THE CAROLINA TIMES — tmtat9ir, July 26, 1958 PEOPLE AND EVENTS is clear that the possibility o “a genuine dangi r of violenc> and civil commotion” cannot b« used as,a basis for interrupting . _ . the plan of integration. Foilow- CampliiR Period Set , Us^rs Board. Lemloy’s refusal on The annual camping period. ThU yaar the celebraUon will 23 to grant a stay of his ipoaaored by the Forsyth Bap- be called All Usheri Day “ndj ^ attorneys tM Missionary Fellowship at All nursw and Senior. Junior appealed Gamp CiviUn will be held Au- and Youtb Ushen will particl- goMt 4~i. The Rev. J. A. Dudley pate in the observance. !■ the dean of the Fellowship The chairman of tha Program vnd catnp supervisor. Committee. Mrs. Irma Frazier Boys and girls of ages 7-16 said the program had not been in summer recess, on June 26 the to the Eighth Circuit Court on June 24 for a stay of the order. However, since that court was miiy attend the camp. Registra- completed. Sha and her com- tion for camp will end July 31. mlttee are atill meeting to make Daily registration is accepted kt final plans. t|ke Fellowship office at the Phyllis Wheatley Home on East Fmirth Street from 9:15 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. ITie camping period will be directed by William F. Fulton, a graduate of A&T College in Greensboro. Miss Blondie Jones, a graduate of Carver High School, will direct the music; Mrs. Gaile Caesar will instruct Arth and Crafts; and mission Other members of this com mittee are Mrs. Elouise Baldwin, co-chairman; Mrs. Annie Mae Love, Mrs. Sallie Reid, Mrs. attorneys filed a petition for a writ of certiorari in the U. S. Supreme Court to review Judgei Lcmley’s order before judgment of tjie Court of Appeals. The pe tition was denied on June 30. Homever, the Supreme Court Fannie Davis, Mrs. Hester stated: “We have no doubt that Youngbloot, Mra. Ethel Harring- the Court of Appeals will recog- ton, Raymond Frank Brevard. Stewart and nize the vital importance of the time element in this litigation and that it will act upon the ap plication for a stay or the appeal in ample time to permit arrange Announcement of Singers’ Engmgcments The Inspiration Coeds Gospel mcnts to "be made for the next study periods will be in thei Singers from New York City school year.” charge of Mrs. Geneva Charles! will appear at Mount Calvary! / Arguments before the appel- and Ronald Fulton. I Holiness Church on Eighth and late court is scheduled to begin —O— I Linden Streets Friday, July 25 Ushers Day Ob,scrvance j at 7:30 p.m.; and will appear Rev. Fisher R. Mason, pastor July 26 at White Rock Baptist of Spencer Memorial Baptist; Church on 14th Street at 8:30 Church in High Point and hia! p.m. The last appearance of the congregfition will worship at singers will be at Friendship New Bethel Baptist Church at Baptist Church on North Cherry 3 o’clock Sunday, July 27 under | Street at 4 o’clock p.m. th* auspices of the Ushers and' The public Is cordially Invited Nursery Boards. | to attend all appearances Of the ’This will be the celebration of | singers, the 45th anniversary of the| -Un-American- (Continued from page 1) alarmed at the prospect of this committee coming South to fol low the lead of Senator East land, as well as several state in vestigating committees, in try ing to attach the ‘subversive’ label to any liberal white Southerner who dares to raise his voice in support of our democratic ideals.” Among those who figned the letter were: Qr. Herman H. Long, Tenn.: Bishop Edgar A. Love, Md.; Mrs. AnHrew W. Simkins. S. C.; The Rev. F. L. Shuttlesworth, Ala.; E. D. Nixon, Ala.; the Rev. S. P."Spottswood, Ark.; Father John LeBauve, Miss.; Attorney Martin A. Mar tin, Va.; L. C. Bates, Editor, State Press, Ark. C. A. Scott, Editor, Atlanta Daily World, Ga.; The Rev. C. K. Steele, Sr., President Inter-Civic Council, Inc., Fla.; Attorney Ar thur D. Shores, Ala.; Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, D. C.; Bishop R. E. Jones, Miss.; Dr. William Strassner, JJ. C.; C. C. Dejoie, Jr., Editor, Louisiana Weekly, LaJ Carter Wesley, Publisher, The Informer, Texas; Dr. M. M. D. Perdue, Ky.; C. Herbert Mar shall, Jr., M. D., D. C.; The Rev. Daniel J. Hughlett, Ky.; Jamea E. Gayle, La., Eddie L. Madison, Jr., Oklahoma Eagle, Okla.; T. D. Moon, Exec. Sec’y. Okla. Assoc, of Teachers, Okla.; Dr. Oliver C. Cox, Mo.; Serelle H. Warfield, W. Va. ,A.lso: Jessie P. Guzman, Ala.; Attorney Samuel Mitchell, N. C.; Attorney James Burns, Miss.; Robert Earl Moran, Sr.,-S. C.; The Rev. T. O. McJunkins, Ark.; Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Faulkner, Tenn.; Alice C. Trigg, Washing ton, ,D. C.; The Rev. O. L. Sher rill, N. C. Third Flight: Jack Coke, Philadelphia, first place; R. Cole, N. J-, secenod place, and F. D. Pickney, Baltimore, third place. Amateur Women’s Division Winners by flight: 4 First Flight: Mrs. Elizabeth' Rich, Washington, first place; Mrs. Alma Arvin, Baltimore, •econd place, and Mrs. Amelia Lucas, Washington, third place. Second Flight: Mrs. Bernice Starke of Philadelphia, firrt place; Mrs. J. Brown, Philadel phia, second place, and Mrs. Jeanette Barber, Washington, third place. Max Stanfbrd, PGA President, and John Shorey, Allentowi> pro, commended the tournament as an outstanding golf event. -Body Of Man- (continued from page 1) heard his cries for help. However, when they reached, the scene. Smith was nowhere to* be seen. His' drowning was the first reported tor Richmond County this year. on August 4 in St. Louis Other attorneys who appear on the brief filed on behalf of the Negro students are Irma Robbins Feder, Constance Baker Motley and Elwood H. Chisolm, all of New York, and Spotts- wood W. Robinson of Richmond, Subscribe to The Carolina Times -Bishop- (continued from page 1) where and iransiasea Itself Into ihe spread of spiritual interde^ peiidonce among the peoples the world. Freedom encircle# tit* culture and histories of man kind's false divisions, based on language and geographical bar-t riers and includes men of all, nations, raccs, cultures and cus toms, in an absorbing brother hood of man that proclaims th* efficacy of preaching freedom”^ said the prelate. He concluded with th« follow ing, The free nations of today’i world must live the freedom they profess to represent if ther^ is to be freedom in the world. As Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah has reminded us, "There can be no freedopi with out equality”. The United States and Great Britain cannot be free until Hawaii and Ghana are free. Our freedom, cradled at Plymouth Rock, declared at Philadelphia, won at Bunker' Hill, Saratoga, Valley F6rge and Yorktown, tested at Bull Bun, settled at Gettysburg and wrapped up at Appamattoxi must be continued {^t Llttl^ Hock, Dawson and Mianii, If we are to witness for the same,; uij-j der God. If the church clipnot teach, preach and live a 2re«->' dom, to all men, everywhere,^ we lack the dynamic neceBMry- for survival, as spokesmen God in today’s world. (continusd from page 1) conrentlon city that the local committaes have nothing to fear ^nd that. the challenge will be tnet with the usual calm that burham is noted for when en-« tertalning b(g events. rJurisdiction- I (continued from page 1) Uniyerslty, Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Hall spoke at one of the assem bly sessions on the subject, “What the colleges are doing to help the small church musical ly.” Around Winston From Six To Midniglit By Carl A. Brown Monday evening, I stopped by the Lincoln Grill and had lunch with Thomas Winningham and Oren Nance. Later that day, I went to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Pentyeton where they were selling Bar-B-Qued Ribs and Chops for the church build ing fund. Tuesdaynlght, I slopped by Roadside Grill -at 5th and Clare- -U. s. Court- (continued from page. 1) the District Court and by this Court.” ' “Placing a premium on oppo sition to public school desegre gation by illegal means rather than by democratic methods can only- result in encouraging law less elements opposing compli ance...and frustrating those seeking compliance in a lawful manner,” they argue. In short, preventing racial tension or con flict is no ground for deprivation ■of constitutional right#: - The second point made by the attorneys is that “the District Court had no power to suspend, postpone or rescind the decree approving appellees’ plan of gradual integration after affir mance by this court on appeal.” Here they point out that once a higher court affirms a decree a lower court cannot change that decree without getting per-i mission from the higher court to modify it. Therefore, Judge Lemley had no authority to grant the Little Rock School Board’s request for postpone ment, the attorneys argue. The last point made in the brief’is that “aside from the lack of constitutional authority for the lower court’s order, its ef fect as a precedent will be dis astrous to our whole concept o£i constitutional government.” I The attorney conclude that it JACQUIN’S ROYALC $2 PINT OISTIlllD FROM GRAIN - «0 PROOF CHARLES lACQUIN it Cle, Inc., Phila., Pd. Need A Car? We BUY SELL TRADE BYNUM'S AUTO SALES CO. . Ill VARGRAVE STREET PA. ."{-(WSl WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. mont Street* and ai uiual found the place to be very much *!!▼« with Nursea and students from Winston Salem Teachers Col- l«e. Friday night at tha Masonic Hall, Sethos Court No. 108 gave a benefit dance for the Tubercu losis and Cancer Fund. l^ri. Lillian Robinson and Mrs. Mamie Lang were in charge. Music was furnished by the Paul Norman Trio. Mr. Sc Mrs. George Cason were enjoying the dance after spending a vacation In Hempsled, L. I., New York and Canada. Farmer Kirkland^ and Kenard Dockette were there; Dimp (Love-Joy) Turner, Char les Lee Boyd, Viola Anderson, Louise Withers, James Klnard and Mary McQueen were also dancing and enjoying them selves. That is all for this week, but 1 will leave you with this tliouM, “A am ^ tiM inch. u4 talks by th# should ba klckad by tht DEATHS AND FUNERAIS ^AME9 A. fILUAMS Funeral i»»vlca# for James A- Wllllami ofv’1'4* Highland Ave nue were conducted it Mace-' donla Holiness Church At 1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 20 y. C. BAMSEUR, fB. Funeral services for Vlvlon Cornelius Ramseur Sr. Of 606 Vargrave Street who died Thursday, July 17 at a local hos pital, were held at 4:30 p.m. July H; at Gdler Metropolitan AME Church by the Rev. F. R. Blakeley. ' Smn7 Oww* AMBftlCAFt ‘ iLtNDBD Wnifttt ..J «aS>U'OI8TIU(ll8 .COMPMV. MW-TOM ClTT. ILEMB) WHIMP. N:HI!^. fSfl'lMIII W>RU Wllltl. Enjoy Beer with your dinner tonight .i RefreshlngT^ .IJelaxing “ the beverage all America likes DURHAM BEER WHOLESALERS NATK^AL “BOtr SCHLITZ MtLLER HIGH LIFE BVDWEISER LINCOLN THEATRE SUNDAV-MONPAY TUESDAY JULY 27-28-29 7wo Outstanding: —^^jt^Fcatures ifhu Star' SCENES AT JONES PRODUCE AND CONFECTIONERY, 400 EAST FOURTH STREET, WITH PATIO (CENTER) LOCATED IN REAR. FOB THE FINEST IN . SEAFOODS AND PRODUCE A COMPLETE RETAIL SEAFOOD AND PRODUCE CENTER WITH PATIO IN REAR FOR YOUR COMFORT AND ENJOYMENT. A WELL- BEFRIGERATED PLANT WITH A LARGE VARIETY OF PRODUCE AND SEAFOODS FOR WHOLESALE JONES PRODUCtAND G^FECimRY 400 EAST FOURTH STREET JONES WHOLESAIE AND.RETAIL 732 EAST THIRD STREET E. E. JONES, OWNER PHONE PA. 3-0398 Welcome! t Visitors: National Business League National Housewives’ LeagU0 National Bankers Association ★ ★ ★ Congratulations MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK UPON ITS FIFTY YEARS OF CONTINUOUS AND HERITOIilOIIS SERVICE ★ ★ ★ North Carolina Muti^al .Life Insurance Co. 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