Dffslliea Towles Toie Star Altracfion A! fasKon WASHINGTON, D. C. IJorotHeli TowWs will be .the IktrotKiti Ttiwels wiU be the feature artist at a fashion show and luncheon presented by >Mpha Kappa Alpha Sorortty the t^oup holds its SOth i^nlversary' boule in the Na tion's Capital next month. The fas^iion show-luncheon is scheduled Cor Tuesday, August Mth Bt the Sheraton Park Hotel, (invention headquarters for the Sordrity. Borne 1,400 of the 2^00 delegates to the boi^e are ex pected to view Miss Towles’ vardrpbe, which' is said to be. vJdued «t more than $40,000. In addition to Miss Towles, some one dozen models, eeveral of wh^m WtW UHtlonally famous, ^Jwilj perform for the sorors. a A nfetlve of Texas where she 'attndbd - Wiley CSoUege, Miss ■ Towles’ rise to fame in the highly-conjpetltive field of moCeling has been meteoric. Moving to Los Angeles follow- ,ing, graduation from Wiley, Miss ■Towles w* appointed to the lacfilty of Jefferson High School as ft biolq^ teacher and dra matic cofch. Simultaneously she enit>lled'M the IJniversity of Southern California to study for the’ Master of Arts degree in fdr^natics. It was at USC that ^the idea of modeling as a pro ' fesiion struck Miss Towles. She [ennolled at the Dorothy Farrier ; Scliaol of Modeling, the first Ne- > gro to .be accepted at the noted inilitutiOQ, and. in less than a year she had more requests for f{^ion and photographic as- sii^iments than she could fill. It was during a 1649 tour of Ei;itwpe ''thiit the.famed Christian Dior “discovwed” Miss Towles, and in a matter of weeks she was t^ “star" of Dior’s Paris Salon. On leaving Dior “to broaden my background,” she modeled for a h»lf-dozen of France's top con- to^riers before signing a one- year contract as Piquet’s featur- COOKING HINTS Cvnitkm Honu S«rvK« Dmcior a «nd har staff Q My friends are always asking lor new cooking Ideas. Carnation Roaaiia Scoit Evaik>raled 'Milk i3 my accrct to all kinds of new recipcs. Doublo-rich Carna tion brings out the best flavors In all cooking and baking. Be aura to always keep several red and white 'cans of Carnation handy on the shelf. You’ll find so many uses for it. For in stance, here’s a woiMwfMl new way'ta serve cream-styl* com. ^ it so«n. SCAUOPW CORN ^ ■ ‘ (Mtaccsiservinga) ton) cream^* 2 lobl«if|>eoni flntly chopped onion 2 loblaipoeni fliwly chopped greon popper 1 cup cearMly broken crockor* % cup (smalt can) undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK Vt leotpoon (alt ^ y« taatpeen pappor i lablo*poon* bultar Mix com, onion and green pep per in bowl. Place has the mix ture in bottom bMttered 1* quart casserolii jKprtnkle half the crackets over com. Add re maining com and top with re maining crackera. Mix Carna tion, salt and pepper. Pour over com mixture. Place {deoesof but ter on top. Bake in moderate oven (3S0°F.) about 30 minutea. Serve at once. Camel Pawn Shop MID-SUMMER '^?ECIAL« FISHING ROD, REEI., HOOK AND WEIGHT $8.95 value SHObT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRT $2.15 value Now $1.19 SUMMER CAPS $1.99 value Now $1.19 SUMMER CApS 69c values—Now 48c ed model. Miss Towles toured Europe and North Africa as the star of Italian impressario Paone’s pro duction of “The Black and White Revue” before returning to the United States for a triumphant 15-city fashion tour. Today, as during the past de- oade, the chic, willowy model is booked “solid.” This has not pre vented her from pasatng on the fruits of her experience to the young women who «wuld follow in her footsteps, however. She is a frequent lecturer at sc^|ools and colleges and has Authored several articles for national cir culation. Miss Towles is a mem ber of Alpha Kappa Alpha So-- rority. Famous Berlin Film Critics Boost Sidney Potier's Acting Career HOLLYWOOD Sidney Poitier—the taU, Jitoe New Yorker via Miami and' Nassau—was firmly established last week as the world’s No. 1 Negro actor. — Moreover, given a big push by Berlin Film Festival judges, he took a giant step toward ful fillment of his ambitidn—tc^ rating as an untyped star of stars, period. Already widely accepted as a great talent by h{s contempora ries, Poitier, received rare, criti cal acclaim when he was voted “best actor” by Judges «f the in ternational Benlin Filin Festival for his portrayal df ^e South ern fugitive “Cifllen’’^n Stanley Kramer’s so o n-^-be-releasea movie, “The Defiant Ones." This was one oi onlV three American motion 'pictures ac cepted as entries jn jthe Berlin Film Festival. Ahn|t Magnani won the “best actress? iaward for her role in “Wild Is'The Wind-” In “The Defiant Ones,” W|Wch will*^ be world-iiremiered in Chicagd in mid-Augult, Poitiot s co-starred with Tomy Curtis. Chained together, 4hey cscape in a blinding rain when a truck carrying a load of prisoners wrecked. But as they flee for freedom, the white fugitive (“Jacitson”). reveals a vicious, hatred of Negroes, and Cullen displays a matching, seething dislike of* white people. Yet despite their hatred of each other, if Cullen and Jack son are to make good their es cape, they must help each other, for the 29-inch chains attached to iron bracelets won’t allow them to go their separate wayj|. In what must be the most physically-demanding roles ever auigned by a Hollywood pro ducer, Poitier and Curtis savagely fight, trudge, wade and ■beat their 'way through swamps, forest, and other rugged terrain as they head for a freight line that "runs up North.” OHiciai- (continued from page 2) Huriem, having bfcii wppo..Uec he first Negro ox*»cutive on th- ^(anhattan Council of the Boy Scouts of America at- the com pletion of his graduate work at the New York School. He or ganized Boy Scout Troops in Harlem and directed a scout camp at Bear Mountain. This new step by Carver Fede ral Savings is part of a general program of expansion that will shortly take on a more concrete manifestation in the enlarge ment and beautifications of the present location at 75 West 125th Street. All of which has been made possible by the phenome nal response of the community to the Institution’s services. Mr. Goodman's chief responsi bilities will be to more widely THE CMtQUNA TUiES ^ Iktmilmj. •ntvrprct tl»e iniiny scrvice* o. he Bank. Uiat arc available to he citizens ot the tvinjnunity: nd to popularize the Carve.' .•ed^ral Saving* and LAan As9K> .'iation in the minds of thousand* it potential, additional cus tomers. Spends Vacation Visiting Friends Miss Annie *M. Dunigan spending her vacation visiting | friends and relatives in Phila-j delphia, Atlantic City and New! York. While to Philadelphia Mi»j Dunigan will be ^e guest of Mrs. Mary ^wis Linch. Mi^ Elizabeth Lewis is already in Philadelphia and will join Miss Dunigan for the rest of the trip. Mrokenline New Styie For Fail Footwear NEW YOrfK The unbroken line led to dazzling array of leather foot-i wear for fall as Leather Indus tries of America this week un veiled the nation’s most exten sive collection of shoe fashions for fall and winter ‘58-‘59. On view was a varied collec itlen at irtwcs for men and cliildren Irooi virtually eWry major shoe iminulactiircr | in the counlrir. Ttwae are tbej ahoea that you will be finding | in your favorite whew tlie, Ml buying acMon be«iBs nextj inontb. Over-all theme far Ike ahowl waa ’*nie Unbroken Liae Leads to Leather Shoea.” with apecial tmplMaia «*i the mawy i»rw leather shoe stylea to ewnple- ment the imbroken line in falll apparel. Slim “chemlae” rtioea' and striking trapeioid aflhtni-j ettes in T-strapa and hi«h-«utf tongues were Aown in more; th\n 28 vibrant eolor* iw fall i*t a huge variety e leather le*-*! tures. Come I s A V E At A&P Come See Tliese Specials... SULTANA SPECIALLY PRICED — SALAD Qt. Jar DRESSING 35 CREAMY SMOOTH— ANN PAGE PEANUT BUnER r 59' PREPARED Mflill CHEESE SAUCE — ANN PAGE Spaghetti 4 tr 49* ANN PAGE PURE FRUIT — GRAPE JEtlY 2 r 37 COME! SEE THESE ANN PAGE SPECIALS AND MANY OTHER VALUES—YOU’LL SAVE! JANE PARKER VALUES LEMON PIES pmEAPPlE PIES WHOLE WHEAT PECAN ROLLS BREAD Loaf Caramel Style, pkg. ea. 39( ea. 39c 15c 33c SPECIAL! EXTRA STANDARD — CLARCO BRAND GREEN LIMAS 2 ^ 29' SPECIAL! HERSHEY BRAND CHOC. SYRUP 2 = 39* SAVE 8c ON VACUUM PACKED—FRESHLY ROASTED You Pay Only 6'%-0*. Can Regular 4Sc SPECIAL! WHOLE LEAF OR CHOPPED — FROZEN A&P CASHEWS 35' A&P SPINACH lO-oz. Pkg. 10 A&P MEAT SANDWICH SPREAD c!: 19c SPECIAL SALE! .Q§|yanized ShojBt Steel 20 GAL. GARBAGE CANSi«each ^1*^’ COME! SHOP YOUR FRIENDLY A&P THIS WEEK! ^ Prices This Ad Are Effective Through Saturday Night, July 26 Charles Coats 58 CHEVROLET Delrays - Btscaynes - Belairs g Cyl. ^— 3 Cyl. — Powerglide or St. Drive — 2-Door or 4-Door — Accessor ies Desired — Absolutely New — From Durham’s Authorized Dealer to serv» you. Your Salesman $2335 And up Delivered Plus Tax Down Payment often as low as $395 or any Old Car — Desired Options and Accessories Extra CARPENTER’S 616 E. MAIN ST. Dealer No. 2287 OPEN NIGHTS CLASSIFIED ADS 10 Shirts reg, packed 1 or 2 Shirts 3 or more $1.90 ..ea. 20c ,.ea. 19c Deluxe paclced shirts —ea. 20c (Cellophane) SANITARY Launderers And • Cleaners DIAL 2-4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKEWOOD AVENUE COAL “OK In Every Weigh” M. H. Head & Son trading as McGhee Coal Co. CALL 1-1941 Union Electric Company, Inc. • Electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies • Electrical Appliances • Lighting Fixtures DAY PHONE: 2-6246 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD * Service Garage* Auto Service Road Service . . . Steam Cleaning Service . . . Recapping . . . Wheel Alignment. PHONE: 6-2571 Pettigrew and Fayetteville Sts. INLAID LINOLEVM, ASPHALT RUBBER AND WALL TILE —Free Estimates— Hunt Linoleum And TUp Company, Inc. PHONE 9-1985—NIGHr 3-374? . 3505 ROXBORO ROAD LOANS No Red Tape J.OANS ★ $10.00 To SALEM FINANCE COMPANY Locally Owned ON SECURITY AND PERSONAL^SlGJlATURE 226 North Main Street . Pfc«ne PA.-3-2456 Winston-Salem, North Carolina Shop At These Business Places Where Your Carolina Times Is Sold All in Winston-Salem • • • • ACME DRUG STORE • J. A JONES GROCERY • ELLINGTON'S SNACK BAR • WOODLAND SODA SHOP • • • FREE SPACE WINNER MODEL PHARMACY I CORNER 6th AND PATTERSON AVE. • • • - . JOHNSON GROCERY STINSON SHELL STATION LITTLE ROSE GARDEN HOLLISTER CONFECTIONERY Coivrs raitgcd i i>t a Omry rad, to Uk lilackei>«i feronvns mch a* totAsa walnut and Java. In bctnrccn were iiioes ol all type* m ridi. harvest \mm» igimna *n lenat tmtm. In oHve tanaa and in alaar, aniline "greening,’' rada in mate, bwriandy ataadaa; Mnaa ui a new vJbrani tme that ^haa a g—tar da^th of cator tiMn wry; bumiahed gold* that go atf Into PMaet haas and browns that range froni pale pccan to bafk tones. Miklifkta Far WmU Among the ahoca making newa (hiring the coming aeaaon wttt ba the apactator, newly aiiaBmad (continued on page 2) HOUSE rot uiE - 1S17 FARGO STREET TELEPHONE; 4-3455 or 5-7071 • Living R^om • Two Bedroom with CJosels • wkh Bnilt4» Caliiil«l8, al»d Arraiif(el for Dining. • Stairs to losul«t«l Attic • Har4wood Floors Pia^^ WiJIs ' # Central Heat, Piped to all Rooms • Terms to be Arranged INSPECnON BY APPOINTMENT ^ JVLIEN S. PICKETT Clothing For The Entire Family At ' The Bus Stop Across From Food Fair FOR YOUR GRADUATION NEEDS, OUR FRIENDLY CLERKS ARE ALWAYS EAGER TO SERVE YOU PROMPTLY HOINEY^ CREDIT CLOTHING CO. Phone PA 5-9702 127 E. 3rd St. Winston-Salem, N. C. PARK&TILFORD ? KENTUCKY BRED KBKTUCKT BOURBONf^ •r ^ 6 4/5 QT. TEARS OLD I ^ . tuiKiiiiioa •OUDtON KENTUCKY BRED 8TRA1QHT XSNT17CXT BOUMON