fOPE the r*Bni.fWA TmES SATTTBDAY, DEC. 8. H8t DWHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BESU^ITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. MRS. LILLIAN BUCHANAN, EDITOR PHONE 9-1480 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mm. Powxu. — Pearsontovon, Photie 2-1922 Mn» M. L. Stephkns — West Durham, Phone 7-4164 utm» N. J. CuRKY — W6*f Eud^Photie 7-8868 Miss Rachxl Nunn — HkHstown On Saturday night, November 3, the business session of the Fourth Quarterly Meeting held on Holland Chapel Circuit was held at Ebenezer Church. The meeting was well attended and reports were very good. The to tal amount raised Saturday and Sunday was $202. This quarter ly meeting proved to be a suc cess with the Reverend W. D. Drake, pastor, and Rev. J. A. Jones, acting Presiding Elder. Mrs. Mamie Reynolds and Mrs. Adelene Reynolds Spaul ding have returned from Atlan tic City, N. J., after attending the funeral of Mrs. Adeline BmrinHi Spaulding and Mrs. Agnes Reynolds Mauney. Happy Pals Anniversary On Friday evening November 16, the Happy Pals with many of their friends gathered at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center to do honors on their 10th birth day* Everyone declared that this pre Thanksgiving affair lived up to the previous ones or surpassed them. Beneath a dim ly lighted revolving crystal ball each and everyone danced to the music of the Pastels who gave forth with the most. Mem bers of the Happy Pals are Miss F.lln Britton, Mrs. Pauline Car ter, Mrs. Anne Davis, Mrs. Lil lian Davis, Mrs. Elmira Flintall, Mrs. Minnie Frazier, Mrs. Ame lia Harper, Mrs. Elivan Jami son, Mrs. Louise Jenkins, Mrs. Margaret Marsh, Mary Miller, Mr*. Josie Powell, Mrs. Hattie Stni^eton, Mrs. ISoisa Smith, , Mrs. fiSary Taylor, Miss Martha Taylor, Mrs. Laura Williughby, and Miss Vivian Rogers. Mrs. Borland Entertains The Sylvia Williams Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. James K. Borland, 609 Linwood Avenue. Sunday November 4 at 4 o’clock. The meeting was opened with singing “This is My Story”. The scripture was read by Mrs. Cary, sentence prayers were offered by Mrs. Burch, followed by Mrs. Lea thers and Mrs. Boykins singing “What a Fellowship.” Mrs. Lea thers then opened the meeting for business. Officers for 1957 were elected as follows—^Presi dent, Mrs. Nora Leathers; Vige president, Mrs. Annie L. Alston; Secretary, Mrs. Leadva Wall; Treasurer, Mrs. 2^ra Walker; and Mrs. Boykin, Reporters. A collection was taken. The activities of the mem bers for the past month were many and varied, which shows the work of an alert and active mission group, “who lifts their eyes and looks on the fields which are white but the labor ers ate" tew’." The lessons taken from the “Helper” subjects as follows: "Looking at the Home Base”—“Out-look In Foreign Fields.”—“Missions" “The Joy ous Heart”, and The Whole Christian Thankful for the Whole of Life. These were beautifully discussed by Mrs. Boykin. Mrs. Borland served the group delicious refreshments which were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mangum thanked the hostess for the lovely afternoon in her home and Mrs. Cary gave the closing prayer. The next meet ing will be held with Mrs. Mit chell, 2508 Otis Street, Dec. 3. and the fellowship was great. Arovtnd 40 or more persons were present. Those from out of town were Mr. and lirs. Calvin R. Ashe of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Addie Bryant, East Orange, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams, Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norman, Trenton, N. J.; Mrs. Mary C. Allen, I^st Orange, N. J.; Mrs. Josephine E. Scott, Baltimore, Md. From Henderson, C., Miss Robbie Williamson, Charles William' son, Jr., Attorney and Mrs. E. A. Bullock, Mrs. Desdy Simons and Miss Yvonne Bullock. Visited Atlanta Georgia Rev. and Mrs. J. Neal Hugh- ley and Mrs. Mary Shepard, Motored to Atlanta, Ga., last Saturday and spent a very plea sant week-end visiting relatives and friends. Guest From Washington Mrs. Joseph S. Jackson of Washington, D. C., the former Miss Parepa Watson of Durham was the Thanksgiving holiday guest of her sister and brother- in-law, Prof. and Mrs. H. M. Holmes of 124 Masondale Ave. Mrs. Jackson came especially to witness the presentation of her neice, Miss Miriam Rosamond Holmes, to society at the annual A.K.A’.s Debutante Ball which was held in Raleigh at the Me morial Auditorium. Attends V.N. Seminar Dulling thjei Thanicsgiving holiday vacation, Waltar Van Buren Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Holmes of Durham, attended the United Nations Seminar, sponsored by the Na tional Y.M.C.A, and Y.W.C.A. of New York City. He went with a delegation of students from the YMCA at the North Carolina State College in Raleigh. Prize Winners, Baby Contest , little “Riggi” George’,* 3 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. George of 618 Dupree §t., won First Prize in the Baby Contest sponsored by the St. Cecelia’s Guild of St. Titus Epis copal Church. William Edward Bivens, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bivens of Plum Street was second^ prize winnerr Botii babies are to be congratulated. Mrs. Donnell Fetes Club The Queen High Bridge Club was entertained on Thursday evening December 27 by Mrs. Martha Donnell at her home on Fayetteville St.; As the guests entered the cheerful home, the pre-Christmas decorations gave everyone the rpal Christmas spirit. A palatable menu was served by the hostess. At the end of the progressions, Mrs. Donnell’s special guests, Mrs. Carrie Deans, and Mrs. Bettie Goodloe were presented prizes. The club prizes were as follows: First, Mrs. Ret. C. Williams. Second, Mrs. Eula W. Harris, Third, Mrs. Nell Himter. Other members present were Mes- dames Bess Whitted, Laura Bruce, Grace Massey, Nola Cox, Beatrice Bximette, Julia Garrett and Miss Snow Bailey. W. B. Club Simday afternoon at her home on Park Lane, Mrs. Ida Davis; entertained members of the W. B. Club. The devotions were led by Mrs. Jesse Downey and Miss Flonza Taylor. The president, Mrs. Novella Crawford offered prayer and presided over the meeting. During the business session plans for the Christmas activities were completed. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Other members atten ding were Mrs. Laura White, Mrs. Celeste Thomas and Mrs. Alene Brown. Six-W Social Club On Monday night, November 19, Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards was hostess to the 6-W Club at her home on Hazel Street. The pre sident, Mrs. Swannle Wilcher conducted a short business ses sion, after which a social hour Above is an exterior oi«to of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Durham, which on Sunday, Dec. 9, will be the scene of home coming services in obsrevance of the 47th anniversary of the church. Rev. William Fuller, pastor of the church, toilf de liver the main address at the regular eleven o’clock morning 'service. Rev. R. L. Speaks, paa- tt^ of St. Mark AME Zion chur ch, also of Durham, will be the speaker for a three o’clock af ternoon service. The senior choir, one, and the gospel cho rus of St. Mark vHU furnish mu sic for the afternoon services. The public is invited. was held and the hostess served a pleasing menu to her guests and presented club prizes to Mrs. Anne M. Mitchell. Other members attending were Mes- dames Lena Mae Pearce, Ruth Campbell, Lula Mae Royal, and Marie Penny. Dinner Guests On Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock, the Diu^an family of 619 Massey Ave., had as their dinner guests Mrs. Flora Ro berts Chambers of Hertford, Conn., and Miss Charlotte Ro berts of Durham. After iMting a delicious dinner everyone en joyed talking about old timea and looking at TV. Azalea Garden Club The Azalea Garden Club met on Monday night, November 26, at the lovely hom^ of Mrs. Cor nelia Johnson on Cecil Street. The Garden Gate was opened by Mrs. Roxie Davis, who ended her remarks with the reading of a lovely poem. The president, Mrs. E^e Cotton, presided over a short business meeting, durtaig which plans for Holiday House, an annual project at Chntetmas were perfected. Holiday House Reunion . Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. James Meadows were hosts to a family reunion held at their home 108 W. Hillside Ave. This was a day of rejoicing and feasting;. The delicious dinner consisted of every kind of food one could mention, which was enjoyed by those present, and FIRST CALVARY BAPT. OIURCH Reverend A. L. Thampaonf PaU»r Sundayf December 9, 1956 9:30 A. M. RICHABD JAMES, SUPT. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A. M.—SERMON. MUSIC. . Rev. L. a. Thompson SEmoR Choir MISS MART L. NEPHENS, ORGANIST 6:30 p. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION OENICE MERRITT, PRESIDENT 7:30 P. M.—SERMON The Pastor FRIENDLY CHURCH** WHITE ROGL BAPTIST CHURCH White Rock Square Reverend MUe* Mfrk Fisher, Pastor Stmday, December 9, 1956 8:45 A. M.-^ALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M —SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "More The Conqueror,” Romans 8:26-28, 31-39. PROF. J. M. SCHOOUCB, SUPT. 11:00 A. M.—“Religiotu Fundamentals” Pastor SENIOR CHOnt, MRS. V. W. AUTON, DIRCCTRESS YOUNG people’s CHOIR, FLORIDA FISHER, DIRECTRESS IRA MURCHISON, DISECTOR 6:30 P. M. . BAPTIST TRAINING UNION , IRA MURCHISON, DIRECTOR 7:30 p. M.—Annual Observance Of District Ten, Sermon OOCPEL CHOxrs, Miaa ucana e. rorerson, directress “You Are Welcomed To The Friendly Church of Spiritufd Enlightmen^’ TRUE-WAY HOLINESS CHIJRCH Bishop W. A, JoneSf Pastor Sunday, December 9, 1956 10:00 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL “Recognizing Of A True Profit” NORMAN RARBEE, SUPT. 11:00 A. M.—"Confidence In God" The Pastor MUSIC True-Way Holiness Choir ELDER J. E. springer, ORGANIST 4:30 P. M. '‘God Wonts A Man” BROADCAST SERVICE Bishop W. A. Jones 7:30 P. M.—"The Death of Death” Elder J. E. Springer “Little Old Mother Welcomes You** ST. JOSEPffS A. M. E. CHURCH Reverend D. A, Johnston, Ptmtor Sundayi December 9, 1956 6:30 P. M. . BAPTIST TRAINING UNION W. A. MARSH, SUPT. 11:00 A. M.—“Beyond The Old Frontiers’*. .Pastor 6:00 P. M. A. C. E. League WtNFRiD MARTIN, PRESIDENT 'f:00 P. M.—^The Marian Brown’s Studio will render « an I^trumental Musical Program MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, E. T. Broumm Pastor Sunday, December 9, 1956 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. E. RICHARDSON, SUPT. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC Pastor Browne - Young People’s Cboib MISS V. L. PERRY, DIRECTRESS 6:30 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR Mat.« Chorus SERMON Pastor Browns will be held at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Raymond Long, 119 Nelson Street, December 16 from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. All flower lovers and interested persons are cordlaUy invited. Following the business session, Mrs. C. E. McLester, guest speaker of the meeting, held the members spellbound with an in formative discussion of Gardens of the Bible. Members enjoying the hostess’s kind hospitality were; Misses Mary Baines, Cleo Russell, Mesdames Effie Cotton, Minnie Cromartie, Roxie Davis, Virgie Davis, Amanda Long, Julia Lucas, Margaret Marsh, Charlotte Miller, Maryland Mc Collum, Gladys McNeil, Banetta Peele, Alliner Randall, Leva Richardson, and Janie Wheeler. Thanldng the hostess for her graciousness, Mrs. Alliner Ran- deU closed the Garden Gate. Junior Dorcas Club The Junior Dorcas Club met Friday night November 28 at the home of Mrs. Esther Davis, 1007 Cecil Si The meeting was opened with the club Bong^iol- lowed by the Lord’s Prayer and Onward Christian Soldiers. Plans were being made concern ing Christmas gi^ Ur patients at Convalescence homes. After all business was discussed- thei group enjoyed a delectable re past served by Mrs. Davis and her daughter Blrs. G. D. Tait. Members present were Mrs. Nancy Harris, Mamie Weaver, Charming Watson, Rosa Suitt, Lillian Midgett, Hattie Johnson, Sarah Smith, Nellie Williams, Dorcas Overby, Grace Lyim, Neoveta Wall, Aimie Johnson, Lorain Thorpe, Essie Trice, Rosa Fortune, Dovie Dtmston. Visitor, Miss Hattie Mason, Marie Faucett. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Nancy Harris, 711 GraAt Street. Club Closes Project On Sunday December 2, the Lyon Park Rose Garden Club climaxed Flower month, Nov. was designated as Flower Month for planting of bulbs and planting and moving shrubs and pansies. The group met at the Harriet Tubman Branch YWCA on Umstead St. Mrs. V. M. Joy ner presided over the meeting. The program opened with the club song, “God Bless The Roses." Scriptute Was iead by Mrs. Louise Thorpe, prayer was offered by Mrs. Elvin Eing of the Better Home and Garden Club. A solo was rendered by Miss Margaret Stephens of the Blossom Garden Club. Presen tation of the speaker, Mr. T. W. Flowers, Horticultuilst at A. and T College at Greensboro. His subject was “Rose Culture,” which was thorou^ly enjoyed by all present. Remarks were given by Mrs. Elnora Smith, vice president. A social hour followed, which carried out the Christmas motiff. DaughUrs Of Dorcas Club On Thursday Nov. 29&, Mrs. Sarah Felder made “Family Night” one long to be remem bered for she was hostess to the club at the Algonquin Club House. Her many invited were friends to all of the Dorcas sis ters so the family night was & big one. Guest speaker was Mrs. Edward Moll-wife of Dr. Ed ward Moll, a Lutheran minister who served in the Holy Land. Mrs. Moll spent two or three years out with him. Some very Interesting slides which includ ed the birthplace of our Lord, his travels, the places of his crucifixion, burial and resurrec tion of many other sacred but awful happodngs as well as (pictures ot the' Dead Sea, moimtalns and valleys and so many places you have and still do hear alsout. Not leaving out the beautiful flowers and for mations God has given so boun tifully to this world. This was all so informative and so much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Moll and Mrs. Felder were thankel hearti ly. Mrs. Felder’s service was unique and all partook of the delicious refreshments served. The Blizpah and “Happy Good nights” closed the meeting. Durham Workers Club The Durham Workers Club was founded by its present Treasurer, Mr. Dock Gaddy iJi the month of January 1953. The club holds its regular meet ings at the home of Mr. Walter McKinnie, 110 Dtmston Street. The club now has $5,087.45 in its treasury. With plans to give flight Christmas baskets ' to needy families. Hie officers are as follows: Mr. Charlie Pugh, president, Ellis Starnes, vice president, Robie Coffin, Secretary, John Armstrong, Assistant Treasurer, and Dock Gaddy, Treasurer. STOP Bnmliif your liair oat with hot mhhIw. Tty WOLF’S Improved Hair Dreatdng. No hot combs, just warm oombs. Makes Hair Soft, Easy To Manafe, Longer Looking BIG 16-OZ. JAK, $1.80—NATIONAIXT ADVERTISED. ADDRESS ALL OKDER8 TO HAIR BOX 307 — DVBHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. Caldwell Is Fatally Stricken In Cliapel Hill CHAPKL HILL Miss Sarah V. Caldwell, pro minent church and community leader, died suddenly nere on- November 13, at the home of a friend where she had stopped enroute to her home. Miss Caldwell died at the home of Mrs. Sidney Gattls on South Graham street, where she had been accompanied earlier by her sister. Miss Julia Caldwell. She was bom in March, 1886, daughter of the late Rev. John H. and Emma Caldwell, Educated in the public schools of Chapel Hill and Henderson Institute, Miss Caldwell taught from 1914 to 1942 in Wake, Vance, Durham and Orange counties. After she stopped teaching, she went into practi cal nursing. A member of the First Bap tist church in Chapel Hill for a number of years. Miss Cald well was active in many organi zations of the church, the Pas tor's Aide club, the choir, the BTU, the Usher Board, Den mother for the church Cub Scout unit. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Jones and Miss Julia Caldwell of Chapel Hill; four brothers, Arthur and liewis of Chapel Hill, Emmett of Dur ham and Livery of Washington, D. C. One Account Clothes The Entire FamUy “EASY TERMS** THE ROYAL CLOTHING COMPANY 330^ West Main St. i,000,0«0 FAMIIIES IIVE BITTER FOR lESt AT KROGER " 9«»1bpMieSlnips and Sov0M. SoMn. \.. Sav0 MRK Li t. T r w • o « Its; KROGER FRUIT Cocktail Delicious for desserts^ in fruit cups and salads. 3t^1.00 GOLDEN RIPE Bananas Sweet and dellcloiu 25c FIRESTONE, VIRGINIA GROWN Fryers Finest yonng tender fryers. Beady for pan. 29c MORRELL PRIDE Snack Ideal for qnlck-fix Innches, sandwiches, etc. CANS nx luncnes, sanawicnes, eic 29c KROGER Bread Get tMty, wholesome nourishing Krogi^ bread. 1(M)Z. LOAF 15 c JACK SPRAT Picnics flaTorfol and tender. , LB. 35c