MIUIE1EL lEUER BURNED VOLUME 31 — NUMBER 4t DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY DECEMBER 10,1955 PRICE 10 CENtS Race Ignored Again On New School Bond Plan Pictured above are top officials of the Most Worshipful | of Wilmlncten, grand master; Clark S. Brown, Wlnston- Prince Hall Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons-ef North Salem, depvty grand master; Rev. C. W. Lawrence, Greena- CaroUna. The group will hold Hs 85th convention in Dnr- j boro, grand secretary; and George A. Moore, New Bwn, ham on December 12-14. Left to right are Ge«rge D. Carnes, grand treaanrer. Some 5,000 Masons To Meet In Durham For Convention Masons To Hold State S^ion December 12-14 Over 500 delegates and visi tors are expected here next week when the 89th annual i;oininunication of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina will convene here Dec. 12, 13, ahd 14, according to W. A. Clement, chairman of the convention steering committee. Host lodges for the annual session are Doric Number. 2B and Dorcas Number 460. With the exception of the public program, which will be held at Hillside High School auditorium at 8:00 p.m., Dec. 13, and the fellowship banquet which will follow in the school’s cafeteria at 10:00 p.m., all of the sessions will be held at St. Joseph A.M.E. Church. Beginning with a meeting of the Deputies at 3:00 p.m., the Monday session will end with a Lodge, of Sorrow at 8:00 p.m. At high noon on Tuesday, the opening of the Grand Lodge, proper, will take place. The public program on Tues day will include two-mlnute speeches of welcome by Mayor S. J. Evans of Durham; Mrs. Amanda B. Wallace, represent ing Itestern JStar Prospect Lodge, No. 370; Mrs. Margaret Minor, representing Eastern Star Drusllla Chapter, No. 10; J. S. Moffitt, representing Host Lodges, Dorcas No. 460 and Do ric No. 28; Dr. Alfonso Elder, representing Educational Insti tutions in Durham; and Dr. C. E. McLester, representing The Durham Ministerial Alliance. Bishop Hubert Bell Shaw of Wilmington will respond to the speeches of welcome. Music for the occasion, will be by the North Carolina College Choir under the direction of Samuel W. Hill. Remarks will be hetird from Dr. George D. Cames, Most Worshipful Grand Master, Ju risdiction of North Carolina, F. & A.M. He Twlll be introduced- by Deputy Grand Master Clark Brown. Rev. T. H. Brooks, superin tendent of the Oxford Colored Orphanage will report and ap peal for the Orphanage. (Continued on Page Eight) Three Durham attorneys were recently awom in as practicing members of the Supreme Court bar. They are shown here In front of the Supreme Court building immediately fol lowing the ceremony vdth George E. C. Hayes, Washington, D. C. attorney, who intro duced thbm to the courit. Hayes b seen standing in center forenound. Standing in rear, from right to left, are Mrs. J. H. Wheeler, attorneys J. H. Wheeler, C. O. Pearson and F. B. McKissick. Negroes Not Consulted As Plans Are Mapped To Vote 5 Million In Bonds For Durham City, County Schools The fervent plea made by the late Dr. James E. Shepard, C. C. Spaulding, and other Negro lea ders of the past and present who have from time to time begged for Negro representa tion on the City Board of Edu cation, loomed large on the horizon thiS week when the city aifd county boards of edu- Halifax Asks Integration By 1956 HALIFAX Setting next September as the deadline to achieve integra tion of the races in the public schools of Halifax Coimty, the County Chapter of the NAACP last Monday requested the County Board of Education to work toward that end. The request, made in a mi meographed statement present ed by W. W. Harvey, County NAACP president, was read in to the record. The statement gave two reasons for the neces sity of Immediate Integration. J'lrst, it insisted that the main tenance of a dual school sys tem is a waste of money; and, second, it deplored the sending of Negro school children to other school districts to attend segregated schools. The statement asserted that the petitioners expected no vio lence If desegregation is at tempted and expressed the be lief that HaUfiix County is not an area in which there is a general disrespect for law and order. "It is our opinion,” the statement went on, "that the law enforcement officials wiU assist the school authorities in complying with the law." cation in a joint meeting agreed to enter into a school building bond election to the amount of $8,175,000. In spite of the large number of.Negro voters in both the city and county of Durham, as well as taxpayers, Negro citizens found themselves again on the outside of both the plans for the election and the expendi ture of such a tremendous sum supposedly for all the schools of the city and county. Among several leaders ques tioned as to NegrcT representa tion on the seven-member com mittee appointed to determine the exact amount of the issue, to work out a system of division of funds, and to ask the Coufllty' Commissioners to call the elec tion, it was discovered that Ne gro citizens found themselves on the outside and not even al lowed to look in. (Continued on Page Eight) Body Of NAACP Unit President Found On Farm »HULENBURG, Tex. Another deep south NAACP unit otficial fell victim to a barbarous attack this week. The body of Herbert Johnson, 60 ye«r-old president of the lo cal chapter of the NAACP,* was discovered badly beaten and bi^ed at his farm some 20 mUes west of here Monday. Late Wednesday there were no details as to how long John son had been dead before his body was found nor any infor mation ai to police had been able to uncover as to who his assailants were. Sherlf Xi. O. McGinty said he was unable to establish a mo tive for the slaying. Hu|^ Simpson Tate, Dallas lawyer and president of the Texas NAACP, was not avail able for comment as to what action tke NAACP would take by way o| conducting an inves tigation of the slaying. Observes believe that this is another i|i the pattern of slay ings of deep south NAACP offi cials by pro segregationists in the ho^ that it will kill the effectiveness of the organiza tion. List Of Groups Against Hodges The'Ust or organizations op posed to Gov. Luther Hodges’ plan for voluntary segregation of Noift Carolina’s schools con- ttnuedltto grow this week with the amtion of the New Hope Miasiooary Baptist Association «ddl9&its to the pla^ . In ^ iprep«fa* i«*t«faient mkde public by Its secretary. Rev. J. H. Jones of Smithfield, the Baptists stated: “The New Hope Missionary Association is greatly disturb ed and disappointed that the (Sovemor would ask us to defy and or disomy the ruling of the Supreme Court on segregation in the public school system. “Therefore, let it be known this group is resolved to sup port wholeheartedly the ruling of the Supreme Court’s decision on May 17, 1954 and May 31, 1955 through every avenue that is open to us to prove that we cannot and will not comply to (Continued on Page Eight) Lawyers To Meet Forty-four Negro Lawyer’s across the state from Murphy to Manteo will meet in Durham for business and their first an nual elaborate Ball on Demem ber 10th. The North Carolina's Associ ation held Its first anniversary meet in Greensboro last June and all officers were re-elected. The September meeting was held in Greenville where it was decided that the December meeting be a combination busi ness session, banquet, and dance, for their wives, sweet hearts, and friends. The business session will be gin at 4:30 P.M. and the ban quet and dance will commence tit 6:30 P.M. at the Algonquin Club house. X\( GBOTE VIST CUIIRCH BLCOME The sign that disrupted a peaceful Chur ch meeting and turned a band of baptist wor shippers into a unruly mob last Sunday is shown here. Miss Bertha Perry, center of the disturbance, is seen here talldng to TIMES editor C. M. Ross. Miss Perry, 71-year-old sooal worker and retired Shaw University teacher was literally thrown out the Oak Grove BaptistvChurch last Sunday when she went t o find out what disposition was to be made of the sign. It was taken from its place across the comer from her house and placed in her back yard. Inset at bottom shows the church, located some four miles from Wake Forest on the Louisburg highway. ,i>- Ousted From White Church Services 'Bounced’ By Baptists, Woman Pities Church rORSSS- No bitteruess, only Christian pity is the feeling a little old Bible reading lady has for a band of Baptists who tossed her out of their church in this de nominational stronghold last Sunday after she had gone there to return a piece of chur ch’s property. “I only pitied them, for they acted like heathens," said Miss Bertha Perry71 year-^>ld so- clal worker and retired school teacher who was bodily thrown out of the Oak Grove Baptist Church, a white church located some four miles outside of this “Baptist hollow”, seat of the state’s largest Baptist college for whites and center of much of the denomination’s activity. This soft-spoken, pleasant little lady, a wisp of woman hood at 89 pounds, had gone to the church to ask what should be done about a sign directing visitors to the church which had l>een removed from its place and laid in her backyard. But before she could explain her mission, she was grabbed by one of the numbers, dragged to the door and pushed down the front steps with the warn ing never to come there again. “If you were a man. I’d knock you down. I wish you were a man; I’d kill you,’’ the bouncer threatened as she stood in the church yard Miss Perry said. Early this week, she raid she did not plan any legal action as the result of her rough house treatment. “I pray for them and (Continued on Page Eight) ChargeThat NC's Negro Delegates To Confab Pro-Jim Crow Refuted A rebuttal to the charge that North Carolina’s Negro dele gates to the recently concludec White House Conference or. Education were pro segrega- tioniste eeme this week trmr W. J. Kennedy, Jr., one of the members'of the State’s delega tion. The charge, attributed to NAACP secretary Roy WilkinE claftned that Negroes appo:ntei to the Carolinas delegatioiic were known to be in symp»i.:hj with the states’ segregatior policies. Kennedy, very active in Nortl Carolina’s political, educationa and civic affairs, replied to the ciiarge in a prepared statement for the TIMES this week, f “I am not in sympathy with segregation policy of the offi cials of the State of North Carolina or Miy other state. 1 have stated publicly and pri vately tiiat segregation laws oi any and all states should be repealed.” He went on to say further that if the statement attributed to Roy Wilkins is “authentic; Roy Wilkins, like many other humans has made a big ims- take.” The North Carolina Mutual president servsd on the State’s 34 member delegation which included Atty F. J. Carnage, member of Raleigh’s school board; Mrs. Ida Duncan, presi dent of the NCTA; Mry. P Foster, NCTA official; Mrs Mary Holliday, president of the Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers; It.^ Jones,~ar- rector of A4T C'l cultural and Extension Service; and A. L. Turner, dean of North (Continued on Page Eight) Final Rites Held In Charleston. ForMrs.Clenietrt CHARLESTON, S. & Death came to BIrs; Sadie K. Clement, 80, Monday, Nov. 38, alter an illneea lasting over a period ot ten years. Mrs. de ment, the wife of Arttiur J. Clemei^^ Sr., a member at the Board of the N. C. Ifutual Life Insurance Company^ died at her home, 517 Rutledge Avenue. B4rs. Clement, bom May '5, 1875, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs WiUiam Jo seph Jones. Sbe was educated at Avery Institute, a private school established by the ^ merican MissicMiary So.-iety for the education of Ntgrrcs soon (Continued on Page Eight) Shown here are members of the North Carolina Masons Grand Lodge Convention steering committee wiiich made plans for the organization’s 85th state meeting, to be held in Durham ^cember 12-14. Host Lodges for the. convention are the Doris Lodge, 28, and Dorcas I^dge, 4S.. In the picture above are, seated from left to ri|^t, J. W. Wheeler, N. B. White, J. L. Mofitt, Nathaniel WaDur, Dor set! Williams, William A. CWnent, Clyde Biehardae*. Ma mie L. Lyons, Edgar Alston, and R. Kelley Bryut, Jt, Standing left to right are Wallace Hintan, Fra^ Odell Fields, TheodM* fright, Marvin Nnim, Pwey Hulen Allen, C. C. Turner, David Gilmore, Biijah *—it. W. E. l^tfield, Bonnie HawUas and H. M. Mlchaox.