Smith Prexy To Work On Bomb Fall-out r^mula Mi.L wonta ciiaRGa wriH r ape RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Wkt CarciIlM ||**nE%UTH UjjlBRH VOLUME 35—NUMBER 29 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 1», 1959 PRICE t IS CENTS Throngs Pay Last Respects To Bill Jones A crowd estimated at 1,000 * persons crowded White Rock Bapiist Church last Sunday aft ernoon to pay final respects to William H. (Bill) Jones, pro prietor of the College Inn, who died suddenly on July 9. Every seat in the auditorium was filled and all available standing rooni was occupied for the funeral service. An estimated additional 200 persons who could not get in side the church passed the bier at one stage during the service. The church seats approxi mately 800 people. “The greatest tribute to the life of Bill Jones is in the fact that these many people stopped to come here today to pay their final respects,” the Rev. Miles Mark Fisher said in the eulogy. Jones, whose College Inn had become a part of the city’s life, died at Lincoln Hospital after being stricken by a heart at tack. In addition to the large nuiO' ber of people attending the fu neral, hundreds of messages of sympathy were re{>ortedly sent from throughout the area. The family received over 100 * floral designs and some 112 cars were required in the fu neral procession. Funeral arrangements were by Bui'lhuy Bruthei'S." REV. THOMPSON Refusal Of Bunchs Brings Resignation NEW YORK—CBS News report-1 Immediate speculation iollow- Gd early Wednesday that the ing the CBS report was to the president of the West Side Ten- effect that a formal invitetion lis' club, the organization which { would now be extended te Bunche refused membership to Dr. Ralph | and'his son. Junche and his son because of I Lajg iggt week, It appeartd thatt heir race, has handed in his i-es- gjui, standing pat on Ifa ignation. > j action turning down membership The club^ whose Forest Hills for the Bunches. Club president Jtadium haj traditionally been the^Wilfred Burgland, who was quot- iite of Ihe Davis Cup play, inter-1 ed as having told Dr. Bunche and national tennis championships, his son th^ were not ellgibte be- lad drawn the wrath of several •jroups for its action. Durtiam Church Sets Events For Pastor's 5th Anniversary ' Three days pf special services Baptist of Bladenboro previously, at First Calvary Baptist Church ^ During his five years tenure, will be held next week-end in ob-! the physical expansion program servance of the church’s pastor, | besun under the late Rev. Hart the Rev. A. L. Thompson. The overall program for the special anniversary , services was released this week by program c&ainiHtn Jbvia 41aBkii|. ^ ^ . The services Avill be held on Thureday, July 23, Friday, July 24, and Sunday, July 26. The Thurs day and Friday programs staK at eight p.m. and Sunday’s program is at three p.m. Main speakers for the three services will be prominent Baptist ministers from the Durham area. To Appear on TV GREENSBORO—Pviv VM-nen L. McRaa will appear on tha Ed Sullivan Ulcvttlon show on August 30. Ha will ippaar u a mambar of tha "Jamaican*." Thay recently placed third In the vocal group category of tho All-Army Entartalnmant con test hald at Fort Balvolr, Va. Pvt. McRae is tha grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. McClen don of 1005 Llncolii Streat, Greentboro and a 195( gr^du* i|ta of Dudley High School, The Rev. J. A. Brown, pastor of Ebenezer, will speak for ‘.he open ing service on Thursday. Friday’s speaker is the Rev. J. H. Jones, formerly of Chapel Hill and cur rently pastor of Shiloa of Dan ville, Va. The Rev. C. E. McLes- ter, pastor of Morehead avenue, will deliver the major address for the finaf service on Sunday. ’The climax of the series will come during the Sunday after noon program when Haskin will make a presentation from the church to Rev. Thoippson. Thompson became pastor of First Calvary in July, 1954, suc ceeding the late Dr. H H. Hart. He had pastored at Bryant Swamp Friends Team Survey of Job Practices to be Ready Soon Dr. J. Oscar Lee and represen-^White'of the committee, in coop- tatives of the American Friends has been virtually completed. In June, the mortgage on the church building was burned in a special ceremony. OUier^hyaieal' itNpi«vel«teRt« fected 'during Rev. Thompson’s pastorate include installation of several conveniences, including gas and a public address system, a ladies lounge, repair of the cool ing system and installation of new tile and rugs for several office floors. The program of the church has also broadened. “Three ‘ new” SiiiT day School classes have been add ed, a music school was opened in 1958 to train young people of the church, and several special annual (See CHURCH, Page 8) cause of their race, had kept quiet on the issue. However, his ■ resignation as president was reported on Wed nesday. Th« incident roachod tha pub lic attention late laat wo«k when tha fact that BwncH«'t IS year-old *on wat turood down by tha club wat raVaalod. The invitation to join had come from George Agutter, tenjiis in structor at the club. ^ Agutter maintained this week that he did not know t)iat the youngster was a Negro. He s«|d he merely asked the youn|ater to LEARNS MARCHING —Larry Scwrlock, left above, who is drum major for the Hill side High School Band, has just returned from Lafayette, In diana, where he attended Mid- West Music Camp. The camp was held on the campus of Pur due University for high school iTrum majors ana ma]orettet during the week of July 5-11. The purpose of the camp wat te acquaint students with the latest trends in marching bands and drum majoring. Scurlock is a senior at Hillside, and is pic tured with his Band Director, Joseph T. Mitchell. iri. 15, Ctaims Assault; Doctor Says Exam Hnds No Evidence BELMONT — A white textili mill worler was charged here Monday with attempted ri(pe of a 15 year old Negro Sir!. He ia Billy S. Brewer, 43. who was charged and held without bond for a preliminary hearing Thursday. The girl, Etha Janis StecU:. charged that the man raped her at home after she let him into the house on the pretence of getting a drinic of water. Brewer flatly denied the charge. It was also reported that a phy sician who examined her stated that there was i|o evidence of rape. According to the girl, she was done and in pajamas at her home ''hen Brewer came to the door and isl(ed for a drink of water.. She said that she let him in, 'ie raped her. Brewer was picked up in less than an hour by Belmont police. He later told chief Frank Carpen ter that he went to the girl's home but only to get a drink of water.' Reid, presiding bishop of the mc- ~)nd Episcopal district ot the BISHOP REID Outspoken ANE Bishop to Speak in Durham The RL Rer. FranJr Madison WORK TO BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER Substance To Protect Against Fall-out May Be Lotion Form Hampton, Va., Dr Rufus P. boratory phase would taka. But, Perry, distinguished North Car- "we now have a substance," he . olina educator and chemist an- said. . 06,- terry's five higo ^hool will begin an independent and scieiiKe teachers who are atten- ^upll. "It never eccurrod to . me" that he was « Negro, Afewtter said. I honestly didn't know," In the wake of the refusal, several groups condemned the club. The Town Tennis Club, with a membership of millionaires, had votea Bunche an honorary mem bership in protest to ihe West Side CTuVs acCion. The City of New York had be gun searching ' records to deter mine the matter of public li censing were involved in the West (See BUNCHI, P^ •) Tarheel NAACP Unit Selected One of Country's Outstanding S.C.*NAACP* Official Quits Service Committee spoke before North Carolina College's Human Relations Institute this week. Of the nation’s churches Dr. Lee said at midweek, "Our churches' are far too conforming and too far from transforming” spiritual lives of Americans. He is Executive Director, De partment of Racial and Cultural Relations of the National Council of Churches of Chffst In the U.S. His work carries him often to far corners of the globe. On Negroos' rasponslbllltios in tha intogration movamont, Dr. Laa said: "Integration It a two-way straot. If it It wrong for white paobi* to dltcrlmi- nata agalnit Nagro paopio and Negro institutions, it is equally wrong for Nagre people to dit- criminata against white poople and white inttitutiont." Dr. Lee sat in on a panel ,dis- cussion Wednesday afternoon and heard a special Friends Service team report on a job trend sur vey. The survey is sponsored by the Durham Committee on Negro Af fairs. F. B. McKissick and N. B. NEW YORK —Prizes totaling $755 will be divided here between 18 NAACP branch and state con ferences during the Association’s 50th anniversary convention, July 13-19. Presentation will be made at the annual Freedom Fund Report Dinner, Thursday, July 16, in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldrof Astoria hotel. They are the Thalheimer awards, established by Dr. Ross P. Thal heimer of Baltimore in January, eration with the committee’s 11941. The awards are provided 4or chairman, J. H. Wheeler, have an annual grant made possible b6ep key planners in the sur vey. Members of the team who spoke at NCC Wednesday were Rocky Bauer, Seattle, Wash.; Cheryl Schooler, Durliam; Dick Ramsey, Kentucky; ^Jorence Ir vin, Raleigh; Pauline Young, New York; Mrs. Corinne Mabrey, Dur ham; Ernestine Forschmiett, Se attle, Wash.; Jan Osborn,* Berke ley, Cal; and Sarah Herbin, Greensboro. “Durham’s industrial and civic NEW YORK, Rttitnatlon of Ray. Houtton D. AndorMn, South Carolina flald socrotkry of tho National Astoclytlon for tho Ad- vancoment of Colorad Poopio, wat announced thit woak by Roy Wil kins, axacutlvo t«crotai*y. AAaanwhila, Rov. ‘I. O. Nawmim by a legacy bequeathed to Dr. I Spartanburg, will earry On tHo Thalheimer. ^ Attociation't activitiot in tho Top prize of $100, for branches 1 • •'•Pl'eamant it m^o. without paid staff, will go to theNtwman it prtaidont^of tho South Carolina Statt Conforonco of NAACP branchos. O Norfolk, Va., unit. This group backed parents who filed the suit which broke the back of “m’assive resistance” in Virginia. It compelled review of students denied permission to attend pre viously white schools and con ducted worl(3hops for parents and children prior to desegregation leaders have be^ most courteous,! schools, cooperative, an(k hospitable,’,’ was^ Norfolk branch also operat- the concensus among the. speak- Junior-senior high era at NCC. school at a cost of approximately j vice-presidenrof”the The team’s members have been $1,000 monthly. They uulizfed re- s„uihem Conference Education Bishop Love Hits Anti-Court Laws BAL'nMORE, Md.—Bishop Ed gar A. Love, Bishop of the Baltl- I more Area of the Methodist interviewing local employers re garding trends in job opportuni ties for Negroes and workers. Pri marily, the group's interest is in Negro workers. Miss Irvin said she attributed the “cooperation and courtesy” to careful planning at the local level. tired and substitute teachers. Second prize of $50 for branches without paid staff will go to the Wichita Kansas unit. It was out standing during the year in ef fectively fighting employmenf^ dis crimination and police brutality. Honorabla montion in thit cat- Before the students came to! ogory will go to th* Hartford, Durham, DCNA members and the Conn.,, Battio Craak, Mich.,, and Rev. Warren Carr, chairman of Grtontboro. N. C., branchat. Each (S«« FRIEND, Pagt >} | will roceive .$25, Southern Conference Education al Fund, sent a personal letter to members of the United States Senate protesting legislation which would curb the Supreme Court and establish state sedition laws. Enclosed with the bishop’s let ter was a copy of a statement by southern Negro leaders, including the names by states, of all qf the hundreds of signer «f >the-aUte- (Sea HITS, Pag* »)[ organized search in September from radioactive, fallout.” Sjr. Parry, who finished a flvf^ay lactura series hera to nify in connection with Hamp ton Instituto't eight-week Som- futif Science Institute, said the fiji^ed product which is the t»f ht» search "might well take the form of an ingred ient of a lotion," which can be to the body in "much Hw aame manner that sun tan lot.i«0 is." Psr. Perry said he has been working by himself for two and a h«\lt years, “on paper,” with the program of personalized [protection from radioactive fall out. During thjs time, he added, the woric has been largely theo retical. He will start actual labora tory work' on the problem in September, he., ^aid, experimen ting with^ a substance which ke declined to. name. said this phase, of the Search-will take place in Charlotte and that he has alVeady assembled a Staff of two other chemists who are presently residing in Charlotte. “The staff will not expand beyond the three of us for awhile.” he said. Dr. Ptrry Vlid not indicate hew long h« expected the la ding the Summer Science In stitute on grants furnished by the National Scieiip,-e Founda tion, cbvered the chemistry of nuclear reactions and radioac tivity. The lectures also dwelled on the peace time use of radio active fallout. In his final lec- twe today, i»e told ti»e 73 teac hers that the uses of radioactive isotopes, more commonly refer red to as “radio tracers,” are literally numberless. Dr. Perry became the sixth president of Johnson C. Smith University in 1957. Prior to this he served 14 years as vice presi dent of Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma, where he was alsq professor jof chemiMxy From 1947 to 1955 he also ownet and operated the Perry Drug anc Chemical Company in Oklahoma City. He served at Prairie View College, in Texas, from 1927 to 1939 as professor of chemistry and head of the Natural Sciences Division. He earned the bachelors de gree at Johnson C. Smith in 1925, the masters at the Uni versity of Iowa in 1927, and the docorate degree in 1939. In 1956. Johnson C. Smith '• >nored him with a doctorate of Laws. Dr. Perry has done consultant (Seo FORMULA, Page » NEW PHYSlflAN—Dr. Robart K. King, native of Florida, has movod to Durham to opon an offle* for tho gonorai practice of modicino. A graduate of Ho ward and Meharry Modical Col- logo, Dr. King and his family 'hovo'4«ko«i up 'rotidence' at 620 Duproo ,»tr*8t.- ’ ' TIMES Adds Promotion Editor, Sets Plans for Expansion As the first step in a gigantic expansion program which will en gulf the entire state of North Car olina and reach over into South Carolina L. E. Austin, Presi dent and Publisner of THE TIMEIS has obtained the services of Al bert E. Hart of New York City, one of Americas best-known jour nalists, writers and promoters. Mr. Hart arrived in Durham last Wednesday night and assumed his new post on 'Thursday afternoon level officials of United Publish ers Inc., owners and publishers of THE TIMES. In his capacity, as assistant to the publisher Mr. Hart will inter ject his ingenuity and know-how into the job of expanding all de partments of THE TIMES. He will .'ontuct several high-powered pro- n(ftions designed to increase ad- .ertising and circulation, will mo- Jerqi^e and streamline every de- par upeni or THE TliuDo will write eatjures, introduce new innova .ions to satisfy the taste of ever.’ ,ype of reader ana will enlarge The TIMES coverage so that our paper will be read in every nook and ,'orner of thi$ state and will con- Juct a training course for new journalistic aspirants. Despite the fact that he was ilricken with iniantiie paralysis it Ihe age of two years, Mr. Hart las climi>ed to the very peak oi the journalistic, public relation and promotions field. His first journalistic effort en- ailed positions as correspondent or the Norfolk Journal & Guide, rhe Philadelphia Tribune and the '3hfcago Defender. He edited the (3s« TIMES, Pagt •) HART \.M.E. Church, will be main speaker at Men’s Day terviees at imanuel Temple A. M. E. Church on Sunday, July 26. The Rev. Nathaniel fjayloi'd, ,>astor of Emanuel, will preside >ver the program, which will be held at three p.m. Bishop Reid is one of the A.M.E. Church’s most outspoken opponentj of racial segregation. .4e was a leader in the movement which ultimately led to the Su preme Court decision outlawing racial segregation la public schools. The suit which brought the his toric ruling came from the Clar endon County's Liberty Hill A.M.E. Church, one of the church es under his jurisdiction when he ptesided over the sertnth district. He was instrumenUl jn orgM- izing the action. In 1^6, he was one of several Negro leaders who spoke before a public hearing of the North Car olina legislature opposing enact ment of the Pearsall Plan, a state remedy for school desegregation. Reid came to North Cartrfina in 1953 when he was asripied to the second Episcopal district. He re sides at Kittrell, where he i^ also ?hancellor of Kittrell Junior Col lege. The A.M.E. prelate was elect ed to the bishopric ia 1940, after ] successful career as pastor in iCentucky and Missouri. William It Fitxgerald and Janws Mil% are in charge' of the ilanning for the Men's Day pro- n^m at Emanuel. Located on Kent Street, Eman uel is one of the city’s oldest churches. It was organized in the West End school and establiaiied at its present site in 1888. Charles T. Fitzgerald, who attended tlie church as a boy of 12, is its oldest 'iving member. Blast Jimcro NEW YORK— The American Newspaper Guild has issued a for mal protest at the segregation of New York PTOt reporter T^ Pos- j„|y jond •» Spolman Collog*. Atlanta. Keynotes Heel Dr. WHIIafn St«Mrt. Nalton, pr*. fottor ttf thoology and daon ot tho lacwlities at Mer>ard Univer- lity, will dollvar Mm owning ad- drots at the tauHwiiji loadar^ip Inttitul* ow Nan Vlalant tanca t* SeeroeeHen, Wodnoiday ton at the Tallahasse, Florida rape- trial last month. Poston was lorced to cover the trial from the balcony of the ;ourt house at Tallahassee. In a resolution passed by 300 convention delegates, the Guild said: “Over the past few years, as the conflict over racial intefpration has intensified, there have been continuing incidents of professi- I" a«Hlon tMa aMi«r aMraWi onal newspapermen being sub- j ®r. Nattan will jectetd to indignities and hindered j dkwsaloii in the performances of their d«- grou#» at H*oy Mplire the ties by obsolete and inhuman prac-1 woiAI*a4 a»d tthiaal tices of racial discrimination. noit-vlelwtt retiataMk Ho will diaciits ‘'TIm Ptiilaaephy and SMitcal Ro«ta of Naw Vt- olafieo'", and will analyae tbo c«i»- tributient of ChrMlanlty, and tha philotophia* Oandhl. Thmrmmu, Tolttoy and oHior*, !• the mant *f now »lalanc a* a NMral and MCial

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