Whole New City To Blossom Soon In Wake Of D. C.'s Slum Clearence WASHINGTON, D. C. A whole new ihining city on the northwest side of town will soon bloom in beauty as a slum clearance program gets under way to convert 91S acres to trim, airy and sun-lit homes with such parking space, schools and a shopping center. Responsible for the project is the National Capitol Planning Commission and the Redevelop ment Land Agency which draft ed the plan jointly this year. Chairman John Remon, in hand ing the draft to the commission, asked for “tenative approval as a basis for review.” If approved, it will then go to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Many changes would then take place. Approximately 6& percent of the houses In the area now are. walk-ups and flats. These apartments would be pur chased for public housing. Dun bar High School would win i frontage as it faces New Jersey Avenue and many other schools would be likewise Included. Charles Conrad, NCPC staff planner, explained that “the plan aims high, but by aiming high we hope to come out with a finished program that will not be too bad. “The present popu- G&W SEVEN STAR PINT •umn frntsKEY, n pmof. sntAieirr whiskies in this product are • YEASS OR MORE OLD. 3m% STRAIGHT WHISKEY, S2V4% NEUTRAL SPIRITS MtTIUU FRgtl 68MH . . . MOOEIUAM ft WORTS, PEORM. lUmOIS. m BUStNESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Exclusive North Carolina State Franchise on profitable business distributing an excellent chemical line, periling to Mat Dressing that restores to it’s orginal finishing All Rubber Mats, Vinyl, Leatherette, Convertible Tops and many other uses. An Odorless Motor Cleaner which will not deteriorate wiring, etc. A “SPRAY” Type Tire Cleaner. A "JELLY” Type White and Black Tire Cleaner and an usual line of brushes, etc. We will also include the Franchise on "SPARK- MA UOftACiO, CiVV. WWSi *** CIAOV V41C £XCUlCllA0t; UU O-MATIC” Life time Hi Compression Power Plug, that carries a manufactxirers, Guarantee to increase horsepower, accelera tion, performance 28 percent. Regardless of the number of miles you may now average, with “SPARK-O-MATIC” you are guaranteed 50 EXTRA miles per tankful on REGULAR gasoline. This distributorship is worth a minimum a net of $1,000.00 per month. Owner desires to sell immediately due to inability to, supervise distribution. Too, my doctors have advised a change of climate due to my health. To reliable men whose reputation warrants credit, trust terms may be arranged for the entire state or by counties. This is a Confidential Formula for manufacturing chemicals. The' deal Includea “SPARK-O-MATIC Plugs and prepared chemicals for sale also chemicals to be prepared for sale. Every automobile dealer, service stations, chain store* and many other met- ~ duwts are your prospect*. To those who are really interested and have sales ability and can pay at least $2,500.00 in cash Contact JACK BUTLEB, 1014 CALIFORNIA STREET, IN ilOTAL OAK SECTION, KANNAPOLIS, N. C. To those who qualify, others please DO NOT APPLY. This is an immediate transaction. KUtK&TlLFOitD KENTUCKY BRED Straight Kentucky Bourbon 6 YEARS OLD 3.85 4/0 Quart 2.45 Bourbon iiifHtn n HB S Tttltit tllliiltli IHMU’in tlWIIUI UtlMU straight Bourbon Whiskey • 86 Proof • Park ft THford Oitllllets Corp., Louisvillt, Ky latlon, h* flguTM la clot* to 00, 000 and would be reduced to 55,000. The income group aver ages $2,850 per year to $5,200. The plan will settle the Iqw in come groups together and thei middle groups in another sec tion. ^ The plan dots not wish to re move any residents from tb« area, J\ist re-locate them into proper groups. A great percen tage of the area imder surveil lance is inhabited by Negroes. Women's College Dean Tells Co-Eds To Adjust To Unseen Order -Comment- (continued from page 2} without meaning, to ‘do the job ourselves—just give us time.” Tim^ is running out for that sort of thing. A start must be made toward offering the Negro the rights he deserves under our form of government, and, as we have shown, it can be done by making integration voluntary. Integration will come gradu ally if made i)ermissive, but it also will coma peaceably and painlessly. The southern whites simply need time to get used to it and to put aside the attitudes of their grandparents, and the Negroes need time to discover that only through integration can they get the most from th^r educational opportunities. We have a long way to go, even in West Virginia, before America will have a sinyle school program for all races, but here toe have found that, while it was a sensitive and disruptive social issue, integration could be made to work easily without de stroying a way of life as old as the nation itself. The Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette GREENSBORO "Anyone who thinks that ma jorities necessarily determine what is tight and what is wrong, are sadly mistaken,” Dr. Frank lin H. McNutt, dean of the gra duate school at Woman’s Col lege, told the Bennett College vesper audience recently. Dr. McNutt, who spoke on "Adjustment,” pointed out that it is impossible to face the prob lems of life without making some adjustments, and he listed persons making such adjust ments as realists, pragmatists or idealists. "There are those who adjust themselves to things as tiiey are,” he declared, "but there ia no progress to be made this way. Then there are those who adjust to the crowd, believing that ‘when in Rome, one should do as Romans do.' “But then there are those to whom what the crowd says, doesn’t matter. They have learn ed to adjust to the unseen order.' Our troubles would cease if we could make that adjustment more frequently,” he said. He cited Jesus Christ, Gandhi, i Dr. George Washington Carver and Dr. Frank Graham as indl-| viduals who made such an ad justment in their lives. “Through such adjustment,” he concluded, “we may find the serenity, the coiu:age and the steadfastness we need in meeting the serious pro blems that confront us.” Burton Civic League Elects Officers For 1958 The annual meeting of the Burton Community Civic Lea gue was held Tuesday November 19 at the T. A. Grady Commu nity Center at which time the officers and standing committees made reports. The officers elect ed to serve for the year 1958 are as follows; ,W. W. Barbee, President; R. Kelly Bryant, Jr., vice president; Mrs. Alice D. Luster, secretary; and Mrs. Lillie B. McIntyre, treasurer. The members of the Board of Directors are; John P. Morgan, Irvin Upchurch, I, O. Funder- burg. Coy McIntyre, Mrs. Vir ginia W. Alston, L. S. Knox, J. W. McCllnton, Wiley F. Neal, Jr., Jesse Boston, C. C. Malone, E. W. Midgette, Miss A. M. Duni- gan, A. J. Stanley, Frank How ard Alston, and Robert L. Battle. Very Impressive reports were made by the civic improvement committee, economic welfare committee, political committee, recreation committee and edu cation committee. The League is very much concerned over the employment policy of the cur tain factory located in their midst. Feed your baby CARNATION America’s healthy baby"milk! SATUBDAY. NOV. «0. 1»S7 THE CABOUNA TIMES PACa tMTWlt -No Change- (Continued from page Two) evil exists elsewhere does not excuse its pre sence nor help remove it here. Mr. Helms’ interesting proposal contains a provision that Negroes be used to tell the story of the South to the nation. But, appar ently he would have those selected to tell Dixie’s tale carefully screened and only cap tive voices permitted to be heard, especially in view of his belief that the South .^as nothing to be ashamed of. He needs to know that his belief that no race problem existed until the government and meddlers stepped in is a patent delusion. There are many causes for the late devel opment of the Negro’s struggle for full cit izenship, but previous good race relations disturbed by meddlers of recent vintage is not one of them. He and the whole South need to know that the drive for full citizen ship will not be halted now, even if the NAACP is forced out of business. The desire for freedom is deeply imbedded in the breasts of all humans, and to deny the innate desire to Negroes is to deny to them the qual ity of humanity. 'H^tllhy Bab/'Duel tkmhy aiMroH YOU CAN TKUST CARNATION. lt*a the safest, most nouriahhv aad dlgMtlble form of milk for your babjr** fonnnla. More mothers feed Carnation to thetr babies than any other brand. And mors Carnation Is used in boqrftal fonuda rooms throughout the world than oS otAer bnmda ootMneil Prepared formu las that claim to be oomplst* art axpeo- sive compared to Carnation. Be sure to ask your doctor about Camatioo. 1ft tk0 wiUk mmy doetor Imowt. BEST BRAND FOR YOUR COFFEE, TOO I Oauny-amooth CSamatioa makes coffee taste Just grand! Rkherand mors flavorful, the way you like Itl 'Swot eoKtittm CowtT World’s Leading Brand of Evaporated Milk waporated MILK NCC Teacher Pens Article Dr. John H. Morrow, profes sor of French at North Carolina College, is author of “Lamartine the Emancipator”, a brief article in a recent issue of the French Review. Alphonse M. L. Lamartine (1790-1869) is described by Morrow as “an ardent opponent of slavery”, who “carried the fight (for freedom of French held slaves)”, beyond the walls of the “Chambre des Deputes”... and in 1840 addressed a banquet given for the representatives of American and British abolition ist societies...” Lamartine, Morrow adds, “re vealed great eloquence, wisdom, and leadership” in the "bitter struggle to secure freedom for the slaves.” Women Athletes At N. C. College Women's Athletic Association and South Carolina State were representatives from A and T College. Hampton Institute, Liv ingstone College, Virginia State guests of the North Carolina Col lege Women’s Athletic Associ ation last week-end. jACQmrs vnlka ■OVALS •a MNT fMMM* MM - M »>••> I ti M. Its, rait. rs. \ f... ••»♦♦»*»• TOP BOURB XENTUCK OLD $TAGG KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON S6 PROOF • STAGG DIST. CO., FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY

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