1 '-■¥^¥¥7^ ProUem - How To KsiNirse Over $300,900 in (kanis I Th« pnitit««n «f giving aw«y i medicaC ZeawUktien and «*r-| upwards of $123,000 have been| money nearly $MO,flOO t« i»e| marked lar me«lio«l »»ewrch,! given away for scholarsliips and j exact will be one of the biggest the jjroblem stems from a scar- medical research in cancer ajod i tasves «n the agenda when the'cit^ of appUcanto wiM liave tuberculosit. But after decidim;! 57th annual/invention of the'asked tor one of the $5,flOO'upon a ««e-y«ar (Mriod H re- Imperial Co/^il of the Ancienti graa^. I «ppna^l last Augiart wMe oo»- Xgyptian /mbic Ordei' of No-1 In the past W year*, sinee the|:«cnjnc ta Philadclphj*, tfct bles of Thp Mystic Shrine meets Shrtee Tuberculosis and Cancer in ChicaifO; on August 17-22. fteaearich Foundation wa* found- Wllh a V/otal of $29*.271.4fl| ©d by t^e imperial Council in Already fljiotted tt> the Shriner’: session at St. Lowis. Miswuri, fteUKA' VODKA «/• QUA« S3*9S WMT IQO Proof. Made from Qrain by L. Rpijsky & Cle, CockeyM/ille, Md., U.S.A. gHOP AT THESE BUSINESS f PUCES ★ ★ ★ ★ WHERE YOUR CAROLINA TIMES IS SOLD—ALL IN WINSTON-SALEM . I ★ ★ ★ ★ ./ ^ Acme Drug Store / ★ J. A. Jones Grocery Ellington Snack Shop ★ ★ ★ ★ Free Space Winner Woodland Soda Shop .#* I, 1000 NORTH WOODLAND AVENUE « V ; ■ t - ^ t)o Drop Inn ★/ Buck’s Shine Parlor ★ ★ ★ ★ Little Rose Garden Stinson Shell Station Johnson Grocery MincM* Grocery Hraiap has aow Itfted Ihe reatrlc- tUoM to tndude granti ior re- •earch purpoaes in all pteaea of ‘mediciae. Any iiutttutiaM «r in-i ifividual can reoAhre as mmmIi m fS.MO anmwHy M ttiey ttppiy imd ■are approved by tJie Shrine Tuberculosis and ' Cancer Be- search Foundation. All corres pondence should be directed to convention headquarters, Arabic Temple No. 44, 711 E. 47th Street, Chicago, lUinoia. As one of the most geaeroua groups supporting- America’s charities, the Prince Hall Ma sonic affiliated Shrine group has, In the past, given away as much as $46,800 to one Negro hospital alone to aid in medical research. This was to Wendell Phillipe Hospital in St. Iajuis, Missouri, Which recaived grants in 1951,. .1953 and 1054 for a Shrine can- •cer dinic. Others who have been recipients of Shrine grsRits are the American Cancer Society, $15,000 in 1950; Freeman’s Hos pital of Wakiington, t). C., $20,000 for research in tubercu- tosie; and the Carver Research Foundation at Tusicegee Insti tute, Ala., which has been awarded two grants of $3,60$ each for cancer research. Aside from assessments im posed upon each of the Shriner’t ISi-OOO member organization and their ladies’ auxiliary, the Daughters of Isis, one of the biggest sources of revenue for the charitable project is the Shrir>e Talent and Beauty Pa geant. Since 1950, a total of XUE CAROUNA-TlJifES I .lay, at 11 a.m. the faculty and^ itaff will bold a Joint meeting ■vith student leadts's and iiuth jroutiG will attend a banquet at i 7 p.m. in the'dining room of the i David D. Jonw Student Union. ' A worl(-study program in thej library, t>eginning at 9:30 a.m.- on Thursday, September 11 willj close the conference. | Nat “King” Cole presents tke Gurtis and Natalie Wood. Cited Los Angeles Urban League^i 1958. motion picture award, a fold plaqiie, to Frank Hess, pro- 4s the film that **does most for better race relations and under- «tanding,” "Kiiifs Go Forth” ducer of “Kin(s Go Fortli” ^starts this week at the Carolina which stars Frank Sinatra, Tony Theater. Race Theme Movie Lauded “Kings Go Forth,” a Ross- m' u s i c a 1 College; Juilliard Eton Production starring Frank $32,000 has been awarded to young ladies who have' been winners of the Talent andt Beauty Pageant, perhaps thej largest among Negroes in the U.S. To date, scholarship awards have been used at the Chicago Elmer E. Edwards^ Second Baseman Signed By Pirates Pittsburgh The Pittsburgh Pirates ^oday announced the signing of second baseman. Elmer Eugene Ed wards to a contract for next sea son (1959) with their Clinton (Iowa) club in the Midwest Lea gue. Eklwards, 20, ’ is a senior at Tlorida A&M University in Tal lahassee (Fla.) The youngster, who stands 5-10 and one-half and weighs 167—was rated one of the “finest infielders in the South” by his coach, O. A.‘ Moore. ! A rightha'nded-batter and throjver, Edwards is very highly thought of by the Pittsburgh or ganization. He will report nekt Spring. School of Music in New Vcrk; Wayne University Schooll of Music in Detroit; Traphagen School of Fashion Design in New York; Howard University at Washington, D. C.; Hamptoii Institute, Hampton, Va.; Carne gie University in Pittsburgh, Pa.; Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio; New York School of 'Drama; Tillotson College in Aus tin, Texas; and St.' Francis School of Nursing, C^ilumbus, Ohio. HOLLY POULTRY COMPANY MOVED TO NEW LOCATION Fourth At Vine Street Wholesale And Retail To (Groups And Churches SPECLp ON WEEK-ENDS lr(^' l|gs And Chickens For All Occasions. DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE PA. 2^70 LOANS Nv Red Tape I0AP6 * $lliM To SINlM Uin FIWUKE COMPm L*cali7 ON SELincrry autd personal sigmatu«e 22C NMrth Itahi Tkmm N«rtk CnmMma ClotliingForThe&itireFamiiy At Tbe Bas Stop Across From Food Fair FOB TOUR GRADUATION NEEDS. OU* FRIENDLY C1>KRKS ARE ALWAYS EAGfX TO SERVE YOU PROMPTLY HONEVS CREMT CLOTHINCCO. ; Phoi« PA 5-9702 127 E. Srd St. Winston-Salem, N. C AUGUSTA AND AIKEN HOSTS TO TAU GAMMA DELTA 13TH BOULE AUGUSTA, Ga. All roads lead to Augusta, Ga., for members of Tau Gamma Del- WARiHAS RIPPED'THE^SCREEN BEFORE- / LOVE HAS.CROSSED COLOR UNES BEFORE -BUT NEVER UKE THIS! ListnigM good enough for you iMiilte MOHgh lor your SiiilSitfk! Q^S! FRANK ROSS Wfio Ga« You'THE lOBT Preeents TwHt TrofflltaM«l1(lii9jB«F«(tt’’fc»JfltTlllVlDBWWII-OlrMWl)(DEWIER I . i Iv Merle miller • MwIc I« EUKR KmOM •« MSS-CTON Pioduom -MMd thru liNITEDQQARTISTS Ifiiis W«ek At The Caroliiiii Tiieater Sinatra, Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood, has been awarded the 1958 Los Angeles Urban League Award as the motion picture that “‘does most for the promotion of bettor race relations and under standing.” * Nat “King” Cole presented the gold plaque to Frank Ross, producer of the film which was made on the French Riviera Ross accepted on behalf of him self and Franli Sinatra who was unable to attend the ceremnoies Ross received the award before leaving for France at the week end. Urban League members were ponsulted by Mr. Ross in the handling of the inter-racial as pects of “Kings Go Forth,” a love story set on the French Riviera during World War II in which Natalie Wood portrays the daughter of an inter-racial couple. The film, which will have its world premiere ii Monaco on June 14 for the bene' jCit;of the United Nations Refugee fund, will be released in this country by United Artists in July. ta Sorority, according to Augiis- ta and Aiken Chapters, hosts for tlie 13th Boule, August 13-17. Aside from the regular business, dances and cocktails will be en joyed by the visitors from the states listed: North Carolina, South Carolina, District' of Co lumbia, Maryland, Ohio, Newi York, Michigan, Indiana, Illi nois, and California. Mrs. Lu cinda M. Harris, Soutiiern , re gional director, has been coun seling the host Chapters in its planning. A special feature of thte meet-, ing will be the presentation of the outstanding Soror of tbe year award. At the public meet ing on Thursday night, a $100. scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding young lady in Augusta, and $100 to the NAACP. Mrs. Corine Dean, Na tional President of Detroit, Michigan, stated: "We hope this eonvention will be helpful and educational, and that our pur pose will have been accomplish ed and rededicate ourselves to the principles on whiph we were founded. Durham Births The following births were re-, ported to the Durham County Health Department during the week of August 4 through 9. Henry and Ruth McDowell, girl. Willie and Ernestine Waller, boy. Henry and Vesta Whitted, girl. Thomas and Delia Garrett, girl. ^ijah and Catherine Shaw, girl. Leroy and Josephine Burt, "Tx)^. William and Elneps Carringt ton, twin girls. Claude and Lorine Regers, girl. James and Grade Soett, girl. Dallas and Marie Hamlett, boy. lAaek and Hary HtCtms, boy. Boowtvalt and OUdyi Bo* iMte, hof. Jsrry and ithirlar J^Mdows, Pre-School Talks At Bennett Set GREENSBORO Consultants for the annual faculty-staff fall conference at Bennett College, September 4-11, will be members of the col lege’s team which participated in the Danforth Foundation’s Cam pus Community Workshop at Colorado Springs, Colorado, it was announced this week. Theme of this year’s sessions will be “Strengthening the Col lege Program through Faculty- Staff Efforts.” Members of the Danforth team are Dr. Chaun- cey -G. Winston, Mrs. Louise G. Streat, Francis L. Grandisoa. and James C. McMiUan. Discussions will center around six core areas in the instruction al program. They are; freshman English, freshman social science, general education, general aci- (ence, humanities, religion and philosophy, introduction to edu-' cation and child psychology. First general session will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, September 5 and at 7 p.m., there will be divisional meetings. CM' Saturday, the conferees will l>« gnests of President Willa B, Player at a picnic supper to be iMld on the lawn of her hoaie and on Sunday, they will attend the morning service at St. Mat- /thews 4 Church, in wbo^e original edifice the col lege had its birth. On Monda^r, Uie first session of the core, grouf) will be lieW ancf the sam^ schedule will be followed on Tuesday with an inter-core meeting of all o«n- ferees set for 7 p.m. On Wednes- NEW METHOD iJiUNDRY And Dry Cl4:^ners 405 R«Mb«ro Straet BROAD ST. BRANCH IIM Broa4 Street^ QUICK - SERVICE WASH TUB RoxboM Road at Avondala Drive poy. George and Flora Brooks, boy. William and Oia King, Iwy. JANE PARKER PLAIN — CINNAMON OR SUGARED DONUTS Specially Priced 29 Packagc of 12 SPECIAL “OUR FINESr A&P APPLE SAUCE Np.303 Ifroz. Cans ANN PACT VALIJES - SmK SPEQAL! PURE GROUND BLACK* PEPPER cT„ 10( - 19c 35c SPECIAL! PURE FRUIT DELIQOUS Preserves BED JAM OR JELLY YOUR CHOICE? RASPBERRY 'l2-OZ.GLi^ 12-oz. Glass 25 Grand Value! Ami Page Flavorful Cake J MIXES Devils’ Food Honey Spice White Yelfow ^‘SUPER-RIGHT” THIN SLICED BACON PcicM Thia Ad Yltttt 2