PAGE FOUR THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1957 Durham Society Notes All News For This Page Must B« Submitted Before Ten A. M. Mondajr Of Each Week MRS. E. W. BUTLER, Editor 406 Brant Street — Phone 3-8735 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mrs. Mable Powell—Pearsontown—Phone 2*1922 Mbs M. L. Stephens—West Durham—Phone 7-4164 Mrs. N. J. Curry—West End—Phone 7-8862 Miss Rachel Nunn—Ulclutown The Youth Wants to Know Club gave a splash party and picnic at the Hillside Park swlnuning pool last Thursday from 7:U0—9:00 p. m. | The girls and boys came in groups bringing their lunch ^ basKets and were accompanied by 4U or more parents. | They enjoyed swimming lirst, alter which they retired to the picnic reservaUon whert^ uey ate and dranlc cold sodas. bome oi their club member^ who had gone to camps, missed the ailair. The party was held under the direction ol Mrs. Bessie Whlt- ted, the club president, and Mrs. Bess Johnson. Mrs. Namie Ruth Burnette Smith and children, Patricia, Oayie and Lauretta Ann Smith, 01 Denver, Col., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Laura But7 nette, t’ayettevlUe Street. Mrs. Smith and her girls were en tertained at dinner by Mrs. Plassie Harris. While here, Mrs. Smith was shown many favors by her friends. Mrs. A. A. Hawk of Miami, Fla. and sons, William an4 John, are visiting her sister, Mrs. C. K. Brown, 404 Liawsoq itreet. They will stop enroute iiome to visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. U. M. Trapp ol Gaines" vilie, Fla. She reports a very pleasant stay in Durham. Mrs. Margarette Lanier and daughter are visiting here with Attorney and Mrs. Thompson, her sister. RETURN TO NEW YORK Mrs. Lucille M. Clark, Mrs. i Carrie M. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie A. Manley have re-i turned to New York City alter a ten-day stay here with rela tives and friends. While bare, they attended the ManWf-Branch annual family reunion in Henderson. They al so visited in Louisburg and Warren ton. While here in Durham, they were shown many courtesies. Mrs. Margarette Little and children, Andrew, John, Rawls, !d(i and Debl^ gave a^birth-> day dinner honoring Theodore) Little at 307 Gray Street. Only members of the family were In vited. The dining room was a scene of beauty with the many flowers and the beautiful linen table cloth. Mr. Little was hap pily surprised' with the numer ous gilts presented him. THE WHITTED REUNION CELEBRATES THEIR ANNUAL PICNIC The Whltted family reunion was held Sunday, July 20, with Mr. and Mrs. George Mayo, who recently moved into their beautiful brick home. (The yard is filled with lovely shade trees and flowers.) There was plenty of food, ice water and lemon ade for the occasion. Norfleet Whitted was there with his loud speaker and pic ture machine making pictures. Many pictures were made—lor there were Whitteds from all parts ol the State and else where. Members present were Mr. and Mrs. Norlleet Whitted and lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Spaulding, Mrs. Ruth Spaulding Boyd and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ir vin Whitted, Mrs. Evelyn Whit ted Rogers, Mr. Arthur Whit ted, Mrs. Hattie E. Mayo, Mrs. Henderson ‘S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blount. Also Mr. and Mrs. Bemlc4 Satterlield, Mr. and Mrs. Mi chel Whitted, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter ol Mebane, Mr. Joe Whitted, Mr. and Mrs, James Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Pear son ol Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Russell, Mr. and )Irf. Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Whlt> ted. Rev. Anderson Whitted and daughter Georgia, a gradu ate of N. C. College, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall, Mrs. Bee be George of Durham and daugh ter Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Gai ther Collins of Hillsboro, for mer Durhamltes, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Max^.' Guests present were Mrs. Ef- fie Cotton, Mrs. Maggie Len- non, E. W. Butler, Mrs. Brodia Tutt, Mrs. Emma Cotton, Mrs. Edna Chavis and children, and Iris Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Simmons of Kentucky and others. The next reunion will be held the 4th Sunday in July of next year at ^’the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Long. The Year Round Garden Club met Monday, July 15, on the beautiful lawn of the residence of Mrs. Fred Henderson locat ed on South Alston Avenue. Mrs. Annie Mayo opened the meeting with the club song and the Lord’s Prayer. The presi dent, Mrs. Lillie Farrington, presided over the meeting. Fred Henderson introduced the laest speakerrB. ^VAUisoB who gave an Interesting and ■ informi ative talk on the species of or- chids growing Jn the United States, optimum conditions for their growth, care and arrange ment. The beautiful pictures shown were stimulating to all. Mrs. Henderson’s guests were: F. B. Allison, Mesdames, Minnie Turner, Zola Womble, Lyda" Wraye and Miss Mary Bane. . The lollowlng members were present: Mesdames Alma Ben-> nett, Carrie Burch, Allle Dick, Lillie Farrington, Madge Har graves, Maggie Kennedy, Katie Love, Gertrude Long, Annie Mayo, Hattie Meadows, Mary Raye, Roxle Rowland, Rosq Suitt, Marie Speigner, Eugenia Simmons, Flossie Torlan and Maggie Walton. The hostess served a relresh- ing repast. Assisting her wera Mrs. Inez Suitt Jones and Mrs. Margaret Steward. Mrs. Alma Bennett thanked the hostess lor her hospitality. Reunion Held By Brancli And Manley Families The Manley and Branch fam ilies held their annual family reunion on July 14 at the home) of Mrs. Lessie B. Hodge In Hen derson. The Manleys and many of their friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Smith on Nelson St. here at 11:00 a. ,m. From this point a ten-car motorcade transported them to Henderson, where they met more than two hundred other relatives and friends. The activities for the day be gan with greetings. The groups then assembled on the lawn for a half hour program. Introduc tions were made, after which dinner was served in the old southern style. Following din ner, pictures were made of the group. Everyone enjoyed S( wonderful day. Members of the Manley fami ly attending were Mrs. Lucille^ M. Clark, Mrs. Carrie M. Jondl, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie A. Manley, all of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Man-^ jley, all of Durham. Members of the Branch fenv- ily attending were Mrs. Clara B. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, N Branch of New York City; Mr. Clellie B. Davis, Mrs. Elno- ra B. Massenburg of Washing•^ ton, D. C., Mrs. Lessie B. Hodge, Mrs. Mable Williams'and fami ly of Henderson,'Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Turner and family, Mrs. Emily A. Branch of Warrenton, Mrs. Lessie B. Williams and family of Norfolk, Va. MEN & WOMEN DOES UP TO $320.00 OR MORE ADDITIONAL INCOME EACH MONTH APPEAL TO YOU? Truly fabulous opportunity to enter the multl-mllUon dollar a year time tested and proven Ball Point Pen Industry. You will join our present distributors in over 17 States in handling our equivalent to the lamous PAPER-MATE PEN WITH PIGGY BACK REFILL, the most advertised pen In the world today. Sold exclusively through our beautllul and completely New automatic merchandise dispensers. This is not a get-rich- qulck business. However, a stead monthly income awaits those who qualify. You must have $1^399.00 cash available—age no handicap. No selling involved. Business is set up for you com pletely. Fully explained in personal interview with Company Representative. Write, Include your phone number. TWIN POINT PEN COMPANY 403 North Jackson — University City 5, Mo. Mrs. Gladys McKlnnle and the Jordon family would like to thank their many friends for the kindnesses shown them dur ing the illness and death of their mother and wife, Mrs. Norma Jordon. Barbecue Barbecue Pit Cooked FARIBAULT'S DRIVE IN Grade A Parties Our Specialty PHONE 4984 Located on Eno Rivier Bridge on Highway 70-A HILLSBORO, N. C, Mrs. Lamer J. McCall, wM before her marriage on Satur day, June 29 to Lamer Jules McCall Jr„ wat Miss Yvonne Wlllette Parker. The ceremony took place at the First Baptist Church of High Point, home of the bride. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pari ker. High Point Wedding Ceremony Unites Miss Parker, L. J. McCall Miss Yvonne Wlllette Parker and Lanzer Jule McCall Jr., were united in marriage in an Impressive ceremony at the First Baptist Church on Satur day, June 29, at 5:30 p. m. llie Rev. W. F. Elliott, pastor of the church, officiated In the double ring ceremony. The church was beautifully decorated with a background of palms and fern, and white gla dioli, white potted chrysanthe mums, and white lilies, and an unusual arrangement of candel abra holding cathedral tapers. Clyde Parker and Miss Reba Gripper furnished the nuptial music. Mr. Parker presided at the organ while Miss Gripper sang, “Calm as the Night" and “The Lord’s ?irayer.'’ THe tra- dlUonal wedding marches were* used. Ushers were William Parker, a brother of the bride; John Peel, Carl BeU, and Vicki Thornton of Durham. Brides maids were Mrs. Patricia Hampton, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Lillian Martin ol. High Point; Miss Jo Anne Dickerson, Charleston, W. Va.; and Miss Beverly Wright of Durham. Miss Elaine Parker, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids and maid of honor wore identical dresses of pink chiffon over net and taf feta with a contrasting shade of fuchsia and matching accesso ries. The bridesmaids carried cascade bouquets of rubrum li lies and American Beauty rosea with red streamers. The maid “A FRIENDLY CHURCH" WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH WHITE ROCK SQUARE Miles Mark Fisher, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1957 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "FOE OF FALSE GODS" Judges 6:25-32. Prof. J. M. Schooler, Supt. 11 :G0 A. M.—"When Vzziah Died" Thi Pastor BAPTISM Senior Choir, Mrs. V. W. Alston, Directress 6:30 P. M. . BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Ira Murchison, Director 7:30 P. M.—"Racing Against Hortes” .... Th* Pastor DISTRICT REPORTS Gospel Chortts, Miss Leona E. Roberson, Directress “Little Old Mother Welcomes You" ST. JOSEPH'S A. M. E, CHURCH Reverend D. A. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1957 9:30 A. M SUNDAY SCHOOL W. A. Marsh, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SPEAKER Rev. Carl A. Fuqua MUSIC — Senior Choir Number One Mrs. Bessie Gilmer, Organist 6:00 P. M. Win/red Martin, President A. C. E. League 7:00 P. M.—THE FRIENDLY DAUGHTERS WILL RENDER PROGRAM. MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. T.Browne Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1957 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. £. Richardson, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Browne MUSIC , Senior Choir Number One Mrs. E. H. Fogle, Organist i- 6:00 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Theme: "Jesus in the Midst Leading Human Beings*’ 7:30 P. M.—BAPTISM of honor carried a cascade bou quet of painted rubnun lilies and American Beauty rosea with pink streamers. Little Miss Brenda Parker, youngest sister of the bride, was flower girl. Her dress was of white nylon organza. Cornelius Cattcart of Hillsboro, a cousin of the groom, was ringbearer. Mrs. McCall Jr. Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Parker. She Is a 1957 grad uate of Howard University, Washington, D. C. Mr. McCaU, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lanza Jule McCaU Sr., of Durham, is a rising senior in the School of Engineering of Howard Uni versity. He is a member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity. He Is now employed in the sanita tion departmen of Washington, D. C., as an engineer. Garden Club Is Entertained Mrs. SopKronia Green gnter- tained the Lyon Park Rose Gar den Club at the Algonquin Club Monday, July 15th, at seven thirty o’clock. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Margaret Bur nette, Milligan, with the club) song, scripture and prayer. *Thet president, Mrs. Elnora Smith, presided over the business ses sion. The club will have a plcnio at the First Calvary Baptist Church Monday, July 29th. Mrs. Helen McClain describ-, ed interesting pictures taken while there. Present at the. meeting were: Mesdames Pearl Brown, Marga ret B. Milligan, Fannie Cozart, Vee FauUC Mary Hardy, Jose phine Hoskln, Victoria Joyner, Helen McClain, Ruth Mears, Ruth Elizabeth Mears, Sadie Mebane, Elnora Smith, Fannie Tapp, Bessie Thompson, M. W Webb, and Miss Arlene Mebane. Mrs. Webb thanked the host ess. Picnic Plans Are Made By Flower Club I The Azalea Garden Club held Its last meeting of the summer at the home of Miss Cleo Rus sell on Pine Street. Mrs. Alll- ner Randall opened the meet ing. The presiding officer was the president, Mrs. Roxie Davis. During a short business ses sion, officers for the lncomlnj| year were installed and the pro gram committee was appointed. Plans were also made for the club’s annual picnic to be held OB the fourth Sunday In July. After the business session, the club presented its«putgoing president, Mrs. Effie Cotton, a beautiful silver tray. The hostess served a rep ast to the following person*; Mrs. Curtis and J. Wilson of New York City, who were guests; and members: Miss Ma ry Baines, Mesdames Rebecca Clark, Effie Cotton, Mlimle Cromartie, Roxle Davis, Minnie Forte, Sallie Harris, Ellse Her- rod, Cornelia Johnson, Julia, Lucas, Margaret Marsh, Char- lotte Miller, Hazel McBroom, At Institute Mrs. Callle Daye, well-known cosmetologist, will attend the Institute of Cosmetologists In New Orleans, La., which begins July 26. While there, she plans to at tend the National Convention of Cosmetic Art August 4 through the 8th. Mrs. Daye is a graduate of Deshazor Beauty College. She received her Bachelor of Arts in New Orleans in 1950, later taking a si>ecial course In hair Banetta Peele, Annie Perry, Al- coloring in New York City. She liner Randall, Thomasine Reg-, is now working on special Ister, Lena Richardson, Brodia shows with Roux Hair Coloring. Tutt and Callle Ashford. —^ Mrs. Rebecca Clark gave an expressii^ of thanks at the close of the meeting. Week's Births In Durham Lists Sixteen The following births were re-> ported to the Durham County Health Department during the week of July 15' through 20, 1957: Haynes and Mattie Nance, boy. Willard and Vera Stewart,, boy. Robert and Mary Johnson, girl. Robert and Geraldine Jones, girl. Ernest and Allene Atwater, boy. Marvin and Jimmie Hudson, boy. John and Carrie Hodge, boy. Charlie and Azalee Page, boy. Eddie and Mattie Scarbor-i ough, girl. Arthur and Ethel Slake, boy. Clodia and Dorothy Chavis, boy. Benjamin and Betty Parker, girl. WUlle and Mary Cooley, girl. Dausle and Bertha Vanhook, boy. Ethereal and Leola Green, boy. Walter and Leanna Carr, boy. COOKING HINTS Carnation Home Servict Director and her staff Romii* Scott The perfect end to hot weather meals Is s light, frozen dessert made with Carnation BJvaporatea Milk. Whipped Carnation makes frozen desserts so smooth and crystal-free-a texture you don’t fret with other forms of milk. Easy Lemon Sherbet is one of my favorite summertime “stand bys.” It’s so quick and easy to make, won’t you try It soon? lASY LEMON SHERBIT (Makes 4 to 6 servings) % cup (6 os. can) frezsn lemonod* concentrat* 1 % cups (largs con) undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK cup sugar Defrost lemonade eoncentrate. Chiu Carnation In refrigerator tray until soft crystals form arotmd edcres of tray (about 20 minutes). Whip until stUT, about 31 minute. Add lemon juice and whip until very stiff, about 2 minutes longer. Fold In sugar and softened lemonade. Freeze in refrigerator tray until Arm, stirring occasionally. C.SSS Printed In U.S.A. 4,a00/000 FAMILIES lIVi BETTER FOR LESS AT KROGER PARK and SHOP lit SHOPPIN« CiNTER f*1bp1bliieSlaiiips and SoveM. ^ SoveM. Save nroaer 9 LJVE OtTrER-POR I. ESS Tomatoes PACKER'S LABEL RED RIPE, GARDEN-FRESH AND SO JUICY. GRAND FOR SOUPS, STEWS AND SAUCES. Peas PACKER'S LABEL HEAT IN BUTTER AND SERVE WITH YOUR FAVORITE MEAT DISH. NO. 303 CAN lOc Corn PACKER'S LABEL WHOLE KERNEL YELLOW—HEAT IN BUTTER FOR A DELICIOUS TREAT. NO. 303 CAN lOc Fryers WHOLE - COMPLETELY CLEANED EXTRA tENDER — NONE FINER. POUND 35c NO. 303 CAN lOc Loupes SWEETER, VINE RIPE FLAVOR SOFT RIPE—DRIPPING WITH LUSCIOUS JUICE. EACH 29c Veal Shoulder Roast TENDER MILK FED VEAL THAT’S DEUCIOUSLY SAVORY. THE KROGER - CUT REMOVES CHINE AND TRIMS THE RIB END TO GIVE YOU BETTER VALUE. POUIND 33c

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