Potomac Continued from Page 2 went with him to The White Houae to talk over the Richard son ca«e. ‘‘We had a meeting wibi him (Anderson),” Robinson told the Chudoff committee, “in which he informed me he was person ally opposed to two features of the new land acquisition poli cy.” CHudoff then produced a doc ument drawn up by Richard son’s lawyers which happened to coincide almost word-for- word with the views expressed by Anderson. After pointing this out he also asked the-wit ness if he had ever raised the point about Anderson’s inter vention in the case. Robinson said he was "in no position” to raise questions about Anderson’s role. Robin son carried the fight for the corps on- his own. Later when a new Chief of Engineers was appointed, Robinson was in line for the Job, but he was passed over. MONTGOMERY’S “MAD BOMBERS”—Some of the Dix ie demagogues wish that Mont gomery, Ala. bombing case hadn’t come to trial just yet. The men charged with bombing the home of the Rev. Martin Luther King and other anti-seg regationists were just acquitted after a jury trial. Roy Wilkins, executive director of the NAA- CP, sees the results as proof that no one accused of injuring Negroes will be convicted if brought before most Southern white juries. ^ Wilkins has used the Mont gomery case quite effectively in trying to persuade congress men to oppose the so-called ‘tri al by jury” amendment to the civil rights bill. President Ei senhower, incidentally, thinki the jury amendment would pro duce “anarchy” in contempt of court proceedings. Four To Attend Peace Meeting In Miami, Fla. CHAPEL HILL Mrs. Robert Davis of Chapel Hill, Mrs. J. Neal Hughley, Mrs. Albert L. Turner, and Mrs. John H. Wheeler of Durham will be delegates to the annual meeting of the Women’s Inter national League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section, in Miami, Fla., June 9-13, ac cording to Mrs. Charlotte Ad ams, president of the Chapel Hlll-Durham Branch of WILPF. “Non Violent-Paths to Peace” is the thenie of the 1MS57 ses sion which is meeting at the Hotel DiLldo in Miami. Dele gates and observers are expect ed from all States and several foreign countries. • The WILPF, with national headquarters in Philadelphia, and a legislative office in Wash ington, and accredited to the United Nations as a non-gov ernmental organization, is cele brating its 42nd anniversary this year. It is one of the oldest peace organizations in the world. Among its sponsors are Marian Anderson, Pearl Buck, Henry J. Cadbury, Frank Graham, Clarence Pickett, Vijaya Pan dit, and Gilbert White. The only two American wom en who have won the Nobel Peace Award are the co-found ers of the League — Jane Ad- dajns and Emily Green Balch. WILLIAM Mrt, Rose D. Aggrey, presi dent of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, officiated at the 48th meeting of the organiza tion last weekend. The SFWC reaffirmed its support of wel fare measures designed to im prove the lot of the economical ly and socially disadvantaged people in the state’s population. Mrs. Turner is legislative-sec- retary elect of the organization and Mrs. Hughley is vice-presi dent elect. Student Council Elects Officers For The Year In an election held recently at the Little River High School, the persons listed below were named as officers of the Stu dent Council; President, Gloria Thompson; Vice-President, Bobbie Bullock; Treasurer, Doris Dunnegan; Secretary, Josephine Holeman; Assistant Secretary, Hattie Par rish; Parliamentarian, Samuel Evans. The executive committee will meet during the summer to draw up plans for the school year 1957-58. The council ad visor is Mr. Erwin Johnson. M PROOF tYUMIOlt riNT BLENDED WHISKEY 4/SQUARt qOODERHAM WQRTS. LTD.. PEORIA. ILL. pENN ^38B I (ik WQVd tU Civil Riyiits ' ! AIAHLP Joint Sessions Of Baptist Bodies Set For Lillington July 16-17 The eighteenth annual session of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Lillington, Ju- School Convention and the twenty-sixth annual session of the New Hope B.T.U. Conven tion will be held with the First Baptist Church, Lillington, Ju ly 10 and 17. Rev. J. H. Reece, pastor, will be the host minister. On Tuesday at 10:00 A. M., the opening session of the joint session meet begins with devo tions, the welcome address by the host minister and response. Reports, appointments of com mittees, business and election of officers will follow. During this afternoon sessiqn, beginning at 2:00 o’clock, a panel discussion, “Christian Ed ucation fft Shaw”, will be held. Taking part will be Rev. James Stewart, Rev. Lowery Reid, Rev. T. R. Cole and Mrs. Hettie Jones, with Mrs. A. T. Filmore acting as moderator. A sermon to be preached by the Rev. C. C. Lawrence is slat ed to follow the discussion. At 7:30 P. 1«., the program will feature an oratorical con test, Dramatics with Mrs. J. B. McLester in charge, and a ser mon by Dr. William H. Fuller, pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The Wednesday morning ses sion will feature the Training Union . ClirUcr involving as par ticipants Mrs. Pecolia Hogan, Mrs. G. W. Herndon, Mrs. Geor gia Barbee and Mrs. J. B. Mc Lester. At 2:00 P.M., the Superin tendent’s Hour will be held with G. Herndon in charge, with suggestions by the presi dent. At 7:30 the final session of the meet will be held during which will be heard final re ports and a sermon by Dr. E. T. Browne, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Durham Births From June 3 Through June 8 The following births were re ported to the Durham City and County Health Department dur ing the week of June 3 through 8, 1957: Abron and Cassie Carr, girl. Tmomas and JAaty Lawrence, girl. GiU^rt and DeLorls Sin gleton, boy. Joseph and Laura Pierce, girl. Joseph and Lou Bames, boy. Glenard and Zella Williams, girl. Preston and Ber tha Covington, boy. Samuel and Shirley Bom, girl. Isaac and Be atrice Pettiford, girl. Lester and Janice Miller, girl. John and Shirley Daniels, boy. Girl Scout Day Camp Will Open On June 25 Camp Scarborough, Bright Leaf Girl Scout Council Day Camp off Fayetteville Road, will open on Tuesday, June 25. The session will end July 5. One two - week session is planned for the girls of ages 7-14. The session runs from Tuesday through Friday on each of the two weeks. Mrs.. Jessie L. Pearson, director of district IV of the Bright Loaf Council, will be Camp Direalor. Registrations are being ac cepted at the Girl Scout office, Box 353, Uurhani. The Camp program includes an hour of swimming, crafts, nature, singing, dancing and hiking. Lincoln Hospital will give free health check-ups for camp ers on Wednesday, June 12, and again ofi the 19th at 1:30 at the clinic. Other staff members are unit leaders; Mrs. Endeil Stewart^ Mrs. Leanna Jones, Miss Doris Jon^s; assistant unit leaders, Misses Marsha Goodwin, Betty Jo Goodloe and Joyce Smith. Dr., D. B. Cooke. J. M. Schooler and Mrs. Grace M. Harris will assist with the Day Camp training in Woodcraft, Nature and Art. SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 19&7 THE CAROLINA TIMES PAGE SEVEN Miss Mihnie Hedgepeth, cooks; Mr. Hugh Perry, handyman; Mr. Eddie Cothran, waterfront dirpclor; Miss Jackie Womble, and Miss Pam Perry, waterfront assistants; Miss Anne Hall. Miss Betty Ann Raper, Miss Julia George, and Miss Mlml Devine, unit leaders; and Miss Beth Kent, »Miss Louise Ellis, Miss Earlene Poole, Miss Mary 'Crow, Miss Anne Marie Carlyle, Miss Sue Sandlin, and Mias Anne Hood, assistant unit coun selors. Camp program Includes swim ming, boating, canoeing, crafts, nature, campcraft, archery, singing, folk dancing, dramat ics, hiking, and many other group activities. Day Camps under the auspic es of the Bright 'Leaf Council are Camp Williamson, Durhanti' June 25 — July 19, directed by Mrs. A. E. Palmer — no va cancies; Camp Scarborough, Durham, June 25 — July 5, di rected by Mrs. Jessie Pearson, still- has vacancies; Oakrldge Day Camp, Chapel Hill, June 3 —June 14, directed by^ Mrs. Nannie Leonard: Henderson day Camp, Henderson, July 16 —July 25, directed by Mrs. Vir ginia Kelly, no vacancies; and Oxford Day Camp, Oxford, June 24—July 5, directed by Mrs. Helen Rose Duffy, has va cancies. Girl Scout Camp Sycamore Set Camp Sycamore, the estab lished camp operated by the Bright Leaf Girl Scout Council of N. C. Inc., will open June 27 and continue through July 24. There will be two two-week sessions for girls 7-14 years of age. The first session is filled except for several vacancies for junior high school girls, and there are vacancies for all ages in. the second session which starts on July 11. Registrations are being accepted In the GJrl Scout Office, Box 353, Durham. Camp Sycamore is located in Wm. B. Umstead State Park be tween Durham and Halelgh. Miss Virginia Suiter, Executive Director of the Bright Leaf Girl Scout Council, will be the Di rector of the camp. Other staff members are Miss Barbara Pean, Program Director; Miss Searle Rowland, Crafts Direc tor; Mrs. James D. Rogers, Nurse; Mrs.'-H. R. Johnson, di etitian; Mrs. Annie Odom and SPECIAL! 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