^ rii ti C A K p,i. S w A T I M E 3 4-^—»a1URDAY, JUNE 16, mi OUfcHAM, N. C. ON TV THIS WEEK |1.3P Washington Conversation WTVD Cbannel 11 .* iATURDAY, JUNE 16 7 %B Sat. Fnntiine Boy Bogers Felix the Cat Capt. Kanpanio ):|0 Vidpo Village 3t. >10 UiRhty Mouse 1:6 Uagic Land I Soy Roeers I 8ky King ^1 CBS News S;tf Telesports Digest 1:V» Saturday Matinee I Big Picture Texas Rangers Amateur Hour i Wide World ot SporU I Pojry Mason fjSg Defenders l-M Have Oun lAiOi Aunsmoke nioo Three Star Final 11:16 Country Style SUNDAY, JUNE 17 i-flo Bob T»onlP’« nn«n**l Quartet Pavey «nd Gollatb •.‘IS Hirough the Porthole |;!I0 Intomational ^:49 Uving Word 10:00 Ump Unto My Feet 10:SO Look Up and Live , li:fm Camera in 11:30 Washit lltOd Accent liiao Bij Picture Award Theater ):3Q Rimdav Movie Jip Dlrecfions 62 •30 Editor’s Choice :00 Tssiies snd Answer* :M Father Knnwn Best IJM Lawrence Welk i;Oft 2flth Century ■>f) Mr Kd ;Q0 Follow the Sun WA Sullfvsn jhoo G. E. Theater jl M Jack Benny 11140 Candid Camera 10:Sn What’* Mv T,lneT IVno Siindav News Special 11:18 Star Theater MONDAY, JUNE II ) White Hunter I llominc JamborM Capt KanB»rv» J:0(J Medicine of 60's 10:ft0 Hennesey UkSO I’ve Qot A Secret 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford ^i8 Clear Hnrizcm I Love of Life 3oeen For A Day ?t>m Mann im As the World Tumi I Puiword Roase Party Millionaire I Verdict- I* Youfi Rrishter Day Recret Storm i:PO KHge of Nieht The Fun Hour I :00 Lassie (M Esso I r40 Weather I 'WalTcr Cronklte 7:00 Pete and Gladys 7i*0 Cheyenne 9:30 Rif|pm;n .«;0g Medicinc of the ’60 19:00 Hennesey 10:30 I've Got a Secret llH» News li:lS Star Theater TUESDAY, JUNE 19 8:30 Bums and Allen r •: • 10:00 !A:M 11.00 11:80 l|:0« IB:: 1:30 1:00 i 1:30 8:00 3:30 5:00 :30 4:00 4:18 «:00 9:30 j:40 7:30 8:(jP •:no B:3P 10:00 11:(¥> 11:18 MorninT .Tam»>oree Capt. Kangaroo Cartoon Shop Calendar Lucy Tennessee Ernie Ford Clear Horizon liOve of Life Queen For A Day PegRv Mann As the World Turns Password House Party Millionaire Verdict iji Yours Brighter Day Secret Storm Edge of Nieht The Pun Hour Dennis Esso Weather Walter Cronkite To Tell the ’Truth Dick Van Dyke New Breed Red Skelton Law and Mr. Jones Garry Moore News Star Theater WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 TV Readers Digest 7:I|D Momine Jamboree a:ip Capt. Kangaroo 8:(j0 Cartoon Shop 10:00 Calendar 10:30 l^cy 11:00 TennMsee Ernie Ford 11:30 Clear Horizon 12:00 Love of Life 12:30 Queen For A Day 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As the World Turns i:00 Password 2:30 House Party 3:00 Millionaire 3:30 Verdict I« ^ouri 4:00 Brighter Day 4:18 Recret Storm 4:30 Edge of Night 8:00 7be Fun Hour 8:00 Bugs Bunny 8:30 Esso S:4$ Weather 0M Walter Cronkite T.-fll fllntstonei 7 M Ali^ 8» Window on Hals Stoaat Mir Chednnate 9:90 Lawman Westinghouae jgijg-— i THVlSpAY JUNE 8:30 HigttWMy Moliday* ' lyi tsmlNiree R flO Capt Kangaroo o-nn Cartoon Shop 10:00 Calendar '' IOjWV Lucy ' 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford ll:3tf Hear Horizon 12:00 Love of Life 12:30 Queen For A Day 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As the World Turn* 2:00 Password 2:30 Hoii.se Party 3:00 Millionaire 3:30 Verdict U Voura 4:00 JBrighter Day 4:19 Secret Storm t:80 Edge of Night 8:00 The Fun Hour l);00 Leave it to Beaver b.30 IMO 4:40 Weather i;U Wslt«r . «»>4 VfWM 7:30 'rtree Sons 8:00 Frontier Clrcui 9:00 TBA 0:30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Alcoa Premiere News U:18 Star Thapter PRIDAY, JUNI 6:30 Sports T:00 Jttmburee i;UO Capt. Kaaguoo :UU Ciirtoon Sl^p 10:00 Calendar 10:30 Lucy Ij 00 Video VUlan 11:00 Tenaeaaee Emto Ford 18:00 Love of life 12:30 Queen Fof A 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As the World Tumi 2:00 Password 2:80 House Partv >:00 Millionaire 8'.30 Verdict is Your* 4:00 Brighter D*y 4:18 Secret Storm 4:30 Edge of Night 8:00 The Fan Hour 8:00 Funday Funmti 8:80 Bno 8:40 Weather 8:48 Walter Cronkite 7:00 Manhunt 7:30 Rawhide 8:80 Route 88 0:80 Real UtCvyt 10:00 Target; Corrupters 11:00 News 11:15 Friday Night Counrty 8tyl4 WRAti Channel S SATUibAY. JUNt It 8;0Q Bmo the down 8;in Pip ’Tbe Plver 10:* miri Uwl$ (COt/tBl 10:30 King Leonardo XCPLOR) ij:OD f ury 11:90 Siirarday 9iilndlg ia:SO ComPMs 11:30 Teenage Frolic aeball 12:30 Life of tilsy 1:Q|) Major League 9|ae 3:30 USGA Open Cha|tpionshlp 8:00 Talent, Inc. 8:tf Grand Ole Oiiry 6:15 Sander Vanocur’a Report 6:30 ProWresHUig 7:80 WelU Farfe 8:30 Tall Man 0:00 UntouchablM 10:00 Divorce Court 11:00 Dateline 11:16 Movie A Week SUNDAY, JUNI 17 B:00 H«rv^ «*t nr«>n» 0:30 The Fisher Family s 10:00 Catholic Hour lOiW Big Picture 11:00 Ught Unto My Path 12:00 The Christophers 12:30 Oral RoberU 1:00 Church of pur FaUiera 1:30 Movie. Miitlbee 4:30; Chet Huntley 8:00 In isy opinioii 0:00 Meet 'Hra i A:SO SuifsiBe t 7:30 World of CqIot 8:30 Car 84. Wbere Are You 8:00 Bonanza 10:00 Dupont 8))ow of the Week 11:;^ Sunday Late Show MOHDAY. JUNI 18 6:80 Afpect 7:00 To1^y 7:38 Viewpoint 7:30 TodaT' 8:00 Boeo 9:30 Kukla and Ollle 0:38 Boxo lO on SsT When 10-30 PUy Ymir Hunch (COLOK 11:00 Price U Bight 11:30 Concentration 12:00 First Impression 12:30 Truth or ConsequeacM 12:88 NBC 'Newt 1:00 Time Out 1:30 .fane Wynuui 2 00 Jan Wnrrar fCOLOB) 2:sn NBC News 2-30 T«r>tta Youns 3 no Vnnne Dr. Malone 3:30 fnr Five Danghters 4-on Make Boom For Daddy 4rW riin’n Five 8:30 TJfe of Rley 6'On Reeve with iaorts 6:10 Magio Momenta In Sports 8:20 Viewpoint 6-5* weather 8:30 Stateline 6;4g Himtlev-BrioUar Report 7-no Ifaveydck 8:00 Sea Hunt 8i9A Price U Right 9:00 87th PreMiidt lOrtJO ThriJler 11M Dateline 11:00 8port|ilM TUI8DAY. JUNI 19 8:30 Aspeet 7:00 Today 7:28 VieMoiat 7ao Todaf 8:00 Bon O ’ft Bozo in no Kay When 10:80 Play Your Hunch ll :0J l>rice Is Right (0O)hOR) 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Voiir First Impresaion 12:00 Truth or Canaequeneea 12:.W NBC News 1:00 Paul Montgomery Sliov 1:80 Jane Wyman 2:00 Jan Murray (COLOB) ?:30 Ij>retta'Young 3:00 Young Dr. \falone 3:30 Our Five Daughters 4:00 Mak> Room For Dadctf 4:30 Cap’n Five 8:30 Quick Draw MeGraw 6:00 Reeves with Sporta 8:20 Viewpoint 6:28 Weather 8:30 Stateline 6:48 Huntley-Brinkley V:00 King of DIamovda Ii4rgmif Alfred tttpbcock tm iucIf pow«)i iMo Ca|n‘f HiiQdr^d 11:00 Dateline tl'iO Sports 11:M Tonight , WIONI8DAY, JUNI 20 Aspect Today Viewpoint Today Bozo Kukla and Ollie Bow) Say When Play Your Hunch (COLOR) Priee Is Right 'COLOR) Concentration First Impression Truth or Consequences NBC News ’Time Out Jane Wyman .Ian Mnnay Show (COLORl NBC News Loretta Young Youne Dr. Malone Our Five Daughters Make Room For Daddy Cap’n Five Deputy P»wj Reeve with Sports Magic Moments Sports Viewpoint Weather Stateline Huntlev-Brinklef Death Valiev Days Wagon Train Rip Cord Mystery Hour Naked City Dateline Sportslme THURSDAY, JUNE 21 Viewpoint Today Boio Say When Today Plav Yoin" Huneh (COLO® Priee is Bight (COLOR) Continental CSassroom Aspect Concentration First Impression ’Truth or (Consequences NBC KTows Paul Montgomer} Qhow Jane Wyman Jan Murray Show Loretta Young Young Dr. Malone Our Five Daiigh'ters Make Room For Daddy Cap’n Five Huckleberry Hound 277 Reeve with Sports Viewpoint Weather Stateline Huntlev-Brlnkley Shannon Bachelor Father Donna Reed • Dr. Kildare Hazel SiOg Along Dateline SportsUne FRIDAY, JUNE 22 "tm 1-M ^80 8:00 9{30 0:38 10«0 10(80 11:00 a if: 12:88 1-00 1:30 8:00 2;28 3:36 3:00 8:80 4:00 4:80 8:30 •:00 8:19 8:20 R-2K 6:80 8:4S 7:00 730 8:30 0!OO 10:00 00 10 7i28 9;d9 10:80 iroo 8:00 8:10 11:30 12:00 llQQ 12:88 1:00 1:30 2:00 l30 8:00 3:30 4:00 4:3P 8:30 «no 020 6:2fl 6:30 6-4S 7 00 7:30 800 8:30 9:30 10:00 1l!O0 11:10 8:30 Aspect 7:iv» “ Today 7:28 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 Boko 10:00 Sav When 1.0:30 Play Your Hiinrh (rOLOR) 11:00 Price l» Right (COLOR 11-30 Concentration 12:00 Your First Impression 12:M NBC News 1:00 ’nme Out 1-30 Jane Wyman 2-00 .Tan Murray Show (COLORl 2-30 T.oretta Younn 3-00 Younff Dr. Malone 3:30 Our Five Daughters 4:00 Make Room For Daddy 4:.'tO Cap’n Five 8-30 Yogi Bear 6:00 Reeve with Sporta 6:18 Magic Moments in Sports 8:88 Weather 8:30 Stateline 8’48 Huntlev-Brlnkley t-no Hawaiian Eve 8:00 Robert Taylor 8:00 77 Sunset Strip 10:08 Dr. Ben CaMtu 11:00 Dateline ly.jn Sportsllne The North Carolina Depart- BMnt of Motor Vehicles suggests your driving wlU be more com fortable and less tiring If you uaa jrour brakes more and your hora leaa. j Wiegew lelleB ep hard le ^ twMh ww wM lato efe*' tl^T* AulO eerdteps. wash eat «Ie|fec wax that auy Irthan, aftcrt WSlmi The Week's Review of News in Henderson Area ■Mr. Robert Velne(ocl( (extreme right), Preeideel of Preetin Recorde, Inc., emiieeU* ap|MrevaI ea hie newly npoiniM Meaio niMcto*, Otlver Mellon, eeeted st the ptane swd Eweond )^waid*> ^ Ikf Ceia^y^a Rec«t4iim Dlreelff 4ia«Bse a sew apeafa«e|it. pnusic for Benny Goodman for iiis State Department tour to Russia, has just been appointed Qfusic. Director of Prest(ge Re cords, Inc. by President Robert Welnstock. ' . Nelion, a 20 year old resident Bf $t. /ijbOIW, Y., received hla educaitlon Wasbingtjon University (St. ^Uis, Mo.) and L4^cpln University. Bom 9Pd reared in the “Show-Me” city (St. Louis Mo.), Jjejsop is aJso a graduate of the big name bands of LoulsvJordon, Oeorge Hudson, Nat Towles, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and Benny doodtnan. Goodman Arriinffer Appointed Mupic Director of Record Co. NPW YORK — Th« talented and accomplished Qliv«j^ Nel^ son, composer and ar^kngpr lii his owi? ^Igbt who 4id iQme.v^ry spec|4l arrmngements of now. MISS CtARKI Singing 19-Year-Old Girt ToMal(e Debut In N.Y. NEW YORK—A Florida A. and M. University coed, 10-year-old (Tonchita Maria Clarke, will make her professional singing de4)Ut In R!adio City Music Hall’s' next stage spectacle opening Thurjlday^ June 14 aa a result of iier appearance^ on a television amateur show. Hie petite coloratura soprano will be featured In the-new show, "Summertime,” produced by Leon Leonidoff, which will be accom panied by '‘17181 Touch of Mink,” a new romantic film copicdy star ring Cary Grant and Doris Day. Miss Clarke, who will begin her Junior year at the Tallahassee school next fall, first performed on the nationally televised Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour in a program originating in Miami, and was spotted by Raymond Pfdge, the Music Hall’s musical director. A subsequent appearance on a program emanating from New York confirmed Paige’s appralsifl and on Sunday, June 10, hfi wM be on the show with Miss ClaAe to present to her the Ra^io City Music Hall Award of Merit and announce her engagement for th» theatre’s forthcoming spectacle. The selection of Mis* Clarke Wa* made under a continuing arrallg^ ment between the Music Hall and the Ted Mack show to encourage theatrical talent. Miss Clarke began voice train* ing at the age of 7, majora in music at school, and also (days the piano and flute. She Is a pro duct of the- Lakeland, Florida school sysetm. Her preaent teach er, Mrs. Rebecca Walker Steele of the Florida A. and M. faculty, li accompanying her to New Yofk. She is the daughter of Mrs. Anelle Smith Clarke, aecretary of the Law Department at Florida A. and M., and the late Dr. E. J. Clarke, and lives with her mother In l^llahassee. First Durham BahaM Assembly Established Durham members of the Baha’i World Faith farmed re cently the first local Spiritual Assembly of the city. This body Is the fundamental administrative unit in the local functioning of the Faith, More than 300 of such assemblies are now in existence in the United States as eletced from each com munity of Baha’is. Nearly 7,000 assemblies are found in more- than ZtiO countries an dterriter- les of the world. Elected to the local Spiritual As^mbly of Durham are Car- lotia Holmes, Jean Norris, Kathryn Potter, Pari Rowshan, Norma Sarji. Joe Sawyer, Bari Si^th, Tbelma Stevens Liwmila Van Sombeek. Miss Potter is Chairman of the bodv; Mrs. Van Sombeek, vice chairman; Mrs. Sarli, recording pecretary; Miss Ncirris, cor responding secretary; and Mr. Sawyer, treasurer. EDITOR’S NOTE: News events from the Henderson area should be submitted to Miss Alston, who may be reached at her heme at 428 Winder St. by telepholng GE 83381. HENDERSON — The Rev. W. J. Hall, former pastor of Spring Street Baptist Church here, was guest speaker at the homecom ing service held at First Baptist Church n Ovford on June 3. ’The Rev. Hall was accompan ied to Henderson by the one Kiinrired member evaneglisMc I'honis of the Bethel Baptist Phurrh. of Brooklyn, where he Is nntw nastorinj*. The W. J. Ksll vocal ensemble i1so nppompanied the group from Brnoklvn. Welconw* ndrtrps.q for the oc- /’nsion wrs delivered by Mrs. Mmirte La’ssister. Visitors from several churches in the sur- rounriinif area. Including some frorn Bnring Street BRntist here nnd Oreenwood Hantlst nf Wnr- 'en County, attended the serv-' ices. The Rev. Hs11’i sermon was l>nsed on the tonle. “WVien the Klni» T.noks iin Your Record.” After the services, dinner was ^erved to the Piiest* nnd friends. The L. H. Wade, former- iv of Tliirhnm. Is nnstor of the Firs* Bapticf Pbiirph. "HrtME FOR THF SUMMER Sarnh Lou Perrv Is. home for the summer after tenchina Hiirino the nast school vear in ♦he Posemond f'nnntv Train^TlP ^'>hnol p* F»'»nk1in. Va. She B+ 010 Thomas St. firr MAHBlAtSR LICENRER Hren»ps were issued reeentiv to the followinp ronnles .Tarrnie Lee Biirwell. of Rt. 3 Kittrell and F.dlth Riith Brodie "f wpTiderson: and to JImmv Lee Walker. Jr.. and Elizabeth Linda Rice, both of Henderson. MOtmNED Mrs. rjennie Crnditn. of Hend ersnri died On Riindav. June S ^t the .Tnhilee hn^pltsl here. She VinH been a natient at the hos- nital for ' the past several months. Wniie Martin. PR. of 696 Adnms St.. died at .Tiibilee hos- nital on Tiiesdav. .Tune 5 where he had been a natient of a few hotirn. Funeral .qorvices were and I held on Fridav. .Tune 8 at the New Bethel Baptist Cburcli, and The most recent addition to the Baha’i eommimity Is Mrs Fthlvnne Thomas, speech thera pist and teacher in the city. Southern Sit-in Demonstrators Pleased by Help from Nortlierners AdverstiMraent Lady's Stomadi Was Like A Gas FadotY Refenty one la^ said thgt her stomach used to feel like a “gas factory!” That is, her food seemed to turn rigjit into gas. She wss al ways bloated, had gas pains, con stipation. Now this lady says shs is free of stomach gas and thanks iNNIS-MtD. Get this new msdt> cim for itMiagh dlatrwB. BoM at ^ Dnig StMU, ■-> i- gUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Local sit-in demonstrators have been heartened by reports of support ing action by sympathizers in the North. The Rev. Ezekiel Bell, chair man of the Community Service (!kiinmlttee, received word that friends have picketed the New York Stock Exchange and the Midwest Stock Exchange in Chicago. Members of Bell’s organiza tion since January. They have been assaulted and jailed on numerous occasions. At one time three Turkish soldiers were Jal)ed because they Joined in the protest. The Northern supporters urge persons entering the stock ex changes not to invest money in Huntsville enterprises. Mrs. Mattie Love is chairman of a special committee formed in Chicago. The object of the Northern pickets is to cause city officials and businessmen in Huntsville to negotiate the opening of all facilities to everybody on an equal basis. The pickets given potential Continued on page 6-B Cuba’s alliance with the Sino-Sovlet Bloc disrupted trade ties with the U. S. that dated back to Cuban independence in 1002. By MISS MABLE ALSTON burial services were conducted at the Dickie’s Orove Baptist church ccmetery. The Reverends J. H. Dixon and Edgerton officiated. The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Arcelia Martin; one daughter, Mias Francis Martin, of New York; two sisters, Mrs. Susie Mosley and Mrs Mary Cooper, of Vance County, and two aunts. Martin was born in Vance County on April 19, 1901, son of the late Ephron and Susie Martin. He was active in religious circles of the area. He had served New Bethel as a deacon, manager of the usher board and superintendent of the Sunday School. In addition, he was director of the training course of the Vance County Sunday School convention; president of the Interdenominational usher board of Vnnce County; moderator of the Ministers-Deacon Union of the Middle BiFptist Association; •nd chairman of the executive board of the Vance County Sun day School Convention. > • • Willie Scott, of 411 Arch St., died at his home on Sunday, June 3. Grayeside rites were held Friday, June 8 at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church cemetery. , The Rev. O. B. Burson of ficiated Scott is survived by his step mother and four sisters. RECENT GIUPtJATEf John Croslan, Gloria Evfus, Mary Wright and Dororthy Young, all of Henderson, were members of the North Carolina College griWuating class which received degrees at the schools commencement exercises re cently. Croslan and Miss Evans receiv ed the degree of bachelor of’ science, Misg Young, bachelor ot' science in home economics, and Miss Wright, master of #duca- tion. THIS Is the one brand of headache powders offering 30 ytars of trusted quality—rjwt sails fof less. Ask for Goo^'sl 2 POWDERS 5« 12 POWDERS 25« ts TO mp mi Union Insurance And Realty Co. 814 Faj'etteville St Tele. 682-1133 BERGAMOT WATER REPELLENT CONDITIONIR y - li futsmori MILLtONS At Rigsbee Tire Sales You Gel '# The Best of Service • Finest of Products Complete Line of Westingliouse Appliances • Convenient Credit Complete Front End and Brake Service Wheels Balanced Batteries New Tires and Used Tires Full Line • SEAT COVERS • CAR RUGS Carpet—Vinyl • KOOL Kooshions All Sizes • SEATBELTS Closed Wedfiesdayti At 1:00 P. M. RIGSBEE TIRE SALES STEWART RIGSBEE IM LAKEWOOD AVE. J. D. BROTHERS PHONE f84-0Z41 Open AU Day Saturdays