SMASHED ATTY. GEN. URGED TO ACT Protests Rise VOLUME 37 — No. 20 R*h«m Po«tag« GuarantMd DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, MAT 20, 1961 PRlC^t City Vote Stirs Comment Suit Filed in Cliariotte City College issue I DUNintlng wave of protests to Mobs outside Anniston and at ftat4 and federal officials have the bus station in Birmingham at- bew registered by various groups tacked members of the “Free|bm JaUhe wake of last Sunday's beat- Ride” tour and set fire to a ^llgs sttfTo^ed by a group of.inter- Greyhound bus. Ij^al bus tMVel^s^ii Ala))^^. Several members of the group CDUNCILMEN SWORN —Nawly *l«ct«l and ratumed H)a City Council ara shown Durtiam Strays Siigjitiy From .'spirited comment made the i^unds this week in the wake of burham’s city el'cctions Saturday. A small number of voters cast ballots in Saturday’s election for ^ve '.city Councilmen. Only 9,902 ’ 4S.636 registered voters took RlU't in the election. Pwhttps the most interesting of m ^aws *anhe'6he for^MayW;' «^%tUiht>ent E. J. Evans defeated I.' L. Atkins by a close margin, ^vans polled 9,507 votes while ifUkins garnered 4,202 votes. I. J. (Buck) Dean defeated John ■C. McDonald in Hie race for the Council’s fifth ward seat, Eugene Carlton, Paul Alford and Charles Steal won at-large seats, and Floyd Fletcher and J. S. Stewart were returned to the first and third ward seats, respectively. Steel, Stewart and Fletcher were incumbents. The latter two ran unopposed. The aspect of Saturday’s elect ion which caused the most coin- ment was the fact that Negro vot ers strayed slightly from the en dorsement of the Durham Commit- iet on Negro Affairs. The Committee endorsed Atkins la the Mayor’s race. In the past, lueh endorsement has usually meant a support by Negro voters ot from 80 to 90 percent. Saturday, however, Evans re ceived 709 votes in the all Negro precincts, while Atkins got only 1,630. ) Most political observers dis counted the possibility of a seri- oui *pllt between voters and the Comnittee. It was pointed out that Continued on 6-A taking Hiair oaths ol 4w«a In Durham Monday prior to tha basinninfl of a niw Coiipcll sot* sion. Loft to right fackts camora aro Paul Alford, Chartoa Slool, I. J. Doon, J. s. Stawart and Eugona Carlton. Floyd Flatchor, also rotumod to tha Council It not iMcturad’. Photo courtoty of Durham Horald. ' Tha Southarn Christian Lood- #rthip Confaronca, hoadod by Dr. jjKartin Luthar King, tho Amorl- Can Civil Llbartiat Union, and .|ho Amorlcan Jowlth Congrost •tl aant matsagot to Attomoy i.f|onaral Robart F. Kennady urg> Ihg a federal Invostlgation of |ho violence. See PROTEST, 6-A JOSEPH PERKINS . arrattod in Charlotto whon triad to vat thoat thinod EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT; "Ail I Could Itear Was The Sound of Fists Hitting Flesh" FAISON LOSES BID Battle ROCKY MOUNT The 41st annual session of the North Carol^tja State Associatioh Of the Order of Eli(s pnded her0 (I^Ujniday on a note trf inUitattt' fvr con-: ■ tinuing th'e fi^ht for fh^t class ci> tizenship. L. E. Austin, TIME£ publisher, set the tone for the meeting in his keynote address Sunday. He told the delegates; “We can no longer wait for the white peo ple to give us first-class citizen ship. We have waited long enough and the young people have deci ded to do something about it.” Austin’s address was followed by a speech from John Edwards, a key figure in the Durham stu dent sit in and boycott movements. Besides the emphasis on civil rights, a highlight of the meeting was the re-election of the Rev. K.. P. Battle, of Rocky Mbunt, to head the N.C. body. Battle defeated Jack Faison, I Seaboard businessman, who was believed to pose a serious threat to the former’s 15 year reign as head of the N. C. Elks. The entire program of state Elks was revamped and the civil liber ties program will project a for ward looking plan to aid the mili tant organizations of the state. Dr. J. E. Jones, health director, promised to carry his program throughout the state in the hope that Elks will not only have strong See BATTLE, 6-A am Employment Service Bars Woriiers From Defense Plant, Says NAACP NEW YORK—Although a segre- lated all-Negro local union has been dissolved by the International Association of Machinists and cer tain “fringe” improvements made In the general picture at the Mari- etU, Ga., plant of the Lockhced Aircraft Corporation, the company te still requisitioning workers by race through the Georgia State Employment Service, it was charg ed-here this week by the NAACP. Herbert Hill, the Association’s lab6f secretary, visited Marietta last week, thirty days after the NAACP had lodged complaints of discriminatory employment poli cies, and noted the continuance of the racial requisitions for workers. He said that, throughout the S^th, racial segregation and arbi trary racial separation of workers and job categories are characteris tic features of st^te employment services. “Major industrial corporations operating with Federal govern- See BARS, 6-A -TO" I:. CHARLOTTE—A suit seeking to halt further strengthening ot two separate city colleges has been filed in Mecklenburg Superior Court. Hie action was brought this week by Dr. Roy S. Wynn, physi cian, and Dr. James D. Majtte, • dentist. It seeks to halt consttuctiba new facilities for Carver Cbttege. The two medical men said they filed suit on behalf of then^ves and all other taxpayers in lenburg County. They contend in the sult 'toat a new structure, planned totyCMr- ver College, should not be j^ilt because it woufd result in a Waste of tax money and contribute to ward continuing illegal ftcial teg- regation. v Charlotte current}^ operate! two city colleges. Carver it ran fo^ Negroes, and Charlotto College for whites. The doctor* claim itl the that maintaining and invastin# both of the jtvo-^ear commuiliv college* “amounts to crelfoii refeattlnc ^ creased cost for sUch facillti therefore a^ needless waste 6f pub lic funds ahd. taxpayers' money. See SUIT, 5-A IN MISSISSIPPI REV. GANT Noted Women Educators To Speak jn Durham Two women who have carved promient niches in edocation and the church will be the principal speakers for the annual women’s day program Shnday at the Em manuel AME Church in Durham. They are Dr. Rose Butler See WOMEN, 6-A Spurs Anti-Bias Move JAMAICA, N. V.—Morfe fUel was poured on the NAACP’s “Oplera- tion Mississippi” this week by the brutal lassoing of a Negro child from a passing car in .Jackson, the state’s capital. Medgar Evers, NAACP held sec retary for Mississippi, lold an NAACP rally here (iSunday, May 14) of an incident that transpired in his state last week. The rally was held at-the St. Albans Congre gational Church. Nine-year old Gloria Laverne Floyd was lassoed by white youths from a passing convertible with a wire loop. The car didn’t stop, thereby dragging the child along the street. Little Gloria suffered • deep gash in her head that required three stitches, cheek bruises, a cut on her right shoulder, and burn marks on her neck from the wire. See LASSOING, 6-A Southside Shopping: Center Cleats Zoning Hurdle A proposed shopping center tor the southern end of Durham clear ed another hurdle this week. The City Planning and Zoning Commission approved requests for the shopping centers owners to create a shopping center zone on the south end of Fayettfeville street. The change, to put a C-l“A ,zone on the area instead ot its preient C-1 designation, will go to the City Council tor final action. A C-1 designation is for single family residences. The proposed center would be located south of the Norfolk and Southern spur tracks on the west side of Fayetteville road. TOr SURVIVES MISSISSIPPI AtRfflfilTY -n LiMteJyrtysL^^ *otwa Floyd was walkin|>do^n hor Jackson, Mlttlttippi, street last waok whon white youths In cowvOrtlhla rodo by and lattood hor. NIno-yoar-old was dragged by moving ear. NAACP reported a deop gath in hor head, cheok hrultet, a cut on the right shoul der and burn marks oiv her nock from tho ndnit Usto. NAACP is countering with "Operation Mpssissippi"-^-an all- out drive to *0d such abuse. The Includat volW reglttratlon, ute of public accommodatjoni, tchool Integration and Increased state govornmont aonpioyment of Ne groes. Eisi)ey Named Principal of New Central Alamance High School GRAHAM — Top administrative officers of the new Alamance Cen tral High School were announced this week. J. J. Eisbey, currently principal of Pleasant Grove Union School, has bee nappointed principal of the new school. Rivera G. Mitchell, now princi pal of Graham Negro high school, will be assistant principal. Alamance Central, a consolidat ed school, will replace Pleasant See EISBEY, 6-A EDITOR'S NOTE: Hero Is an oyewitnoi* account of tho beat ings of tho Interracial team of "Freedom Riders" and the burn ing of a but in Alabama by a whito mob last Sunday. The ac count It reported by Mrs. Fran- cot Bergman, 59, relired white school administrator of Detroit, Mich. “Seven hoodlums boarded the bus before Annston. They j»ist sat there while my husband went out and got coffee and sandwiches. When he came back the bus driv er told us: ‘Now, we don't want any trou ble. The last bus that went thru here got burned. You niggers get tothe back.’ ” “No one moved. FISTS HIT FLb^H “Then these hodlums got up and started going after one of the Negro students, Charles Per son, of Morehouse, and my hus band. Jim Peck went up to try and block the blows. Then they turned on ail the Negroes and my husband and Peck. One had an empty coke bottle. They t>eat them kicked them and stomped “I was standing there agonizing. All I . could hear was the sounds of fists bitting flesh. After they beat all the Negroes, they grabbed them and threw them on top of my husband who was on his face on the floor in the aisle between the seats. “A policeman who was standing outside th e bus c^e in then and when we asked him to do some thing, he just said: I dcm’t see anything. If I don’t see anything, I can’t do anjrthing. ’ “Near collapse, the . . . riders slumped into their seats and the bus moved onto Birmingham. Knots of angry whites were clust ered around the Birmingham sta tion to greet us, but no police appeared. “The authorities . . did not show up until Peck . . . and the Negroes were l>adly l>eaten by whites. Roving gangs of whites fol lowed the Negroes through the station. One grabbed a young Ne gro and as the whites shouted ‘Hit him,' slammed his fist into the Negro’s fice. “Bleeding, the Negro fell to the See EYEWITNESS, 6^A RETIRED CHURCH OFFICERS Pictured above aro'fivo retired St. Joseph's AME Church offi cers and minitter the Rov. Mol- vin C. Swam ahortly after a i>ro- gram honoring them at tho Dur ham church Swiday evening. Seated, left to right, are Dr. J. N. Milit, Mrs. Bessie Gihner and E. R. Merrick. Standing ara J. C. Scaritorough, the Rov. Swann and D. J. Jamos^ TWo other re tired offkors howered ot the progrem but not ^ktwrod era C E. Anthony and L. C. Taylor. Anthony and Jamoa are retired Stewards. The other* ero retired trustees. Poiicenien Idle As Group Beaten By Touglis NEW ORLEANS. La. — A trip through the South by a* hiterrs- cial team of boa travelers to demonstrate the extent of raei^ freedom in Interstate trawl wm smashed in AlatMuna thia week hf white mobe. A crowd of akowt 1i0 wfcHo men, some armed wMh ilwbe and knives, attachod and destrayed a Greyhownd bus on wMcIl nii*o members of the Cengrea of Ra cial Equality (CORE) wore rW- ing near Anniston Sunday. Shortly afterwards, another group of white men at BirminC' ham pounced on a group fron CORE as the pasaengers debarked at the bus station and beat up several ot the groop. Some of them were so severely beaten that they had to be hoepi- talized for treatment. Members of tho group said later police, standing neerfcy m many instances, refused to if>- tervene to holt tho beatings. The group, which l>egan the trip in Washington, D. C. several days ago, decided to call off the re mainder of the tour when it co«Ud get no assurance of safe escort through Alabama from Govemoc Patterson. The CORE itinerary had called for stops in Montgomery, Ala., and Jackson, Miss, before ending the trip in New Orleans. Along the route, which inclnded previous stops at Richmond, and Danville, Va., Greenstraro and Charlotte, N. C., Rock Hill. Winns- t>oro and Colombia, S. C., and Atlanta, Ga. the group had met with increasing troutrie as it at tempted to use bus station facili ties without regard to racial desg- nations. In ChorloTio, N. C. Joe Perk ins, a 37 yeer old Negro ment- her of tlw group had spent oiso niQht in joil after ho«in« ot^oatod on elMvm ing when ho attawiylad I* gat o shoo shine in tho bus stetioN barber shop. At Rock Hill, S. C. several mem bers of the group, including Gene vieve Hughes, white, of Blaryland, were jostled and knocked to the floor by a group ot white “toughs when they entered the white waiU ing rooaa-o^ the bwa stotiea. In Winnsboro, S. C. IB year old Henry Thomas, Negro student, waa charged with trespaasing when He refused to leave “white^ side of the Trailways bus station rest»- urant when ordered by a waitress, and hia traveling companion, 47 See SMASHED. 6-A Ala. Airport, Florida Cafe Serve Race JACKSONVILLE. Fla. —Variety store lunch counters Tuesday be^ gan serving small groups of young Negroes for the first time. It marked a successful coacltt- sion to a sit-in campaign waged since last August The movement was marked bgr three days of racial violence at its outset last summer. However, most white piriot paid no attention to Negroes eot- ing at the lunch counters last week. • • • NEGROES SERVIO IN MOBILE. ALABAMA MOBILE, Alabama — Two Ne groes were served without incideat at the airport restanrant last week. The two were the Reverends Joseph E Lowery. presideBt ot Alabama Civic Affairs AssociatiM, and vice-president of the SontlMn Christian Leadership Coofereaeo; and T. E. Williams, vice presidst of the AlalMma Civic Affairs Am> ciation of Mobile, Ala. Reverend Lowery is ecio of four Negro ministers against wImhi officials 9f Alahaaaa have IbtIiiiI s judgement of two^niDioa Alabama courts wied Um ters guilty of Uhel r—Hia a fuU-page ad pniiMifcai !■ New York Timas which statements ^ have be«i made about and certain offieials. race reUtioas tbero.