AFRICAN Y6UTH VIS IT SfNATOR—A d*l«g«tien of Wmt African Youth Loadors it ItictuMd alMV* with Stnater John P. KfnnaHy (0>Ma«s.) in hi* of- fica in Wathinflton, Thaca youth iaadari «ra cwrrMlly viaifinf th» Unita^ StatM aa tha 0uattt of th* yownf Mlult council, whoso h*arfi|wart*rf ar* in New Yorit Cltfk Thaaa yo«ith laadarc arc af- filiaMd wifh th* African Youth CoUBait, which was founded in Bama|(o> Soudan in t95S. It ia gonarally ragardad at tne MpraMNtittva body of youth or- ganiiMiont in (Franch cpaalcing) Watt Africa. Picturod with Sena tor Ktniifdy ar«, loft to right, Bangoro Coulibily, Director of Finance of UGTAN (General Union of African Workers) in the Fiiblic Works Union, which Soudan; Abdoul Maham Ba, of it aflMlated with UOTAN, from Senegal; Oandouana Boubacar, member of the Directing Com mittee of UGTAN in Nigeria; Art- dre Nanna, member of the Di recting Committee of UGTAN in Upper Volta; Sabin Laloupin, Secretary General of Administra tive Workers, afllliated with UOTAN from Dahomey. i- O ^ Study Grant SALISBURY—Asker B, Ilawltins, Instructor of Mathematics, Living stone College, Salisbury, has been awarded a National Science Foun dation Grant for summer kudy at Clark Univ., Worchcster, Mass. This grand carries a sizeable stipened plus tuition, fees and allowance. EiPMH, Ntfierrli, SsfettrCfioff, Concert Featur Ffaiikiin Namerf Nst^ of Living" Ciiural Series at k Finals Speaker ~ TMr t*?.: MT, APRIL 25, m« "TM* TflUTn UNVRIDkEO" FLEISCHMANN'S VODKA 4/S Quart $210 Pint 80 PR00F*DIS7ILLED FROM 100% MIAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS THE FLEISCHMANN DISTILLING CORP., NEW YORK CIlY rri GREENSBORO—The month-lone Festival of Living Series, a con centrated cultural prograna now underway at A&T Coliese, is being conducted this year along tho theme, “North Carolina—The Tar Heel State.” The program which opened last Thursday, April 9, with a panel discussion on the theme of the ob servance has featured the annual Rededicatioi^ Scrvice, a religious program and the annual spring conc;rt by the AocT College Male Chorus both on last Sunday and on Monday, the A&T College de bate team met Duke University of Durham. Other features selicduled for the observance include; . a Faculty Arts Conccrt at 10:00 a.m., and a Moravian Culture Program, featur ing the fsaletn Coll'ege ' Choii' at 8:00 p.m., l)oth on Tuesday, April 21. Robert McFerrin, noted baritone, will appear in conccrt on Wednes day evening, April 22. A Charm Clinic will be conduct ed for three days, TIuirsday, April 23, throught Saturday, April 25. Madame I..illian Evanti, prominent concert singer and native North Carolinian, is guest clinician. Other features for that weekend include: a formal dinner for wo men students at 0:00 p.m., and a jazz concert and dance by Lou Donaldson, a 1948 graduate of the college, and. His All Stars ot 8:00 p.m., both Saturday. Dr. Flemmie Kittrell, chairman, Department of Home Economics Department at Howard University. Washington, D. C., will deliver the main address at the annual observance of Women’s Day on Sunday, April 26. She will speak in the Harrison Auditorium begin ning at 11:00 a.m. GETS PROMOTION — L. R. "Ham" Johnson, former county agent lor Johnston County in North Carolina, was recently promoted to district agent for the'AST Coltwge ^xfntlon 8«r- vice. He has moved to (greens* boro and will supervise Exten sion work in IS counties In the western section of the state. Johnson assumed the Johnston County position in 1944 and dis tinguished himself there by init iating in 1947 the famed Ham and Egg Show which this year saw the prized ham sell for nearly $300. A 1937 graduate of AAT Col lege, ho replaces J. W. Jeffries, recently retired. ^- CLASSlt’IED ADS 10 Shirta reg, packed 1 or 2 Shirts S or mor« — H.OO . ea. 20r ^•a. 19c Deluxe packed ihlrts —ea. 20c (Cellophane > SANITARY Launderers And Cleaner DIAL. 2-4881 CORNER PINB STREET AND LAKEWOOD AVENUE • £Mn>ic« CoMifM Speight’s Auto Service Road Service ... Attain Cleanino Service ... Reca/tping ,.. IThcei AUftnment. PHONE: 6-2571 Pettlirew and Fayetteville Sts INLAID LINOLtVU, ASfHALT RVBBEH AND WALL TILS —Free Ettimatea— tUe iMmpany, Inc. PKONl t-198S—NIOHT i-97V WPt'IMKHBOHU OAD Union Electric Company, Inc. • electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies • Electrical Appliances • Lighting Fixtures DAy PHONE: 2-6248 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD COAL "OK In Every Weigh” !M. H. Head & Son tradiagM McGhee Coal Co, CALL IrUAl FOR SALE $1,000 DOWN 3 Bedroom, Brick Home For Colorod ■•nt,. 109 WollMit Vlllago, Durham T«l. 9-1934 You Can’t Afford To Miss Whaf Wc Offer! Accident And Health Insurance Hospitalization Insurance Individual or Family Plan - Up To $10.00 Per Day Plus Miscel laneous Fees Wilh Sur gical Benefits 70 Days Per Year. AGENTS WANTED Local and Stalewidf ' Men or Women Southern Fidelity Mutual Ingu^nce Compan PHONE 3-3331 5Z7J^lmStrpt* Durftam, IV. C. IE6AI NOTICES of Tiilsa. TALLAHASSBt:, tli.—The notedi author, historian, odtKralor. ainl DORHMI COUimr CIVM. COOTT lecturcr Dr. Hope Franklin will cte-l take t*at tbe ^ liver the Commencement ad.irt».si»* and actinfi administrator of the. NOftTII f.AKOLlNA) at Florida A&M University herej ^^^ ^ Eiizabeiii -.Mfcion AlFfta, ;si. Monday, June 1. It was anno«incttl, Is to notify all UL'RirAM COI'.NTV) by Dr. George VV. Gore, Jr., prc.ii (persons having claims against the COLEK.V K. M.iintiff, dent of A&M. [jestate (d »akl deocr'sed to fWe' vs. VfUJtKKT 4- MOOUB, Defewd- .1 'them with tlje imdr’rai-’i'x* '' ■ ant. The guest spcalter is j minisUrator at hn i.i'ice at 2191 TO WILBERT Q. MOOBE: ] and head oC llie dcparlmcnl of h^'l^^achovia Bank BuiUin,;, Durham 1 Take notice that a pteaUins seek- i lory at Urooklyn College, Brook-[^North Carolina, with one year] in? relief ajainst you teas been ! lyn. He is a native of Oklaiioma from this date or this notice will filed in the above named actiiMk land amended tlio public schools| be pleaded in bar of then- rccov The nature of the relief sou«ht ' cry. All per.sons inlebted to said is an absolute divorce frwn the ba.ncls of matrimony om the of two years neparatkfm. You arc required to make de- to such pieafling nm or be fore the 15th day of June, IWO, and upon your failure to do''so, the party srckin" ,'ierviee upon voM will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 15th day of April, 1989. Mar"arrt B. Best f.'lerk of the Durham County Civil Court F. B. McKissick Attorney April 18, 35; May 2, 9. O CITED FOR HEftOISM —JaoK Baird, famous dog wi-iter, ,at right, prccents first joint Friskias Fidelity Award to Pee Pratty- man, center, and Ralph Mercier at Hartford, Connecticut. The two men were honored for their courageous act of heroism in res cuing Chubby, a part collie, part shepherd dog who had t^ander- ed out on the ice in the Connect icut River on one of tha coldest days of the year. When told the dog was-In danger, the two man donned their skin-diving suits, dove into the icy waters and brought fliif dog to safety. The dog is owned by a complete stranger/M'S. Joseph Mszzeo, of East Ht^Ulrd. The Friskies Fidelity Award is present^ the Friskies Dog Food piV#|>n of Carnation Co. in recognition of human acts of bravery inifaehalf of man's best friencf. A&T Student Wins in Fla. TALLAHASSER, Fla. — South Carolina State College won first place in tiie sixth annual Intercol legiate Livo.stocic Judging Society contest held liere at Flordia A&M University last week. Tho South Carolinians had a total of 1516 points and Alcorn A4M College was second with 1462 points. James Bullock of North Carolina A&T College was the highest scoring individual with a total of 415 points. Teams participating in the sixth annual event were Alabama A&M College, Fort Valley State College, Grambling, Tuskegee In stitute, Southern University, Ten nessee Stale A&l University, Flor ida A&M, S. C. State, North Caro lina A&T, and Alcorn. estate will please make immed iate payment of said in(lebtcdnes.s This the 19th day of March 1000. ROBINSON O. EVERETT, Administrator of the Es tate of Elizabeth Jackson Allen, Deceased. Mar. 2», Apr. 4, 11, 18. 23; May 2 Publications and Management of Fayetteville State Teachers Alumni Office Judged As Best \ “Our Service Starta With Your First Call” WE ESTIMATE AND DELIVER DURHAM BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Building Materials Milton Ave. at W. Main St. Phone 4967 istnator of the estate- of E^arlie Spellings, late of Durham'County, North Carolina, this is to notify •itMDIO AMO lOTTLID tr SCHKNLIY WSTIILJHS. INC. riudKroKi. mHiuti"' „ ,.•» FAYETTEVILLE — At the 14th Annual Session of the National Alumni Association, composed ot fifty institutions, held on the cam- put of Fayetteville State Teachers College, the Alumni Relations Of fice at the College won first place in office management and first place in materials and publication displays. Dr. Odell Uzzell, a grad uate of Fayetteville State Teachers College, who returned to the col lege In Septenib6f, dfter ie>mplet‘ ing his work for the Ph.D. Degree in Sociology at Ohio State Univers ity, operates the Alumni Relations Office, winning an award. Dr. H. H. Eldriqge, Chairman of the Science Department at thej Marrt 21, 28; April 4, 11, II, 25 College and Professor R. P. Rob inson, Professor of Science, appear ed on fi panel, “Can Small Colleges Meet the Challenge of Space Age.” '“’n a separate pahil, Coich W. A? Bryant, Director of Athletics, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LILUE V. JACKSON, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to exhibit them to the undersigned, at 2306 Crest Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or l>e-! NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUitTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Admi»- fore the 11th day of April, 1960, jstrator of the estate of Luther S. or *this notice will be pleaded in Milliard, late of Duriiam County, bar of their recovery. Carolina, this is to notify all persons havin:; claim* againat All persons Indebted to said BIs-i said estate to exhibit them to the tate will please make immediate. undersigned at 144 W. Parriah payment. ; Street, Durham North Carolina on or before April 10, 1960 or this This 2nd day of April, 1959. • ■ notice will be pleaded in bar of CHARLIE DAVIS, Executor their recovery. All persons indebf- C. O. PEARSON, Attorney ‘ ed to said estate will please make Apr. 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16 immediate payment. — — . This 13th day a'April, 1968 Mechanics & FafmeM Banli Ait- ministratoc of the Estate of Lu- iL3MINJiAT«AT0R‘& NOTICE A/tiCe TO CREOITOIS Having qualified as the Admin- Gilliard, deceased April 18. 25; MW 2. (X 9, 16, 23. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE I Having qoaliXied as Admiaistra- all persons having claims against i said estate to exhibit thorn, to the i frantjs eox. deceased. Ute of Dur- undersigned at 114 W. Parrish ^ County. North Carolina, this Street, Durham, North Carolina, j is to notify ail persons having on or before March 21, 1950, or j cla^s against the estate of said this notice will be plead in bar of | Deceased to exhibit them to the their recovery. All' person* indebt-! undersigned on or befiore tbe lath ed to said estate will please make i day of April, 1960, of^ this Notice immediate payment. This 15th day of March, 1959. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Ad ministrator of^the estate of EUirlie Spellings, deceased. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Kayeteville State Teachers College, Discussed “The Place of the Alum ni Association in the Promotion of tlie Athletic Program in the Col lege.” Dr. 1-t. I. Fontellio-Nanton, Director of Public Relations dis cussed “The Utilization of News Media in Promoting the Growth of the College," and also participat ed in the Photography Clinic. J O Major D. T. Lambert, now en forcement officer for the North Carolina ' State Highway Palrol, was once a barnstorming pilot who; carried paying^passengers on hair raising flights over Eastern North Carolina before joining the patrol in 1929. HAVING qualified as Executor of the Estate o f FEBBIE JOHN SON, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 906 Mack- lin Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of April, I960, or this notice will be plead in bar of th«r recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are asked to make immediate payment. This, ^e |3tli at A^i^i|95». fund Drive For Morris KiNTIKKY WHISKEY’A BLEND '.r. ■ •i-r:.. *. 14 PROOF. 72y» BRAIN NEUtRALS^ITS. 9CHENLEY DIST., INC., FRANKFORT. Mf. mi MATTA4 CHWTAM Here’s why you should buy your appliance from Mont gomery & Aldridge! ... We offer Speciclized Service; the best equipped shop in Durhaip, including parts for all the appliancca we sell. Montgomery And Aldridge Appliance Company, Inc. Cor. Morgan Mt Roaey Sts. Phone €183 Opposite Carolina Theatre We'Cfes* JBvefy’W^fiSsaay at 1 P. M. FRBEAAAN I TOR OP TH|e ifefATB OF FEBBIE JOHNSON, DiCtAS^. I I M. HUGE THOMPSON,' AttOfi- NEY. April. II, 25;' May 2, 9, 14, 23 will be pFrticfed in baf'* 6f tftiir re- ^overj'. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to t]i» undersigned. This 13th day of April, 1959. MRS. EVERTA COX HOLLOWAY 11M HOLT STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA -o- SUMTER, S.C.—Morris College seeks to finish its $15,000 drive for the Council for The Advancement of Small Colleges. The College has already raised $7,000, the other $8,000 must be raised by the end of May. Wednesday night. May 15, is Morris College Nieb^ at th^ Bap- ti^Stateg^Oi^ehtiip. Ok^ hnpilred Siiciis church^'feavfa llecn iiskra to ^htribate $100 each ward the completion tit this drive. t, ^roire liSerfe ^is#* al. mafty Care less drivers 40 years ago, but then the hersre had more sense. FUEL OIL-KEROSENE Metered Delivery' Tele^phone 8-1217 KENAN OIL COMPANY HnxSBORO ROAD DURHAM. N.C llflies jnsuranceimi Ri 814 FAYETTEVILLE SS. TEL.