PAGE FOUB THE CAROLINA TIMES SATUBDAY. AUG. 24, 1957 Durham Society Notes AH News For Thb Page Must Be Submitted Before Ten A. M. Monday Of Each Week MRS. E. W. BUTLER, Editor 406 Brant Street — Phone 3-8735 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mri. Mable Powell—Pearsontown—Phone 2-1922 Miss M. L. Stephens—West Durham—Phone 7-4164 Mrs. N. J. Curry—West End—Phone 7-8862 Miss Rachel Nunn—Hlckstown ANNOUNCEMENT The Durham Branch of the NAACP will hold its session Sunday, August 29, at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, 1000 Pine Street, at 4:00 p.m. The speakers for the occasion will be the Rev. H. Albert Smith and the Rev. James Stewart. The Gospel Chorus of Mount Vernon Baptist Church will furnish the music. The public is invited to at tend this service. The members of the Socialite Club, Hlckstown, had an enjoy able time {it Atlantic Beach during the past week-end. They made the Gordon Motel their headquarters. Pictured above are two members of the group, Mrs. Edna Joiinson, right, and Miss Luvenia Moore. Mrs. Wilbur Green is presi dent of the club and Miss Vir ginia King, vice-president. The 4-H Club of East End Fence Row met in its regular meeting, Tuesday afternoon, August 13. The group opened the session at 12:00 noon with a brief excreise consisting of the 4-H song, the Lord’s Prayer and reciting in unison the club pledge and motto. The highlight of the session which ended at 3:00 P.M., was cutting out skirts and finishing aprons. * The closing program of the club will be held at the Brag- town Conmiunity ground Ruth Street Monday, August 26, at 6:30 P.M. The meeting will feature as an exhibit the can ning of fruits, vegetables, pickles. Juices and ielly, and clothes projects consisting of the things made during t)^e summer by the children. Serving as judge for the oc casion will be county agen^t, Mrs. C. B. Nixon. All paren^ and friends are welcome. Those present at the meeting were adult leaders, Sosqatlne^ Perry, Constance' Hicks, Bar bara Thompson, Nellie R. Bur ton, Libby Steel, Marie Steel, Christine Estes and Ernestine Pool; Visltor-Dorothy Picks. Ing in New York. Miss Norah Reddish is her vacation in Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mur> ray, the former Margarette La nier of Durham, and daughters, Patricia, Judith and Marsha of Washington, D. C., are visiting their sister and brother-in-law, lawyer and Mrs. M. liugh Thompson, 304 Pekoe Street. The Red Mount Baptist Cho rus of Rougemont of which Mrs. Nola Faulk and Mrs. Ludie Bell Parker are the Instructors and Miss Lind Parker, Organist, brought their chorus ^o Durham. Saturday to enjoy a picnic at the Hillside Swimming Pool. These girls and boys enjoyed swinuning, dancing and eating from the many baskets ^.which they brought. conducted the devotions. President Lillian McKay, pre sided over the business deco rations, the hostess took charge and refreshments were served. She was assisted by Mrs. El- veta Monroe. Members present were Misses Lenora Dolson and Mary Al ston; Mesdames May^lene Llewellyn, Lillian McKay, Mar tha Armstrong, Mary Hayes, Queen Ester Toon, Carrie Saun ders, Lucille Starks, Lul>ertha Buie, Onnie Rogers, Hapsy Gal loway, Elveta Monroe, Carrie Byrdine, Gladys McKinnie and Mable Powell. The group adjourned to meet next with Mrs. Toon on St. Jo seph Street. On Saturday evening, August 3, at the home of Mrs. Evans on Ferrell Street, Mrs. Cecelia Evans and Mrs. Ruth Holloway entertained the members of the Friendly Workers Sick Club, Vice President Cetelia Evans presided over the meeting. Members present were Mes dames Pearl Bennett, Jessie Foster, Ella M. Andrews, Lizzie Stewart, Effie Weaver, Thelma Scurlock; Misses Margaret White, Mattie Chavis, Margaret Geer; Messrs Jack Filmore, Grover Fowler. Mrs. Thelma Scurlock thank ed the hostesses. attend funeral services of Ro bert Meadows, a resident of Fayetteville Rd. Mr. Meadows was sick only a short while and died in a local hospital. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, August 6th, at Mount Vernon Baptist Chiu-ch. Rev. E. T. Brown, pastor,- conducted the services. Out-of-town relatives atten ding were Mr. and Mrs. James Pilchard of Washington, D. C., Tom Speed, Mrs. Mozure Little and Mr. and Mrs. John Speed aU of Oxford, N. C., Glen Her bert, James and l,arry Bonner and also George Pritchard all of Little Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Jordan have returned home to Pitts burgh, Pa., after spending their vacation here visiting their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. David Perry of Linwood Ave. They were also accompanied by their two children Jimmy and Kathy. While here in the city, social courtesies were extended them by Mr. and Mrs. Raymondr Williams of Fayetteville St., Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Taylor of Mutual Court and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Alston of Fayette ville Rd. Mrs. Glfldyce Grady Browne is a patient at Lincoln Hospital. She is one ol the daughters uf the late Rev. Grady and is an instructor of one of the County Schools on Fayetteville Road Jotmson Ray, Sr., has returned to Llcoln Hospital and is im proving nicely. Mrs. Dorothy Alston Ploche, daughter of Mrs. Mattie Alston and the late Edward Alston, is home to attend the last rites of her father. Mrs. Jennie Carter, former teacher of the Hlckstown City School, is home visiting her Durham friends. She is residing in New England with one of her sons. SICK Carolyn Hicks, who Is in the hospital and Louis Glenn. Louis, just out of the hospital, is now recuperating at home. Miss E. M. Stanfield, Minnie C. Lyon, Eria Norris, Bessie Mason motored to Winston- Salem for the Woman’s State Convention. Miss Juan Harris is vacation- Pattor’g Aid Club Entertains Mrs. Portia Moore was hos tess to the Pastor’s Aid Club at a plclnc on Freeman Road. Due to rain, the club members were entertained indoors, Each mem ber 9brried a well filled basket of many good things -to eat. Those attending were Mes- aames Annie L. Alston,' presi dent, Laura Burnette, Laura Bailey, Allie MltcheU, Lucy Briggs, Estella P. Scott, Sylvia Markham, Mabel Thompson, Ella McLaughlin, Carrie Rigs- bee, and Misses Mary Holloway The next meeting will be the Secohd Sunday in September at the home of Mrs. Laura Bur-> nett, with Miss Lillian Burton as hostess. On Monday, July 29th, Mrs. Mary Taylor of Pine Street en tertained members of the A&B Missionary Circle in the base ment chapel of Kyles Temple Church. Mrs. Carrie Saunders On Monday, August 12, Mrs. Queen Ester Toon was the hos tess to the A&B Missionary Cir cle in the basement Chapel of Kyles Temple Church. The de votion was conducted by Mrs. Hapsy Galloway. The members gave quotations and testimo nies. President Lillian McKay pre sided over the business session. After the business, session, the hostess served a delicious chicken dinner. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Carrie Saun ders and Mrs. Mary Hayes. Members present were Mes dames Lucille Starks, Onnie Rogers, Alease McKinnie, Lil lian McKay, Hapsy Galloway, Martha Armstrong, Elveta Mon roe, Lubertha Buie Mary Hayes, Virginia Pltchford, Carrie Saunders, Mable Powell and Misses Leora Dolson and Mary Alston. Mrs. Monroe thanked the hos tess for her hospitality. The group adjourned to iheet next with Mrs. Mildred Wiliams at the church. > Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Durham of Baltimore, Md., spent last ^yeak heie in the dty visiting With Mrs. Durham's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKay of Dunstan Street. Seve ral social courtesies were -ex tended them while here. A number of relatives were here In ThB city on last week to Mrs. Thompson Is Wed To Mr. Felix H. Miller Mrs. Leila Barnes Thompson and Felix Hicks Miller were united in marriage here this evening at the home of Attor ney and Mrs. Meredith Hugh Thompson. The Reverend J. W. Smith, Jr., pastor of the Cove nant Presbyterian Church, per formed the double ring cere mony. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. William Cortez Barnes of Goldsboro and the late Mr. Bar nes. Mr. Miller is the son of Mrs. C. Arthur Hall of Balti more, Maryland and the late John Miller of Goldsboro. The vows were spoken be fore an Improvised altar against a background of palms, pink gladioli, and pink tapers. A prie-dieu centered the nuptial scene. Miss Yvonne Miller, the daughter of the bridegroom, ac companied Mrs. Margaret Ken nedy Goodwin who sang D’Har- delot’s ‘Because.” Miss Miller also played the wedding inarch using the "Bridal Marcl^ from Wagner’s Lohengrin. f The bride, who was given In marriage by her brother-in-law, Attorney Thompson, wore a dress of mauve peau de sole fashioned with a fitted bodice and a bouffant skirt. Embroider ed lace appliques embellished with seed pearls and rhinestones adorned the bodice and were set at intervals on the skirt. An abbreviated veil of illusion hung from a half-hat of the same f^ttt-iC as h^s. dress oma mented with seed pearls and rhinestones. She carried a pray er book with a cascade of petal pink ribbon and a purple-throat ed white orchid. Mrs. Meredith Hugh Thomp son, the matron of honor, wore a dress of horizon blue silk or- ganda appliqued with chantilly lace flowers re-embroidered with pearls. Her hat was of matching blue tulle ornament ed with seed pearls. She wore a corsage of cymbldium orchids Booker B. Spaulding was best man. The bride, who is Operating Room Supervisor at Lincoln Hospital, is a graduate of the Lincoln Hospital School of Nur-> sing. She pursued a graduate course in operating room tech nique at Michael Reese Hispital in Chicago. Mr. Miller is a graduate of North Carolina College at Dur ham and'is an auditor with the North Carolina Mutual Life In surance Company. Assisting with the reception which followed the ceremony were Mrs. Louis Williams, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. George Webb, Mrs. Robert P. Randolph, Miss Pearli Geardy, Miss Blan che Meadows, Mrs. Effle Smith Parks of Raleigh, Mrs. Willianx Reid of Raleigh, Mrs. Marshall Murray, and Mrs. I. E. Turner. Out of town guests Included Mrs. W. C. Barnes, the bride’s mother and her sister and hrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Spruill, Mrs. Marshall Murray of Washington, D. C. and her daughters Patricia, Ju dith, and Marsha Carol, and Ronald Reid of Raleigh. Samuel “Sad Jones,” famed North Carolina College All- CIA A basketball star, is shown here with his June bride, classmate Gladys Dera Chavis of Ahoskie, third from left, Jones’ mother, Mrs. Louise Davis, Durham; and Mrs. Jonesf sister, Christine, Ahoskie. Ceremony was j^ormed June 15 by the Reverend Father Fred Hunter at Saint Titus Epis copal Church of Durham. Bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis of Ahoskie. Jones expects to play profession al basketball with the Boston Celtics next season. NCC Alumna Gladys Chavis Married To Basketball Star Samuel Jones “Little Old Mother Welcomes You" ST. JOSEPH'S A. M. E, CHURCH Reverend D. A. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1967 9:30 A. M. Sunday School W. A. MARSH, Supt 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC 6:00 P. M, Riv. W. L. Mason PoMtaTt 8t. Jam€9 BapUH Church, Ro0ky Mount, N. C. Choir Numbkr Two . A. C. E. League WINPRCD MARTIN, Prctidmt 7:00 P. M.—Program by Steward Board of the Chtirch “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH WHITE ROCK SQUARE ^ Miles Mark Fisher, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1957 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP EttCTRONICa 9:30 A M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL,LESSON “Amos, Crusader for Righteousness’’ iv'H * Amos. 'jUi* V PROF J. M SCHOOLER. Supl 11: OQ A. M.—Golden Age Club, Mrs. C. G. Hargraves "The Sun Standing Still” The Pastor. Senior Choir, MRS. V. W ALSTON. Dlr*ctr«M 6:30 p. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION IRA MVRCHISON, Oirtctor 7:30 p. M.—“Baptism in the Name of Jesus Only” The Pastor District Reports — Baptism FOR CHRISTIAHIRAININ6 AND CULTURE ENROLL YOUR CHILD NOW IN ST. MARK'S NURSERY KINDERGARTEN AND/OR FIRST GRADE ★★★★★ OPEISIISC SEPTEMBER 3 Well-Trained Personnel Pleasant Surroundings State Approved Adequate Equipment For Further Information Call St. Mark A. M. E. Zion Church PEVE & PICKETT STS. PHONE 9-2903 MRS. J. A. SPEAKSf Executive Director MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. T.Browne Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1957 9:30 A. M. C. C. RICHARDSON. Supt Sunday School 11:00 A. M.—SERMON . Rev. L. C. Hill MUSIC Senior Choir Number Oi« MRS Rl/TH MeCOLLUM. Organitt 4:00 p. M.—NAACP Monthly Meeting 6:00 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Theme: "The Local Church and Christian Education” 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR SPEAKER Young Peoplc's Choib .. Rev. L. C. Hill A NOTE OF THANKS Mr. Emmett Pratt and fam ily unsh to thank the friends and neighbors for their pray ers, flowers, cards, visits and gifts during his recent illness. We especially want to thank the blood donors and express our deep appreciation and gratitude to each of them. Miss Gladys Dora Chavis o( Ahoskie, 1957 graduate of North Carolina College, was married In Durham earlier this summer to Samuel “Sad Sam” Jones, lamed North Carolina College cage star. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, Mr. Cla rence Chavis of Ahoskie. An Episcopal ceremony performed by the Rev. Father Fred Hun ter, rector of the St. Titus Church of Durham, united the two NCC alumni. Close family friends, classmates, and college officials were among those in vited. After the ceremony, \ H. M. Michaux, Jr., the groom’s best man, hosted a dinner for the bridal party. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Chavis, the bride’s parents, Mrs. Louise Davis of Durham, the groom’s mother, and other close friends and rela tives. The Chase Restaurant was appropriately decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Jones’' attendants includ ed two of her sisters, Mrs. Mari lyn Weaver, and Miss Christina Chavis, and Miss Barbara Me- Linden of Washington, D. C., one of the bride’s classmates. Mr. Michaux was Mr. Jones’ best man. The couple honeymooned at an undisclosed location. Jones, an all CIAA basketball star at NCC, has been drafted by the Boston Celtics proles- sional cage team. He expects to combine a career as a pro fessional basketball player with that of a recreation worker in an Indiana City. Mrs. Jones will accompany her husband. In addition to the visiting relatives from, out-of-town, other wedding guests from out side Durham were Mrs. Tynie DURHAM DEITHS RICHARD NEWTON Funeral services for Richard Newton, 67 years old, who died at Lincoln Hospital on Monday, August 12, were heM at Kyles Temple. AME Zion Church, Frl.^ day, August 16, at 2:00 P.M. The pastor. Rev. G^rge Thar- rington officiated. Mr. Newton, who lived at 1910 East Pettigrew Street, was a native of Hamlin. He was buried in Beech wood Cemetery. Surviving are several rela tives. ED ALSTON Last rites for Ed Alston were held at the White Rock Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. The pastor, the Reverend Miles M. Fisher, offi ciated. Mr. Alston died at Lincoln Hospital on Wednesday, August 14, after an illness of about two months. A native ot Vance County, Mr. Alston had been a resident of Durham for many years. He (Please turn to page Sight) Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Freeland, Mrs. Dycie Reid, and Iva James, Ahoskie; Miss Shir ley R. WUliams, SUer City; Miss Pheriby C. Gibson, Ra leigh. The ceremony was performed on Jone 16 in Durham. *,000,000 FAMIIIES im lETTEIt FOR LESS AT KROGtR ondSoveM. Sav«M. Save RARK OMll dHOPilt ShOrPINO eiNTiR ) * ^rocj er live tit. ■ f-tJR |F55 SPECTACULAR ... 10c SALE OLD KETTLE FINE FLAVOR APPLE SAUCE STANDARD DELICIOUS IN SOUPS TOMATOES PACKER’S CREAM STYLE YELLOW CORN ALSO PACKER’S KALE OR MUSTARD GREENS. TURNIP GREENS SFPEE, APPLE GRAPE, APPLE RASPBERRY OR APPLE STRAWBERRY. MOTT’S JELLY YOUR CHOICE OF PINTOS, OCTOBERS OR PORK & BEA BUSH’S BEANS NO. 303 CAN NO. 303 CAN NO. 303 CAN NO. 303 CAN e-oz. JAR NO. 300 CA3i Yams U. s. NO. 1, WASHED AND WAXED. BUT NOW AT THIS LOW KROGER PRICE. POUND lOc RIB CHOPS—END CUTS (CHOICE CHOPS— RIB OR LOIN—POUND 79c) POUND 39c Apples ALL PURPOSE U. S. FANCY RAMBOS AND NORTHWEST GREENINGS. lOc POUND VALLEYDALE SMOKED Picnics SHORTER SHANK—BOLD, MEa4X)W FLAVOR. POUND L—MIU), MQ«LOW FLAY 39c

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