' VJi E CAROLINA TI HE 9 ^ ‘ ?AGt "THE TRUTH UNBRIDttO^ SAT., OCT. «, 1940 2fT Him niibi H. .V s'-od .III* -itui .U 9 f%VI» li a u ?• 'mu bl‘ ifon’* 3> In ' K 'J 8) ■wo *rt»3 ^•6 •»iH' fa 19t CKAPEL HUL MEWS MRS. JOYCe WINSTOK* OW€NS phmm i-2m OUT AFTER Itt-NESS Jacob J.nmes of N. Roberson St. i(hO'ha.s bcK'n sr. iou5ly ill at his home is up and back on his job, though far from well. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Janies is confined to her homo ill with a virus. RJNERAL SERVICES Mrs. Nora G. Washington died ■t her home Saturday. Funeral ser vices were conducted at 3 p. m. Wednesday at the Second Baptist Church by Uev. E. L. Daj’c. pastor. Burial was in the Chapel Hill cem etery. Suniving ore three nieces, Mesdames Johnnie Bell Bonner, Du«thy Hortoft. and Nora Me- PfMTv all of Dayton. Dhio; three MVtiews, James Taylor of Chapel liU, Joe of NeM'port News, Va., and Fred of Dayton, Ohio, and one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Tay- tar of Chapel Hill. WILLIAM P. EDWARDS Funeral son'ices %vere held Wed nesday at the Tirrell Creek Bap- tift Church for William Pearl Ed- mrds who was fatally shot Satur day night. Services were conduct ed by Rev. L. S. Thompson with burial following in the church cemetery. Immediate sur\'ivprs are hiS parents Mr. and Mrs. Jehue Ed wards, two sisters, Miss Shirley and Kathleen and both grand mothers, Mrs. Ada Edwards and Mrs. Rosc'ita B. Millikin all of Chapel Hill. MRS. LIZZIE W. WHITTED Funeral services were conducted, at St, Paul A. M. E. Church for Mrs. Lizzie W. Whitted, Friday at 3 p.m. by the Rev. T. P, Duhart, pastor. Burial was in the Chapel Hill cemetery. Mrs. Whitted died at her home on S, Rnhingon Street Tuesday after a long illness. Sur viving are two sons, Fletcher D, of Chapel Hill. Ijondon of Long Island, N.' Y., two sisters Mes- dames Flora Hargraves and Laura Merritt botii of Chapel Htil and one brother, Howard Weaver of Newport News, Va,, one grandson and several nieccs and nephews. MRS. BERTHA L. NEVILLE Funeral Services for Mrs. Bertha Lloyd Neville were held Thursday at the Hickoo' Grove Baptist Qiurch conducted by the Rev. J. R. Manley, pastor. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Neville who died Monday at her home on Rt. 2 is survived by four daugh ters; Miss Emma Neville of the home; Mesdames Arlena Irving and Susie Barboza both of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Martha Smith of Syracuse, N. Y., two sons, Alfred of |ladison. N. J., and Perlman of the home; two grandchildren, two ttep-grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. SOCIAL HOUR AT CHURCH Last Sunday night after the regular church service the wom en of Ihe St. Paul AME Church held a social hour in the annex of the church for Rev. J. D, Davis, the presiding Elder, who was visit ing and who had preached previ ously, Cookies, ice cream, and punch were served. Rev, T. P, Duhart is pastor of the Church. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hargraves, Jr., of Church St. announcie the birth of a daughter, their first at Memorial Hos|)ital, October 7th. The young lady, who weighed 7 lbs., 7 ozs, is named Deirdre Lo- raine. The Hargraves have twO' boys, Marshall, 3; and Eldred, 2, Mrs, Lona Hargraves is the proud grandmother, Mr, and Mrs, Clyde McPherson of HiUsboro announce the birth of a son their sixth, at Memorial Hospital recently, Mrs. McPherson is the former Miss Arnieta Fou- shee daughter . of Mr, and Mrs Arthur Poushee of N. Roberson Street. WEEK-END VISITOR Miss Patricia Robinson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. ^Jlubert Rob- iason, Jr., of Greensboro, recently spent the week-end with Miss Charlene McDougle at her home on N. Graham St. Miss McDougle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDougle. PTA MEETING The Northside Kementary School held its first PTA Meeting of the year last Tuesday in th« fprm of 0)>en House an^iBack to School Night. All Of the factUty mem bers were introduced and the four new teachers were announced and presented. The parents visited the classroom^ of the children and fAepafdn^t POORS 4 THiES mou ipAT mm THE riOOR th«i «¥«r beffwfI The revolutioiury new Siegler tfiiB air right throu^ tiie heart of the flie TWICE tojKive you ft houseful of SUPER Ilopr Heat! Here’s furnace omafort wilhr out coEtly pipqi ai|d renters to install. You aane ttie cost lieataa the cdUngjOrflutfte ney. See the amaaling new Siegler fliat pajn for itself with tbe fUd it eaves. BtqrH on « MONEY EACK eUASANTEE PATENTED Automatic mftmom/OKto-An ROME HAm " Cmm laftrtFKSki liwiiifwflwl Browning & Farrell Furniture Co. INCORPORATED N. CORCX>RAN ST. DURHAM, N. C All AROUND 6RANAM By RfV. MISS MAUDC BRANDON Phone CA 7-3S37 The choir of Wayman Chapel A. M. E. Church helped the Haw field Christian Church to cclcbrate its Eleventh Anniversary. Many other choirs took part. FAMILY BIRTHDAY Philip Walker and Andrea Ste phens were feted with a family birthday'dimier on Sunday. Octo ber 0 at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Stephens of 204 Rogers Stoeet. AT THE FAIR Mesdames Estelle Nixon. Carrie S. Wilson and Miss Annie Maude Murray motored to Raleigh Tues day to the State Fair. Mesdames Wilson and Nixon were special guests at the fair, WAYMAN SPEAKER At Wayman Chapel A M. E. Church, the pastor, Rev. C. W. Parker, spoke on Jesus’ invitation to you to dine with Him. The con gregation was inspired by tbe mes sage. MRS. EVERETT RPCUPERATES Mrs. Louise Everett has been sick at her home on East Elm St. She is showing an improvement in her condition. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Margaret Porter is at home after be an operative patient at Duke Hospital. She is improving. VISITING RELATIVES Mesdames ' Obliga Covington, William E, Keck,'and Julian Mc- CcMinell were week-end visitors with their relatives. IN NEW YORK AGAIN Mrs. Hannah E. Morrow has re turned to New York after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Everett and attending the funeral of her cousin. CHINA SHOWER Mesdames Clarence Hill and Les ter Wood gave a China and Crys tal Shower honoring a recent bride, Mrs. William Freeland, Jr. The shower was held at Wayman Chapel A. M. E. Church Annex. Th^ bride received many useful gifts and pieces in her pattern of Chii\a and crystal. HOME FOR WEEK-END Mrs. Carrie S. Wilson has gone to her home at Clarkton for the week-end. ' NEW YORKER VISITS ’ Miss Llhie Mae Mayo of New York Citjr if visiting Mrs, DeLois Miller. AT GREEN LEVEL Mr*. Fred Trollinger spoke last Sunday morning at Green Level Christian' Church. The church choir furnished' music. **•* Mr. and Mrs. Wade Headen and son,>:^nn, and Mr, and Mrs, Clar ence DeGraffenreidt were guests of Mr. F?eeman Long, Mia. Head en’s brother, who is a pktient at the Veterans’ Hospital in Roanoke, Va. They were also the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Carey in Roa noke, Va. **«ni The Azalea Garden Club ot Gra ham held its fall monthly meeting ^t the home of Mn.. C^nie Wade on E. Elm Street, Sunday, Oct. 0, with Mrs. Ines Headen presiding. Preparing for the Fall Flower Show was the theme. s «•** Mr. and MM. Charlie Regers anc daughter. Ginger, and Allen War ren and daughter, Marie, motored to Gastonia to visit friends, **•* At Scott Elliot Presbyterian Church at 11:00 a.m, service, the pastor, Rev, Stephens spoke very convincingly on “God’s Care for His Children.” •••• Mrs. Margaret Porter is homt from the hospital in Durham ant has improved greatly. **** Mrs. Louise Everette is confined to her bed at°home on E. Harden Extension. We hopd^> for her a speedy recovery. **** The Red Star Gospel Singers held a aist Anniyeftary program last Sunday night »t Graham lligh School. Among the several groups helping them to celebrate were singers from Hillsboro, Burling ton, Leaksville, and Virgtnia. The .family having the largest number of members present won the basket of food. Mesdames F. E. Keck. W. I, Morris, and W, H, Whitted attend ed the Classroom Teachers’ meet ing in Greensboro last ^tfturday, **** N Messrs, J. J. Lanier, W, I. Mor ris, and Mrs. Thomas J. Poole at tended the Executive Meeting of the general Alumni Association in Coltrane Hall, A. & T. College, Greensboro on September 24th at 10:00 a.m. Following the meeting a lunch eon was held in the new dining hall. District No. 1 of the First Bap tist Church sponsored a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam PacRingham, 421 C^u St., recently, beginning at four o^elock Ham, chitterlings and chicken in the afteiiioon. . with all the trimmings were sold for $1.00 a plate. « • * Thought. We strive to Irise above oifi^ com mon selves And build for the future. And by^ hard kiiocks and tears and grit, We reach our goal. MRS. WILLIAMS ■ A# Lincoln Nurses Hea| to Speak «iuet Mrs, L^^p^Williams director of the schooloPnursing and nursing service atrLincoln hospital, will be the principal speaker at a Found er’s Day banquet given by Tau Gamma Delta sorority Monday’ night, at Algonquin Club, The ap|M|is held each year, s spokesman for the banquet said, te “recognize those women who saw the need!of interested women com ing together and organizing the sorority,” Mrs. Williams received her for mal traiping at Morris College, of Sumter, •$, C,, Benedict College, at Columbia, S, C,, St, Agnes School of Nursing, at Raleigh, Shaw Uni versity a'nd North Carolina Col-’ lege„ She* is a member of. Iota Phi L,ambda Sorority and the St. Titus Episcopal Church. O San Jose Welcomes Expelled Students SAN. JOSE, CALIF,, — St, John Dixon, expelled Alabama sit-in leader, has been assured that he will be able to enter San Jose State College next semester, announced San Jose CORE chairman, Mrs, Ai- leen Hutchinson, Next President , Miist Fight Jimcro NEW YOIIK — The next Presi dent of the United States should assure that no “Ameriorti service man or woman should suffer dis crimination” in any public place, according to CORE field secretary' Joseph Perkins, went th|‘ough the same routine that they do in a school day. The drive is on for new members of the PTA, Winifred Burchett is president of the ITA and James ^eac^ is principal of the school. HOLMES DAY NURSERY The Holmes Day Nbrsery'i* onfi' of the iitehcies that will racaivd funds from the Community Chest Drive now under way. This is the first in a series of articles about these agencies. The Holmes Day Nursery under the direction of Mrs. Hubert Rob inson St., is operated for the bene fit of working mothers as an in stitution of well-supervised play and rest for youngsters between the ages of two and six years. It is run daily from 8 p. m. until 4 p.m. A typical day at the nursery be gins with indoor games, devotions, refreshments and then group play until lunch. The children are divid ed into (our groups, according to their ages for group play. Group picture coloring, building blocks, clay molding and outdoor games. .Mter lunch an hour and a half rest period is held. This is follow ed by serving milk and cookies and supervised play until the chil dren are ready to go ho|ne. Assisting Mrs. Robinsoii in the operation of the nursery is Mrs. Alberta Watson, Mrs. Lattice Vick ers, Mrs. Addie Golden pnd Mrs. Eula Bynum, cook. The Mothers Club is a)so a big help. Last year as a remit of a bake sale given by the mothers, the school was able to purchase a much-needed hot water hfater and dishes. This year a projqpt of the Mothers Club is to raise funds tb purchase cots for the nursery school. The Mothers Clvb meets the third Wednesday of each month and aU mothers qre urged to attend or send yoor doM if you GU’t be pMsent. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT'BOURBON iylUM«hI^Lki/jJ Seven New Directors Elected To United CoUege Fund Board survived by a number of relatives,, Scarborough and Hargett con*, ducted funeral arrangements. NEW YC«K, — Seven new di- rectors-at-large were elected to the United Negro Callege Fund iMard at .tbe tuUUMl meeting here Oct. 4, Beniamin W- Mays, presi dent 9i the College Fund, announc ed tod«y. Newly elected ware: Lee H. Bris tol. ckairnuui at the boatd, Bristol- My«rt Co., New York City; Wil liam T. Gosiett, viee president and SWeral coihmI, Fq^ Motor Co., OearlMMrtt. Mich.; Mrs. Richard O. Lo*p|»rri, New Y«*k City; Her- mMi Mmw l^ultatrie life Assur ance Socie^ of the U. S., Cleve land; Henry 3. Riehardaon, yttor- ney, Indianapolis; Dr. Robert L. Stetrns. president, Roettcher Foup- datlm ^nd farmer |««sident. Uni versity of Colorado, Denver;' ^nd Mrs, C, Oelinar WUUams, New York City. Mrs. WUUams has serv ed as chairman Of UNCPs Ui^own Division in the IIB98,19U and 1960 campaigns. Six diraCton cntired - their terms of office having expired. They are; Mrs. Chmit^ton, Denver; George Dempster, Knox ville, Tenn.; C. D. Jacksop, New York City; Pr. Lindsley F. Kirpball, New Yprk City; Charles A. Robin- 800, WUmington, Del; and Ed ward A. W»|w, Boston. 0 ^— Eleven Arrested In South Carolina For Protesting SUMTOP, S. C., — Eleven CORE members were arrested tor protest ing lunch counter discrimination in Sutnter today. Five were ^rrest- ed While sitting-in at the S. H. Kress lunch counter. Six ethers were arrested while picketing that store and the Cut Rate Drug Store. All Eleven have been charged with “breach of peace” and we free on $100 bail Trial has been set for Oct. 27 according to Ernest Finney, counsel for the group, 0 St. John’s To MarH 20th Anniversary St. John’s Baptist Church, on Onalew St, will observe its SOth anniversary with % special service Sunday Oct, 23 during tbe regular worship hour. The Rev. T. H. Brooks, superin tendent of the Oxford Orphanage, will be main speaker for the ser vice, which starts at 11 o'clock a. The Rev. L. M. Gooch, pastor of the church, will preside. Music will be furbished by the Young People’s choir..; DUTHS AND FUNEMLS MISS WILLIE M. DRAKE Funeral rites for Miss Willie Mae Drake, 40, of Rt. 3, Durham, were held Sunday afternoon Oct, 9 at' the St. Joseph’s A. M, E. Church. The Rev, Melvin C. Swann, St» Joseph’s pastor, officiated, and burial was at Glenview cemetery. Miss Drake died at Lincoln hos pital on Thursday, Oct, 6. She was born on June 1, 1920 in Dillio^,’ S. C. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. William Drake. . Her survivors are one sister, Mrs. Emma Gaddy, one niece,. J|anie Denise, and one aunt, all of the home, Scerfoorough and Hargett handl ed arrangements. HCNRY P. EVANS Henry P, Evans, of Rt, 1, Wake County, died at his home one Sep tember 20, Funeral services were held on Sunday, Oct. 2 at the Pleasant Grove Church, and inter ment was in the church cemetery. Evans was the son of the late Otis %nd Delcenia Smith, He is MRK ESTER FLOWERS Fin^ rites for Mrs, Ester Floi wer?, 80, 6f 613 Troy street, were held Monday afternoon, Oct. 10, at the Gospel Tabernacle Church in Durham, The Elder C. V, McCoy officiated, and she was buired in. Beechvwod cemetery- * Mts, Flowers died at her home’ on Oct. 7. Surviving are her husband, Frank Flowers, two sons, Franklin and Lemuel; two daughters, Mrs. Leanna Harris and Mrs. Helen Spruill; one brother, Robert Cash, of kockingham; 12 grandchildren and nine great gran(lchildren, EHis D. Jones and Sons was in charge of arrangements. MRS. HILBN HASKINS Mrs. Helen Haskips, of 521 E. Proctw stfoat, died at lincoln Continued on page 5-A ,bmf' rtW. imi' nttti •Burlington Continued tifom 3-A i at the punch bowl. Assisting in the serving other refreshments were Miss Alice Thompson,. Mrs, Warnie Carter, and Mrs, Gwen dolyn Harelson, Som^ 35 guests were present for the occasion. Out-of-town guests included Thomu Avery of Greensboro, Douglas Richmond of Mebane, and Dr, Charles Gidney of Durham. Mrs, 'Sellars received many gifts. SJlfi bsi- bn. Announcing .. . Bro. Tlierman Ruth Formerly of WOV — N«w York; WDAS, Pbil«d«lplua j Haa Joii|«d WSRC (1410 on Every Radio) ^ AND WILL KE HEARD DAU^X QN OUR GOSPEL PROGRAMS Tune in Bro. T. Ruth WSRC, DURHAM - RaLeICH , f I ,4 a penny ^ lost NO ONE HAS E3VER LOST A CENT in insured Savings accounts' in America’s Fe(Jerally-insured S avings and Loan Associations. mk. ALL ACCOUISTS INSURED UP^TO $10,OOO^PLUS HIGH DIVIDEND 4 Current Rate Dividend MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 112 W. Parrfsh street ' placed «ntb us are by the ES.L.|.C! Telephone 4998 ^ m ' ‘I Jti