. MKI. V. W. ALSTOtl, mreetrms 6:30 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION J. U LAMITU. DkMlor 7:30 P. M.—Closing Exercises of 23rd Annual Va cation Bible School, Miss L. K. Husband, Directress. "LITTLE OLD MOTHEB WELCOMES YOU” Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 26 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A. M.—Onr Lord Jesus Christ” ■ti. The Pastor 6:00 P. M. wmnuD MASTnr. fliwi rogram - i catira Bible . A. C. E. League 7:00 P. M.—Program - Closing Ezerdse, by the Va- School

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