i. > j- i IV ■Vs (* \ !UiC r ■ RALLY Must Be Willing To S Jails, King Warns voi?wte 36—No. 8 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1960 RtTURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED PRICE: IS CENTS |on>Violence^ ader Speaks ifore 1,500 tl.et ns not fear ja^. If officials threaten to :ir- rejlt us for standiiiii' up for our rifelits, \Ve must'arisM'cr-by say- ih^ tliatj we are williiif^ and pri|)are(l to Tilf itp tlie jails i>f t t to of BATTLtN.0 LEGAL. QUINTET— NAACP In E"«- ^•rU, V|ft«r slop- pint ttr*t tfforfir CP Attornty Stmiivl'WVTumi^ Thi* if latwt MutlMrn attempt t« crippi* tin AtSMiatien'i iiard | .itittMHi lag«l action progi|am. ' Froni left ar« «tl*rn*y» William R. Ming, Chicago; Herbert O. Retd, Howard Unlveriity law r4, fessor; Rob»rt L. Carter, NAACP general' counsel. New Sottlli. .Maybe it will take >vll!lji},wss..t.' stay in jail roust tlie (loziiiff conscience Ur liation." is ^^’as the cliallengc i-ssucd ttev. Marlin Luther Kins, ■i^.^jit a tnass rally at While Itock lia^lst Church here Tuesday ni"ht he^ ih support of the current stu- de^ sit-down strike against aegre- gatM store luneh counters. address was the final salMi of the passive resi.stance moil^mcnt’s “one-two punch” de- liv«ifed at the rally. His speech was [ire^eded by ooe by the Rev. Ralph Ai>^mathy, lieutenant in the Mont- "om(jiV bus boycott and now his ;uee|Mk as .president of the Mont- gORMnffjmprovement Association, the o^anization which sponsored th«J boycott. ^hite Rock Baptist Church was crofdcd far beyond its capacity for ^he rally. People were stand-1 ing^aitd sitting in the aisles, in ' I the entrance, in rooms adjoining Yerit City; MrfiKker, Emporia; | the^tn auditorium and in every and Oliver W. ^Hi, lUvailable spa Scores were ginia NAAC^ ligal V .. fw ’iWay. Ciiurch officials said. Richmond, the-^rovrt, 1,S0Q ,was one of the l»rj^|t ill recent'hlstoTry/ • ' Ap^MMint himsyt te th* stU' \ Ibc K1NO.> 6 V. >’3prs' ■■. ■- 0t* TH€ KEN6—Two of the S6«ith‘t nioVt famous leaders, the * Revei’ends Martin Luther Kingj^.jir., ar.d Ralph A'jernathy, ai>e shown standing in front o5 .cloMkTiunch counter at the F. W. VI'avtworth store in Durham. At extreme left is unidentified ituden#' leader from A&T Col late, a|i0, ctanding with back to ccme’a, t!W Rev. Dougl''= Moore, pastor of Asbory T>.mp:e Metho dist. This ftene to k palce dur- { ing tour Tuesday of downtown variety stores which closed ' counters ps a result of sit-in movement by North Carolina , College students. Note rope hind counter chairs. ShortHr ' Court Orders Virginia to Detail Cliarges Against NAACP Uwyer EMPORIA, Va. — The first at trinpt to disbar an NA/XP lawyer for participating in civil rights rnjM's was stalemated here Frida' when a three-judge Virginia State Circuit Court ordered the Com monwealth’s Attorney to file, with in 21 days, an amended bill of WEAVER Weaver Named Businessman Of the Year Herbert' E. Weaver, 38, son of .the late William and Mrs. Mamie F>' Vfeaver, was named Durham’s youpg businessman of the year, this week, by a secret committee selected by the Carolina Times. Weaver’s name topped several others, submitted by members of tho .eommittee by a safe margin as the young man having achieve^ a most hurcelean task in establish ing Mn Durham one of its most modern and up-to-date dryclean- ing plants. , We.avor is the third of six children. He was born and reared in Durham where he altende^. the public schools and North Carolina College, in li>49. he received the Set WEAVER, page 6 particulars specifying in. detail the alleged acts and activities Of Sam uel W. Tucker which contsitute im-1 proper or unprofessional conduct.' Tucker, a' memktr of (he legal I- staff cf the Virginia State CFn- ference of NAACP tranches, wa» chargod with unprofessional conduct for hi* role in connocS ion with threo cases dating back ^ to 19S0. In one he aoted as defense coun sel for Jodie Bailey, a Negro sharecropper indicted for the slay ing of Luther P. Rockwell, a white landlord, in 1950. In another 1950 case, he assisted the Common wealth’s 'Attorney in the prosecu tion of a white man accu.sed of raping a 16-year-old Negro girl. And in the third, in 19S2, he rep resented Tabb Watts, a Negro, in volved in a fight with a white man. The Court’s ruling requiring fil ing of an amended bill of particu lars followed argument' by Wil liam R. Ming of Chicago, one of a battery of four NAACP lawyers defending Tucker. .Others were R. L. Carter of Now York City, NA| ACP general counsel; Oliver Hill Richmond; and Herbert Reid, Washington, D. C. Ming argued that neither the See, CHARGES, page 6 ADVICE TO STUDENTS—Martin Luther King, Jr., talks to stu dents at statewide meeting of leaders of sit-in strike, held in Durham^ on Tuesday afternoon at St. Joseph's A. M. E. Church. An organ ixation was formed at the meeting to coordinate activi ties of students in the movement ment throughput the state. King held meeting with students, prior tv mass meeting rally iatef that evening at White Rock Baptist Church.—Photo by Jordan. Stof|.i§1y NEW YORK—piHy members picketed W. Wootwbrth store in Hai^M Saturday, ^eb-' ruary 11 In si0|i«il of stwdelits pretestjhy tWnch counter dis- I crimination at the' chain store in the CarMlnas, Virginia, Flori da and Temtossee. "M0t4 Hian 9S per cent of the compenf'l trade was shut off in the tw* hauri we picketed the store,", iccerdtng to Tom Rob- ^rt■, kitairman of New York CORE. ^ Robll'U added, "Tlie response front M^le of Harleili to appeal &f tKo gellattt students in thl tarelinas was magnifi- cenf." NM Vork CJORE plans an other dStnonstrati^ at the Wool- worth llore at .201 Weft 125th 'Stritil m New York for Satur day, Pibruary 20, from 2:00 to 4:00 k M. RobliHs said "Wo hivite the suptiSht ht ill community groups and IHdivlduals who feel as we do tHl( this chain cannot con tinue tB serve all in' the North and ftf discriminate in the South. Thu. tk an American problem requlrlMI the support of all AmerllsMts, everywhere^" Housewives Seek S, . p after this picture was made, the pitoiographer, C. C. Bitrthey, had. his camera confiscated by Durham police at the re|«Mst of Woolworth'f. Cam^a and flhn were finally relumed whew B«r- they secured lielp from Att»r»*ey W. A. Marsh.—PIm«« by Bur- they A&T Stfidents Call Two Weeks Truce m Lunch Counter Protests GREENSBORO — A4T College students who last week conducted a sitdown campaign aimed at re moving racial, barriers at luncheon counters in downtown variety stores accepted truce proposals on last Saturday afternoon. At a general stuaent meeting heid Saturday night, the students voted to allow management of two chain stores, the F. W. Wbol- worth Company and the S. H Kress Company, two weeks in which to work a satisfactory plan in meet- mg their demands. ' Students from three all girls colleges, Bennett, all-white Greens boro College and Woman’s College of the University df North Caro lina in which several Negro stu dents are enrolled, had cooperated in the movement. Earlier on .Saturday their Slu-| dent leaders had voted to accept! the truce proposals. I When hundrcts '1 students and i other persons races jam- See TRUCt, page 6 The Housewives League oi Dur ham announced this week that'f; plans are under way for a gigantic drive to secure a minimum of 5,- 000 members for 1960. According to Mrs. t^agnolia' Leak, president, a steering com- mit^e has already been appointed to map plans for the n^embership drive which is expected 4o be launched sometime d^S)*^ the early part of March. / ' The exact date .ml t>e uanounc- ed .within the ten days. Those componng the steering committee are Mrs. J. T. Powfell, chairman; Mr*, w. DeShaior Jaek- son, Miss SaraW Dotson, Mrs. Gal lic Daye and Ifrs. Floasie Ewmg. Once the drive ii completed the See HOUSiEWIVES, page 6 LEAK LEAVE KRESS—Martin Luther King. Jr., .,it escorted out of the S. H, Kress store in Durham by the Rev. Relph Abernathy as they left the store, first stop on their tour of thl downtown Dur ham stores where NCC students staged demonstrations. Seen at right through pane of door win- ! dow is the Rev. P. E. Moore, who ^ led the tour.—Phpto by Jordan. Gfftensbiro; . Civic Leader Is Mourned GB£ENS^R0—Civic and busi ness leaders here- mwimed la.st week ttir sodrini dcatta i,ist ncsday of William Hamptmi. pio neer civic leader and the first Ne gro memiier of the Greensboro City CounciL Funeral services for Hampton were held Saturday at the St. Mat- '.hew’s Methodist Church. He died at his home late Wed nesday, Feb. 10. He was 47. The well-known physician and civic leader was a native of Engi»- woixl. N. J., a graduate, nf Alfred University and the Meharry Medi- L’al School of Nashville, Tenn. He came to Greensboro in 1^3 where tie opened practice as a physician. Dr. Hampton was very active in several phases of tbt city’s civic life, and took part ia the work if a number of organixatioos. iiv .'luding the Greensboro Men's Club, The Citizen’s AssuciatioR, the YMCA. the Richardson Hospi-^ lal Trustee Board. The Buy Scouts, the Recreation Advixiry Council^' Phi lieta Sigma fraternity, (N4 '^orth State Medical Society and (he St. Matth“wg Church. The Reverends W T Brown, district superintend^t. of the North Carolina Confereme, J. C. Brower, pastor of- SL Mattltews^ the Rev. J. T. .Haiistos, pastor of See HAMPTOM, page S "I'm No Outside Agitator," Montgomery's Abernathy Says Durhamites gdt their first look Tuesday at the numl>er two man in the deejt South's passive resis tance moveiBf^nt and came away impressed. 'The Rev.-Ralph D. Abernathy, wIh> succeeded Martin Luther king as pr^Ment of the Montgo mery lofprovcraent A^ociation, the organ«[ytion which sponsored' a sticcj^^l ■ two year boycott of that - ^’s buses, was the preli-. minary speaker on the program for the mass rally at White Rock Baptist Church Tuesday. His short but f*rcetul address left a deop intpression on the crowd that jammod White Roik. He was interrupted repeatedly by ij^ttiusiastic applause. | Tho '\hiphlight of his remarks taiiio when he turned and .tpoke directly to a battery of television See ABERNATHY, page 6 Miss s. WhHted Dies in BaHimori BALTIMORE. Md. „— Funenri services were held kefe Wedooe- day. Feb. IT for Mist Sallie BOei Whitted, former DuriUlM. N. C., resident who died Mere oa Satar- day. Feb. 13. Miss Whitted was flM 4oMgMar of the late ilames A. Whitted. far whom Whitetl JteM Mgb is named. Until last summer, lived in Durh*M employed for 33 JMHRI •! Carolina Mutual lj(a r«rop*ny's hi*:ne *HMce. She was ret>re«f traak Ife in 19Sn in the poaMiaa al See WHITTin* iiCt #

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