PAGB TWa SEC THK CABObBUi TPflM 8AaUBDAY, PEG 15, IBM: the prize-tDinnina float in Winston-Salem Teachert Col-> le0k homecoming parade i* pic- tunid in the above scene. The float it seen as it passed along church street during the parade It was sponsored by radio sta tion WAAA. TWIN CITY DEATHS John Hall of Route 1, Win- stqa-Saiem, passed Tuesday, Dec«n&er 4, enroute U) Kate Bittings Rejmolds Memorial Hcwpital. He was a native oi! LaCra^e. Ga., and had lived in^this city for one year. Fune ral services were held Friday, De^ieanber 7, from the Chapel of Brown’s Funeral Home at 2:30 p.m., with the Rev. Ken neth R. Williams officiating. Burial followed in the Ever green Cemetery. Funeral services foi Moseph M. Hall, of 910 Hickory Street, who died Tuesday, December 4 were held Saturday, Decembeit 8 at 3:30 p.m., from the Mt. I. B & M FINANCE COMPANY For A Merry Christmas An^ A Happy New Yearl GET “CASH BV A FLASH” From The B & M Finance Co. PHONE: 5 304 East Fourth Street 1316 Winston-Salem "A CONGENIAL SPOT . . . TOU’LL LIKE A LOT” Knox Soda Shop and Grocerteria U. B. KNOX, Manager and Owner A COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE , Phones: 3-9373 4-5261 U7# N, CHEBSY ST. WINSTON-SALEM, N, C. OLD STAGG KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON 2 KtMTUCr* 86 nOOF. STACC DIST. Ca, FRANKFORT, Ky, Olive Baptist Church with the Rev. J. Chester Gage officiating. Burial followed in the Ever green Cemetery. Gilmore's. Funeral Home in chargie. Final ritM for Eugene Bi^p of 1515 Clark Avenue, who. died Tuesday, December 4, were held Thursday December 6, at 4 p.m. from the Chapel of Howard-Robinson’s F n e r a I Home, with Rev. W. A. Scott officiating. Interment followed in the Oddfellows Cemetery. Luther Odom of 621, Humph rey Street was found dead at his homo, TuqsitaQi OMembcs- 4-. Final ritoR. were hel4. Su(i4ay, December 9, from the Chapel of Russell’s Funeral Home at 2:00 p.m., with Rev^ G. W. Moir of iiciating. Intennent was> in the Evergreen Cemetery, Mrs. Mafy White RoxaUL of. 503 Baton HamfttoBi Vs., foxnerty of tbis- citjF; died- Sim>. day, December 2, at a Hampton hoq^tal. Mrs. Rozell was fune> ralUied Wednesdar, at 2 p.m from the First Institutional BaflMst Church, with the Rev. WINSTON FURMTURi High Quality Fumltnre At &owest-Possible Coati COMPLETE HOME nTBNISHOWS ^ Headquarters For PhUw Appliances 44 TV Models To ONHise Fnm Amazing Two-Way Door Mitlco BeMgeiators OPEN F^DAY NIGHTS ‘TIL 9:00 P. JI. OTHER NIGHTS, BT AVPOINTMEBnT PHONE 4-5531 WINSTON-SALEA^ N. C. DANCE SHIRLEY & LEE ROLAND COOK and his ORCHESTRA Featuring HUEY SMITH FRH)AY NIGHT, DEC, 14 DURHAM ARMORY Dance From 9:30 ’Til 1:30 Advance Admission — $1^50 At Door $2.00 PUT SAFETY TIRES ON YOUR NEW CAR! ) THE NEW ' GENERAL DUAL 90 America’s No. 1 Safety Tire ASK ABOUT GiNERALfS CHANGE-OVER PLAN your old tires will make the down ^ payment , Th# new Dual 90, a com pletely different tire, with twin treads... PLUS Nygen Cord, PLUS Hi-Density Rubber , . . add up to terrific mileage and more blowoot protection than ever before possible. NO FLATS FROM PUNCTURES HI-DENSITY RUBBER DUAL-STOPPING ACTION NYGEN CORD • HIGH-SPfL J STABILITY "6-RING" PRESSURE LOCK IKGOIO TIRE CO. R. It. Pattsmm oftlctatifigt coromnied by tb^ B«v. K, O. I!, Q6odwln and. the R«v.. Keiw^tb R. Williams. Interment followed in the Evergreen Cemeteryf Russell's Funeral Home In charge.' Belton “Buddy” of Bb9? Street died Thursday^Dee. 6i at- B local hoq>itaL I^ineaal services were held- Sunday, Dec^ 9) from tiie Antioch Baptist Church with the Rer. C. C. Clayton ofttciatlng. Burial' Iqwed in the OddMlows Cene- tory. sivEtt mi IN COLLISION KTwiKcnr Seven persons were given emergency ticatfi^ent at tlie Kate Bittlqgs Reynolds MenjO« rial Hopital here, last week, af ter b«ins injured in a tniok-bys colUsion at Ninth andc Cheatiiitli Streets. Injured persons were; Isaac Garlai^ 60. of 3t» W4»l lOtH Street, a. bndsed for«i«pd; KatheriDe l^qwery, 42, of 1249 Oak Street, bruised knees; Ray U»d[. 55, 1243 Oak Street, cut knees and a bruised side; Bstei! Wright, 45, 118 Glenn Avenue, bruises of the knee and ri^t arm; Sva Foster, 23, Greens" boio, bruised. iQi^bfiEui; Anunds lu. Grmn, 40, Sl» W«ak SSalcj Street, minor head injury and Vemacie Cwar, 35, address im- known, bru%d Imes wd wns. According- to i)oliq% 4H of tlw injured wetj*. BMlMKHiW Ut. a Safe Bus, operated by Trolley Edward Keaton, 1442 North Qlevelapd Avemm ^en it col lided with a truclk being driven, hy Chftr]«a Junior Helper of Hocjiaville. Help«»v wm charged with violating an auto law by failing to yield the right-of-way- CM Bums Mortgage A mortgage burning , cere mony was held at the Pine Orov« church, located outrtde ot\ Crearimnnc, at the. chuech^ Hetnecoming celebration ser> vi«es. Partlcipatfngt in tlm ceropuKi}! Vitre Rev. &ouls Wade^ pastor of the church; W. J. Kennedyt. Jti, president of Nortii Caro- lina Mutual; Rev. Douglas E. Moore, pastor of Asbury Tem ple Methodist chwA Diia- ham; C. E. Hicks, former busi- n0fe manager of Fine Ororti ami Thomas Moore. Witnesiing tbs occasioa were members and friend*, of the Qhtirch from Oxfond, Durham, Sniieigh, and surrounding areas. /XHlere waeo- delegation# from far away as ChsRter, Pa. Music for the special services ww furnished the Markham Ctiapel and Orange Grove Male choruses. Sev. D. B. Moore, pastor of thf> Asbury Temple MethoUstl church of Durham, delivered the main address for the after- DDOB aerTlees, and’ Rev-. Wade,. morainf- service on “Returning the pastor, spoke during the | Some.” ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES FULLER PRODUCTS ARB IN GREAT DEMAND COSMETICS — HOUl^BHOLD ITEMS Visit Oni> Offlee — Ask ror MBS. GENEVA DELLABD Hoars T» Salt Toa — No Bxpeileaee Neeeaeary FULLER PBOMtUCTS COMPAlSTe PlIONB U EAST 8THEEI WINSTOIH-SAtiKM, N. O. BAWG STAHWi WAAA LISTEN DAII.Y TO YOUR LOCAL Sunrise - Sunset Radio Station WAAA 980 ON YOUR DIAL The Station For Music, News, Weather and Shopping Guides WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA SIDNCK kMMlWS* TUSMEGEE fiBAOUAII, BUHBHK MIflCRAM SIAR1ED BY BOOKER RESUMES (OODWIU I. WASHHKnW DDCKBCrS GKIU. Mr. and Mrs. Ta^, Owners The Best In SitndwidMB aoA R^reshments 1400 Nordi Ch«iry St. Plume 3-9525 Winital-Saleai. N. C. ELLINGTON SNACK SHOP Lillie SUington, Mgr. “Good Home Cooking*' Hours: 6 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. 323 Sooth Claremont A^ Phone 4-1S75 Winston-Salem, N. C. PETE’S CHICKEN Pete Williams, Owner and Mfl—ijir vmd CfiftkeA anC Baihccqe 117 S. ClaiMMMit Am Phone 5-9J.07 Winston-Salem, N. C. Dr. O. Mik« lni«fc ^Dvr G. Ti»ta) T|iiiS», former secretary of Tuskegee Institute, who Berredflve years under Dr. Washington and twenty years under Dr. Moton. JSOOSEIl WASHINGTON BIRTHPLACE, VA„—The . of Bo^sbc T. Wauhiogtot i* honoced in America, and throughout the world for his great service in easing the raciiJ tapsions that followed the Civil War and help- inir to brios about reconciliation between th« North and thet Sontl^ andtfor J|is service* in building a New South ' to r( that; naawd Laivar with '^slavery. The same kind o^f serviee to the South and the aation has been resuinwd' by- Sid* ney J. Phillips^* Mtiv.e of, Alabama, a gradoi^of th» world-famous institution founded by Booker T. Washington, and the leader of the movement to pre serve the birthplace of this great American as a. na tional shrine for tiie inspi ration of his own people and for lovers of freedom and brotherhood «v«ry- where. Step-by-step this move ment has pmgCQfsed fbr more than ten years, marked by significant and constructive fkchieventnte. In 1945 th» Bookec T. Washington Birthplace Memorial secured jiosses- sion of the ISB^acre tract that was part of the old Burro»s^», Planbittpn where Waatungtoo was born, Ajoil. 6, 1866. In 194ft CoagBHUH autttorized the minting of live million Booker T. Washington Com- BMBMnstiwar half doUar» by. theUnited Statei. Tre««> ui9«i In 19^ the U. S. Poatf O0ee Department estaiH litfetd a pogfb oflfice on tiw site of his birtii and named it “Booker Washington Bii:thl|jlaoeii. Viegioia.” In 1953 the State of Virginia named, the highly wbich runs through the planta tion, the “Bo^er T. Wash ington Memorial High way.” On April 5,19B6, the Post Office Department re leased 195 million Booker T. Washington CeBtOMiial 3(1 postag»^ stamps to in- «HgiiiMbelb»year-long-cek> bration of the lOOtij Anni versary of his birth. In the same month President 9isoiliotwer signed^ the bill Tkit it tki fifth In • itrist of artielH iinud hy tk» Booktr T. Waskhigto* CmtMoioZ Commit- nm at a ptri of Us nttr-l»*t OOODWIht BVILDim CSV- SADE t* obttmanet of th* o«ft-tWKirtk,awi4ii«r*ary of tko birtk of Booktr T, Wotki»gton. r”—“—WMIf •UVa-OMMDI tOIMlTI BOOKER T. WASHINGTON-CENTENNIAL COMMISSION j I BOOKER WASHINGTON BIRTHPLACE, VIKGINIA | Gitntlwpen: I wast to helv i» thi» (lOODWILL BUILDING j CRU3ADB. Htass flndk mcloaid I. s for Carver-Washington Half-Dollars @ fl.OO each; [ —~ copies of “Vp From Slavsry” @ 60^ each. ■ I N*a»* I -Zoa*. -State — THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIi DECEMEER 25lh — Was Non. Wa» No» 56 Ford Crown Victoria 9203(k 53 MeroiuiyM»nteve^Sedan,.$|1295 $1050 55 Cadillac ^^2’’Coupe 39Q|» mm 53 Cadillac Sed. (AirCon^)^ 2300* .2050 55 Buick R. M. Riviera Cpe. _ 2495 2250 53 Oievrolet Bel-Air Sedan _ _ 995 750 54 Pontiac 8’ SrSeoi: Sed.. _ . 149& 115Q 58 Bdercwtry 4-Do«r Sedan , _ 895 750 53 DODGE V-8 4^Daox SmL - 995 750 52 4-BoQr. Sedan - 795 650 5a-Qld8iiwbil« ‘W’Sedan. - 50 Iiof»>lii.4flitao« Sje)RB — 595 450 53 Pontiac 8’ 4-Door Sed. 1295 1050 47 Cadillac f‘62” Sedan _ _ _ 495 350 ☆ Tubelcss Tire Headquarters 202 S. Grcgson Street Phone 3-3641 VISIT OUR LOT FQHOTHEH OUTSTANDING VALUES — UBTEH TO MW^ QRASOK AJVD PiaitT CMO SING BfCSIG UnleMelMCo Dial 5191 Codillac and Old.smobile N»rtli CMoUna 9Miler No. 1853 Potf «p ^ Streets OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:00 P. M. which created the Booker T. Washington National Mon ument to be maintained by the NftMonal Park Service. Later in the same see«on. The Congraaa appropriated |S£5,000 to support a oam- p*ign to continue publiciz- mg tte program, policies, principles and philosophy of'Bookee T. Washington. You too oea help in this GOODWILL BUILDING CRUSADE by purchasing copies, of "Up From Slav ery,” and autobiography by Booker T. Washington, at 50 cents each; and Carver- Washingrton Half Dollars at $1.00 each. These may be seoared by writing the Booker T. Washington Cen tennial Commission at &>ok^ Washington Birth place, Virginia. (j^dvt.) Christmas JvMee Sale This Is Our Way Of SayGng Ta You Used Car Buyers—There rs A Santa Cfaus!

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