THE CAROLINA TIMES — Satunlay, VbfMt MH — f • BASKETBALL • FOOTBALL • BOXING Sports Of The Times ' BASEBAU TENNIS TRACK Jefferson, Tutor Of Teams Once Scourge Of CIAA, To Babe Ruth Tops Be Honored In Chicago For Over 35 Years In Sports Selections For All-Time Team Two more of the teams en-{ tered in the Bull City Midget | Inseball lea(:ue are pictured' here. This picture shows bers of the Walltown te the Western league. The towners are im oi second place Vision, with currently riding in in the Western di- a 7-6 won-ioss re- (CIAA News Service) The National Athletic Steer- ! ing Committee will honor Harry R. “Big Jeff” Jefferson for thirty five years “contribution to the development of youth through athletic coaching and adminis tration” at the Washington Parlt YMCA in Chicago on August 15. Jefferson, who is presently as sociated with Berea College ia Philadelphia, ended his active coaching carcer at Hampton In stitute in 1956. I The popular mentor’s life time! football record is 181-86-18. 1 Jefferson’s career began at Kelly' Miller High School, Clarksburg, West Virginia, in 1922.',^ • He''was at Wilberforce Uni- versi'tS in 1923 before returning to Kfelly Miller in 1924. Higi five year association with Bluetield State College began in J029‘, His first term at Bluefield ended in 1929. Jefferson’s 1927 and 1928 teams at Bluefield were ' league champions. From 193Q to 1931 Jefferson coached at North Carolina A&T in, Greensboro. He returned to Biuefkild for the 1922-1933 sea son. At-’''*^ Virginia State College wheFe^he moved in 1934, Jeffer son 'Remained until 1948, pro ducing CIAA championship teams, in 1936, 1938, 1939, and 1945. II.4KKY R. JE7FER50\ 1 Jefferson was associated with' Hampton Institute 1949 *ol 1956. 1 In addition lo active coaching Jefferson served as vice presi-, dent of the CIAA’s Central dis trict, one or the founding mem bers of the highly successful CIAA Baslietbail Tournament Committee, and as Chairman of the influential Committee on Committees. He is no-,v an honorary presi dent of the CIAA From 19.‘i0-]9!i6 uoffersorv served as a mcmbor of the Rules Committee of tlie American Football Coaches Association. Since 19"7 he has been a mem ber of the AFCA’s Fatal Injuries Committee. Jefferson served as chai; »ian of the NASC during 1956-57. 1 J. B. McLendon, Jr., Execu-| tive Secretary of the NASC, is' in charge of arrangements for the Jcffer.son Aw.?rds Day pro gram in Chicago. | Two Football I Clinics For CIAA Slated 1 (CIAA News Service) R. D. Armstrong, CIAA Foot ball Commissioner, has an nounced grid clinics for Rich mond, Va., on August 24 and Greensboro, N. C.. on September name in the line-apr tk# nMgazine, is that ot man, Jimmy CoUin*. who ont- distanced Frank "Home Rub'' Baker by morw 15 v»ta«. A pitcher's nigbtmar*. thi« ‘dream te«m” boMts a comp* site lifetime batting avenge of 327; E. C. Krieger wiil be the con sultant for the clinic in Rich mond on Sunday, August 24. This clinic was originally sche duled for Saturday, August 23. Krieger will discuss recent foot ball rule changes before the Cen tral Board of athletic '•f^it^ials. Armstrong announced that examinations will be held at the Central Clinic and at the South ern Clinic on September 6 with the Piedmont Board. NEW YORK Babe Ruth heads an all-time' American League all-star tean^' selrctid by 120 members of the Baseball Writers Association of America for SPORT MAGA- ZiNE. According to the current issue, OJt last vvecit, July 29, there wa. close voting for most positions with the final selec tions as follows; first base - Lou Go'irig second base - Eddie Collins third base - Jimmy Collins shortstop - Joe Cronin l-ft fiold - Ty Cobb center field - Joe Di Maggio right field - Babe Ruth catcher - Bill Dickey righthanded pitcher - Lefty Grove , V, ^ SPORT staied that the closest contest was for the center field I slot, with Joe Di Maggio edging ! the traditional cnoice, Tris Spoakcr, by a scant one vote. ' Bill Dickey took catching honors I by a 59-50 margin over Mickey I Cochrane, white Lou Gehrig I finished 23 votes ahead oi ! George Sisler. I Highest vote-gcttor, said SPOUT, was Babe Ruth with a nrar-unanimous 107. He was followed by Lefty Grove, 105 and Ty Cobb. 104. Possibly the most unfamiliar RESERVE 2 86 PROOF j. T. 1 nowrs SON et). uwttNcawt. iiCKDEO wHciin. anoM >1% SDMII NCUTItl I’llNTt IZJI \ Members ■‘he Cut-Rate Su per Market squad are pictured above. The Cut Rate team was in i^econd place in the Eastern dl- fision, as of Monday. They OAvn a 10-3 record. College’s football team, and John; Sample, fleet Maryland Stat;-^ 1958 all CIAA biickfield star,; are practicing with the Colieg: i All Stars in preparation for the; annual All Star game at Soldicrj' field, Chicago, on August 15. Baker and Sample are be lieved to be the first stars from predominantly Negro colleges t6 win all Star berths with the lamed collegians. Time Out For Bubble Gum OTutuar oaviiigs entry IH, the Midget baseball league took time out from their regular chore of chasing the three other teams in their division of the Midget league to take in a liot dog, cola and bubble, gum party given them last Monday by Mr. and Mrs. William Forte. Attending tiie pariy were coach David Parker, Lcniiie Forte, team captain Kyle School er, Willie McClain, Nathaniel | Walker, Booker Spaulding, Jr., Clifton Bell, James Saunders, Roger Massey, Paul Royster, Luther Brown, Dwight Brown, and Eugene Harrington, Jr. Baker Drills With All-Stars CHICAGO, 111. John Baker, Jr., 300 lb. allj CIAA tackle on North Carolina STRarCHT DOURBON V/HISKEY OLD Seitniy/ m es pr^oo^ V.’ALSH & CO., ir'Q. U\W''CKCLr:iJRG. INO. NEWS FROM EVERY TOWN AKDHAMIET IN NORTH aROllNA, SOUTH CAROLINA Department E WRITE ivor.- THE CAROLINA TIMES DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA lEARlS HOW you CAIS EAR^ EXTRA CASH EVERY WEEK! .If CERTIFIED SPECIALS A netc concept in food Barings! Colonial meets the challenge to lower food prices even more! CERTIFIED by Coioniars buyers to be substantiolly reduced in price — bringing yoy sensational stvings. CERTIFIED by Colonial's Home Economist to be seasonal — just right for menus or household use this time of year. CERTIFIED by Colonial's comporison shoppers to be, quality for quolity, the best buy in the market. CERTIFIED to meet Colonial's high standards for quality ond value. Look for the _ "Certified Savings" seal in Colonial's ads and on displays in the stores! if»tur-Tend*r US. Choice Quality S.MITH’S PRIDE FROZEN CHICKEN OR TURKEY LEG’O LAMB 69 iWHOLE 01 HALT ARMOUR’S STAR FRAltfKS POT PIES 3 » 59c KRAFTS MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 7. 49c REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE!—FLUFFY ORLON PILLOWS - 99' cotoiiu srmsi SAVE AT CS! BIG STAR PATTIES Margarine 10 GRADE “A” SMALL FRESH EGGS 3 - REDGATE PURE TOMATO CATSUP 2 37 c Cl .90 TOP-QUALITY DRESSED AND DRAWN 5 To 8 Eounds Average Weight Pillsbury White or Yellow CAKE MIX BOXES 39c SAVE AT CS! HUDSON TOP-QUAUTY ABSORBENT TOILET YELLOW OR PINK LB. 4 TISSUE AMAZING LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICEI—FLAG BRAND DOG FOOD.. SAVE AT CS! NEW PACK GREER FREESTONE PEACHES 2 ROLL PKG. 49 Our Pride Fr^sh ^ 'ANGEL CAKE 396 Luscious Ripe Freestone Fresh Peaches 4 29c SAVE ON FRESH PRODUCE AT CS! FRESH GREEN 15’A-02 NO 2V^ CANS Cmrn 426 W. Main Street —713 Chapel Hill Street — 908 E. Main Street — 701 IS. Mmtgunt Street — 1201 North Angier Awmtte, (llenn - Lennox Shopping Center (Chapel Hill) - C orner Franklin and Craham Street» (Chuiiel Hill). 4