For Her Work With Youth Althea Gibson Joins Durham T ribute ToMrs. Bessie A. J. Whitted Sunday Teniiiii queen Althea Gibson Joined some 700 Durham citizens in a “This b Your Life” tribute to Mrs. B. A. J. Whitted here last Sunday night Queen Althea praised Mrs. Whit ted as an exempulary leader fur the youth of our land. Also Joinihg in the tribute were Mrs. Jean M. Capers, Cleveland, Ohio, City Councilwoman, Durham Mayor E. J. Evans, Durham City Councilman J. S. Stewart, and some 700 other local citizens. Dr. Helen G. Eklmonds, NCC pro fessor of History, wrote the script and narrated the program sponsored by the Junior Mothers Club. tivities in behalf of Du'tiJir youth have endeared you to all uur citi- zena.” Mrs. Whitted, regarded by many as the Pearl Mesta of Durham, is perhaps the city's t>est icnown host ess. Joining in the tribute to her were scores Of Durham organiza tions and friends of long standing like Mrs. Martha “Party” Donnell and Buster McDougald. Prior to her recent rclirement as cashicr of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Mrs. Whitted was said to have handled more money than any other Negro woman in history. Since retiring she has founded a Mrs. nulh Spaulding Boyd, Club ‘’""‘’’'‘""I President, told the honor** “Wekf'^*' 1 I ai. * hundred Durham youth. : arc the ones enjoying the most , active years of your leadership in' Following the program in Duke - youth activities. We pass on to our Auditorium Mrs. Whitted was hon-|"MRS BESS" AND TENNIS Mrs. Whitted in Purham Sund«y. children the nobl* heritage which' jrcd at a spccial rcccption at the QUEEN-— Mr*. B. A. J. Whitted Alfhea was one of many whom Mrs. you have given ua” Algonquin Tonni.s Club. Mrs. Alma Fiuth Wade wa.s (’hair Mayor Kvans who in 105ft prc ... scnted a special recrcation award to Mrs. Whitted said, “Your ac-' ^ Sports World Tongue-Althea AltluM (illi.siiii ,s:ii(I licrc tliis u rck, “S |i i( 1^,1 s i.'' ii. world laiiK"!!};*’ worlil u|i- jiroriatrs and iitiilcrstand.s." Tlir lanky champion from Wim blodoii an] KoBUtt Hills came to iMirham fur OT^pccial program honoring Mri«. U. A. J. Whitted, noted Durham recreation and youtli leader. "Mrs. Whitted has done a treutendous jol* for youth. I'liriiam should be very apprecia tive of hfT cvniributions.” Miss Cib.son said. The tennis star was awompanlwl by 1^. Waltcf'Jphn' Sim ‘W I.ynchburK Va. He 'Vas one of her early sponsors. “I’m (.King to spend a week with Dr. Johnson a|td then I’U de cide what I'll do about earning a living," Miss Gibson said. She came to Durham after a South American tour. "Everywhere I've gone I’ve had the feeUSg that^ audiences liked me.” For youth aspiring to careers in sports, she had this advice; “Get the best guidance you can from the best source that you can con tact. Love your sport and work at it with an intensity and the con sistency that show your love. You must have basic ability, of corse, aynd you must be always trying to improve the ability that you have.” and tennis queen Althea Gibson | Whitted befriended during her were caught by the photographer many years of working with young as they renewed an old aquain- sters. event fur Mr.s. Whitte'i. tance during a program honoring! 1 VOLUME 35—NUMBER U DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 19S9 PRICE; IS CENTS Yidim Father Of 17 Backyard Mishap Kills Funeral services for Alexander Cates, 55, 'father of 17,-are sched uled to be held Sunday afternoon at two' o’clock at Red; Mountain Baptist CTurch. , The Rev. James . Stewart,' Red Mountain paktor, is io officiate, and burial scfvlccs win be held in the church ceoietcry. ' Cates died in Diikc HosiHtal Durham Youth To Join March For Integration I neiglil>or of the Cates, the ac- jident occurel when Calcs was at- iempting to show his wife how blasting power wa.s used to burst chunks of wood. Brooks said he had taken liis wife out into the haxrkyarfl where he .sifted some power into a wcdgi driven In a log, and-, ignited it. The powder apparently explod ed in Cates’ fac«, causing severe burns over of the ui^cr por tion of his body. His wife w«s i}lsij causht in tlie blast and burned. said she wa» isxpMtlng anothw thilrf. ' Holmes hi NCS Bertie Man Picked Hampton's Most Outstanding Alumnus Of The Year BRICKS—^^MauHce W. Coleman, ai the annual state convention of Bertie County farm agent for the past 18 years, was given the “Ilamptonian of the Year” award Earn Cash FOR YOUR CHURCH SHOP THESE MERCHAr/rS WHO ADVERTISE IN The Carolina Times Participants in the Carolina Times chtirch bonus haVe ■ dou ble opportunity thi* week. Stores taking part in the bonus plan BIT offering several bargains to pro,spective sljoppers this week. In addition, cash register tapes or sales slips from these stores are good toward a $50 bonus to be given by the 'J'lMUS at the end of April. Thus, shoppers at stores adver tising in this week’s TIMES have a chance of saving money and of cuniiii;; extra cash. The bonus is available to any church of church group in Durham. Interested groups should save all purchase slips or cash register tapes from firms which are cur rently advcrlising in the TIMES. The slips or register tapes tust be turned in to the TIMES office each Saturday by six p.m. To be counted, slipi or tapes must bear the date of the current wrek. They must also come from merchants who an advertising in the TINffl^ during' that week. The group turning in slips or cash regiitcr tapes totalling the largest sum will win the bonus. This weeks purcliase .slips or easii register tapes from the follow ing merchants arc c'igiijle: A and P Super Mar'tet Winn Dixie Super Market Kroger Stores Alexander Motor Co. Colonial Stores Montgomery and Aldridge K*nan Oil Co. Machanics and Farmers Bank New Method Laundry Speight's Auto Service Hudson Well Co. Rigsbee Tire Sales Sanitary Laundry Amey Funeral Home Cut Rate Super Market Hunt Liinoleum and Tile Jackson's Grocery Mutual Savings and Loan Keeler's Super Market Burthey Funeral Home Southern Fidelity Int. Co Durham Builders Supply Ward's Open Air Market 2 Spot Restaurant LIberty-Purity fAa^et Henderian'a Gi icery Bates Gulf Service the Hampton alumni association last week. The award was presented by N. rj. White, a vice president of the Hampton national alumni associa tion at th9 climax session of the iwo-ilay coi vr.ition. Established seven years ago by llu> North Caroli’'.a Hampton alum ni organization, the award is giv en unniially to the member of the slate a.'isoclaton considered to have made the most outstanding con- Iriliiition during the year. Colemji^i was cited for his work ill linpro'^g the overall status of the rural coinnuinitics in Dertic CiHinly. Hrrlie was .selc'ted as the "I'ouiily (if the Year in Kiiral Pro- gress” last year h.v a group of ag rieultiircil agencies and. the gre.ssive Karmer maga/.inc. Irwin R. Holmes, Jr., a 1955 hon OT graduate "o? ilillirde High School, has been elected to mera- bership in Eta fCappa Nu Honorary _ . , Society at North Carolina Slate MRS. BESS CUTS HE« CAKE-j college in Raleigh, accortlng to While Junior Mothers Club offic*r, I an Shnouncement received recent- Mrs. Ruth Spaulding Boyd and Mrs.;,,, by Hillside Prlncip«r H. M. Mma Ruth Wade looked on ap*. Holmes irovinly, Mrs. Witted finally getsl her cake. | The former Hillside student is The cake was part of many'a juninr in the School of Electri- honors bestowed on the affable Mrs. Whitted by Ourhamites who joined In the Mothers club celebra tion for her. cal Engineering and was elected to membership in the honorary society on the basis of high sciiol- arship, leadership ability, and in tegrity of character. NAACP Attacks Civil Rights Bill Of Sen. Johnson WASHliSiON D. C. —N'lACP Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins'scnted a request for integration Units One, Nine To Host State Beauticians Meet Chapters 1 and 9 of the North Carolina State Beatttieians and Cos metologists A.ssoci«tion will tic host to the 20th an|iu.i convention v'hich will he held in Durham April 26th through 2!Hh. 195S The Convention will open with a program .Sunday afternoon, April 26. at 3:30 p.m. at the St Mark A.M.E. Zion Church on Roxboro St. The welcome address will Ik* de livered by Mayor E. J. Evans, Af terwards .Mrs. Katie Wickam of .New Orleami. Iji., National I’lesi- dent of the N. B. C. .V, will de liver the main address. The piiiilic is invited to attend this program. MoBflay .morning registrath'iia will take place in the Durham I'.usincsi e on Fayette Rd. where the convention head- quarten will be heW. GUEKN.SISOIIO—The entrance ut j The State President, Mrs. Willie senhower, outlining a concrete oro-l Waldo Falkner in the race for city’ Smith, of Greensboro, will emiduct Sl^mr for effecting speedy inte-i council is expected to heighten in the business sssioii on lionday gration of ptiblic schools. ] tcrcst in the coming clcctions,. morning at whMt tiai^ 4ciegates •The schedule catlF-for the youths to assemble on the mall between the Washington and Lincoln me- A contingent of young people j •arly Wednesday from severe j Durham arc expected to join lurns suffered in an accident at Vouth March on Washington do home on last Friday. His'wife, f*”" Integrated Schools Saturday. 'Irs. Mary Cates, who was also in- Officials of the Durham NAACP iired in the a^ident, was dcs- r'’""’ ribed in “fair” condhicn at Duke! f®*" ?**'• several weeks collect-1 lospilal this week. i signatures for a petition and I arranging to transport youngsters The Cates’ lived at Bt. I, Uougc-jto the nation’s capital. , nont, with their 17 children. j At least one bu.sload of Durham According to Sylvester Brooks,; young people will leave the city around three a. m. Saturday for Washington. National spon.sors of the March said from New York that approx imately 15,000 youngsters from all over the country are cxpectcd to converge on the nation's capital for a “demonstration of the where the nation's youth stands on a basic Issue of democracy.” Four of the marchers, two while and two Negro, are .scheduled to pre.sent a petition to President Ei- FALKNER Falkners' Bid Expected To Liven Vote morials, then proceed to Sylvan North - scheduled to be held hcrcv Mon day, April 27. Falkner, 55, bondsman, of 133 aod QVBvaittM wiir make their annual rc^ioirt.'r Monday night a banquet honor- Dudley Street, fomaHy I ^e SUte Pr«iel«ll will high- theater wjiere they will be ad-1 filed as a candidate for the city ° ‘ eonvcnUon. dressed by some of the leading council on April 2. spokesmen for human rights, in-! i eluding Dr. Martin King, A. Phil-' Deadline for filing for the race: lip Randolph and editor Ralph Me- Wednesday of this week. | Gin. I Falkner is a Greensboro native. stitutc and University. iraduated from Fisk He is a member 01 St. James Presbyterian Church, Omega Psi served in the YMCA membership Finals Speaker Fo^ral Judg* V/ilMam H. Has ti« of the U. S. Court of Appeals, Philadelphia, will deliver North Carolina College's 41th Com mencement addresa in the Men's Gymnasium at 11:00 a.m. on Tues day, June 2. Bishop Bertram W. Doyle of the tth District Meth«dl*t Episcopal | was state senator from warren Church, Nashville, wlW deliver the j County in 1889 and his mother was Baccalaureate sermwi at 3:00 p.m. > once supervisor in the Guilford on Sunday, May 31. County Schools. At Conference Issue Mrs. Ludmila Van Sombeek at tended the Institute on Human Re lations and Intergroup Understand ing at the Johnson C. Smith Uni- » w u u u K„ I versity in Charlotte, with her campaigns of which he has been' i,.,...; . u IT .u r .1. f ,1. ‘ friends of that city. iManv chairman. He is the father of three „ amaj educators, experts, and minister participated in the prog;m. President R. P. Perry pn-.sided children and his wife is the form er Margaret Evans of Salisbury,] North Carolina. His late father, H. H. Falkner, j * *»rm welcome to all. He also introduced Mis. Arnold Hedgeman. former Assistant to the Mayor of New York City who gave d fine address. Gixwip Opposes Morehead School Use Delegation Presents Request To School Board Asking EliminatkNi Of Segregation For Use As Solution ToProblem Of Crowded Schools Here and other spokesmen representir.g organizations affiliate with the leadership Conference on Civil Rights have joined in calling upon (^)ngress to reject the so-called l*ri)-'Civil rights bill intrmluced by Maj ority Ix^ader Lyndon U. Johnson of (.'oleman graduated from lliiinp- ton in 1!)37 and went to work as a leailier of Vocational Agricul-I Testifying before the subcom ,, , , t, , , niittee on constitutional rights of tiire in l!rrtie County. In Feijruary, ,, „ . .... „ ... . A . '’ the iScnate Judiciary Committee I!I41, he bccaine County Agent, re- ... here Wilkins declared that “it would be better to have no bill at all than to have the Johnson bill.” Tha Texan's propoMl, he said, "suggests that constitutional rights . I may ba bargained aw«y under a se-called placing J. C. Hubbard wlio was transferred to Durham. 11c is a former president of the North CJarollna Extension Work ers Association, a Mason and .Sliriner, lie is married to a Hamp ton iiluinna, and they have two] conciliation progarm; sons currently enrolled at Hamp-I Wilkins reiterated the NAACP ton ! endorsement of the bill introduced Selection of the Ilamptonian of the Year was the highlight of the two-day convention which saw sev hy Senator Paul Douglas (D., ILL.) which “recognizes the necessity of supporting affirmatively the 1954 eral key national alumni and. ^u'^ng of the Supreme Court and Hampton Institute officials gather *•* Title VI authorises the De al Franklinton Center for the meeting. In addition to top alumni offi cers from the state organization, present were Hugh V. Brown, of Goldsboro, pre^p3pnr*of The'na tional alumni; S: J. Henderson, of (I’ turn to page 8). partment of Justice, on its own Initiative, to see^ preventive relief to protect the constitutional rights of citizens in all civil rights situa tions, not merely in voting cases.” WWWftra ■KWMNISTRAtrcJW'T^wra*^ tie cityr The NAACP ■ ^okesman also to racial lines. (IMease tunr Uo page Signers of the statement includ A delegation of parents pre- of Durham schools to prevent overcrowding in several schools next term. The request was made before Monday night's meeting of the city board of cducaTTQh by some sue civic and PTA organizations. School board chairman Frank Fuller told the delegation tliat'thc city was “not ready” for l«tegra lion. Over 200 residents of the Pear son, Burton, Whitted and Hl'aside school districts, and representa tives from Durham PTA Council, NAACP and Committe on Negro Affairs, were on hand to hear their statement read by D. E^ic Moore, spokesman for the delegation. The statement specifically ask ed thai the Board not consider use of the old Morehead School to re lieve overcrowded condHons in Negro schools. It asked that the board permit students, Negro or white, to attend any conveniently located school. " It asked that the board re-dis- trlct schpol areas so that Durham school pupils, Negro or white, miy. be able to attend any conveniently IK) page ed L. B. Frasier, president of the Durham PTA Council, an organiza tion embracing the various Negro PTA units; W. J. Walker, president of the Whitted School PTA; F. W. Scott, chairman of the Pearson School Committee to Investigate the Morehead School use proposal; Mrs. V. W. Alston, President of the Burton School PTA, and Moore and W. A. Clement for the Education Committee of the Dur ham Committee on Negro Affairs. students across' town after parents 1 Kegarding the double sessions of affected children protested. '~nd transportation solutions, tke The delegation’s statement made! statement had this to say: it clear that none of these three' "Recently Owrfcam haa gana solutions would be acceptable this, through iti lacowd aeiee of fMt- year, and asked that the school | eral court lltigatiaw, mm mt wMth districts be desegregated to solve; is to bring I* ap ond H** ricttl The appearance before t h e 1 segregallon. This ik tHo of unequal traalmaiil •( tary Negro pwpih n Dwrttawt. katf fall, c*rt«n IHM erasers wan forced tom^orarHy •• aWgail dowble-anaia« \ claaam. antf mm those pwKih ar* rooM Mt of MWlr the problem. Concentrating first on objections to use of the Morehead school, the] statement said that an investiga tion had disclosed that the build ing was unfit for use by school pupils. . , . . I Among the reasons cited for its^own ^hool board was triggered by that unfitness were: (1) cracks in walls boing Mly ^y s consideration of a proposal, indicate P"'** »*«•• W •*»• «!•» tiMr j structurally unsafe conditions; (2)[*^ aa if^ni Burton | leakage through bricks and around: *T1*«y mmn Mm* . . . NMy window sills; (3) lack of fire es-' a*»ijnait I# W. ft. capes; (4) insufficient exits from School but (Hat laliaal ia top floor auditoriuYii: (4) inade- boardln* staH«n #*r quate lifhts; (7) unsanitary condi-i ••• Iki tions in toilets; and (8) fire- School. OwaMPt«niM«a fv prone flooring. | *• witn«a« itfiial relieve overcrowding at and Pearson elementary schools. School iHMrd chairman Frank Fuller rt-omphaslied at Monday night's meeting that the board had only thrvo chokes: (1 ) to oporato double sessions at some of the schools; (2) to transport stu- dants across town to other Nogro schools which have available space; or (3) to ro-«pen Morehead school. Tow of these remedies wero tried last year to lessen overcrowding at Peason Sshool. Double sessions •were opwriils of the school term, but were later Pointing out that the school board in 1956 decided the More head School was unfit for repair, the statement asked: "What has happened to make this . . . building become suitable for re-opening as a public school? . .. The school board's reasons for aref even more compellina thoir cMiWren anrf •• day contocH «Mk ^ntUn m m* avoilaMo bet*wo «f ‘wk The sUtw—Ht tkea that the wl initialive to ing problea fa*. naaner. abandoned in favor of transporting '••re three years rollmoMt f«r tto