I Hkc c Aku ji 4«^AT0RbAY, FEBRUARY 10, 19^ ll^.E 3 ! DURHAM, N„ C. Faces in the News Kigbts Group Protests Beating ol t?-Year-Otd Mississippi Wwian ATLANTA, GA. — The Stu- forced her to lie down on the dent Nonviolent Coordinating coll floor on her face and beat Cbmmittec has asked the Justice her back and buttocki with their Dep»rtment ot "immediately in- belts. vettigate the inhuman, insane, I They then made her turn over ud brutal belt whipping by j on her back. One officer whipp* two policemen pf lS>-year-old ed her stomach and between her Mils Besaie Turnbr of Clark» I legs. One left the cell, and the dkle, Mississippi.” ' | other made her remove her bra»- In a telegram to Justic De- siere and show her naked p*rtment Civil Rights Chief breasts. Both policemen ad- Burke Marshall. SNCC Chnlr- monished her not to tell any' m«n Cha'rles MoDew said that one at>out the beating. Miss Turner was forced to re- She appeared before Coahoma move her dress, slip, and bras- County Prosecuting Attorney ti^re, and to He on a cell floor while two policemen beat her with their belts. Mississippi SNOC Field Secre tary Paul Brooks said that Miss Turner was arrested at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 21, while she was walking with her boy- IrtgMr^e two policemen,, tiffn Burton and Barrett, charged her with stealing and t^|i her to jail. •, iUter taking her to a cell, tWy forced her to remove her dflMi and slip. The policemen Thontas Pearson on Tuesda|r, January 23. A Dr. McCarrveU, who had examined her, testified that she had been beaten. Dr. Aaron Hfenrr, Misslsilpt)! NAACP President, told the SNCC office in Atlanta that the city would no' Incident ‘‘becauie they don't believe it happened-" Dr. Henry said ha htd sent aCfadavlts relating Ho th* incident to John po$r t>f tha Justice Department on January 23. Ag Worl(er Wiio Began as Clerk promoted to $7,500 Accountant 'WAfiHINGTON — George P. Henderson, Jr., a graduate of Howard University, who entered the U. S. Department of Agri culture as a clerk-typlst with hi* high school diploma after ■Oldiering In World War 11, was ^emoted last week to a $7,- BOO-a-year accountant. ‘“Oils was no overnight rise.” uya Personnel Director John P. Haughey of the Agricultural Siabllsatlon and Conservation Service. It represents a steady cUiMb by .a young man who knows where he wants to go.” Henderson wasn’t a clerk- typiat a year before he decided t|(. go to college and prepare Idfliielf for the climb. So, he took leave from his job In and entered Howard University where he compUed the fouf- year course In bualness admin istration In three. • Returning to the Departmekt In 1950, he was-promoted to accounting clerk. By 19S8 he was an asaittant accountant. Last week he was prdntoted to an accountant. Henderson was bom In EVana- ville, Ind., and retired here in Washington. After graduation from high school in 1942, he en tered the Army and served in Europe and the Pacific. HU wife is a teaohei^ In the Waah- ington public School ayatam. 'niey have a 3-year-oId daughter, St^AMU CADETS otrr COMMISSIONS TA1X.AIKASSEE, FLA. — fliree Reserve Officers’ Train- ii| Corps cadets at Florida A. ^Dd M. University recently re ceived commissions as second lieutenants In the office of the P(*aldent on the A. and M. CMnpus. Captain James S. White of Cincinnati, Ohio, administered the oath of otflce and Dr. Oeorge W. Gore Jr., president (if FA'MU, presented the com- llUulons. Hje cadets commiKsloned were Second Lieutenants Robert M. Catchings of Thoma.sville, Ga., Joseph L. Harris and Robert J Warren, both of Tampa. New Relief from QAS.HEARTBURN Mill., D. C.—Now • nmtrinblt itwnidi ^ mutt, olM rUSH. hM litndl- ■iMtb, nldily rwtm |M palm, kMrouni, Walm. uyiM, ilMplnsiMn dm la km MtlHtlM. PUM wethn tht ilaiiMCli M, MtaMT fMt. fM nlfMtl Tnr M-tclliit raw •! oiK 49« It dniiiiiti. Ifi mtl; tit PUSH alll *1 IM iwii itaiatlll Benep Jack Margolis HILL BUILDING Phone 681-4975 Feed 6nun Meet Held in TV THIS WEEiL nr tMK JUIMY HOW — A»- traeltV* Miss Susie Hlnlon. Heck MIU. 8. C.. a' recent fall fuarlkr fteduate of A. and T.' Celleffe. was last wMk com- mlaalwiee a second lleutanant in the Women’s Anny Cerps. ActlRg President L. C. D9l»4y pins on her bars as Major William Ooode. profaMOr ef military science and in ^wrge of the A. and T. Cellafa A»ny ROTC Detachment and Dr. L. H. Robinson, dean of the School of Education and Gen eral Studies, observe the pro ceedings. WTVD Channel 11 SATURDAY, FIBRUARY 10 Sat. FuhDMi* Oeilt Aut'v Saturday Funtltnc. i.anttaf >0 VUleo .Village Jr. MItihiy MuU.sp Ma*;le Land lUiy llogern Sky iJing My Prlehd Fllcka Snttirilay N«?w* Cons«rvat)oii flltibhousc Vic Bnbas Show ACC Uosketball An»alenr Ilmrr TBA Pnnce Pnrty Wide World of-Sfiorts 7:S0 Perry Mhson 8;30 Defenders 9:30 Haw 0«n tO;OA Gunsihoke 11:00 ThrfH* vStfir mn«l 11:18 Country Style U.iri H!ur -.wir.-r THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IJ SUNDAY, PNRUARY 11 8:00 9;m 94b IO:PO 10:30 11:00 11:80 12:P0 12:30 1:00 1:30 2iOO 2:30 4:00 R:00 fl:00 fl:30 7:00 1:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:80 11:00 11:13 VISITOR FROM IRAN — Xaikhearow Ktany, schooL Macher from Iran on tour of Ihr Vtalted Stales, is shown abovsi exchanging farewells i on is R. E. Stewart. Ligen with Billy Rebinaan, student teacher. Kiany visited the councU preaideol- at Ligon Raleigh school system last h. uMkiag ' week. Bob Poole’s Otwpel Quartet 'This Is the Ufa Intemationkl Living Word Lamp Unto My Wet I.eok Up and Live Camera III Hbur of St. Francis Big Picture Washington '’onviwistlon News You May Have Missed The Answer Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sports Spectacular Wonderful Worid of Golf I.awrent;e Welk 20th Century Mr. Ed Follow the Sun Ed Sullivan G. E. Theater Jack Benny Candid Camera What’s My Line? Sunday News Special * International Star Theater (,‘.30 rwt 8:00 10:(i« 11:00 i:S0 l:Kl I :;J0 i-rn 2::in 1:11(1 I t') H'O 4 30 5 fW 0:00 t.,?0 »I!40 0:4S T!i»* Ne>» Uiol*ii»- .luinlnin-i Capi Kiingaroo Curl..jn Culun ijr l.ticy Vi(ltt) v'ill.-^ S iriWi.^r I’ufkiif. I,.i-r t.f l.il.- Queen For A Day I’l'j.’jiy M:mn ■As tbi' Wiirlil Turns I’.'iww.ird I'o'ise I’art/ Mlllloiinir • V'cr'irl 1“; Vours nH';'iil"r n.-iy St't’r, I StiTm of Nicht 'I'hp Klin Uniir Usve It 1(1 Beaver Esso WcathiT Dougla!! Eciwrrds High School, RaMBl>* 9lgn*up for the . IMX feM Grain Program Will be launch ed in the East and South with a mee>ting In Atlanta February 8, Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman announced The Hteetibg; WMpti 'wiD' be* atteitdid'by the SetfMary, ta.*td bp helei itt AtiiHti’i- Orady hotel. ’Twd other mcH meetings are icheiiulM tdr Omaha, Nebr.t on fet>ruary 'S and Spokane, ,Waah., ati Feb rtiary 12. Menibers of Si*U Agricultural Stabilitetldn Md Conservation Coninittet;^ SURI Extension SertKce offlAalA' arid field personnel of tire U. fr rie- partment o^ A’gUcultitre will at* 'end the meetlHgi. Farmers taking part in the voluntary prt>gfnn. 'f* con^ grain sorghimt, an| aprii^ [danted barley ntajr slgg ^ from February S thltmgH liatiiMfr« 30 to divert not leal than 80 percent of their tiaie anreiige of these oropa to*Jott'ooMetVf Ing uses. Tfiia ifHlI' alto' W tlji^ sign-up period for apti^g cd wheat under , the 1M2 wheat ft fsrtiW! THISWEEKm msPEPsi for those who think young! 24 Bottles ,)lus depuii. Man exfnNtiwtoHi*!* Bettlad Under Apj>einltnei|t trmit Pepsi-Cela Coiwpaiiy New York, N, Y. Bottled by Pepsi-Cola Bottling gf Dwrhilli PRESS WORKSHOP mJiTm) FOR FORUM MARCH 1-3 TALLAHASSEE, FLA. — teme 175 high school journal- Uts and their advisers are ex pected to attend the 12th an nual Florida A&M Univer- jity^.Ioterachctlastif Press Wotk- «t’ yeir’ a record 160 persons iiarticlpated In the confab. llle three-day workshop will be devoted to two major topics: yeK)ook and newspaper pro duction. Some of the nation’s best known working journal- Ista . and journalist-oducators Mil serve as consultants. Budding Scientists to Study At A&T Junii)r Sdence Syntposiunv GREENSBORO^— Seventy- bright high school boy^ and girls, selected on ^the basis of outstanding promiie in science, Sop scheduled for March 1-3! 1^111 participate Tn ^ie annuaTf'cterttfic studies; to assW the 11 i»r rr Raisin in Sun ^sented By . VSC Guild Pa^TBReBUIRO, VA. — "A ^iain In the Sun,” Lorraine Hantberry's three-act drama de picting the desires and frustra tions of a low-income Chicago family, will be presented by the Virginia State College Theatre Guild, Friday, Feb. 16. at 8 p.m. in the college auditorium. Lena Younger, the strong- willed mother, is played by E2sther Trucker of Blackstone. John Green, Fredericksburg, Is cast as- Walter Lee Younger, the son, through which much of the action moves. DirMted by Felicia D. Ander- aon, the production will also^ show Goldie Allen, Goochland, aa Ruth, Welter’s wife; Ruth’ Royall, Petersburg, as Beneatha, Walter’s apobitious sister: and Oeorge Roberts, Jr. as Travis, Walter’s young son. Other players include Robert McNeHl, Durham as George Murchlaon; Donald Miles. Charles City, as Mrs. AsagI; and Samuel Walker, Lawrenccville. •s Mf. Linder. atablHzatlon program. asthma gony... Dr. Oulld't 0l«M Meuntain Junior Science Symposium to be held at A. and T. Collegie, April 5-7, The top-ranking .students will come from the tOth and 11th grade classes of 47*hlgh schools in North Carolina. Sponsored jointly by the U. S. Army Research Office, Dur ham, N. C., and the North Cato- llna Academy of lienee in co> operation with the Noi'tii Caro lina Departme;>t (ft Public In struction, Raleigh, N. C., ahjfl A. and T. College, the' Syjwoslun^ has five objectlvei, * The program aims to promdte the study of the iciences and mathematics, to depibnst^ate the part which the‘ha^anltiee*pUiy in the developnMMt the scientist and to empliasiat' the importance of both sclencei and the humanities to the t^lonal culture and genial welfarer It alms, also, to search out notentlnlly talented youth and to assist them In developing their interests and abilities; to OHIO PROFESSOR DEFENDS PE GRiEENSBORO — A top pro fessor at Ohio State University last Tuesday told an audience at A. and T. College that physi cal education Is more than “ex ercises”. The speaker was Dr. Delbert OtoeTteuffer, chairman. Grad uate Committee of the Depart ment of Physical Education, Ohio, State University at dolum- bus. Seeking to remove some of the misunderstandings about physical education, the professor, who has authored several text books in the field and who edits the Haiper Brothers series in School of Public Health Bduca- tlon. Physical E^Ucatlon.and Re creation, and also the Journal of School Health, told the group which filled the audlWrinm “Physical Bducatton la not uier#' Ijr exexdae, twt It irgMieiUoa,” provide recognition and prestige for students in the sdiool en vironment who demonstrate an appreciation of and aptitude for career choosing process by vealing some of the opportunit ies In the sciences and to be a part of the general effort to Improve the prestige, profession al preparation and recompense q£ teachers. The Symposium is to be oper ated under the direction of Dr Robert S. Beale, director of In- atltutional Research and pro- fessoir of chemistry, at the Col lege. PLANS MADE FQR N. C. HAMPTON ALUMNI MEET GREENSBORO — Plans for the annual North Carolina Re gion! meeting of the Hampton liistitute Alumni Association, to be iield at A. arid T. College, April 7-8, were \omipleted ’ at a special meeting held here last week. The planning committee, head ed by John Lennon, Durham, N. C., worked out details for housing, entertainment and pro- Kram at the meet held here on Saturady, January 27. Hie group head O. J. Taylor, national alumni secretary, who aerved as consultant on arrange menta. A spokesman for the group aald that nearly 150-Hampton- ians are expected for the two- day conference. Why"Good-riine Charlie” Sufto Uneasy Bbdder Unwlae flAtlnff or drinkiiur rmj be ■ Boore* of mild. tNit annoylns Maimer irrl- tatipiu—mftkliur you f*el rcatleai. tcna«. ■ad ammnfortabl*. And If ratUM ni^t*. wiui iMnliia baekjulM. hvadadM ormua- aowMiiMaiHlpaiiii diwtoover-axtrtioil, Mnin or emotional uimH, mn addl» to jraor miKn-don’t walt-try Doaa'tPllla. Doan’a rltls act a waya for aPMdy ra- liaf, 1—Thajr have a aootMiis ttttH oo bladder h-rltatloiu. I—A faat paln-rdlrv lac aotion oa nania« baekadw. he^ adMs. muacular achra and paiiu. (—A mndei^tly mild dloretia acOM tiini tha tendioK to InerMaa tlx ouliMit of flea of kldner tube*. ^ i«t tha klilaen, tendioK to InerMaa tlx ouuiut of tka la mflei of kidner tube*. So, get tha UM happy relief mllHona hara enjoyed for o**r 60 yeara. New. larse, economy ■ha amanoDey. Get Doaa'a IlUitadarJ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:30 The New Biolcey 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 10:00 Calendar 10:30 Lucy 11:00 Video Village 11:30 Surprise Package 12:0f Love of Life 12:30 Queen For A Day l;00 Peggy Mann IfW A* the Wivld Tutnt 2;Q0 Password 3:80 House Party 3:00 MiUioaaire 3;3fl Verdict Is Youri 4:O0 Brighter Day 4:18’Setahrt Stttrm 4:10 Edge of m|M 8:00 Tlie Fun Hour 8:00 Lassie 6:30 Esso ,, 6:4ft Weather 6:46 Douglas Ed#aril8 7:00 Pete and CHftdy' '/:3fr Cheyenne 8:80 Rifleman 9:00 Medicine in 60’s fT:!50 Andy Griffflh 10:00 Hennesey 10--30 I've Got A Secret lltpO News i 11:15 Star Theatw TUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 8i30 The New Biology 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo fl:00 Cartoon Shjp IO;00 Calendar 10:80' Lucy 11:00 Video Village I 11:30 Surprise Package ia:00 Love of Lite 18:30 Qu(^n For A Day 1:00 Peggy Mapn 1:30 Af the World Turni 2:00 Password 8:30 House Party 8t0O Millionaire 3:M Verdict Is Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:18 Secret Storm ^ 4:30 Edge of Night 8:00 The Fun Hour 8:00 Dennis e:.YO Esso 0:40 Weather Douglas Edwards 7 00 Adventure in Paradise 8:00 New Breed 9:00 Red Skelton 9:30 Margie 10:00 Garry Moore 11:00 News 11:18 Star Theater WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 6:30 The New Biology 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 10:00 Calendar 10:.W Lucy 11:^ Video Villege 11:80 Surprise Package 12:00 Love of Life 12:30 Queen For A Day 1:00 PeRpy Mann T:3n Mh tHe Wotld Turns 2'00 Password 2:80 Hwts» Party 3:00 Millionaire 3;30 Verdict Is Vours 7:00 Owle and Harriet '»-?n Frnntior Circus 8:30 Tlirec Sons 0 fO Tell It To Groucho 9:30 TwHiglit Zone "-"O I'lnk Van Dyke 10:30 Window on Main St. 11:00 News 11:15 Star Theater FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 0:30 The New Biology 7:00 Jamboree 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 1U:00 Cuieniiar 10:30 Ij 00 11:30 12:U0 12:30 1.00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:15 4:30 5:00 8:00 6:30 0:40 8:45 7:00 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:19 Lucy . I Video Village Surprise PackuRe Love of Lifu Queen For A Day Peggy Munn As the World 'liirns Pas.sword HouseParty Millionaire Verdict is Yours Brighter Day Secret Storm Edge of Night The Fun Hour Funday Funnies Esso Weather Douglas Edwards Third Man Rawhide Route 66 Real McCoys Target: Corrupters News Star Theati‘1 4:00 Brighter Day 4:16 Secret Storm 4:;W Edge of Nigh* 9:00 The Fun Hour 0:00 Bugs Bunny 6:3Q Esso 6;W W;ather ^48 Douglas Edwards 7:00 FUntstenes 7:30 Alvin 8:00 Father Knows Best 6:30 Checkmate B.’SO Ijiwinan 10:00 Tour of the White House With Mrs. Kennedy tl:00 News WRAL Channel 5 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 9:00 Cap’n 5 9:30 Pip The Piper • 10:00 Shan. Lewis (COLOR) 10:30 King. Leonardo (COLOR) 11:00 Eury 11:30 Saturday Shindig* 11:30 Make Room For Daddy 12:00 Mr. Wizard 1S:30 Championship Debate 1:00 Teenage Frolic 2:15 Window on Washington 2:30 NBA Basketball 5:00 Life of Riley 5:30 Wrestling 0:30 Porter Wagoner 7:00 Hathaways 7:30 Wells Fargo 8:30 Tall Man 9:00 Untouchables 10:00 Fight of the Week 0:45 Make that Spare l:(i(l I),iteline 11:15 Movie of Week SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 9:00 Ilarvcii ,or fj/mn* 9:30 The Fisher Family 10:00 Catholic ..Hour 10:30 Big Picture 11:00 Light Unto My Path. 12:00 American Newsreel 12:15 Social Security 12:30 Oral Roberts 1:00 Church of our Fathers 1:30 Circuit Rider 2:00 Movie Matinee 4:30 Chet Huntley 5:00 Coach Case Show 5:30 Update 6:00 Communist Encirclement 6:30 Maverick 7:30 Broadway of Lerner and Lowe 8:30 Car 54, Where Are You • f'O Bonanza (COLOR) '0:00 Show of the Week '1:00 FCC Hearings 11:30 Sunday Late Show MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:00 Continental Classroom (1:30 Aspect 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 Bozo The CHown 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Hunch (COLOR. 11:00 Price is Right 11:30 Concentration '2:00 First Impression 12:30 Truth or Consequences I2:.W NBC News 1:00 Time Out 1:30 Yours for a Song : 00 Jan Murray (COLOR) 2:30 lioretta Young 2:25-NBC News :i 00 Yoiin»! Or. Malon^ 3:30 Our Five Daughters ♦:00 Mak» Room For Daddy »-v> Uf'T'o’s Hollywood 4:55 NBC News -.■(V) Pnn’n 5 5:30 1, 2, 3, Go! 6:00 Cap’n 5 6:05 Slateline 6:20 Vewpolnt 6:25 Weather 6:30 Reeve With Sports 6;4.'5 Hiintley-Brinkley 7:00 Surfside 6 8:00 S(“a'Hunt 8:30 Price is Right 9:00 87th Prtwinct 10:00 Thriller II lid Diiti'iin# 1' :»|0 i*:l9 Jiivk Pear (C0BMU itisi9)^r rtwiiBWfr 1*: CortitWTital Cl A*poct ‘odiiy 7:2a VlWffiJoint ;ul ') on^ I'.oMi I he down 10:00 Say When 10:30 Way Your lluntH i.iMi Htio* IS Itil'.ht* (IX)m)R, i:.W! t;imcenlr.itl(»l^ .2.U0 Yotr First iHttMMon ,J:0tf"Pruth or Conawpitnces j.f.l News l.LO Time Out i:;iO Yours for a Sonlr 3:00 .Ian' Murray (COtJOR) 2:30 lA)r*‘t'« Young, 3:00 Young Dr. Nftlomt .1:80 Our Five DfcugHfSfi 4!00 Mhlie Rbnm For DWMy 4f80 >hr>:'s Itnil^vWdd 1:85 NUr; News 1:OO Ca|i'n 3- :V30 QiriHc iMuw MWra» rt:00 Cap’n 9 fl)09 St8t»^llne 6i20 VIewfwint 6:29 Weather d;30 Reeve With Sftottt 7:00 King of DIamandi 7:30 Laramie 8 30 Alfred Hitchcock 9:00 Dick Powall 10:00 Cain’s Hundred 11;00 Dateline 11:10 Sports , ll:l3 Jack Paar (COUlB- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 ‘ oiOO" Continental Ciawrueift t‘:30 Aspect 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today , 0:00 Bozo The CloWn 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Huneh (COLOR) U:06 Price is Right (COLOR) ^ 11:30 Concentration , 12:00 First Impression ‘ 12:30 Truth or. Consequances 12:95 NBC News 1:00 Time Out 1:30 Yours for a Song 2:00 Jan Murray Show (COLOR) 2:25 NBC Ne.vs 2:S0 Loretta Young 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 Our Fiye Daughters 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 4:30 Here’s Hollywood 4:65 NBC News 5:00 Cap’n 5 9:30 Deputy Daws 8:00 Cap'n 9 8:U6 Slateline 6:20 Viewpoint 6:25 Weather 8:30 Reeve With Sport* 6:49 Huntley-fcrinkley 7:00 Death Valley Days 7:30 Wagon Train - i 8:80 Rip Cord 9:00 Perry .Coroo 110:00 Naked City ! 11:00 Dateline 11:10 Sportsline 11:15 Jack Paar ((XILOR) THURSDAY, FeittdMY 15 6;80 Aspect '’TtOO Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 Bozo The CloWD 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Hun^ (COLOiH 11:00 Price is Right (COLOR) 11:30 Concentration 12:00 First Impression 12:00 Truth or Cottiequences 12:53 NBC News 1:00 Paul Montgomery Show 1:30 Yours for a Song 2:00 Jan Murray ShoW 2:30 Loretta Young 3:00 Young Dr. M|itone 3:30 Our Five DaUgiiters 4:00 Make Room tw Daddy 4:30 Here’s Hollywtod 4:85 NBC News 5:0O Cap’n 9 8:80 Huckleberi7.BoQ^ 6:00 Cap’n 9 6:()9 SUteline 6:30 Viewpoint 6:25 Weather 8i30 Reeve with sri (1;4i» Huntley-Brinkli 7:00 Shannon T:3fl Bachelor Fathpf' 8:00 Donna Reed * 8:30 Dr. Kildare 9:30 Hazel 10:00 Sint; AlcRig 1:00 Dateline 11:10 Sportaline 11:19 Ja;k Paar (COLORS FRIDAY, FEBllUARY 1« 6-00 Continental Cliisroom 6:30 Aspect 7:00 Today 7:29 Viewpoint ^ 7:30 Today PK)0 Bozo The Clown 10:00 Say When 10:30 Play Your Huttch (COLOR) 11:00 Price Is Right (COLOR M-30 Concentration 12:00 First Impression 10.^0 Truth nr Consequencet 12:99 NBC News 1:00 Time Out 1:30 YOU.S for a Song 2:00 Jan Murray Show (C^LORl 2 30 Loretta Yonng 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:30 Our Five Daugnten 4:00 Mnko Rnnm F/tr Dadd^ 4:80 Here's Hollywood 4:98 NBC News .1:00 Cap’n 5 1 30 Yogi Beat rt-no Cap’n 9 6:05 Stateline 6:20 Viewpoint fl 29 Weather 6:30 Reeve With SfiMti 6 49 Huntley-Brlnklijr 7:00 Hawaiian Eye, 8:00 Robert Taylor** DetectlvM OiOO 7T Sunaet Strifi lO.-OO Df. Ben Caaw 11:00 Dateline 11:10 SpoHaUB* 11:18 Jack PM (cateft

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