itn«} •* {T*tj !J ■M .1 '.Mnt H .Ittin •n«i •mi* yiliJ ,noc .J ^ ;ClM tkn) r i It ' TSTE •^'HIES t—■ • SATMWOAY, JULY I, XHX i N. C, A SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND DlQNtFlED WAY OF RE- MEMBERING FRIENDS WHO HAVE REMEMBERED YOU (RatM Funuahad qq RaquMt) CARD OF THANKS In behalf of all the membcra BULLOCK family of Mr. Simon Botltea, we take this means to say thank Funeral services for T. you for your kind expreuion of Bullock, Bronx, N. Y., N*cr-e held sympathy during our bereavement^ Monday at Mouut Veruon Baptist Oiurch, Creedmoor. Burial was in church ceemtery. ' Bullock, a native of Creed- «W>or, died July 18 in New York. Survivors include his parents, Mr. Hid Mrs. Hugh Bullock, seven bro- thcrt and six sisters. HOLMAN fiMMral services for Mrs. Lillie Italliian, 1240 Berkley St. were held Thursday at New Bethel Bap- tijtf Church with the Rev. L. W ^id, pastor, officiating. Burial wta in Glenview Cemetery. Mrs died June 19 at her home Leila Bethcia To NORFLEY WHITTED Column of th« Air WSRC Daily at 12:25 «sow ||^ MEMORY OF RUOY LEE ENOCH Burlingtob, who departed this life iMt Juna- HARVEY LEE COTTON Chapel Hill, who passed away June 13, 1960. . MRS. SPICIA BOONE KINO Fayetteville, June 10, 1060. MRS. DOROTHY D. WILKINS Charlotte, June 18, I960. Soft is the music that w^uld chi|^ forever; The flower of s^feetest smell is shy and lovely. —Longfellow And music pours bn mortals' Her magnificent disdain. —£mer|biii. MM. ROXANNA E. SMITH who departed this life on June last y«ar at the age of 88. DR. JAMES A. BATTLE Greenville, who passed away eight years afo this month. JAMES S. HARRIS Durham, June 18, 1953. CHAPIL HILL funeral HOME Phone 943-22«1 SCARBOROUGH and HARGCTT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Scarborough and Hargett Fune ral Home has glv^n continuous service since 1888 and never have we before had a Burial Protective Plan as refisofiable IS we now have. Come In and inquire about it. We, at the Scarboroiuh and Hargett Funeral Homei contri bute our success to the fact that it is the attitude that' counts; being courteous not abrupt. We ar° interested, not indifferent, We find that giving the ril^ht answer in the proper'manner is an asset. SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Dr. K. B. Clark 46lti Spingarn Ml Winner NEW YORK — The noted psy chologist, Dr. Kenenth B. Clark, has been chosen as the 46th Spingarn Medalist, Roy Wilkins, NAACP sec retary, announced today. Presentation of the medal, award- ^ annually to a Negro American for distinguished achievement, H^l be nv|de in Philadelphia, Sun day aftertioOA, July 16, duiing dosing meeting of the Associa tion t annual convention which will be held in that city ,frow July 10 through July 16. f Dr. Clark is a profes^(^ 0 psychology at the City Q(j[lle'|e 6f New York. H6 is also a found^ and director of Manhattan’s itortii- side Center for Child ^ pevaioji- ment, an institution which ptids disturbed children. The eminent psychologist has not only achieved nationai fame in his profession, but has also demonstrated his devotion to the cause of human freedom. ', .. He gave invaluable testimony as to the damaging effects ot Jim| Crdw public educiatioh .uppn the minds of both whiter and Negro pupils in the legal casft leading to the historic Suprepie Court school desegregation decision of May 17, 1994. Dr. Clark contributed unstint- ifigly of his time and ingenuity in the' preparation of the cases for tlie Supreme Court, - and also as- lembled a formidable array, of social scientists whose clear and forceful presentation made possi ble the formulation of the historic l^rinciple invalidating the old “sep arate but equal” doctrine. The group’s findings were con curred in by the Court and cited is its wryten edict. Do's And Don'is It’s just as easy to throw it in t|»e trai^ l^akfet A New Light on Race Prejudice NASHVIJXE, Tenn.—A psycho logist suggested today that whites may discriminate against Negroes beeauM society expects them to rather thap because they have strong racial prejudices. His find ings, he declared, could mean that education of the individual may not be as effective a way to break dowii! discrimination as the pass age of new laws that would change sot;ial customs perpetuating race prejudice. “We should discard the oW idea that prejudice exists only along racial lines,” said Dr. Milton Ro- k^ach, psychology professor at Michinan State University, ad- di'essjng th e 18th annual Race Relations Institute at Fisk Univer sity. : He cit^ his own experiments a« evidence that what he GETS DEGREE_«^atter T. Pace, ins Tuctor In «ducatioD at Fayel* tevilla S^ate Teachers C^lla^* since 1955, wa« awardid Hie Ph. D. degree at Wayn« State - Uni* versity in Detroit at the sprliHI convocation on June 22. ' was a Communist, fhlr results were similar when the same ex periment was conducted with stu dents at a southern white college. “Race prejudice does not exist in the minds of individuals, but is forced on them by society,” Dr. Rokeach maintained. “Left to themselves, they would choesa their friends alnog belief lines rather than racial lines." ' To illustrate, he pointed out that in integrated housing projects ■where families had the same eco nomic status, white families lost their antipathy to thetr Negro neighbors not simply because they calls I were petting to know Negroes bet- “belief prejudice” is ^ stroneer factor in men’s minds than race nreiudice. He defined belief pre judice as disliking somebody be cause he disaerees with you pt liking hi|in l;»cau8e he agrees with yoa In one experimeht, for example, a l|«rge majority of 65 northern white college students indicated they would make friends more >«sily with a Negro who was anti- Ctithnunist than with a white who ter but because they were getting to know people with the same be liefs, aspira'tions, and problems. Randall’s Island v 1 Jazz Stars Nan^ipd NEW YORHUpi-iifttlin Geltman, Producer of the Sixth. Annual Jazz Festival at RandaU’s Island, announced today th^t |he follow ing stars had been silMd: for the concerts on Friday, iSa^day and . . ' N. C.. ca« be , l|M Waller t* Mw henie, mate paasOUe br a ae« Veiaral 1 (a* atei lid fftcraai far Stete and looal CD peraenael aM Mmhitlnitjhr* | stiii'iiM secretary oost-abaring procram were Hn__ rteM, at left), and Frank M. Culvern. The expMdfl tani plaea Into operational readiness. ocDU PboU NEW LAW AIDS CD. BURDUP New muscle tor undertUffed Sute aiMl local' civQ 4eteaae Menein to now reiultins (rom a Federal program to raatd S(HW with States or localities the expenses aiuitional civil fefenae staff worliers. Tliis new program, authorized by Public Law 99-606, ffovldes 16.000.000 in the current fiscal year for the hiring of ^dditio^ State aad local civU defense peraoonel and to meet addad expensai such as cacf r«atfil« biroiture. oecessarji eau^meot aad official travel XUa is the first flme Federal funds have supplemeated State or k«al cMI defense mlmrr or adminittraUve aoveasM ^tes and local- Mas have requested funds tor 1,633 empk^es ^ program. • • * FItAMK B. ElXn, Ofarectc^ ct flw OtHc* ot Ctvfl and Defense MMS-'utian, who adminlstcra ttM abar«d-cest peiQgram, atressea tMitUa foods mustbe used to es9M4gtateaiMll0«alehra Manse ^ ■>ia*iB4he faea ef (aiufons that now beset the world. OtvO Aa> fensvat the laoai level moat expand to keep pace with our ■•tlei*! (aM to atrenctlien ear resistance to afKreaslon a*4 ■•eaaaae ap tf the President's expressed demand for mut ,ltocSTWeaa la elyll emerrency operaUens.” A typlcM e*anij»le of how Public Law 606 is helping our States is t^t of Worth Carolina. Uader its director. Major General Ed- F.' Carolina Civil Defense Agency has lurM 21 prdfessienal and clerical people to strengthen the State’s readiness fof emergency acUoa IDtherto its staff of 11 persons waa hard-preped to mainuin a basic minimum of readinesa tor emergency pr«parednaaa. , * , mTSS »“5-000 by OCDH, passed on »5I.^of iU aflflftntat to local civU defense organizaUons for the hiring of an addlUonal 38 persons. The bulk of these are cler- Va.~MUt Jeannie E,. SqpH, Wltuton A. Macon, two Virginia Union University sfudeiUs, ra|>raaented thair school at t)|e T»At|i Aqnupl National Con ventlon af the Future Business Leaders of America recently in Waihington. RALEIGH — Dr. William R, Strassner, president of Shaw Uni versity, spoke at the National Sun day School and BTU Congress in St. Louis last Friday. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Miss Eva Marie Birdsong, a junior Floridr A. and M. University student, maj oring in foods, nutrition and insti tution manas;ement, has been awarded the Crisco ’Trophy fpr out standing work in home economics HAMPTON, Va. -- Regisfratior for the three week term a^d thf elfiht week term at Hajnpton In stitute’s Summer Session stands a* 581, according to figures releasef' bjr the Registrar’s office »t the college. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—President George W. Gore of Florida A. anr’ M. University attended the South em Regional Conference on High er Education in Washington Iasi week. HAWKINS, Tex.-^arvis Christ ian College has just reoeived worr' from Peter P>- Muirhead, director o' financial aid branch. Division o' Higher EducatiBn, that Jarvis wil' > receive $107,640 to be applied tr the National Defense Student Loar Fund for the 1061-62 academi year. ATLANTA, Ga.—Dr. 'niraan C Cothran, chairman of the depart ment of sociology at Atlanta Uni versity, has left Atlanta to underpr a four-day orientation period ir Washington in preperation for hif participation in the Operation Crossroads Afri’a Protect. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla.—Floridr Normal and Industrial Memorial College will feature four major workshops on its campus for the summer session. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—A special speech .clinic for ebildiea will be conducted for siz^weeks at Florida A. and M. University during the tumaoer seaaloh. ATLANTA, Ga. — D?- Lionel Newsome, professor of sociology at Morehouse College will open the summer Book Reviaw Series fof the School of Library Service at Atlanta University on June 28. FAYETTEVILLE — An enroll- mpt of approximately 300 per sons are registered for summer courses at Fayetteville State Teachers College. RALEIGH—Mrs. Virginia Kim- brnugh Newell,. aaaintfnt of mathematics at Shaw Univer sity, has befn awarded a grant to attend the National Science Foundation Mathematics Confer ence for College Teachers this summer it Montclair College, Up per Montclair, N. J. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Miss Mo- deste B. Duncan, assistant profes sor of home economics education at Florida A. and M. University, is attending American Home eco- ripn)ics Association meeting I^Uy^and, Ohio. , (^«^n - Esther SttflwoiHh, a June gradpate of Florida A. and M., recently received the United BusiJtess Education Association Award of Merit for outstanding achievement in businfu educa tion. WRAL Channel 5 SATURDAY, JULY 1 9:00 Big Picture 9:30 Lone Ranser 10:00 Shari tswu ShoM 10:30 King Leonardo 11:00 Fury , 11:30 Teenage Frolic 12:30 Major League Baseball 4:00 Life of Riley 4:30 Captain Gallant 5:00 Patterns of Play S;00 Quartet Time 6.30 Ozzie and Harriet 7:00 Donna Reed 7:30 Bonanza 9:00 Saturday Night FigbU 9:45 Make That Spare 10:00 Asphalt Jungle 11:10 Movie of 'rhr Week SUNDAY, JULY 2 11:00 A'Light Unto My Path 12:00 Church of Our Fathers 2:3U Oral Roberts 1:00 Major League Baseball 4:30 Caravan 4:30 City Recreation 5:00 Woody Rayes open House 6:00 Walt Disney Presents 7:00 Shirley Tejnplo 8:00 Maverick 9:00 Chevy Show 0:00 Loretta Young 10:30 This Is Your Life il;00 Sunday Late Show MONDAY, JULY 3 4:30 Aspect ,7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7i30 Today 9:00 Debbie Drake 9:15 Romper Room 0:00 Say When 0:30 Play Your Hunch 1:00 Price Is Right 1:30 Concentration 2:00 Truth or Consequences 2:30 It Could Be You 2:55 NBC News 1:00 Ames ’n Andy and Friends 2:00 Jan Murray 2:30 T>orefta Yoyn" '3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Make Rnnnr. For Daddy 4:30 Here’s Hollywood 5:00 Cap'n Five 5:30 National Velvet 6:00 Cap’n 0 6:a5 Stateline R-20 Viewpoint 6:2.*? Weather fl'Sn Reeve—Sport' n-4."i NBC New* 7:00 Five Star Jubilee 7:.10 The Amerir^nr 8:30 Wells Farg- 9:00 Whisperine Smith 9:30 The Untouchables 10:30 Peter Gunn tl:00 Dateline 11:10 SoortdHwj 11:15 Jack Paar TUISDAY^ JULY 4 Sunday eveings, August 28, 26, ami 27th. p Friday night, August 25: Couit Basie and Orchestra; Sarah Vaug han; “Canoonball” Adderley Quin tet; Dukes of Dixieland; Horace >Uver Quintet; Gene Krupa Quaf t«t: Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis—John ny Griffin Quintet; Lambert, Hen- dricks and Ross. Saturday night, August 26: Ger ry Mulligan apd Orchestra; Miles Davis Quintet, featuring J. j. Johnson; Joe WillitUQi! Oscar Peterson Trio; OUtunji Sextet; Thje Jazztet, featuring Art Farm er and Bennie Golson; Yusef La- teeff Quartet; Lsmbert, Hendricks jptwtr ot tli« tfori waa •JSf' * Wkat {a trae for up ia true fcr the porsoiiB fof whom we prv. Ood-a wttl of ^rmany •Otd soMma tfabn. Wa m a»*ak wer4» af kealiog wk«. a«».4a q«acl, ««d 8:% Aspept 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 0:00 Debbie Drake 9:15 Romper Room 10:00 ^y When 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is Right 11:30 Concentration 18:00 Truth or Consequ^ncea 12:30 It Could Be You 12:6» NBC News J:00 Amos ’n Andy :00 Jan Murray 2:30 Loretta Ydung 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3i30 From These Roots 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 4:30 Here’s Hollywood 5:00 Cap’n Five S:30 Quick Draw McGraw 6;00 Cap’n 5 6:05 Stateline U:2U Viewpoint 6:25 Weather 6:30 Reeve—Sports 6:45 NBC News 7:00 Lock Up 7:30 Laramie 8:30 Hitchcock 9:00 ThriUer • « > 10:00 Thi Great War 11:00 Dateline 11:15 Your Legislature 1):80 Jack Paar WiONeSDAY, JULY 5 6:m Aspect 7:00 Taday 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 ^bbie Drake 9:15 Romper Room i 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is Right Dr. H. Young Named Dean at AU Bus. School ATLANTA, Ga.—Dr. Harding B. Young, former head of the depart ment of business at North Caro lina College, has been named dean of the School of Business Administration at Atlanta Univer sity. Dr. Young succeeds Dr. Samuel %: Westerfield who has resigned as dean and; been placed on leave as professor of Business Adminis tration in order to accept an ap pointment in the kjnited States Treasury Department. and Ross. -i-t Sunday nigl^t, August 27: Stan Kenton and 6t«h^tra; Dizzy Gil lespie Quintet; Carmen McRae; Stan Getz Quartette; Art Blakey Quintet; Dave Bruheck Quartet; Herbie Mann; Afvo^a^ Sextet; '1:30 Coneentration *2:00 Truth' or Con«equtnc*a 12:^ Tt CpnW Bp You 12:55 NBC News 1-00 Amoi *n Andy 1O0 Jan Murray 2:30 T.nretta Young 1:00 Young pf Malone 3:30 Frnm 'These Roots 4:0ft MaVe Room For Daddy 4:.1rt Here’s Hollywood s no Cap’n 8 neniity Dawg 6:00 Cap’n 5 >t;nn S(atei||i« . Vlewnoint 6:25 Weather . »-3ft Rfleve-t Snorti fl'41.NBC NetUfi 7:00 Death Valley Davt 7-s« Wntfon Tniin R:3rt Price T* niatlt 0:00 Kraft Theatre 10:00 NakAd City 11:00 Dateline 11:10 Sportslim^ '1-1S Vonr T.*gf*tati4N 11:80 Jack Paw THUIUPAV^ JUIY « 6:30 Aspect 7:00 Today 7-24 Viewpoint 7:30 TMay 9-no nebble Drake 9:15 Romper Room (0:00 Say WHin 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price lai^ght 11:30 Concentt-ayon . 13:00 Trirth or CdniieqUei^ce* 12:30 It Could Tbu 18:55 N8C Nfewil '1:00 A^oa ‘n AQdy 3:00 Jan Mun«y 3:30 Lmtta YdjUng 8:00 Yiiting Dr. Makuia 3:30 From Th^f|e Hpots 4:00 M|ke Hoorn For Dadqy 4:80 Here’s Hollywood . 5:00 Cap’n 5 5:30 Hucklebmy Houn9 6:00 Cap’n Five ffi05 Stateline 6:20 VieK^iitt (l|2$ Weather 6;30 Reeve—Sports R;45 NHC News 7:00 Sea Hunt 7:80 Outlaws 8:30 Bat Mastanon 9:00 Bachelor Father 9:30 Ernie Ford 10:00 Groiicho Marx 10:30 Tightrope 11:00 Dateline 11:10 Spertaline 11:15 Your l^egivlaturt 11:30 Jock Paar PRIPAY, JULY 7 8:30 As^t 7:00 Today 7:2!t viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 DebMi) Drake 9:15 Romper RqOro 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price U Right il:30 Concentration 12:00 Truth or Consequencei 12:30 It Could B« You 12:tiS NBC News 1:00 Amoa 'n Andy 2:00 Jan Mmray 'ZM Loretta Youis 3:00 YouRf Dr, MAone 3:30 Froih Tkesa Rooti 4:00 Make Roum For Daddy 4:30 Here’s Hollywood S:00 Cap’h 6 5:80 Yogi Bear Q;00 Cap’n. 5 8:05 Statoline 8:30 Viewpoint 6;25 Weather 8:30 Reeve—SportI 6:45 NBC Ne*S 7:00 77 Suhiet^Seip 8:00 Surfaide 8 9:00 Lawleu Yeafs 9:30 Nanette Pabray 10:00 Michael Shayn* li:00 Dateline ll:iu. tiportaline 11:15 Your Legislaturw il:a0 I'aar WTVD Channf J11 SATURDAY. JUIY i 7:00 Sat. Funtime 8:00 Jet Japkaua 6:30 Gene Auiry 8:30 Capt. lUafi-Ju 10:90 Mighty lloiise 11:00 Magie Say »o8tri 12:00 $Jiiy King i lt:30 Davey and i}oU»th 13:40 ’Cexas Jtaugeri, 1:19 Carolina BaMlMll 1^85 St. Jibtiia vs. Chicago 4;00 ,Sst. (Matinee 4:30 Sat. Miatinep d:OP Hoartng 20‘t 7:(ili Rifiimak ;. ■ Perry Hasw R:.V> ChMtoil4 (, 0.:30 Have Qua , - 10:00 GuttUn^M 10:3U '‘eifson to' Person 11:00 Country Style SUNDAY, JULY 2 10:00 Through the Porthole 10:15 Chrlattan Science 10:30 Camera HI 11:00 Look Up and Live 11:30 Lamp Unto My Feet 12:00 Highway Holiday*. 12:30 Parents Ask About Schools 1:00 Church of Our Fathers 1:30 Major League Baseball (Possibility of Major L^ue Aise- ball on Sunday at 1:30 p.m.) 1:40 Retvospect 2:00 TV Reader’s Digest 2:30 Royal^anadten Police 3:00 World of Sports 5:00 Amateur Hoiir 5:30 Lawre^e Welk 8:30 20th Century 7:00 Hawaiiu 9:00 Ed SulIlYair 9:00 a, E. TM#ater 9:30 Holiday Witfi 10;00 Oandtd ' 10^80 mat’*: 11:00 .«u^v- 11:15' Stw^r MOK 6:30 Big P 7:00 Mornii 8:00 CP" 8:10, 8:isj tfMaroo ■shop • ^^'*(||video Village ■—^ 11:00 Double Ex(ft)sure 11:30 Surprise PAckagt " 12:00 Love of Life 12:30 Number Pleas# 1.-OO Peggy Mann ■Hi 3:00 Face the Factl 2:30 Hojne Party 3:00 MiUunaIr* . 3:S0 Ve»«pt is Yo«w, 4:q0, 4:19 Secret, glom 4:30 Edge Of Nigllt ,^!00 BaJdatanrt.. 5:30 Ritt Ti. Tin , 6-00 IjMaie 6; Weather ^ • « 45 nouglee lMw*rd« 7:00 Pete GJ^eya TtflO fheyeow, _ gtjip ta« a [tf Mg. }f^ 9:00 DmW 8;a0 Apn MllTO 10:60 Henn^awy U):80 Alcoa I^resMti ■ 11:00 News 11:30 Badge 7H TUISO. tY, 4 9:30 ’Thla if 7:00 Morning J*iDt)3re4 8:00 CBS News 8,10 CaroHM W*W» 8:15 C«iU §;0p Cartooh Snop, 10;00 I wve taty 10:30 VlMage iU:00,nwWe 12.00 Love^ Life iJ;3ft Number Pleaae 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 Ab the World ’Turw. 2:00 Face the Facta 3:30 Houfte PJirty 3:00 MlUlonaife 3:80 Verrtict i» Yours 4:00 Brighter D«T 4:15 Biwret Storm. 4;flO Edge (d Nitft^ l5;fK) BUndstand .. g:M Rocky a:*d Uii Frlenda 8:00 Dennia 8i0 Esso Weather 0:45 Douglas Edwftfdl 7:00 Adv. in raiHii|jt 8)00 Three Sot* RtRO Dobie Gillts #,•00 Torn Ewell 0iS6 Playhouse 80 in00 Garfy Moore 11.00 News 11;15 Star Thaeter WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 8:30 Highway Holidaya 7:00 Morning jamborev 8:00 CBS News 8:10 Carolina News 8:15 Capt. Kangaroo 9:d0 Cartoou ghop 10:00 I Love Lucy ' 10:30 Video ViHai!e 11:00 Double ExiKime U:30 Surprise :!'AkAg^ 13:00 Love of Llfi» 13:.'i0 Number Pleaat - 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As the WorW TUW 3:00 Face the Fact*^ 2:^ House Part* 3i00 Millionato* 8:30 Verdict is YijMI^ 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Rtnrm 4:30 Edge of N^lit i ’ 8:00 Bandstand i Si30 Lone Ranger $ 8;oo Bugs Bunny ? K30 Esso h 8:40 Weather 8:45 D|uglaas Edwatil 7:00 Bc^l - 7:30 Maiihu Rm 8:30 Danger Man 8:0O Detectives 9:30 I’ve Got A Sectet 10:00 Armstrong Clnc) Theatre 11:0Q News ll;to4ttat~Tbeate; THURSDAY^ iViY 4 8:80 The Chrtftophein 7:00 Morning JanlUbtal 8:00 CBS News . 8:10 Carolina Kewl 8:15 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop lOtOO I I'Ove Lucy i 10:30 Video Village ■ 11:00 Double Expoati. > ' 11 .*10 Qiirnri«'* p^ekage 12:00 Love of Life 13:80 Number Pleiae I‘(Ml Peffov Mann* 1:30 Ai the WorM Jwj}| Paee the factl* S-JW iTnuse Party \ i-fVt Millionaire , ' Vwdict is Voiul 4;no ^inhi. t)ay 4:15 Sifret Sinrra v 4:80 of Night R’flO Bandstand 8:M Rocl^ and Hli.)rt)etiii . 8:00 T«ave it to ^vter r 8:M Emo 8:40 Weather . , ■ 8:45 Douglas J|i|w4#iiu 7:0b Wyatt Earp . ’ 7:30 Flintstonda > 80O Real McGdyi • 8:80 Zane Grey I 9:00 The ciunsIingiHr 10:00 Hong Kong 11:00 News 11:15 Star Theater FRIDAY, JUI.Y 7 6:30 Topic 7:00 Jamboree 8:00 News 8:10 Carolina News 8>15 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shep ia:Oa rxove Lue> 10:30 Video ViUag« 11:00 Double ExpeiMre 11:30 aurpj^se Padipga 12:00 Love or Life 12:30 Number Please 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:80 A* ^he World Dima 2:00 Face the Facta/ 3;80 Htwse Party 3iM Mulionaire 8iW Vjerdiet is Ybufi ^ ,4:00 ftrightW Dky 4fi5^ci«t Storm I " ‘ 4:80 Edge ot Nig%t, ^:00 B»i^astaMd^i,.i. If 5:il0 Rin Tin Tito J ' , ' 6:00 Guestward 'Ap'f 6:30 Esso ' ' 8:40 Weather m'1* 1 I 8:45 Douglae Edwards 7:00, The Third M*n -7:30 Rswhide 8:30 Route 68 9:80 Wayoyt 10:00 ’Twilight Zohe 10:30 Fvewitne«« tn Hlston 11:00 Phillips 88 ff9in~ I U:90 8tarIbMtw .. ' 1 .1 '*••1 ■f i ‘1 J ■i %