1^^ ifr' Xhopel Hill Legless Diabetic Drives Ice Pick Into His Heort ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ _ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ ¥ ¥ ★ ★ ★ MAN TAKES LIFE AFTER 4th TRY Was Auused Of Embezzling Kenneth Jones Buried According To Plans He Had Already Made CHAPEL HILL — A 53-year-old l^less diabetic, after two year* and three niuuccMsfuI attempts at suicide, finally made good In his efforts to end his life. Kenneth Jones drove an ice-pick into his heart here Friday and died shortly after ward. Ailing and under considerable 'Strain because of an in vestigation into his financial affairs, Jones had only days be fore been released fn»n Lincoln Hospital where he had been treated for injuries sustained when he slashed^his wrists in his third futite suicide attempt. A well-known businessman of Carboro, nearby commun- ili^, Jones had planned his funeral program in detail prior to taking his life Friday. The progi^, as he had planned it, was held Monday at the Saint Paul A. M. E. Church. Jones began the first attempts WILLIAM WEAVER Final Rites Conducted For DurjMHnNan Funeraf ibr WUllfen' Weav^ long tlma resident of Duritai9,' were held Wednesday aftem(K>n at the White Rock Baptist church. Mr. Weaver died Monday, Dec. 17 after a.l&igerlBg illness. Rev. IHIm M. Fi^«rr pastor ."ia White Roc):, '^officiated. Graveside lites fsUowed the church ^«r^ces at Beechwood ' cemetery. Weaver had been a member of Rook for a number of years was serving on its board of Deacons at the time of his death. He was bom in March, 1891 in Elm City, son of the late Ephraim and Annie Weaver. His Immediate survivors in clude his wife, Mrs. Mamie Weaver; one daughter: Miss Vlrgle^eavec; five sons: Willi am Wesley, Robert Lee, Her bert, David, and Edward Troy Weavw; three brothers: Lonnie Johnnie and Jesse Weaver of Elm City; three sisters; Mrs. Minnie Lee Randolph of Rocky (continued on page 8) at suicide shortly after his legs were amputated above the knees because of the threat a diabetic condition posed to his health. His action Friday, however, 'mis the climax to a series of legal actions concerning his exe cution of at least two estates. On Dec. 6., the day before he had been, cited to court to give an accounting of one of the es tates he served as executor, Jones slashed his wrist. He was scheduled to appear again In court for an Inquiry at eleven o’clock on the morning he com mitted suicide. Representatives of the Es- tella Oldham estate charged that Jones had as the unbonded executor of the estate, under terms of her will, embezzled from 17,000 to |8,000. Less than $30 was la the estate bank ac count at the time of his death. It was also charged by per sons representing the estate of the late Silas Pettlford that Jones, as executive of the es tate valued at |S,000, had failed to file his annual account due June and paid off o^i|y part of the crei^rs, while money Jitil^ed remaining in the es tate could not be found. Jones’ body was found shoi^y before 11 a.m. Friday at the wheel of his auto at the back door of his home on main street. . *7continued' on ^page 8) HEADS FWB Rev. H. R, Reaves of Ayden was elected new general mode rator of the United Free Will Baptist General Conference at its 20th triennial session In Waycross, Ga. Dec. 4-0. The new moderator Is a na tive of Mt. Olive and received his formal training at North Carolina College, Shaw Univer sity and A and T College. He served for 12 years as financial secretary of the conference. The denomination is com posed of some 700 churches and has some 150,000 members along the Atlantic seaboard from Mass. to Tex. It was form ed In 1868. Mayor E. J. Evans presents key ta the city to Lee Cal houn as he and Joel Shai^e, foregroond, were given a ‘Vd- come home” by Durham last Monday. The above scene was taken at the City Hall where part of the reception rites w«t« staged. Olympic Stars Given City Key ★ ★ ★ ★ Second In Two Weeks^ iUHEZ Bishop In Mordi To Altar SALISBURY The Rt. Rev. Raymond L. Jones, presiding Bishop of the fourth district of the AMEZ church was married in a &sh- ionable yet simple ceremony to Miss Loiraine Miller here last Friday evening. He thus became the second Bishop of the AME Zion church to make the trip down the altar to say “I do” in the space o two weeks. The church’s senior palate, 71-year-old bishop W. J. Walls, who officiated at this ceremony, was married a week earlier in Chicago to his 26 year (continued on page 8) Bishop Raymond E. Jones and Us young bride, tlie inaa> er Miss Mable Miller, are caught here by phott^raplicr fri> lowing their wedding ceremony. Lee Camoun ana roel Shan kle, two of Uncle Sam’s medal winners at the Olympic games, came to their adopted home for a well-deserved reception Mon day. They were paraded fronMhB Raleig^Durham airport down main Street to the city hall where Mayor E. J. Evans prais ed the I wo athletes for their feats and presented them with keys to the city. The planned welcome had been delayed a week because of the sudden death of Calhoun’s grandmother. Lee was sche duled to arrive a week ago but was detained by the funeral. Shankle, his Olympic team mate and training partner, en tered Durham quietly a week ahead and joined a motorcade of Duke, North Carolina Col lege, Durham Business and Pro fessional Chain and Chamber ot Commerce officials who greeted Calhoun when he arrived at the airport Monday afternoon. Both were entered in the 110 meter hurdles in the Games at Melbourne. Calhoun won first place and Shankle finished third. Calhoun is a North Caro lina College junior, and Shan kle is a graduate student at Duke From the tone of comments 'Swa?*; M/I III INtOW CGNTuey vwopcwr IN HCfS( REPI2e$gKW»0N$ OF THE * Wl^ MBN Ff2Q»A TM6- BA^T^, THE EAlZtY CHURCH THe NmBBR/6 To iTi fOUOmi? THB ^AI^.... ONe OP- THe$e THee^ iongs usually 1$ PICTUJ26P A>'A N6(H2C?. TH& _ 96UI5F THAT THB fwe MANr It is this newspaper’s hope that the holiday season will renew in o«r hearts a determination to redouble our efforts in seeking ameng men of all races the peace and goodwill which Is the great promise of Christmas. TO ALL OUB READEBS, A MEBBT % MERRY CHRISTMAS \ THE CAROLINA STAFF heard after the city’s receptiim, most observers feel tliat Mayor Evans’ brief speech in tribute to the two Olympic stars came closer to expressing the feeling of mort Durhamites who had foUowed the progress of 'Hiei 'two athletes Said the Mayo# before pre senting the keys to the city: "This is an important occS' Sion in the life of Durham. As we stand here to honor these two outstanding and luusual young men^ Lee Calhoun and Joel Shankle, I doubt in the his tory of athletics that any com munity has ever had the oppor tunity to welcome back to its heart two boys whO' have won medals in Olympic competition. "The Interesting fact about these boys is that they werei able' to teach the maximum of ath letic achievement by actually helping one another. They have competed against one another at Duke and on the athletic fields of North Carolina College. Both are of such high calibre that they were able to assist one another—and each knew in competition against each other that the slightest slip meant the difference between victory and defeat. "I think the opportunity of these boys to work side by side here in oiu: community had a great deal to do with their vic tories in Australia.' Car Carrying Ten Crashes; 2 Killed, 7 Hurt ROBBINS A automobile crowded with ten persons crashed into a trac- tor-trailer Saturday, killing two persons and injuring sev«i in Moore County’s worst wreck in sev^al mon^. Tile Impact from the collision resulted in three demolished cars, spilled all ten persons in car onto the highway and top pled the truck, with Its load of frozen Christmas turkeys, into the yard of a store-service sta tion. , John Henry Smith, 58, and four year old Margatet Smith were instantly killed. Hospitalized with varying in- juries were six other members of the Smith &mlly, all of Eagle Springs. They are Annie Belle Smith, 56, lifottda, 19, Richard, IS, violet, 4, Marjorie, 4, and Llitda, 1. Cecil and Smith, the other occupant ^il^lleath car, escat>ed unhurt. ) William C. Hildreth, driver (continued oh^hb^) Ok Can VOLUME 32 — NUMBER 51 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, DEC. 22,1956 PRICE: fEN CENTS HIGH COURT DEAFTOtlEA BY ALABAMA WASHINGTON, D. C. The United States Supreme Court Monday brused aside the final legal barriers which stood in the way oTputting into eilecT its recent ruling outlawing se gregation on local buses. The high court rejected a for- mal plea from Alabama and city of Mcmtgomery for it to re consider its decision of Nov. 13. This action disposed of the last legal preliminary to sending out ofUclal notice of the de cision, which will technically put the ruling into effect. It is expected that the notice will be mailed in two or three days to a special three judge court in Montgomery which originally decided that segre gated seating on local buses was in violation of the U.S. Consti tution. It was this court’s decision which the Supreme Court con- finned in its -Nov. 13 ruling. Meanwhile, it appears as if Montgomery and Alabama offi cials intend to do everything possible to retain segregation on the buses. There has been talk that new orders, which do not specifically refer to race, have been or are being prepared which will effect continued se gregation on the buses. Jack Owen, head of Alaba ma’s Public Service Commis sion, reportedly declared that be Is prepared to issue an order designed to “preserve peace and harmony” on the buses—and segregation. Austin To Speak SAVANNAH, GA. L. E. Austin, publisher of the Carolina Times of Durtiam, North Carolina, will deliver the principal address at the Eman cipation Proclamation celetoa- tion to be held here January 1, 1957, it was announced here this week by the Reverend J. C. McMillan, presidmt of the Eman^patlon Proclamation As sociation. The program is scheduled to begin promptly at liOO P. M. and will be held In the Munici pal Auditorium. John H. Wheeler, Durham attorney, and president of Mechanics and Farmers Bank, speaking at the annual United Negro Col lege Fund symposium held in New York City last week. Wheeler was one of four. Negro leaders from the South who took part in the discussion. Pictured with him are: Dr. Afortin Luther King, Jr. of Alabama, leader of the Mont gomery bus boycott, August Heckscher, di rector, Twentieth Century Fund, and Quincy Howe, ABC commentator. Heck scher and Howe were panel interrogators. The symposium, “The Negro Soathemer Speaks” was part of the Fund’s public eAs- cation program. Other panel members were Dr. Bofas B. Clement, president, Atlanta Univnsl^, . and Dr. William J. L. Wallace, of West Vir ginia, president of West Virginia State Col lege. Carl Rowan, staff writer for tke Minneapolis TRIBUNE and author of IkmAs about the South, was the tliird panel inter viewer. The Honorable Chester Bowlaa, former U. S. Ambassador to India, was tke main speaker. Georgia Wins First Round Witli NAACP ATLANTA, Ga. 'nie sovereign state, of Georgia won a quick first round victory in its battle with the NAACP last week with a show of mas-' sive, cruaiilng strength. The state gained access to re cords of the Atlanta NAACP Friday after a Fulton County Superior Court judge bore down with a heavy hand on NAACP Judge Durwood Pye sentea-' ced J. H. Calhoun, president of the Atlanta NAACP, to a 12 months jail sentence when he refused to turn over records to the court and levied a $25,000 fine against the organisatian. Calhoun was released after four hours Imprisonment when the NAACP finally permitted state revenue agents to go over Its records. ^ Judge Pye’s action came at the concliision of a six day trial in Atlanta. The NAACP was facing trial on charges that it had faUed to pay state income tax. Tried along with Calhoun were BSrs. Ruby Hurley, NAACP regional senretary; L. D. Milton, Mrs. Eunice Cooper, V. W. Hod ges and D. L. HoUowell, all offi cers of the Atlanta branch. Mrs. Cooper and Bodges were (continued on page 8) SPAULDING TEL15 OF MEETING WITH DURHAMITE IN INDIA 'Asa T. Spaulding and his wife returned to Durham last Friday from a one month stay in India where Spaulding represented this country as a member of its delegation to the world meeting of the United NatiMis Scientific, Educational, and cultural Or ganization at New Delhi Spaulding told TIMES repre- ssntatives upon his return of his informal talks with Indian prime ministtf Ndiru and other high ranking government offi cials of that country during his stay. He'alao revealed a meeting in India with a- Durhamite work ing in India as representative of two well known American phi lanthropic organizatiims. The Durham native. Dr. Allie C. Felder, is a reprewntative ot the Ford and Rockefeller Foun dations and Indian Cooperative Union. Spaulding and his wife were guests of honor at a reoeptioa in New Delhi given by Dr. and Mrs. Felder on Sunday. Dec. S. Many high ranklnn government officials, and laess represratatives as well as re- ipresentatives from several world organizatiooi^ fttreigB go- -vemments and uewsincu wet* present at the reeeptton, (gui ding related. Among the guests from for eign coontries Spauldtng UsM the following: Dr. and Mrs. lUasminaer. dt« rector of the Ford Vwmdatign for India; Dr. and lbs. Battoor, director ot the TTnrlratiHsg; Foundatioa for Endia: Mqik 1S>f bet. acting dbrectoc ai Mr. aad Mrs. G. rarass tt Ford Foundation; Mr. apA IftK Rosenthal, New Vllp Correspoodent; Guyer, United aii4, Mrs. Ke^n. O AIA; Mt. aoft Hm. »o British Mr. and Mn, Credit AMm and Mrs. TCM; Hr; aaCI bor Advtaer S. Wm4-I bmm mm

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