StaafoTd L v/aiiTQn Public Xlhraiy Payotteville St 7-14 -rm X 23 Ministers Named For Holy Land Contest Trip ' if ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ^ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "CHICKEN SNICK" SHOOTING JFK HEABS PROBLEMS OF KEGRO SiCHOOLS — PrMi- d*nl John F. Kannady met With • group o| dUllnsuiihod No0f« •ducaton for naarly an hour last Wednosday in tho Whilo Houm> Thoy ditcuuod problonu of financing for privato eollogM and tho Proti- dent indicatod hi« koon in- teioit. TboM profont during tho conforoaco, loft to right, w o r o Soct. Bibicoff (not ■hewn) of tho Dopartmont of rioalth, Edueuion and Wol- faro. Dr. Luthor Foator of Tu*kogoo, Dr. Bonjamin May* of Morohouto CoUogo. William Trent of the Unitod' Motfro College Fund and Dr. Albert Dent of Dillard Univenity. Abo with the Pretidenf b«# not shown in (the above photo* graph were Dr. Fred Patter- •on, former Tuskegee Presk dent and Dr. StephW WrigHtn President of Fisk University. VOLUME 38 — No. 9 Doctor MtedTo DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1M2 RBTURN REQUESTED NOMINATIONS OPEN PRICE t IS Cteto Voting in Ministers Coolest For, “Hie Chicken Staack,” a grtfl on Bivens Rd. In I^banob was the scene -of-'a a^ar-faial ahootlng Saturday OT«tcher Hufhes, 20, of Rt.; ttardel Mills was hit in the by a .22 calibre pistol bul let as a result of an argument ■with a 17-year-old youth. Held in connection with the •Iwotlng is Sterling Eugene Whitted, 17, Rt. 2, Guess Rd. Me has been charged with as- ult and battery with a dead ly weapon with intent to kill and placed under $1,000 bond. *ni« victim, who was admitted to Duke Hospital at 10:30 p.m Saturday, was described in “aritical” condition at press- time. The bullet entered his head Jnst above the right eye and lodged at the base of his •kull. He was deecribed as l>tt- Ing completely paralyzed rtgl4 side of his body. SiKriffs Deputies L. R. Watr ■on and J. E. Wheelous report ed the shooting occurred dur ing an argument and quoted Wiiitted as saying that Hughes “came after me with a knife.” 2ie said he pulled a pistol from his pocket and fifed one time, deputies said they were told. WUttCd said he then ran from the grill into a nearby woodt where he threw away the t>lsfaA and headed for home. r-WMtted, accompanied by his laU*r, turned himself in at the ilieritt’a offie* at>out a. m. if^yXCTQi, page 2rA SHOOTING SCENE — Pictur- ' ed here is the "Chicken Shack," an entertainment spet which was the scene of a near alal sheering last S«tuTday night. The "Chickei^ Shack," which features dancing to Juke box muiic, is located on Bivens Road in Lebanon town ship approximately four and half miles from the city. phelo by Rivera M&F Opens Charlotte Bank; More Rites Sun. WQfSTOtN-S^KIVf — Dr. #oMiril M.' Walker Jr., a Wins ton Salem surgeon, this week became the first Negro'- physi cian to be named to the' medical Maff '&f all-white City Hospital. : ite. Walker^-was among Sd frfiysi^ians to be granted Curtesy staff priviledges by the I^Tinston Salem Hospital Com- Ittission. More than 130 doctors appointed to the staff by fbe commission in a five- tdinute meeting IViesday ijight. A doctor with courtesy staff |i^lv*il^es doesn’t practice re- |pilar]y at City Hospital. But he lUs tfie privilege of requesting - and receiving • permission to placc-a patient in the hospital. Walker’s privileges extend to his ilpecialty - surgery. That meaiis that he nfiay perform mirgry on a patient in City Hw- pital and have that patient as signed to a room at the hopsital. ' HARftlS Ex-Durhamfte Succumbs From Heart Attack Final rites for Charles Edward (B'ieldmouse) Harris, former Durhamite who died in Wash ington early this week, will be held Sunday at the White Rock See HARRIS, page 2-A NEWS IN BRI^JF Pearson'fTA Carnival, Delta Show in Oxford are Coming Events The W. G. Pearson School Mrent-Teachers Association has Mt its annual Carnival at the S^ool for Tuesday night, March §. The Carnival, an event which jrtarly attracts city-wide in- Mrest, wl|U feature numerous games, dances, ^ movies, ^nd other attractions. Concession stands will be •Balntained tlmnighout the tthool with prizes offered. Money to be earned from the Carnival will be applied to the Uroject for providing free lunch- «■ for under-privileged children at the school as well as other #TA projects. OXFORD-HENDERSON DELTAS TO PRESENT NCC BAND, DANCE GROUP NEXT FRIDAY The Oxford-Henderson Alu- ■inae Chi^ter, of Jlelta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. presents the •»OB1W CAROLINA COLLBGl band and DANCE GROUP in ■ concert at the 03CF0RD AirISCNRY on FRIDAY, MARCH i at SslS p m. Jjut year’s Queen and Princess of the JaM>erwock win 6e on hand to crown tUi year’s Qumo and Princats. Following this affair, a danca will be giv^n in honor of our Queens and Princesses. The public is cordially invited. - HILLSIDE PTA WILL MEET MONDAY The Hillside Higti ' School ■Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular meeting next Monday night, March S, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. As a special feature of the meeting, Mrs. E. M. King, Guidance Counselor at Hillside, and Mrs. E. M. Herndon of the guidance department, will serve as speakers on the subject “drop-outs.” NATIONAL STtnDENT EXAMS SLATED AT LITTLE RIV£R The National Merit Qualify ing examination wiM be given to 11th grade ' students at Little River high S(rfiod on Tuesday March 6, at nine p. m., Mrs. Lenoiis & Hooker reported this week. The tiiree hour examination Is jised to select Students who re ceive scliolarships to college. A Natiqpal Education IMvtftop See SRifPS, page 2-A A total of 23 nUnlitari were- fominated this week win big; (trizes in tKe C^OLINA TIMES Jriinieters’ Vacation Popularity contest, as voting'is slated to get undemay on Monday, March 5. One of the ministers ndhiinated spend his suifinier vacation in the Holy Land, courtesy of the CAROONA ■nMES. That’s right, The trip to Holy Land i^; ^Irst p#i2o In ^e Ministers’ Coiitest. ^coD^ ivif!^ is a, f»und tri|>' ^ vicdttoit t6 • IS^ntuda-ji Star some lucky minister. And the third prize is a round trip vaca tion to New York, Here’s liow the contest works. On page 4-B of this issue appears an advertisement announcing the big contest. To nominate the minister you wish to win (nomi nations are still open), simply fill in his name and addreess on the nomination blank and mail or bring it to the CAROUNA TIMES. Your nomination will automati cally , give the minister 5,000 points. (The minister with the highest number of points at the end of the contest wins.) Voting in the contest will begin on Monday, March 5, and will con tinue for three 2-week periods, ending April 14. During this time, beginning with this week’s CARO LINA TIMES^ a blank ballot will ap pear in each issue of the paper. Clip the ballot and write in your favorite minister's name and. mall or bring it to the CAROLINA flMES, 436 E. Pettigrew St., Dur ham, N. C. You may vole ftw a minister as many times as you wish. Each ballot will count for 5,000 points. See CONTEST, page 2-A ^ on Iravd Segregation WAfiHmCTON — The Su- panw Coi^t this wock Instruct- ed a Jackson, Miss, federal court to overturn the state’s travel segregation laws a« tmbongtitu- ti>nal. *> The court declared tiifere no necessity for a three Judge federal paiwl to evaluate the is sue. The high court said it had See COURT, page 2-A OHABIxmi:, ^ MiimM D. JMUten, SHresideai^ at the Qtlxetia ,1^. rjf., tldn’a larkest bafijk opanited W Negroes, wlU deliver the dadl- catory speech tor the CiMirlotte branch of the Mechanics and Fanners Bank at 4 p.m. SuH' day, March 4, In the Johnson C. Smith University Church. The program Is open to the public. The new Charlotte branch held ribbon cuttiag ceremoniea on'Thursday Mueh I> opening day* An open'house ceremony fea turing tours of the new two story $160,000 Norman brick See BANK, page 2-A f o»A1 MCDONALD Durhamite Elected Over 3,000 At First NAACP Confab in Miss. JACKSON, MISS. _ La- Fayette McDonald, of Durham, N. C., was elected president of the NAAIOP youth organizations of the Southeast region here last week as several outsandlng Negro personalities took' part in Ihe first ma^ NAACP con- ventionf ever to be held la Mississippi. ArchiR Moore, Floyd Patter son, Jackie Robinson, Curtis See NAACP, page 2-A NEW NCC TRUSTEE — Pictured above is W. H. Daven port, priaUpal ef Eppes High Scheel in OreMvlUe. who this week waa appointed to tte board ef truetees at North Car olina College to replace John O. Clarke who resigned re cently. Economic Boycott In Edenton EDENTON—“Wear old clothes with new dignity.” This has be- cmne the slogan of Negroes in this small town, who last week, called for a boycott of the entire dowtnown area of Edenton. Led by Golden A. Frinks and the Rev. F. H. LaOarde, Negroes at a mass meeting Sunday night, agreed to provide transportation for f/thers to nnrby cities to purchas« necessary things. A na- ti..nal cuemetics and household good,s company has also been con tracted to provide many items. The boycott^ according to the leaders, will last for at least three weeks or “as long as we feel it is necessary.” “Our aim in staging this boy cott is to l6t the downtown mer chants know that we are not satis fied with ,situations as they are now. Wc want them to know that See BOYCOTT, page 2-A XoftarUk (M* Aa tib- Imb MTot^ flia i^nOranee of fh# new braneh ot Me«kanla and Farmers bank here sbottly after nlna a. m. Thursday. day ef iMsinea CrewAi of qpaoiniM* day da^oeitoffr kept the braneh'a peraonnel busy throughout flie mornlag open- See C&REUONY, page 2-A MILTON WHIBLIR Integrate, N. C. School Board Told CHAlUXnTE — The North Carolina Council on Human Re lations this week called on school boards in the state to seriously consider making plans to desegregate public schools,' A statement outlining six reasons why the council believes the time is ripe for desegrega tion was sent to the school boards and superintendents of schools throughout the state. The reasons, as set forth by executive com- the council’s mlttee: 1. “It la now generally re cog nizfed that forced racial sefre- gatioD is morally wrong. . .." 2. “Segregation as is practiced In the schools of our state to day, is contrary to the law, both state and fed^ral.”^ 3. "Yaar by year, delay la complylQC with the school de segregation laws have sorely See INTEGRATI. page 2-A .-I-;.:, j :——' 'Skxx % mmm •mm :i ' ■ •-5-9 ^ .... ' • f - WORK BEGUN ON SHOPPING CENTER BOWLING ALLEY Work was scheduled to bagin •eon a saw $178,000 bewl- ^ alley being oonstrucled in College piasa Shoeing cenier, locvled off Soutli FayettelTDe stiaat la Diubiia. Tieliuad above is Ibe archlleet's oob* caption of tiw 34 lana allay. A. Oreraberg, ewnar of cenier, annwunoed the appeal- ment of Biirtli Carolina Cel- la«a gradiMta Jaarn fawlaa as manager of the recreation facility. Ha said Fowler bas ^ni the past two yean working la bowling Mew Tark. TIm naw bowUng allay will be epereled by Delta Bawl ing Corp, of New York, a na tiMMl diain with oper^ions in FIofMa, South CaroUsa. LM- aiana and Datowata. The center will be equipped with automatic Btachlnary. wiU can* tain a lew^, a nursery, a raatuarant4iincbroem. Itehaa facilities and meeting rooms for laagua acHvilias. A, M. Rani is iiMlte«^ ^ the ]CM|!ly in on J«m U " ' j

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