i I I I- » .1 i\ o I .•» 1 I ivi t s ■TMB i f-UIH UfiiaifatlD- SAT., FEBRUARY *8, HSf DOROTHEA TOWLES, Ameri ca's most famous Negro fashion model, is shown signing a con tract to direct tlic editing of a weekly column on bsauly hints for women. Witnessing the sig nature in New York are Mar- gurite Belafonte, model, and JcMe J. Lewis, Public Relations Counsel for J. Strickland and Company. Internationally recognized as • beauty expert and fashion au thority, Miss Towles was the first Negro model to work for world-famous French centuriers. Her worldwide assignments in clude modeling in Paris for such designers as Christia n Dior, Pierre Balmain and the late Jac- ques Falh. At one time she was closely associated with the Salon of Vene Zianii in Rome. Currently on an American tour, she is appearing with her "Dcrothea Towles Fashion Pres entations" in leading citics. Her biauty news column to be conducted under the pen name "Genevieve Young," will give "btauty tips to housewives and career girls on a budget," Miss Towles said. To be syndicated nationally in leading newspa pers, the column will be con ducted under the auspices of the R. C. Beauty Institute, a Public Service Division of Royal Crown Bsauty Products. National Meeting of Negro Artists Is Called for Atlanta In March ATLANTA. Ga.—Negro artists are being asked to attend a na tional meeting at Atlanta Uni versity on Saturday and Sunday, March 28 and 29. All Negro art ists, fine and commercial, mem bers of college, university and school art facultie?. art students and those interested in the role of the Negro in art are invited to attend the mecUng, Mrs. Mar garet Burroughs of Chicago, chair man and coordinator of the com mittee, said. The idea of the meeting orig inated with a group of Chicago artists who set the dates so that they would coincide with the open ing of the 18th Annual Atlanta University Exhibition of Paintings, ScuTpIui-f ana rrlnts uti Maicii 29. The program will be concerned with the evaluation of the role of the Negro in art and a discuss ion of the contribution Negro art ists can make to the 100th Anni versary of the Emancipation Proc lamation. On the original Chicago com mittee were Mrs. Burroughs, art- i.it, tcacher and writer, Marion Perkins, prize-winning sculptor, Bernard Goss, painter, and liobert .)one£, sculptor The committee has been enlarg ed to include the following spon sors: James D. Parks, co-chairman, Miss Eugenia V. Dunn, chairman of the Host committee. President Rufus E. Clement of Atlanta Uni versity Exhibit, pubtenfffg .6666 versity, advisor, Mrs. Helen M. Coulborn, Chairman of the Atlan ta University Exhibit, publicity, and Lawrence ^rice, Fred Ander son, Lawrence Jones, Delbert Love- lady, Hprpcr T. Phillips, Joseph W. Giliiard, Oregon Hendricks, Rex Gorleigh, Frederic F. Kersey, Samella Lewis, Ernest Crichlow, Charles White, Vernon Winslow, James Watkins, Jenelsie Holloway, Yvonne P. Hunt, William E. Johns- tnn Inna .Taffriec, Calvin Riirnett, and Vincent Saunders. Jr. Mrs. Burroughs is asking artists cr observers who are interested in attending to communicate with her at, 3806 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 53, Illinois, before March 20. After that date communica tions and messages of preetings should be sent to Negro Artists Meeting, Atlanta University. A registration fee of $3.00 is being charged. GREENSIiORO—Dates for the 33rJ annual Ilomemaking Insti- tulo at Bennett College will be March 8 - 15, President Willa B. Player announced this week. This year’s institute, which will be conducte.1 around the thematic idea of “Women in Careers and in Community Service,” will be gin v,'ith a special vesper program on Sunfby, March 3 at 4 p.m. Four more programs, each to be held in Pfeiffer Chapel, are scheduled. On Monday, at 10 a.m., there will be a panel discussion off "Women in Careers” at which ame Mrs. Alice Dunni^an, of .Vashington, correspondent for he Associated Negro Press; Mrs. iarah Ilerbin, of High Point, N.C., .associate director of fmerit em ployment with the Southeastern ■cgion of the American Friends Servite Comniiltoe, and Mrs. Clif- lon T. Snipes, local busine.ss wo man, will parlicipate. The Wednesday morning pro- ,jram will feature an address by Mrs. William T. Mason of Nor folk, Va. Mrs. Alason is a public relations consultant. The Friday morning program participants will be students who will describe classroom experiences which they have had relating to community service. Closing program, at which an institute summary will be given, will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 15 at which time Dr. Al lan Knight Chalmers of Boston, Mass. will speak. Dr. Chalmers is professor of preaching and ap plied Christianity in the Boston University School of Theology. 0- St. Augustine's Is Accepted By College Body RALEIGH — Saint Augus tine’s College was officially ac- ccpted into full membership of the American Association of Col- Tbinqs You SSouId Kaoy CRAFT Interiiatlonal Florists At Hampton % A QUADROON, SHE HELPED HER HUSBAND,WILLIAM, ESCAPE FROM SUVERY IN MACON, OA. BYPOSINO ASAMAw/ ( HIS MASTER) SO MUCH TROUBLE FOLLOWED,THEY HAD TO RUN AWAY TO ENGLAND/ xaA/7-/AJ^A/7:^-c I HAMPTON, Va. — The Internq j tional Florists AS.soclatlnn. Inc.; ! will meet at Hampton Institute, IJuly H-16. This will be the 7tb ! innital convention. Official busi- I neas will l»gin July 13, with rcg- ; Istration beginning as early as Situ#day. W, O. Perry, Miami, president of I. F. A. Inc., was assured of welcome at the institute by Jame.s W. Bjvant, business manager when the planning committee met at the school in January. More than 25 Virginia florist* ‘ gathered at the school in Jan-' uary for their state meeting af-' ter which a kick-off dinner of Fourteen State NAACP Leaders To Head Campaign Of Organization Seeking Half Million Members FLEISCHMANN’S VODKA $330 4/5 Quart mUccyJ' ’OOOi V, vWVf JUi VODKA ^ mem $210 Pint MMOOF.DISTILLED FfOM 100% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS THf FLEISCHMANN OI^TILtlMG CORP.. NEW YORK CIlY leges for Teacher Education at the recent meeting of the Asso ciation, held at Chicago. Dr. P. R. Robinson, who attended the meet ing, states that “The American Association of Colleges for Teach er Education is a national volun tary association of 412 colleges and universities organized to im- I prove the quality of teacher edu- I cation. All types of four-year in- ! stitutions for higher learning are j represented in the present mem- I bcrship. These include private and church-related liberal arts colleges, state teachers colleges, state colleges, slate universities, private and church-related uni versities and municipal upiversi- ti'esi IV.-,. ^ ■ '>''■ “Through affiliation with the Association, an institution joins with other colleges and univer sities in planning and carrying out a program to improve teach er education on both the local and national levels. By means of the services and resources of the AACTE, direct assistance can be given in the solution of problems facing all teacher education pro grams.” NEW YORK — Fourteen out standing state leaders of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People were this week named to state and regional chairmanships of the Association’s campaign for 500, 000 members in 1959. Previously, Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin of Pitts burgh had been named national chairman of the drive. They will spearhead the mem bership drive in the Association’s 50th year in anticipation of en rolling the largest number of members in the history of the NAACP. The drive has been spur red by the reccnt appearance of NAACP Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins on Chet Huntley’s NBC- TV program, Gloster B. Current, director of branches, reports. Persons responsible for reach ing NAACP membership quotas in their respective states include Al len T. Fletchcr, Bonner Springs Kansas; Miss Evelyn T. Roberts St. liOuis, Mo.; Mrs. L. t-. Graham, Burlington, N. C.; K. U. Mitchell, Colorado Springs, Colo. Also Julius Williams, Maywood, Til • Mrc r.r.icp Daniels. Phoenix. Ariz.; W. D. Mason, Farrell, Pa.; Rev. 0. C. Burroughs, Chickasha, Okla.; Eugene Williams, Char lottesville, Va.; Mrs. Florence V. Lucas, Jamaica, N. Y.; Frank H. Barnes, Fresno, Calif.; southern area president, and Joseph Ken nedy, San Francisco, northern area president. Durham Business College Students Take Part In History Week Event In Philadelphia, a 50,000 mem ber campaign has been launched under co-chairmanship of Mrs. Re gina Black and G. Washington Rhodes. Similar campaigns arc now underway in Washington, D. C., Wilmington, Del., Norfolk, Va. and Atlanta, Ga. The spring phase of the nation wide membership effort will cul minate on June 30. O Thanks Your Heart Fund Saves Hearts and Lives Students of the English Depart ment of Durham Business College presented “A Saga of the Ameri- gram in recognition of Negro His- can Negro” as an assembly pro- tory Week. The group, under the direction of Mrs. S. O. Barden, Head of the English Department, presented life sketches and portrayals of great Negroes. Maurice Word, Norfolk, Va. set the stage for the informative event indicating the part that the American Negro has played and Is Btill playing in American his tory. Ada George, Havelock, de fined the Why of Negro History as that of disseminating among the peoples of the world, the ac complishments and contributions made to our rich heritage. Annie Camp, Blacksburg, S. C., traced the history making exploits of Fredrick Douglas from his birth, his association with John Brown to his final appointments in the District of Columbia. Cora Davis, Dunn, delivered a most detailed and descriptive nar ration on the association of the Negro with the courts and the constitution. Nathan White, Durham, discuss ed the Negro's role in American politics and the resulting effects of his present political position. Floree Beeton, Asheville and Cynthia Alexander, Virginia, re viewed the life and works of George Washington Carver. Ann ette Helton, Mt. Airy and Blanche Gooch, Durham, celebrated to bring the deeds of Booker T. Washington flashings across the mental horizon. A brief historical sketch of the trials and tribulations in the founding of the great North Caro lina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany was given by Robert M»ul- din. Canton, Janice Bryant, Ruth- erfordton and Majorie Taylor, Kit- trell combined to show the in domitable spirit of the great Ten- TTl5~stsr AKBea Giogon. ‘he internDtio'inl mi''-wlr**i*r rni- ferenee was held in Newp«rt News. This gathering created a higli spirit of f«llowship which inspired the officials who wer« in Virginia for the planning eon- fcr«nce. The Virginians are led by Mrs. Harriett Watkins, presi dent. Those who attended the plan ning conference January 26 were: Mr*. Polly Lee, Williamsburg, Va., state treasurer; Mrs. Mabel Williams, Richmond, Va., slate board of governors; Mrs. Harriet Watkins, Gloucester, Va. state preiiden^; W. 0. Perry, Miami, Fla., international president; Mr. Bryant; Mrs. Y. M. Washington, LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY DURHAM COUNTY SUPEUIOB COURT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of GLADYS II. Me NEIL, Administratri.x of the Estate of P. H. McNEILL, Deceased. The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the Es tate of P. S. McNeill, late of Dur ham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claim against said Estate to pres ent them to the undersigned on or before the 2Qth day of January, 1060, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 20th day of January, lOSO. Gladys H. McNeill, Administratrix of the Estate of P. H. McNeill, De ceased. McKissick & Berry, Attorneys 200 1/2 West Main Street. Durham, North Carolina Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28; March 7, 14. CLASSIFIED ADS 10 Shirts reg, packed $1.00 1 or 2 Shirts ea. 20c 3 or more ea. 10c Deluxe packed shirts ea. 20c (Cellophane) SANITARY I^iinderers And Cleaners DIAL 2-4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKEWOOD AVENUE # Service Carage$ Speight’s Auto Service Hood Service ... Steam Cleaning Service ... Recapping . .. Wheel Alignment. PHONE: 6-2571 Pettiffrew and Fayetteville Sta. FOR SALE CREAM AND GRAY 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-8 Whit* Wall Tires (Dual 90'a Practieally New) Radio and Heater — Extra Clean Alr-Conditi^ned Low Mileage — One Owner — rems Avsflable Call 2S}06 between 9:00 A. M. 5:30 P. M. After 5:30 P. M. call 2-2332 Union Electric Company, Inc. • Electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies • Electricifl^ ^pliancet , • ' Lighting Fixtures DAY PHONE; 2-6246 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD INLAID LINOLEUM, ASrHALT RUBBER AND WALL TILE —Free Estimates— Hunt Linoleum And Tile Companyt Inc, PHONE 0-1085—NIQHT 3-3747 3505 ROXBORO ROAD COAL "OK In Every Weigh” iVI. H. Head & Soii trading as McGhee Coal Co. CALX. 3-lt41 FOR SALE $1,000 DOWN 3 Bedroom, Brick Home For Colored Balance Like Paying Rent 109 Wellons Viii^ye, Purhaai Tel. M934 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE No. 7503 Under and by virtue ot the Su perior Court of Durham County made in the Special Proceeding entitled L. C. Berry, Jr., Adminis trator ot the Estate of Louvenia Jones, Deceased vs. Josephine Har ris, Single; Waddell Hoskins, Single; Corine Hoskins, Single- Ed ward Hoskns and wife, Susie Hos kins; Major Jones and wife, Sarah Jones; Nero Jones, Jr., and wife, Ophelia Jones; Jasper Jones, Single; Maude J. Workman and husband, Boykins Harris; Ruth J. Lawson, Unmarried; and Febelle White, Single, Incompetent, de fendants, No. 7903, the undersign- ed Cemmissiners will on Wednes- day, the 4th day of March, 1959^ 12:00 o’cock Noon, at the Court House Door' in Durham County North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and be ing (p Durham Township, Durham County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a stake on the East side of Moreland Avenue and running thence with the property line on the East side of Moreland Avenue, North i degrees, East 75 feet to a stake, thence South 85 de grees East 109 feet to a ^take^ thencf, South 5 degrees West IS feet to b staVe; ^theAtf^ l^or^ de^, grees West 100 feet toi the place or point of beginning. And being Lots Nos. 08, 00, and I'OO as shown as jibown on the Plat of Lyon Park rectu-ded in Plat Book 2, Page SO, Durham County Registry, and be ing the same property conveyed to General Realty Company by Kes wick Corporation, Substituted Trus tee by deed dated October 30, 1037, and recorded in Book 125, at Page 10, Registry of Durham County. On this property is located one-two story frame dwelling bearing City Enumeration of io27 Moreland Avenue. That this sale is made subject to 1059 City and County ad valerom taxes, and the highest bidder shall be required to deposit ten (10%) per cent of his bid. This 20th day of January, 1050. F. B. McKissick Forrest A. Pollard Commissioners Feb. 7, 14, 21; 28 ^dministralrix of the , estate ,of Mae Bass Spaulding, deceased.' Feb. 14, 21, 28. March .7, 14, 21, 1059. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Durham County Civil Court No. 27C8, MARTHA T. P.\TE, Plaintiff vs. JOHN R. PATE, Defendant. TO JOHN R. PATE; Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief sought is an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of two years separation. You are required to make de fense to such pleading on or be fore the 12th day of March, 1959, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service upon you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 11th day of February, 1059. MARGARET B. BEST Clerk Durham County Civil Court. McKissick and Berry Attorneys at law. Feb. 14-21-28. March 7. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM CdUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION HAVING QUALIFIEb as Execu tor of the Estate of Joseph (Joe) Allen, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to exhibit them to the undersigned, at 203 1-2 East Chapel Hill Street, Durham, North Carolina, on r before the 7th day of February, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re recovery._ All persons indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of February, 1959. JAMES T. HAWKINS Bxecvtor WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR. Attorney Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 March 7, 14. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaified as the Admin istratrix of the estate of Mrs. Mae Durhsni County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claimis against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 114 W. Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before Feb- ,ruary 14, 1960, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said ea- wiU- pU—e -•r.ahe paywient. This 10th day of February, 1959. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITOR$ Having quisliXied as executrix of the estate of Mrs. NUry Clark Hop son, deceased, late of OuHwm County, North Carolina, thig is. ^te notify all [Arsons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 109 East miteide Avenue, Durham, North Carolina on or before the 23rd day of January, 1960, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to s.>»Jd es‘ tale are requested to make imme diate payment. This the 23rd day of janji^y, 1059. ANNIE JANE HOPSON Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Mary Cl.irk Hopson, deceased. Feb. 21-28. Mar. 7-14-21-28. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED as ex ecutrix of the estate of Callie Overby Jeffries, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said esta|e to exhibit them jto the undersigned at '622 Colfax Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before March 1, 1960, or this noticf will be plead in bar of their recavery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of February, lose. (MBS) RUTH MITCHELL EXECUTIVE OF ESfATE OF CALLIE OVERBY JEF- «—'“ r nS5;'"i5®eEaaisD. M. HUGH THOMPSON, ATTORNEY. 2-28; 3-7, 14, 21, 3B; 4-4

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