trff T f THE CAROLINA »--*THl TKUTH UNMIDLiD" RIMES'.' SAT;; M». H; IHt No Negotiations WHtioiit Student Leaders #ir«n on ah basis. 1. H •ml' «heii it l^ccutnes necessary to n^- gOliiit% willi iIm- stiirrs. it is our ft ili»t ptll) ill llie prr.snu'c aiiI with tlie appr'jy«l of tWe ■ituiirnt k'aiicrs slmultl any atlriii))t Jit ||^i> •. (Continueii-'froih pl2* 2) hfttlf'nifAt be iitatJc. An igrretrient made in .niy otlief niamier we ar« afraid woulil oiil} lcil ttj (itrtljef iiiiBuud'cM'tbtaiiilrng and dis- liust.. ^ XCwntjiiiK*!] from pan*' 1) •ywptotwt nur tiip bill of parlk'd '*r« Mrt forU) spwific alk'i;aiiim.s (rf uaprorcssktnnl conduct (in llic THckcr. Tlif chargrs wrrc t*ry within 31 day* aftar fh« Commonwaallh't Allarnty ' hat riltd his amcfidad bi^l. Th^ra- after, fha Cawrt will Mt • data for contlnuanca af Iht ti(al, I'lii' irial r(Mnu in the century old Ciroensvillc County Court- Iii>use was jampackM wlih NAACP •Truce court attendants and daitv Dews- paper reporters and a hal' dozen otiicrs everyone . in the crowded courtroom was colored. -:l tlto X’asue to warrant conbidtTation [ |neuihers and friend? from the'Court, he a.ssertcd. Aecoril l ■**' seetions of the S'ate./Tit* asked that the motion toU'>«rlroom ha.s seata for wt)y, J08 Asutis* the chargcs be sustained. I ■*l'IHi*nal lt» alootl Qaeslioned by Prcsidint; Judsc!lined no f. Cartaml JeJTcrson. .Jr., the Chi,‘'I'" S*';® ®20 lawyer cited the complaint ik the Bailey case. Nothing in the oomplaint or in Ihc bill of parti- l|ilar8 indicated that Tucker had in any improper acts. On cpntrary, he said, Tucker had l^ovMed Uie accused man with his ttnsUutionally guaranteed dc-i '■ . (Cont,iiuipl ftom Mge II. . 1 ■ and supervisSr of Opposing Ihc uiotion to dismiss,i . v w*JT, , „ the rreinium CrcfUt. . lumid U lowii.soud, CoinuHm- s .• ... ■ ... Miss Wlilltcil w siirvimt bn two, itfMlUis Attonieyv filed a motion! " i quAsh it on the Krouiid tliHt the IW»pcr rrinfily wouhl be a iiioliuii tb Blrikr the hill of partii'ular.s. t^rt was recessed for 30 luin U»«3 wbllc the judges loiisidered -Wliittefl .siJcrs, Mr.s. Kva fiuins; t>F' Italti- ! more. »ml Mrs. Bessie, of I ('Ie\elaiil, .Uhio, and several d^ccqs and nepJieWs. *■' I ' ’ 4..’ ’ly.i. VV. this n^ofions. lltey then ruird that' ‘Hh** proper iiiolimi. is a iimtionj sti-ltif- the hill of piTti(iilars"t (''-•ntifjM«'4-,fr(>^t>' apd del-t«l to treat the ''ri-iiudl'Foti^p.vivvg j^a;«e>iiopM .'•t. ftwlhm 'as cue to rcjuire a aHie*»''e*l bill of particulars. Ai:*rney» f*r Tuckcr w»r« •#nlar*«l fo mik» »«cii r?»poniivt |ria*d«* mi Ihfy dormnt ncces- tself felt in l|ic' eontmtini^ bi helpii»i; to seruiie for; bo»(^ nnd ol«l b'"tt?r cmpf6ytne»)t 'MnHies and Ijettet Hvlii^ condl- li'.»na. Mrs. Leak^aAd.^ ? * N. C. STATE FAIR FRIDAY MUNDjtr FEB. 26-27 &2|;| toERVED SEATS AM ADM $2.08 Wmle/tMC. > $2.50 • $3.00 Wtit $1; Ralal^, N; C, ^ (Cuitiiiiut^ fp'ip >*je 1) I lued into the jtorc ai the Saturda} ilnin.'b hwir, the two stores were dosrt proinptt>’. The , action wa; -taken' follow'ina a telephone call thal a l^onib had been planted in the baseinent of one of uie stores. Uulh 8torcs opened fur business on Monday fnornlns, but their lunch counters had not reopened up to Tuesday afternuon. anl no date /or the Opening of the lunch conniers had been announced up to that time. Th* drive, began late Monday afternoon, February 1, againiit the «»1 Worth'‘iSfore; Ifour sttidents, |»U freshmen, took aeats a^d were fcltisert ^vlcfr. On Tiiesdny the group of approxhnately ao oceupi- H Wats fn>|n t'h# bmch hour to eloiina -tiow- Thii nuiiilier built (Ip da'Ilr until f‘riO*y wlu n » cuuo- CHECKING NEWS STATE MENT—The appearance in Dur ham Tuesday of Dr. Martin Lu ther King, Jr. and lha Rev. Ralph Abernathy drew wide- but with the briny tears of their mothers. *■ "We can’t stop cvcn .jf we want cil .0 siu|>. D -tliiiy puil^j us on.” Aberiuitliy was iiitfuilUeed by I I lie Kev. Doi!'‘Ias MooWi,’Vvho pre ^fre«m?alBn■^v»* .^f«rtr. by while j hits. ,«*Mool a-e. Soiuei„,,„, tmsh)n3 antf- Shovhig enmied and n,.' I!"v. W. jn l'’i •hrt'X-.rtr wWte' vnullis wrfo ■•^1‘fl'rt ’for' ■df-‘iVf|erI\; cnnihirt ti^.rfrtvWih«n irtHiled ovf'r iulo ihf R''“K‘ *r»« St».>rB," ' ttvan AIrT atiirfrnl' •rrr* nii for p. f>iot muoy ^ no". fW* fA%ti -follnn’ad. Tlin ' proinnllv. ram in: (•lulea thi: l!vv. W.Ml I'uller. president Of the Ourlilrtff NAACl’. the Itev. J. 'i'. I’owell* and I. Austin, who introducei^'Kiii;'. i . , .. ..u..,.. -King GREATEST cPHOWON EARTtt SHOW TIME 2^, 1:30, 5:3e/lSi’rt^^ i/IIVff III Ik SUN„ FEB. 21 l-JO As Wm. . .Children under 12—1/2 Price Saturday 1:30 p.m. Marine#, Send sQif-addretted ttantped envelope with check ar meney ei4^ Mt!i payaMe to Won>blo, Inc., Ill W. Hargett St., Rafeiffh > '' (tViillitu^i} ffom page 1) > ■■ '''amei’imcn a»'d. neWiipaper report ''rs aijd 'pli(«l|)grBphi:r8 who were civcrifi? .|h'c ,meeting and #et it f ihe atdchy» bi| voiced' Alffcaivif ^r^adter >tld. *'l'm no ^|U»t«r, America is my .jiwriflB the ;'W)w«tt‘, they ert^n said we t«i ^ bacit t* Africk if fUm* bit*. How in. tlfi# dw^r cafi Ypv 00 back ailyWlilir wherf ' y*w've qever ■ keir*?*" Tracing ilie history of Ihe Ne- ^roV strugsk in'this country, be 'Sa'l^.We dlseoveff^l a(tc!ir the Kman ripatipn, that allhiuiSli we were ,phj*italiy free, otir nimds were still'^ti^)ave(l. ?“Wc*re ^gaged in- * common struilSle,*'- Abeciiathy ; declared. ■‘As >Jorfg as your face is black, you’ll «eyer. be rr0c until 1 am fr^., i i ■ r«Mne here mainly to nijlrt"' IjftcaUSp I wftiil to be free, rf witpl (l»fe TaluwlC*'^ *"d East 'Undii' lo ’k^w inillion black citiisons want’to be free.” * ReC^Vnng, ib UUe student sil .dortA stfiKc, he a!«iorlc(V. ^ ^not •(•#> if they wwrte# to. '^ty fiavt been nurs- M *h' the braifst* of Negro moth- ♦rs wfie wanted be frke. They h«v^ ^teif br#«d mi««d not *nly with botttnpilk and frease Continued frotr pagu. 1 dar^ moven>ent, the |tasiive re sitlance loader said, '*tha apec- lacdlar example .ef determined dedicated young people, dtmand- ing their rights gives glaiilbus in- spiiratien to ail decent .perswts not only of eur nation but thrpusjhout the world.*'>\ ~ I * Ue ivent on to say that the idea of f.reedom is the most j)pwerful on'e iti'the world todajf^ ind' as- sevted, , " ■ . ; ^“You studeiits of North Caro- Uiia h^ve. .captured this dynoinip i()ba in a marvelous, iiianner. You have taken the undying and pas-, siunate y6arning for freedom ami filtered it in your own soul and rashioned it into a creative pro test that is destined to be one of the Klov^nj,' epics of our time. . .. . the spcotaeular cxainple of determined and dedicaicd yoiin^ people , demanding their rigiits gives filorihus inspirajiim t^ a^ decpnl persons not only of our nation hut throuRhou* the world. Vqu have Itkcn hold of the tra dition' of resolute non-violence re- sisl.ance and you are carrying It the JaUer. spread television and press cov erage. Kii^g and Abtrnathy are ;>lctured in center looking at •latement to bt given to TV be- tere sequence was made. At right STATION WAAA Winston-Salem SATHROAV : R-oho »• dally unitl 3:00 p.m. 3:00 Triplf A Club at Masonic Tempii 5:00 Roll Jordan SUNDAY 7 'o .«l-n on . T (/Vv;rn>^R(ii>n»l Southlandcrs 7:30 Tn tlie Garden ‘ (ilrv iiavward) 7:45 Q'isriet Time HOO Tlie fYiisadr-rs R'^f A Visit witl\ the Shut ins AIho-1>-.TIi..o *8? 'Tr^te Vine llulincss t>nfth (Ron'. Voii.soni 0 no (Ihl'Irn l(!inuiinp''rs 10;00' \W’A-VWrA ProTt.". 0:15 'T»hii»»n & Wright Func;ral |tom« Pm^rfim 10:30 Pet. Milk p. u^raiii tli^ft llyimi of the l*ay 1J,:P5 Mnrnio'’ Worsltjii (l'’ir-^f Cftlvary Baptist CJiurcli) [J'-tfO fur Sunday Wealner flct?orl l.2:C& SiH'lal Sc«urit.^ Procram • 3:3Q.(’liri5t Temule llulincss is Jack William*, news director o‘ station WTVD, and at left is Attorney W. A. Marsh. Photo by Jordan. ' LW.J'Jeliws of (laNary 1;30 Bill .Lauilfurd' .Show 2;{Jfr-Chiir(:(i of the l.ord Je.sus ^Chrtst (Bishop S. C. Johnson) 3;30 Music for Sunday , 4;i5 jyir*. Jo Ann Clement ' 4:.00 Giitft Of Zion llulincss Qbiirah 5:^.MusiCif'>r Sunday I 5:150rgitn IJevcrics ti:W Slcn olT MONDAY-FRIDAY . 5;0tt W^e up Time with Bob. ({oufldtree 7:00 llig Creakl'asl with ■ .‘"Bob Itoundtrec 0:tX), Uoi^ .Conipaniun with Oscar Alexander 10:00'Motnin}! Devotions 10:15 Obituary Column 1U:30 Bill Landford Show ii.’OO- 1.4irry Williams Show i;00 Daddy-U Alexander Show 5;0U'1U>11 :i«rd."ii Show newsstand in an ffd buildine that was located on the spot now oceu- pied l^y the W.. D. Hill liecceatiun Center. When World War II came ori,^e entered the armed service and ser ved four years in llie European and Pacific theater^ of operation. ’ i , When the war was over Re sumed his studies at N. C. College, in the nicHntiinc opfninig a y^et ihop with one boiler ?«d o«i^iltrfa> HI!! machinei llfjt lupther, whQ.has stuck close to her ^o^i thrush the .veais, waiT'iS«pl«>f$ -W' a' iiaft- liiiie worker and Oie esfab- lislimeiit open while Herbert jvas Ml school. *- Workrd at Night . ■> After finisliing scflool, Weny»"r worked for the Southern FiUii|ty Mutual Insurance Company frppi 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. As soon a.s ‘.he day closel at lltc insurance office, he . .wouhl;‘ca. tb hi«j ^)»y- clcaning plant to, pr(;pare hi^ tomer’i garaanti. > ■ The business leontinued to grow in popularity and in 10S7 mov ed ,to a. larger and it» prcitant lo- tation. kere he in«tallH a com' )letc new plant and chaiisCd th6 lamc from Weavers Valet Shop to Veavcra Cleaners. The establlsh- nent now cin^ploys tivifc |i6r8>ns ind includes in its cqul|>mcnL a 'adio-dispatch . delivery and pick- ip truck.'Iliik firm ii Ui^ it(iy ^ ’>pcrated by the race'Hi 0urhai^ hat is a member nt the .NMidual 'nstitute of Dry Cleaners. ■ * Modern Ptat|( The>.ncw plant uses Dctre* two bath iinil for s.upcrior cleaning of .•lothes which takes ^e gucl«,wprk Mother of Mrs. C. E. Mdester Dies in Alai , f. C. IteC^iler, wile el th( )>a^'*. w : ilfitfcfieaa Atenu| baptist Ch6rch. the citj' yhur^ day morning by ’ plkm (ei attetii the funeral o/ her tqoth«^, Un Alberta D. Blbutit, 70, wli^ dlit at her honae. 4W South' Warfrt Stre;iK, Mobile, Alabama, Wednes day, "FAbruair ll. ^2;0p mid out of the ^operation. Some of the' night nodern' . eouinitiont Includes automatic cuff-brushing triachine, automatie coal-form finishers, (an- cy dross finishing board and a speed-cheek conveyor btlt which brings finished garments autbma tically to the counter for delivery to the customer. Weaver is a member drWhttO Hock Baptist Church where he '.ervcs as a trustee. O ((Continued Ironr pagc. ,l)'i Shiloh Baptist, and tlie ,Ref. G.; M; 'If^lps. pastor '(if UniiiQ Mi>m«^i«l '■tot hfiilirt chtvpch', tiiok part ftlnefal Wvi(^. , t ’> Mrs. Blonnt #a> bom in iMot^ Vom'rt^t^'AlabsmV, January,, J8W She had resJdfcd in Mobile for long number:b( 7ears|. P'unetal rangemems were incoim^lote w preii^'tfwie.v'• V ♦n addition lo Mjfs. MeLerter o 4>urMl4ft. dtotint is survivei by another daughter, kiss Virgin]^ Blount of the |ioit>Ci four brbtheri Theodore of Meblle; Hotfce 6 (iawali; L^dgestein, LouisvllU Ky„ and Lawrenc^, ^an Priipcisc^ California. ■ , 'irr:g'T ■' ■ Li fel-MONTHLY Miff I Th« regtJlair b|>in4iltld^ meetiiA of the t St. SeWor ;U*h« Boant ^lU % ^ tht ehur^ iHiesdaViVebnij^’SSii it 7:30 p.^. .1 ‘* ■' '* > • ■' I* I ..n'aWI'E/i "Mra. BcaliifiOflltti {pid Miaa •• '■ V- (Ctmtrnued from nage 1) B> S. desroc in commerce from $msi7Onm mmiw AT AN ‘^Evening of Fiin” AT the Artist 0uild AbMiSSlON . P. M. Svn*, F«b. 23rcl SOc^ pe^-ieiiiiii^pww. mi mt mimiK kmt. «*t wm Kimr antAc It SUUK IS COLD toirt WE ARE OPEN ' McConnell R.i. \ CHEENSBbRO. N. C. Try otir Delicious Sandwiches and Plates „ Onr Specialties Chicken & Oysters forward toward the end of b'rlna- inq all of us closcr lo the day of rrecfdoin. ■‘What is now is that Ai?\prican ludnnts hav.-> come of ace. You now take youc bonuri'd places in itio world-wide sirusslp for frce- iloin. The famed •jouthern leader went III! to ur'e Ih*- c .in'niihity to .sup port the inovemrnt bemuse i* was •■ihiu'd at scKresaticm. a practice he de.serilied as “ a festerinp sore which dehilita'es the white man as well as the Nesro.” "Separata facilities .'lare inher. ently equal, he declared, "The underlying philosophi^^iaf segre gation ,are dimetrical^ )appe*ed- to drmocracy and Cfcr.htianity, and alt the dialetics m all the logicians of the wo^ cannot make them lie down )^ether." “I would call upon tlj|. people of “oodwill in this comnii^ty to sup port the efforts of thel^ students.' What they are doing i^gnificant not only for North Cfbliixn, not only for the Negro, but the wholt of Amercia.” King, who was harrassed by po lice and segregationists diiring the Montgomery Hlruggle anfl who was inches from death as the result of being stabbed by Harlem psychopath two years ago, warned the sit-down strike leaders of the difficulties they would- encounter "I have prayM o v e r our southern situation and have come to the conclusion that we are in for a season of swtfering. to avffer in a righteovs causa is to grow to our humanity'a full stature. If only to $iive our> selves irom bitterness, we need the Vision to see the ordeals of this generation as an opportunity te transfigure ourseivea and American soriety. ■Started at Odd Jobs purjng his years in high school, Weaver wa;i employed on a part- Ifmb basfs at the College Inn. In 1930, lie opened a shoe shine and Triangle Super Marltet Special Sale (^hittcrlin;?.s „ , 10 lbs. for $1.79 1921 McConnclj Rd.i Grcfenaboro, N. C. Hogs bring about $350 million each year in the South. The South aeroiints for 18 per l-ent of the njiiun's cattle.sales. AIK FM BARBECUl PLAVORIO POTATO CHIPS Weitdry-fcarfceet/erf ffovor 51.N4 “Better Because Thev’re Fresher” ' Made In GreCTisboro .7 .'“r' i -f;A\ '!■ i - f '*'k : ir)-' ■ f By» T. E>. Lambeth, cAiidMaK foTfthe Quartet MilllMl DoilAr Roontable of th« Nitiotiil In* •Urance AaaociAtipn. For a miniiMum cost voUr Policy provided you with the greatest when it is most needed. Your Tinill"tMASTEU can «lsU prinlde or dividends to boost your retlrelttertt iftcOftl*^. NORTH CAKOHNA MUTUAI. LIFE INSURANCE COMl*ANY^|l; VV. L, COOK, Manager 606J/2 Fayettoi^iUe Bhr^t

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