PAGE TWO THE CAEOLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1957 THE LETHARGY OF IHE DURHAM COMMUIS ON NEGRO AFFAIRS “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sun shine pabrlot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserved the lovie and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, b not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: ’tls dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange in deed, if so celestial an article as FREE DOM should not be highly rated.” —THOMAS PAINE This editorial is one of those that has to be written. It has to be written whatever the price that must be paid or whatever the con- quences. It lias to be written because this newspape^ senses a stagnation that is be ginning to creep over the Durham Commit tee on Negro Affairs which, if allowed to continue, is certain to spell its doom. For the past several years we have doggedly fought off the notion that has persisted in a whispering campaign here that the Durham Committee on Negro Affairs is beconting too high-brow, too soft and too compromising in its approach to certain problems that seriously affect the very future and lives of the people for whom it is supposed to exist. We have also paid little or no attention or attached little significance to the whisper ing campaign that has been going on for the past several months that the chairman of the Committee on Negro Affairs gets his orders from the chairman of the Democratic Party of Durham County. A whispering campaign at its best is most undesirable in a situation such as now faces the Negro citizenry of Durham. We must confess, however, that we are getting restless at the manner in which the Committee has been dragging its feet here-of-late on such mat ters as waging a determined campaign to open up new avenues of employment for Negroes in Durham, the drawing up of a constitution and by-laws for the organi zation—awaited for two long years—the promotion of integration in the public of municipally owned theaters and the muni cipally owned Durham Athletic Park. ^ a result of the Committee’s feet- dragging, Negro leaders in cities of Raleigh Charlotte and Greensboro have forged ahead of those in Durham and are making forthright efforts to secure equal opporuni- ties for the race. In Charlotte a total of 34 Negroes have filed applications for ad mission .to all-white schools; in Raleigh a Negro student is seeking admission to the all-white Needham Broughton High School, and in. Greensboro Negroes have a case pending in court against the city for deny ing them the use of a municipally owned golf course, plus the fact that they are wag ing a persistent fight against segregated theaters of that city. In Durham not one move has been made in either direction, except the little skirmish that took place at the Durham Athletic Park the opening night of the baseball season, which albeit was not originated ofiflcially by the Committee. Apparently the Durham Ministerial Al liance has fallen in line with the lethargy of the Durham Committee on Negro Affairs, -and is dragging its feet on these same vital and important questions in an apparent ef fort to conform with the do nothing policy of the Committee. The old guard of the Alliance appears to have smothered efforts of the younger and progressive members to push the segregation question to the front Thus the two most influential organizations among Negroes of the city have become practically “dead ducks” on the all-import ant question of civil rights. There comes a time in the life of an or ganization when it needs new blood, new faces and some new ideas. There comes time when those who have been in control too long become satisfied to rest on their oars and boast of their past achievements. That is the darkest hour of any organization and in that hour a major operation may be the only hope for its salvation. Certainly, this is no hour to be at ease but an hour for positive action. The struggle for freedom and human dignity for all must go on. If must 'not be sacrificed on the altar of greed and power merely to obtain a few crumbs for the few. What we do now will determine the destiny of thousands who come after us. God forbid that we falter or recoil from per forming our solemn duty. WE WILL REMEMBER THE STATE jENATEOfl95? TRIAL BY JURY (EDITOR’S NOTE: The statement below is an editorial comment by the Journal — Every Evening publish^ in Wilmington, Delaware, on the controversial question, TRIAL BY JURY, now spotlighted by the CivU Bights issue before Congress. The e^torial appeared Saturday, June 1.) The right of an accuied per son 1« a basic American right. So is the right to vote. Good liberals and good conservative uphold both. But in Congress some of them may be confused when Southerners tell them they must not pass a civil rights law protecting the right to vote because that law would take away the right to trial by jury. It is a false issue. The pro posed legislation says that offi cials who try to keep people from registering and voting may be enjoined to stop the process by a federal court. And if they disobey the court, they may be seqtenced for contempt. Now whether a man has obeyed clear court order is a matter of fact, easily established. No Jury is needed to protect his rights t>ecause they aren’t in danger. Obviously, if he obeys the court, the court is not going to punish him for disot>eying. This principle ,is so well es tablished that it has hardly been brought into question un til now. In matters far less inv portant to us all than the right to vote, judges issue injunctions and punish defiance of them, all without the help of juries. Some of the very states which profess to be concerned over the right to vote have passed laws for bidding the NAACP to engage in activities such as assembly and propaganda, which are con stitutional rights. NAACP offi cials who engage in such activi ties are subject to injunction and to pimidmiept without tri al by jivy if they disobey. The reason southern con gressmen are insisting m trial by jury of persons charged with violating civil rights injunc tions is that they expect south ern juries to acquit guilty offi cials in disregard of the facts. If you think they wouldn’t do just that, you haven’t read about what happened this week in Montgomery, Ala. A jury the^e acquitted two young White men charged with bombing four churches, a Ne gro taxi stand, two ministers’ homes, and other houses. Were they guilty? Their lawyer talk ed as if he thought they were. The lawyer said their acquit tal would give encouragement to every’' white man, woman, and child in the South wlio wanted to preserve “our sacred traditions” of segregation. He said a verdict setting them fre« would "go down in Ustory as saying to the Negroes that ‘You shall not pass.’ ” Clearly, an ac' quittal could not have such ef fects if the accused were inno' cent. The right of trial by jury is basic. It is not threatened by long- established Injunction practices. But it is grossly per verted wherever juries acquit men they Icnow to be guilty. If the civil rights law is amended to permit — and encoiurage — such perversions, the right to a jury trial will not be strength' cned but weakened. Life For The Teen-Ager Becomes Bright With New Interests In striking down the bills aimed at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People the senate of the 1957 General Assembly of North Carolina jper- formed its most important duty. Of the bill which would require the NAACP to dis close its officers and financial contributors. Senator J. Spencer Bell said, it is “illcon- ceived and illadvised.” Of its campaign bill aimed at lawyers involved in racial litigations, the offense being defined as barratry. Senator Bell sai(^ “This is the lit tle brother of the earlier bill. It is no bet ter planned, no better worked out and no better conceived than its older brother.” Said he further it would “wipe out the com mon law offense of barratry,” which he said, “is good enough.” Negro leaders of the state are no doubt very grateful to the Senate for its action and will watch with keen interest the future political aspirations of those who took the lead in striking down the pernicious legisla tion. Although authors of the bill attempt ed to cover up their intentions by including brgantuTibtis that &TCT for segregation it was the consensus of opinion that they were aiming solely at the NAACP. Senator Bell and his auociates who led the fight have saved the state from being involved in much litigation as well as both the state and its Negro citizens the expendi ture of much money, which always results when such cases are brought. With the same alertness Negro leaders will watch those legislators who led the fight against the legislation they will watch those who were for it. If we forget them may our “right hand forget her cunning” and “may our tongue cleave to the roof bf our mouths.” EVERY NEGRO MAN AND WOMAN MUST REGISTER AND VOTE! THE WHITE BABY PLAN, BY HARRY GOLDW Harry Golden, writing in the Carolina Israel, has come up with a most unique plan for Negro citizens to circumvent segrega tion in theaters, parlis, bezels, trains, buses and elsewhere. It will be recalled that Golden proposed several months ago the standup desk plan for schools since white people gen erally do not mind standing up with Ne groes on buses, elevators, in stores, and other places. Now Golden proposes what he calls “The White Baby Plan To End Segre gation.” Said he, “Some months ago there was a revival of the Lawrence Oliver movie, Hamlet, and several Ne gro school teachers wanted to see it. One Saturday afternoon they asked some white friends to loan them two of their little children, a 3-year-oId girl, and a 6-year-old boy, and holding these white children by the hands, they obtained tickets from the movie house cashier without a moment’s hesitation. They were in like Flynn. This would also solve the babysitting problem for thousands and thousands of “whit^’ working mothers. There can be mutual exchange of references, then the people can sort of pool their children at a central point in each neighborhood, rnd every time a Negro wants to go to the movies all she need to do is pick up a white child—and go. Eventually the Negro community can set up a factory and manufacture white babies made of plastic, and when they want to go to the opera or to a concert, all they need do is carry that plastic doll in their arms. The dolls of course should all have blond curls and blue eyes, which would go even further; it would give the Negro woman and her husband priority over the “whites” for the very best seats in the house. We think Mr. Golden has something there and we would like to propose immediately a stock company with shares selling at $100 each for the establishment of the factory be fore the baby-lending plan begins to run a shortage. Southern white people are simple minded about this question of segregation and should they doubt the reaUty of the plastic white dolls a small water tank could be installed in each of them with a secret push button known only to the Negro ac companying the doll. Should any “smart alec” cop or other white person grab one to examine it, the doll could do the “wee wee” act which would result in its being quickly handed back to its Negro owner for diaper attention. ’This would inflate the ego of the southern white who feels that changing i ,baby is strictly the responsibility of its Ne gro nurse. Yes sir Mr. Golden we are in for it. Let’s start the factory and get it run ning before the North Carolina General As sembly meets again. What fun to be a teen-ager! Life is suddenly a bright ball of new interests with ao much happening that there hardly are enough hoars in the day for everything. Yesterday, the youngster ^ho never combed his hair, is now quite careful about appearance, for he has discovered girls. And—girls have discovered that they are girls, too. Good grooming and care of sicin, eyes, and teeth may go on for end less hours and, doctors a^ee, it’s a good thing. One of the most Important adjuncts to general he^th is checlc-up on vision to sm 11 eye sight is normal, or if giuses are needed. Even if glasses are not need ed, eyestrain can result from improper reading iiabits. This is the age when most teen-agers begin to d» 4»or« reading- than ever before. Reading can go on for hours, and if it isn't done under proper lighting condi tions, tired eyes are the result. To male sure good reading habits are observed in your home, establish these rules rec ommended by resa^rchers for the Murine Company. 1. Teen-agers go in for “fads” in lighting. Sometimes they lilte to study by the tiny light of a small desic lamp in an al most totally darlc room. This is completely wrong. General over-all illumination is best. Reading in a darkened room on ly serves to bring on eye fatigue that can cause teen-agers to be come tired and irritable. 2. It is best that young eyes are not facing a window when they read. Sun-glare bounces off the window and onto the page, then into the vision of the reader. So malce sure all light ing comes from the proper di rection. 3. Avoid shadows. Adequate light should be placed at an ap proximate distance of 20 inches away from the page, to avoid any furtive squint or strain to adolescent sight, say Murine' re searchers. 4. A reading lamp should cqn- tain a bright enough bulb to l>anish shadows without induc ing glare. A 100 watt bulb is considered ideal. 5. Also, make certain you rest your eyes from time to time. Placing one or two drops of eye lotion in each eye refreshes tlT' ed eyes. Practice moderation in reading or in attending motion pictures. Staring off into the di4^ce for fit short while if- a fine way of resting one’s eyes. 6. Follow a proper, well-bal anced diet and get plenty of sleep. Sleep is vital at this peri' od of life and will help to keep eyes healthy, bodies fit, and iiUfida alert for all the ful things that go on daily in the exciting life of a teen-ager. D NAACP lego! Dafanta-Educationo! Fu.~>J Inc. 107 W.43rd Street Hew York 36.N.Y. “WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE IN NOW, MOM?” Spmtual Insigkt “DANGERS OF FALSE FLATTERY” By REVEREND HAROLD ROLAND PastoTf Mount Gilead Baptist Church Graduates Get Fellowships NEW YORK Fiorina Lasker Fellowslilps have been awarded to three 1957 honor graduates of United Negro College Fund manber institutions, W. J. 'Trent, Jr., Fund executive director, an nounced today. Barbara L. Hill, a graduate of Bishop College, Marshall, Tex.; Donna M. Wood, of Knox ville College, Knoxville, Tenn.; and Dorothy E. Watkins, of Tuskegee Institute, Ala., have been awarded stipends to help finance their first year of study in graduate schools of their choice. HERE'S HEALTH! By Lewis CHERRIES GEORGE WA0MIN6TON ANPTHECHERPy TRSE, am OFT-TOLP HItrORICAL TALE ANP CHERRY PIE, A FAVORITE PEiSERT.AV TWUr AMERICAN TMDITlONt CHERRV lULArtP BOWIItn PONTA0RU WNCTHCR SOM SffiCIM ME CMIWISftOR PLUMS CHCMitn ARE mcm mut OLPHrnuirs. PtnMyt MSN (OUNO IN Pm-NllnXM CMWf PIVCUINM A FAV>AITE TRtAT SCTSN OUT Of HMP. VMMra£ CMEIMEt LENO OLAMOMt ID UMM Of DCMERnL nWY CM M uttp IN rAffn,ou«c jaUga.IMM.PMICNVM.IU _* CMAMlWOSAUCa • Woe to you when all men speak well of'you ...” Luiie 6:26. False flatteries are dangerous pitfalls to human beings. They lull us into the peaceful slum ber of a false complacency. And complacency carries great spir itual and moral dangers. The dangerous sleep of conQ>lacency causes us to lose our alertness and awareness amid the many dangers ol this life’s journey. We should all leam the great truth taught by the life ol Je sus: IT IS DIFFICULT TO PLBABE EVERVBODY. Yte can 'jtry to treat everybody right. But it is Impossible to please everylx>dy. Thwe is something in us human beings that makes us easy victims of the sugar-coated, sweet little is this true? There is a deep hunger in us for the good will and recognition of men. Thus Jesus is right again. . . “Woe to you when all men speak well of you. . . ” Tl*e honey-coated words of human flattery puts us to sleep. They lull us into a false and dangerous sleep. Flattery is one of the devil’s greatest weapons. He came with flattering words to Jesus in the temptations but Jesus told him . . . "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN ...” Ma ny have been led to ruin by his sweet words of flattery. Many have lost their integrity and their homes because they were put to sleep by. false flattery. Flattery slurs over our weak ness and imperfections and thiis it hinders true spiritual growth. False flattery is a drug tiiat induces the pitfalls of spir itual and moral complacency. The wise human being di- cerns between the honest com pliment and false flatteries. let us not fool oursebTea. This is a hard job for us. We all need honest compliments and encouragement. That word” of encouragement may mean the difference t>etween success and failure. A Job well done amid trial, struggle and sacrifice calls for a word of encouragement. An honest word of encourage ment is a token ol gratitude and appreciation. We must be alert to guard against the spiritual and moral dangers of false flat tery. Can we go the way of God’s will and please all men. No! No man in history has been able to achieve this thing. Not even the sinless Son of God. You know what happoted to iiim — He died on the cross. The Man who follows Ood’s will cuts across the grain ol hu man sin and seUlahness. Thus he can be right but he. cannot please all men. The human be ing who would please all men must of necessity lose his integ rity and his soul. fieware,. leal, you be drugged by false flatteries into a danger ous sleep of complacency . . . “WOE TO YOU WHEN ALL MEN SPEAK WELL Of YOU. . ” By Rmbgrt Spivaek Watch on the ' Poto] ANYTHING FOR A PAL — Rol>ert B. Anderson, the new Secretary of the Treasury-to- be, is In hot water even before taking office. It’s all because he tried to help out a fellow-Tex- an. The man-in-need turned out to be Sid Richardson, the mul ti-millionaire Texas oilman, one of the richest men in America, with a^net worth estinwted at $900,000,000. Richardson was hopping mad because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers want ed to acquire full title and rights to some 1,207 acres ol land Richardson owned at a flood control project_near Fort Worth. Money wasn’t the issue. He was willing to let the govern ment have the land under an “easement rii^ts” arrangement lor $1. The Engineers ollered to buy it outright for $162,000. What Richardson objected to was letting commonlolk cross his land to fish at the Benbrook reservoir or hunt in the vicinity of his property or simply picnic around the place. He wanted and got the reservoir as a “pri vate lake”. All this .information "was brought out at hearings of a House Government Operations subcommittee, headed by Rep. Earl Chudoff of Philadelphia. Chudoff apparently didn’t real ize what a powiirful man Rich ardson is supposed to 1)0—or he wasn’t impressed. Anyhow he is one of the few men in Con gress who dared to tackle the oil tycoon. What Chudoff discovered was tliat Richardson, never one to deal with underlings, toek the case all the way up to the wiilte House and made a “personal complaint” to the President. The President personally in tervened, ordered an investiga tion and eventually the Corps of Engineers had to reverse its land acquisition policy. It agreed to take land extending only 300 feet from the “private lake” shoreline. But this didn’t satisfy Richardson entirely, and the matter is now lingering in a Federal Court. Anderson’s role is a bit mys terious. The Army Corps of Engineers was not under his Jurisdiction, while he was Deputy Secretary of the Defense. By statute it was under the Secretary of the Army, who was then Robert T. Stevens. He was going along with Richardson, too, in his own leisurely manner. This apparently was not quick enough for Anderson who stepped in'and,- in effect, su perseded Stevens. •••••••• PUT IT UP TO IKE—Ander son, according to the former Deputy Chief of Engineers, Maj. Gen. Bernard L. Robinson, Continued on Page 7 CAROLINA TIMES MAIN OFFICE — 4SI EAST PETTIGB^ StKBET rfwam KK71 and M»H — Durham, North FiidbHshied At Durham, NortH CtOrolina Every Saturdau Bv THE UNFTED PUBLISHERS, lie. Entered a$ tetond ckut matter at the Pott Office at Durham, North Carolina m der the Act of March 3,1879. L. E. AUSTIN, Publisher CLATHAN ROSS. Editor JESSE GRAY, Adverting Um. M. E. JOHNSON, Controller WIRSTON-SALEM OFnCE — M4 N. GHUBCH ST PHONE 5-fMt Mbs. Dosotht M. Robinson, Managbb SUBSCRIPTION RATES »*••• Om Tmt Ten Cwito Stngk Copy ^ sfat Moathi Foreign CowfriM.