C Vhu W.^ ;ME 33 ~ NUMBER 1 .MniHASI, N. C., SAT1}|U>AY, JANUAB¥ 5,1»CT Ah exteriar of the n«irl7 MNnpletod 4Unio for wem^' to !m opeaed worn in Wln«t>«-8»- lem ean be Men te mb«Te^|^iwi& be eqnlpped wHh ttie lateet tMe. ne builtfinf is eenstrMMladraiieM fa medeial teehaolocT, fmm « medem desica the oBato? aeeerdlng to Dr. WilUiun Ikaee, Jr., clink m*e|Hktt If lo«fM OB Uchwajr jfer mere Ae- taili, nee pt§m «lz, eelamn five. fxie Probers Of Hit k -rr BALTIMOia, lid. I>elegate8 to the 43rd Grand Conclave of the Omega Psi Phf BMitemity, in its closing ses sion b^ Sunday, threw a broadside ^ tte Davis Conunit* tee of tl}e Hattie District coai- Bilttee a^ id^ted nnanimoufc Ijr a TCSoklitj^ condemning the eommlttc* Hk 11s reeent attack on deeegregation in $a^ingtefL , waw «6; reaohiUon t)t for the ^frmpoe>^ toffJiB*: ie se cure facts of the ‘ information about the Washington schools. In a summary the report ad, “we reaffirm our belief supjport of the constitution' "principle of educational op portunity for all children.” The report urged Negroes throui^- out America lb register ih^ protest ibr their faUure to en joy first class citizenship by roistering and voting. ■Rie fraternity, composed of more than 15,000 graduates and a sizable number of undergra duates, representing principally all of the Negro colleges in the natlmi, becked the NAACP one hundred percent and called up on Its m^bers to redouble tbeir efforts for the militant or-' ganizatlon. It sccwed the state of Georgia for what it called the unfair treatment of J. H. Calhoun, an official of the NAACP, In the Pmch State and praised him for having displayed the courage that he did In defending the tradition of 'the organization, ftp Maili Ppf WIiltktY By Cars CLKVZLANTD, OHIO An estimated one billion dol lars was spent by Americwi Ne-^ groes last yew m automobllaa «tiH ■nnthar hiil# bUUOB OO wines, beer and liquors, accof* distf to the bead of an United,fitates lart ywr, n»Bt broks^ge ftno. hwe we^ M a part ot a review of business conditions among Ne- groes during 1959. McGhee estimated that some 17 bilUon dollars passed thioutfi the hands of NegroM in “if half oi this vast ^Mtimatod ifWt •K au ai Annual School Cites TUSKSGEE, ALA. The annual report of Tuske- gee Institute guaging tita pro gress of race relations in the South described developments in this area during 1956 as "a most encouraging expression of the vitality of American demo cracy.” n>e report, established in 1913 and issued annually, was released tills week by Pruldent L. H. Fostex. Until a few y^u^ ago, the re port took form of an account ot lynchlngs which had occured during the year. However, the decreasing incidence of this type of racial violence prompted the report authorities to discard lynchlngs as a guage of the pro gress of race relations and the report lias since gone imder the name of RaceB^tlcms in the Soutti. ' ■ "A new order of business for race relations is emerging In the 'Sontb-as a rendt of tfae TBmor of racial barriers {Hreviously written taito law,” the report as serts. "Race relations in the South in 1956 may not be measured by acts of obstruction by segre gationists or by the aggressive moves of the desegregationlsts. The situation may be judged more accurately by asserting the degree of general orderliness in activities affecting race rela tions. Despite some incldrats of violence, desegregatl^ actlvl ties during the year were gene rally orderly, which was most encouraging expressicm ot the i^tallty of Ameircan dono- craq^' President Foster assert ed in comments on the Kport. This report emphasizes the (continMd on page 8) Laaden and veeial werkenl Chapel Hin to eomplete was taken in the mala andttorl- la a fhiaacM drive wtaldi •n-lnient of a |127^M iadektedaeaal um of tte ehweh. ablod flrat ehareii of I are pletared above. laiia-seeBel Church Burns Mortgage — — ^ CTAPn. W. O. YABBSOUGH Funeral Rites Businessmn HALXI6H Funeral servleas for WiUlaia t>. Yatbroui^, ^irMely ka businessman wba 410 banC health for paat few years, Yi succtmtbed at St. Agnes where he had been admitted three days prior. He was well known through out the state and . the southeas tern region in his job as a pio neer Negro salesman for a mid- western Jewelry firm.^ Dr. b.T!/. fiullock, pastor of First Baptist, officiated at the church services and graveside rites which were conducted at Ht. Hope cemetery. A native Tennessean, Yar brough was bom in Mas(»i In November, 1907, ton of Dr. William S. and the late Mrs. Clara Yarbrough. He received his formal education in the pub lic schools of Bowling Green, Ky., and was awarded an A.B. degree at Firic. He was a teacher in Adalr- ville, Ky. for four years before going to work as a sales repre sentative for a nationally known''jewelry firm. He was the first Negro sales representa tive lit this region for a product retailed on a national scale, (eoiittnaod«» pago •> l9 Attend rliarvard - STATBSVILLl An 11 year-old ninth , grad* here who won a yiO.OOO scholarriiip on a national telo^ vistOQ .^Mw has chosen the Uni- versl^ of North Cir«llna or HarvaM as the qoUages he woulf like to attend. Qoejn^'MUler, son of an Ire-, dell ^unty principal and a Statesville school Ujscher, won tbo big aoney on the CBS “Oiant Step” show lut Wedtwa- day. ^ Young George correctly Iden tified tile four Uands comi^iy- ing th» Japaneae mainland, lis ted 10 oil 16 nations admitted to the UIV since December 19B5 and prve the exact number of countries b^looglng to the VVf’ to (Ma^jtete hta last stq;>, in Mlilitlon to winning enough mniwy jte attend any collage In the O^rgf also hae study Jb. sii^JhaiAileaiii Asiatic coua^ Year Old Wins $10,000 On jelected "Nations of the as his category for tala -Steps.” George took the first 1^ st^iia on Dee. 8, miB* bi^ to New York tot tb« la, sed oa page 8> Pletared bore are the aewly eleeted oflUers of toeal M4 to- baeee worken imloa of Dur- bun. to right are Jeaeph Alston, Howard, Arthur Stanley (aeated), Area faalttL aad MMk wnilams. .,i2«N ■ Durham Labor Unions Name Miss Barbara Phillips, Wto- ston-Salem, Is one of S3 Negro students recently awarded scho larships by the National Ponn- dation for IntantUe Pualysto for prfoesalmal training la fields related to prilo care. Miss Phillips Is .stadylag physical then^ at Northwertera Uni versity. Winston-Salem M^ic Appointed To National Medical-Society Jaycees To Name Nan Of Year WlNS3!C»f-«A];^ Hae f unlor Chamber of Com- nwrbe announeed reosntly liiat a new profram aRd plan bas been made for honoring the *^otmc Mto of the Year*', in the Negro CommunltyrThe Jay- eeaa ten worUim ^th Ncipo liunen to set up the new pro- piBBu Sam ftamlln, vloe presl- at the Bosineas^ aad Pro- Clwtai. Pftd Chur^ Bam. at tbo Jayceea, : Pnodhea me* organl- In January 19d7, ttie. Young* Man of the Year will be hcmcnr’- ed at a banquet at flie Patterson Avenue YMCA, A qiooial guest speaker will be featured for the occasion. Previously, the Jaycees have honored the top young Ke^ro man at maai meetings brid at the Pries Auditorium on the campus of Winston-Salem Tea chers College. The new plans se^ to gain more commnnity partleipatlon and inters^ In tta Jayeee pcogram. H1IT The final payn^t (« a $127, 500 indebtedness was made re cently by the Plrst Baptist Oiurch here,^and to ^Mirato the occasion, a mortgage burn ing ceremony was held at th» church. Shown in the above picture are leaders and tpeeUd worker* In the final drive for funds which eliminated ttie churd> drtrt. ' ^ Prora the 9lS7^W9,*Sa chur^ erected a new beUdliA imnw- ted its panoa^ Mid aoctontt- Jated otter aaai^ . Stown la the pieto* steading 8) WINSTON-SALSM At a recent meeting of the American Association for Medi co-Physical Research, held at Chicago, Illinois, Dr. J. P. High- tower, local naturopathic physi cian, was elected by the Board of Censors to membership. This organization consists of all branches of the Healing Arts and meets at Chicago each year to further research in Bledlcine and Physical Therapy. Dr. Hightower has attended Butler and Indiana University, majoring In Biological Sciences and later enrolling in the Lin coln Coll^ ot Naturopathic Medicine and Surgery, and was graduated in 1944. He was a* on* time esqdoyed in the In dianapolis Generali'Hosi^tal in th* department ot Phyrtcal BSedlclne and later was a mor gue attendant of the Marien County Coroners office. Aside from general practice of his proftaaioa, I^. Hlgh- tower has held membership in several outstanding organisa tions 4n the United States, such as; tb» IHUoaml Medk»l Soci ety, The Anurlcan Institute ot Physleal Thnapy, The N»^ C«r«dina Vaturt^thie Aanei* atlon. He la dao a poet ipwduate DB. HIGHTOWEB In Hypnosis and Auto-and Sug gestive Therapeutics, New York Ci^. Among th* Pratemal Organi sations he is affiliated wtOi, are: The F&A Masons, the Sa^ tlsh pite imd the Shrio*-' Dr. Hightower Is a memb^ 'of St. Paul Methodist Church and serves as a Lay-Leader. He has practtTfd his profession In tills dtjr fi^^gbt yean, with office locateieifc*ast Third Street. - AUSTIN.'PajL. Texas will be urged to Join other southern states which tove embarked upon a legisla tive war against the NAACP, according to • Jerry Sadler of East Texas who anqounced last week that he would Introduce two antl-NAACP bills in the next session of the Texss Legis lature of which he is a m«Aber. Asserting that he will Intro duce the measures “the first day tttat bills are accepted In the House of Representatives, the Texas legislator expressed the hope that “a majority of the House and Senate will join me in sp(M)soring them.” In addition to tlie antl-^ NAACP bills, which will be the first to be introduced in the Texas l^(islature in r yean, Rep. Sadler will Intro duce nine other bills aimed to preserve school sefpregation. Tfie latter are the outcome of pro posals of the Texas Advisory Committee on Segregation in Public Pchools, a group ap- point^ by (Sov! XUan Shlvci s The measures aimed at the NAACP would make it unlaw ful for any state or munlcli»l government agency or any achool to employ a member of the NAACP and would require all penooM and organizations to register with the Secretary ot S(tate if their principal function is either to promote or to op- (eoatlnaed on page 8) ot VieaL#r| dMt; John Howard, niM'Kial aaenttary-treasunK'; Aron Smitlw rec«»ding secretary; Ernest CoI« llna, chaplain; MnuU^rr,... guard; Rpbert .Hall, guid^; r.n . WllUam McBroom,.^,r3»n"'. f ker and Richard Coward, trua- taei. Coward is chairmm of the trustee board. Local 2S6 of the Venable to? baooo^ company re-elected R^. Melvto P. Ward for the aevanttt straight year,aa its praaidant. Pastor of two churches in 'San ford, Rev. Ward was re-^lact*d unanimously. Other officers lor yoM are OUle Wi^n, — . sidoit; Mrs. NelUe Hunter, ttanclal secretary and treasurer; 1, vlce-pi^ Hunter, fl- (aoatlaned oa page I) Civic Group Sets Honors ForU.S. Envoy To India n of thg ttTTJe l%e Durham Business and Professional Chain and Its auxiliary, the Housewives' lea gue, announced plans this week to honor Asa T. Spaulding, re cently returned from India as a UNESCO representative, and the man of the year lelection of the two organizations. Spaulding and tlie num of year were scheduled guests of honor at a , dinner on Thursday night at the W. D. Hill Recreation center. E^ich year, the two groups sponsor what they call a "New Year’s Festivai,” at which time) an individual is singled out to receive the man of the year award. SiMulding was scheduled to receive a life membership In the Chain at Thursday’s a^ir. A preientatton was to be made td tiw man of the ytar selection. Participants in the ceremo« nles were to be R. N. Harris, who was to introduce Spauld-* log, 1^. B. White, retiring ^Chaltt president was to prea«>t the life mombership, and Mlse Sara Dotson, Housewives’ Lea gue president who was to make the presentation to th* num of the y«ur. S^uldlng was a matnb«r ot the United States ddegatton to the UNESCO world conference which ooncluded tn Now Dirthi, India m Dee. 8. H* Is also «lce- Durham Unit Of College Fund Donates, $2,J00, Names Officers A contribution of $2,700 to the United Negro College Fund and the election of .new officers climaxed the activities of the Durham, Inter->Alumiii Council this week. N. B. White, local business man and president of tite Coun cil, also acted as chainnan ot the drive during 1955-50. J. H. Wiweler, president of the MechanlM and Farmers Bank, was coordinator. White was re-elected presi-, dent of the CounciL And H. M. Holmas, principal of HlUsld* High &hool, was named vice president and campaign chair man for 1887, , Also elected to offices In the Council were Mrs. Mayme H. Perry, secretart; Mrs. Auldrey Hubbard, assistant secretary; I. O. Punderburg, treasure; and H. a, Dawson, publicity direc tor. Um 19U-58 campa^ was oonducted thipughout' Ditrham and vleinlty among graduate* and Mends Kegro ct^leges, IMoat of ttie SI coll^tei which mak* up th* United Negro Col lege Fund wganlatfam are re presented In the Durham Islar Alumni Cotmcll. Representatives in the Ooua- cil and their colleges ^cluda: W. J. Walker, Jr., Atlanta Uni. venity; L. T. Walker, Benedlet College; Mrs. Auldrqr Htdabttd, and Mrs. Mayme H. Perry, Ben nett College; Dr. R, E. Dawson, Clark Colley; Air. and Mn. U. P. Porter, Dillard Unlvendty; Mrs. L. V, Merrick, Fisk Univ.; N. B. White, Hampton Institute; ^ Mrs. WlUa Lewis, Houston-fil-i loston CoU^; Ih-. C. & Boul- were, Jrfmson C. Smith Univer sity; Dr. Ezra Tottm, XnoxWtt*-: College. ' V Also Dr. Vf. E. f^rrlson and -'" H. G. Da«raon Jr., Lincoln Unl- verslty; Mrs. Marjoiie Bimme, LtitfqrQe Colhm*; I. O. PundOM burg and J. H, Wbe^, ; house College; John Gattia aaS; Robert Lewis, Mbnrls Coileg*; Dr. and MM. C. S. King, Paine CoUage; Mr. aaA Mn. Jease Soatoo, St. tlno’s College; Mrs. IMiy Moore. Wm. Puller, (Uiaw W. A. daauat. !M]adl»i‘«•»> lege; C. 1. Stanbaek Epuna Baaddlph. stitute, and R. M. glnla Uaion UahmM^,

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