PAGI SIX SATUBDAT, DEC. 15, 1151 TH® CAROLINA TIMES Mr. Allen Wannamaker, right, tmtiMdiate part pi-Midemt of th« North Carolina Auociation of Broadcatterg, accepts a certifi cate from E. N. Pope, president of the North Carolina Tubercu losis Association. It was pre sented “in appreciation of meritorius serv\fe rendered by the Radio and TV iiiduttriej to- toard advancing the cause of tuberculosit eradication." Pope said the certificate was present ed on behalf of all TB associ ations in the state to the people in the radio and TV industries for their steadfastness in bring ing the facts about TB and what can be done to prevent it into the homes of the people of North Carolina. Monday, December 3, where he will remain for the next 12 or 18 months. Home on furlough since Nov, 3, he has visited with his pa rents and also his many friends both in Durham {and in hia hometown of Lumberton. Another son, Pfc. Lawrenc^ Thompson, is also home from the U. S. Army fro mwhlch he has been honorably discharged to presume his educational ca* reer which was discontinued when he was called to the ser vice. He was attending Fayette-- vllle State Teachers College. At present, he is with his family on Morehead Avenue. Reverend Thompson, the. fa ther, is the successful pastor of the First Calvary Baptist Church on Morehead Avenue. Omegas To Be Concerned With Religious, Political Heritage BALTIMORE, MD. Hi* 43 rd Grand Conclave of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, December 27th through 30th. The theme for the four day meeting is “Wanted; Techniques for Strengthening and Furthering our Democratic and Christian Heritage". fThe three living Founders, Dr. Frank J. Coleman, Dr. Oscar A. Cooper, and Bishop Edgar A. Love, will be honored at a Founders Banquet scheduled for Saturday, December 29th at the Fifth Regimental Armory. The Conclave Headquarters will be located on the Morgan State College Campus. Speaker^ for the meeting will include ad dresses by Dr. W. T. Gibbs, President of A. and T. College— “How to Improve Relation Be tween the College and Frater- Professor of Psycology, Virginia nity”; Dr. Walter N. Ridley, State College—“Manners and Morals in Fraternities”; Dr. James Nabrit, Secretary of Howard University—“The Nor thern Viewpoint on Integra tion”; and Attorney Fred Gray, Civil Rights Counselor of Mont gomery, Alabama—“The South ern Viewpoint on Integration”. Bishop Love of the Methodist EplBCopal Church will address the closing session on the sub ject of “Ritual and the Friend ship of Omega”. Highlighting the Social Af fairs—A fomral dance by Delta Sigma Theta, Thursday, Dec. 27th; Mardi Gras, Friday, Dec. 29th; Formal Dance, Interfra- temal Council, Saturday, Dec. 29th at the Monroe Colosseum. Fifteen hundred Omegas are expected to converge on Balti more for the meeting. Judge Linwood Koger is the Grand Marshal and Brother Benjamin Whitten Is the Basileus of Pi Omega, Host Chapter. Servicemen Visit Parents In Durham Airman Third Class Lyson L. Thompson, graduate of Hillside High School and the son of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson, of the First Calvary Church of this city, returned to his post of duty with the United States Air Force in Thule, Greenland on GERLS-WOMEN Here is an opportunity to work in New York and su burbs. Many “sleep-in” domes tic positions available. Good salan^, good home, good food. Wonderful opportunity to see New Tork. Iraiuportation ad vanced to applicants with sat isfactory references. Write B«iileT«d SmplojFnMit Serriee 181 Sheridan Boulevard Inwood, New York LOANS No (ed Teve LOANS 910.00 TO $100.00 SALEM FINANCE COMPANY Locally Owned On Security and Per§onal Signature 226 North Main Street Phone 3-2456 Winston-Salem, N. C CLASSIFIED ADS UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC KLCCmCAL APPUAN0S8 BAL SUPrLBS BUKmCAL CONTBACTING Dar PkMM «-«M4 ar t-Mtl Mgkt »-NM _ UM rAiBiMvnjji n. BOYKIN AND SONS CONTRACTORS . 1(M E. UoMtead Street raOMS 4-7U1 fou tndc 1st us jA\ you* FUE ESTDlATIOn a your Job. BuUdinf and RamoiMlag. AH Work GuaraatMd . . NO* JOB TOO SMALL It Shirt* i«(. padwd • • $1.7S 1 «r 2 Shirts mm. tkt 9 MP SMtV - • - - - ml ISc Dml^mm rmekmd shirts, mm. Z$t (CmDmphmmm) SAMTARY LAUNDC8CKS AND CLEANfSS DlALft-MR Cyar Mm Ami . Lehw|*4 Awieeee • Service Garages SPEIGHT'S AUTO SERVICE Bead Senlw... StWB deeslBE Sirvi*... Beeepplee... Wheel AHnMMt relgrew » raotn -wii A&T SINGERS TO BE HEARD IN ORATORIO GREENSBORO The "Christmas Oratorio”, by Saint Saens will be featured in the annual Christmas Concert of the A&T College Choir to be presented next weekend. The 60-voice group, under the baton of Howard T. Pear sall, will sing two-performan mances, the first on Saturday evening at 8:00 P.M. and the next on Sunday afternoon, 6:00 P.M., December 15 and 16, re spectively. Both programs are scheduled for the Harrison Auditorium. Pearsall explained that the double performance was arranged to allow accom modations for interested per sons in the community. Federal Court Rules Against Segregation In Public Housing Case In Savannah, Georgia NEW ORLEANS, LA. A United States Court of Ap peals last week ruled that the federal Public Housing Ad ministration cannot duck its re sponsibility as a government agency bound by statutory ob ligations or be excluded as a party subscribing to segrega tion policies which bar Negroes from local public housing pro jects. The ruling was rendered by the U. S. Court of Appeals tor the Fifth Circuit on November 30, in a case brought by 18 Ne gro families in Savannah, Ga., who sought admittance to an all white public housing project erected on the site of the "Old Fort,” which was formerly an old Negro residential area. Tlie Negro families had been dis placed from the “Old Fort” to make way for the project. Fami lies displaced to make way for such a project have a federal statutory preference for ad mission to federally-aided pub lic housing anywhere in the city. However, Negroes were refused admission to Fred Wes- sels Homes, the public housing project erected on the site of the “Old Fort,” solely because of their race. WhUe the Public Housing Ad ministration has not been di rectly charged' by Congress with the duty of preventing dis crimination In hoysing project units, the Court said, the duty nevertheless stems from the re quirements of the Fifth Amend ment to the federal Constitu^ tion 'v^ich prohibits the federal government and its agencies from segregating. The case was originally filed with the U. S. District Court 3 45 4/a iua.x*^ 20 PINT DtLAID UWOMW. AWnUkMT ■mWBB AN» wZix flu Hiwt IJnolenm And Tile Company, Inc. COAL K. Df EVCBT WEIGH" MeGSEE COAL CO. tradtac m M. H. HEAD AMD SON CAULS-lMl Deat Let Thaae gtewet Up CHrtten Drafaw, er Maffea fleen Wrmt Tea. CaU VEREEN House Cleaning And Laum Service PHOMB nurliihhif In WINDOW AND rLOOB CLKANING 1840;^ BLENPiPiiiA WD BCniiO ^ fl8Mi|irsmLKR':fOK,’URAi[ „LOUIiVlLLfc A," for Southern Georgia on May 20, 1954 by attorneys for' the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund on behalf of the 18 Negro families. Named in the sidt were the PHA, the Atlanta Field Office Dlr^or. the Savannah Housing Authori ty and its officers. The suit was dismissed on October 21, 195S on motion of the PHA and its Atlanta director on the gruond among others, that the court lacked jurisdiction and the PHA had fulfilled its statutory obli gation by placing in its contract with the Sdvannah Housing Au thority a provision regarding the statutory preferences and on the ground that the PHA had nothing to do with the segrega tion policy. The court held that if the facts alleged in the complaint are proved, they "show a fail ure on the part of the PHA to comply with the above statu tory tenant selection policy,” and this would constitute a vio lation of plaintiffs’ rights to due process under the Fifth Amend ment. “The view thus expressed is Ih accord with the Supreme Court decision in Bolling Sharpe (the Washington, D. C. School Segregation Case), the court said. “In view of our de cision that the Constitution pro hibits the states from maintain ing racially segregated public schools, it would be unthinktble that the same Constitution would impose a lesser duty on the federal government.” The Court also pointed out that although the segregatiol\ policy was initiated by the Sa' vannah Housing Authority it was approved by the federal agency. In addition, the lower court’s dismissal of the action against III Real Estate, Rentfaig Insurance, Repairs And Bnildi^ Supplies . . . See . . . Union Inmrance And Realty TELEPHONE 3^1 814 FayetterUle St DURHAM, K. C the Savannah Housing Authori ty and its officers was reversed by the Court of Appeals and the entire case sent back to the lower court for trial on the merits. NAACP Legal Defense attor neys for the Negroes were Thurgood Marshall, director- counsel of Legal Defense and Constance Baker Motley, both of New York, and Frank Reeves of Washington, D. C. and A. T. Walden of AtlanU, Ga. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Notice 01 Executrix And Executor HAVING QUALIFIED as executrix and executor of the ^te of S. H. HOPSON, de- ceued, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to nomy all persons having claims gainst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 205 Ramsey Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of De cember, 1957, or thii notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery, All persons indebted to said Mtate wlU please make im mediate payment. This 30th day of November, 19S6. Mrs. Sallie Hopson, Executrix, and Sam Nance, Execjitor. M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney. Dec. 8, IS, 22, 28; Jan. 5, 12 . STORK'S CHOP FOR THE NEK The following births were re ported to the Durham City and County Health Department dur ing the week of Deconiber 3 through December 8, 1956: Lee and Elizabeth Porter,- boy. Arthur and Laura Rogers, girl. Henry and Juanita Rich mond, boy. Mari da and Marie Graham, boy. Leroy and Lena Williams, girl. Ernest and Gur ley Mae Sellers, boy. John and Vivian McCUnton, girl. Avid and Arline enderson, girl. NCnCE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as adminis tratrix of &e eetate of Peariia Curtis, deceased, late of Dur ham County, Nerth CaroUaa, this Is to notify all persoos hav ing claims against the estate ol said deceased to eadiibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of November, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol thair reoovery. All persoos indebted to laid es tate will please make Immediate paym^t. This 27th day of November, 1956. Seliner McCllngham Knl|^t, Administratrix C. J. Gates, Attorney Dec. 1, a, IB, 22, 29, 1916; Jan. 5, 1957. MURPHYJS SHOE 5H0P Expert Repedring While You Wait “Get Quality Footwsur” 318 N. Chestnut Straet FINEB PRINTING Minor Printing Co. PHONE 2-92I4 3rd and Chsstaut Street Winston-Salem,' N. C NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY . Trustee Sale Of Land UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tiie power of sale oontained in a cert^ deed ol trust executed by Dorsey J. Beard and wife, Rosetta T. Beard, dated the 7th day of August, 1952, and re corded in Book 471, page 10, in the office of the Register of Deeds ol Durham County, North Carolina, .delault having been made in the payment ol the in debtedness'thereby secured and said deed ol trust being by the terms thereol subject to lore- ^osure, the undersigned trustee will oiler lor sale at public auc> tion to the highest bidder loi cadt at the Courthouse door in Durham, North Carolina, at NOON, on the 21st .day ol December, 1966, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Durham, State ol North Ourolina, in Lebanon Township, and more particular ly deacrlbed, as loUowi: BSGINNINO at a stake in the west property line ol Goldston Avenue at the northeast comer ol Lot Ho. 22 Block C as shown on the plat hereinalter relerred to, and running thence North 89 degrees 00 Minutes West 250 feet to a stake at the northwest comer ol said Lot No. 22 and the Northeast comer ol Lot No. 10; thence South ■7ft degrees OS Minutes West 266.2 leet to a stake at the Northwest comer ot said Lot No. 10; thence North 10 degrees 55 minutes West 97.8 feet to a stake at the Southwest corner of Lot No. 12; thcnce North 79 degrees 05 minutes East 286.9 leet to a stake at the Southeast comer ol said Lot No. 12 and the southwest comer ot Lot No. 24; thence South 89 de grees 00’ East 250 leet to a stake in the West propwrty line of Goldston Avenue at the South east comer ol said Lot No. 24; thence along and with the West property line ot Goldston Avenue, South 1 degree 00 Minutes West 100 leet to the point ol beginning, and beins LOTS NOS. 11 and 23 Block C ol SYLVIAN HEIGHTS, as per plat and survey thereol by S. M. Credle, C. E., dated May 1944, and recorded in Plat Book 15, at page 81, Durham County Re gistry, to which relerence is hereby made for a more par ticular description. This sale will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids. Dated this 19th day ol Nov., 1956. J. —. Henderson, Tnistee F. Hugh Thompson, Attomey Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15 MABT^ GEILL ■eve Ceeked Meals Grade "A" Bettaorant and Service PhMM S-tlll 1111 Baat FIftk Street Amders Grocery - The Plaos of fine Fresh Groceries Nattve Westsm Meats Ml 1s t NinA Street Winston-Salem, N. C MW METHOD UUNDRY And Dry Cleaners Quality - Serrice 405 Roxbore St. DIAL 6959 Blended Whiskey 65x Grain Neutral Spirits, 86 Prool Park & TJIford Oistillcrs Corp., Louisville. Ky Clou Hotel THE BILTMORE HOTEL The Beat Accomnurdadons For The Traveling Public. ALL NEW FUBNITUBE AND FIXTUE18. The Famous Chief Resturant Serve* The Bett Food In Ihwhmm 323 PErriGKEW STBBET — DIAL S-M71 KEEP YOUR CANCELLED CHECKS... They cm valjd receipts for the payments. They show where yoor money goes. They may be use ful at income tax time. So it is wise to retain your cancelled checks, for a reaaoncrisle time, at least for 0 year or two. They constitute a valuable record of spending. Mechanics And Fanners Bank DUBHAM AND BAI^EICffl. MOBTB CABOUKA Draperies, Spreads, Cur tains, Blankets and Higb Quality Furniture "We offer you friendly ond reasonable credit sertHces” Eller Furniture Co. S21 East Sevmtb Street PHONE: 4-1547 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. __jnobeL_ laundry- cleantr? 812 Washington Street 217 Foster Street PHONE 5171 **Belleve mm, Mlslsr wIisb SOUTHBBN FIDSim BfUTUAL INSUBANCB COMPANY writes jam General Inmrance you ALWAYS get prompt psf- ment on s daim.” PHONE SWl Southern Fidelity Mutual Insurance Company $ti WMM nrnsR PUH4M. N. 0. 1 HOW MARTINtZINC FOB THB BBST IN MIT OJEAMllia AMD BBBVICB. 4ff WB8T MAIN STBBBV FITE POINTS FMEJ- OiL - KEROSENE T^LKPHONI 8-1217 ■■ DRIVERS METgRED DKLIYERY "" on. DBOIIS * STOBAOB TAlfKB FOB BALI KEHAN OIL COMPANY imXgBOBO BO AD DOTlS^II. Q. BAMERS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ~t“ Solid ConserTatire Dependable Durliam, North Carolina ACOMPIEIE EUCIIilCAND TUNSVRTAIION SRVICE DUKE POWER COMPANY DIAL 2151 Comer Mangmn andParriah Streets

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