3tcni'ord h Warren_ Public Library F^yottcville St Miss White Leads As Contest Enters Last Weel( * ^ * ¥ + a* '* * * * Mystery Shroud Man's Death ini^0 VOLUME 3S — No. 43 DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1962 RETURN REQtTESTCD PRICE] 15 CcnU GREBISSORO, KINSTON BOYCOTTS MT 2 AREAS Kinston's 200th Event Snifbbed by Race| JCIMSTON — Negroes staged •■^near complete boycott of the Mebration of this town’s 200th, fttrthday last week while federal. | lute and local officials attempt ^ to smooth over a racial in-' iuit to an' invited guest from ilainaicB. | ■ Approximately 35 members of ttie Kinston Youth NAACP picketed Granger stadium, ter- lifihal point of the city’s bi- ^ntennial parade last Thurs- (|ay, (n protest over segregated. fen-angements made for partici-' tiBtion of Negro citizens in the •vent. , I ' t)nly two or three Negroes,' Kportedly from out of town, I took part in Thursday’s cele-1 braflbn which was featured by a' titrade and a ceremony at taraiiger stadiunu I Plans had been made, accord- tbg to reports, to have Negroes | ^Vticipate in the parade to de-| ' the slavery era in thei over. *e- tt# report^ a Jamaican dfficial by cHy'g leading hotel. ^^'Ingston, Jamaica’s deputy l^yor Balsfour Barneswell, in- #ted by the bi-centennial com See KINSTON, 6-A Gate City CORE Opens Action Against Stores ORLENSBORO — A protest i march through the city on October 11 in which hundreds of persons participated, has set ojtf a boycott of downtown stores. Initiating the boycott was the Millie Lipscomb of Pickett Greensboro CORE group, which st. and attended Hillside High FIRE Strange Slaying Of Ex-Durlianiite In Pa. Unsolved The killing whch has baffled detectives is that of Brodle Lipscomb Jr., of 7748 Monticello St. in Pittsburgh, Pa., on Mon day, October 15. Lipscomb was found dead in his parked car on Brlnton Rd. in Braddock Hill with bullet holes in his arm and cheek. Hi.i car motor was still runn ing when discovered. Lipscon4b is the son of Mrs. Helen Lipscomb of Pittsburgh and Brodie Lipscomb of Hamp ton, Va. He formerly lived in Durham with his grandmother CONGOLESE OFFICIAL IN DURHAM — John H. Wheeler (right) is shown with Jaion Sendwa, assiilant to Congo premier Cyrllla Aduola, as Sendwe wcs being Introduced to a dinnar party in Durham on WadnAsday consisting of civic and business leaders. photo by Purefoy ' rived iM ■ Diirhahi- Wednesday I afternoon for a two day stay in the city. Sendwe is currently on a tour of the South to observe the role I of Negroes in the commercial Ifbfd Woman to Speak For •' ■; ■ !'(!;■ , ( ty-Wide Mission Meeting 1^*8. Maude W. Lassiter of 0titford, N. C. will be guest for Installation service the Durham County Mis- 4((inary tftiion Sunday, October a», at 3 p. m. at Ebenezer Bap- tlat Chur^. Mrs. Lassiter is board mem ber and . Chairman of District 7- Group 1 of the Woman’s Home «nd foreign Missionary Conven tion, original president of the Shiloh Missionary Auxiliary and librarian in the Oxford City Library. Mrs. Minnie C. Lyons will present the speaker. I Appearing on a symposium 1 will be sisters Lah& WilliamB, iBcrna Dunnegan, Wilma Bryant Wnd A. L. FUmore Congolese Official is Greeted By Civic Leaders in Durham Visit — premier *:yrUt.AdoaUl.-ar;,^ Farmers bank president John H. Wheeler during his stay in Durham. The Congolese official was met at the airport Wednesday by a delegation of civic' leaders and entertained at a dinner at Schrafft’s restaurant Wednesff^ evening. On hand for the affair were several civiC h anxi ^ political di gnitaries and biiiiness atrd com munity leaders. They included Mayor E. J. Evans, Senator Claude Currie, City Manager George Aull, County Manager E. S. Swindell, City Councilman John S. Ste- • wart, Rev. E. T. Thonnpson, I president of the Durham Min-1 isterial Alliance, S. T. Castle- man, senior vice president of Wachovia Bank, Mrs. E. ' C, % MRS. LASSSITER for three weeks has been mass picketing the Mayfair and S. & W. cafeteria in an attempt to gain service for Negroes. In a letter to the Merchants Association, William Thomas, chairman of Greensboro CORE wrote; “We are requesting that you use your influence in order to help us in our efforts. Should you be unwilling to do this, then we have no alterna tive but to launch a selective buying campaign against the entire downtown area.’ Stanley Culbreth, exerutive vice president of the Merchants Association announced that Thomas’s letter had b«en rea red™ to .*tore aminbaw the association was taktn'g no action. The boycott of the down town ar«a resulted. School. Shaw Univ. Issue To Confront Baptists Again WINSrON-SALEM — The problem of relation* between Shaw University and the State Baptist convention is expected to claim major inter«»t of dele gates to the annual State Bap tist convenUon h«te n«xt week, pretli^t, will conduot th« or- See >HAW. 6-A Chatham Kids Die While Mom, Dad are at Work Four Negro chljdrcn were burned to death when fire de stroyed their Chatham County home Tuesday. Acting Coroner A. D. Hartsell ruled the deaths accidental. Roberl Junior and Mary Jane Craham, the children's parents, wore away at work wken the honje burned. Thfe house was on the farm of Frank Goodwin on Route 3. Apex, in the Mar tha’s Chirpel section. The mother told Chatham Sheriff John Emerson she lefl Evelyn Joyce, 5; Vivian Ann'.', 3; and Napoleon; 1 in the charge of Ella Louise, a retarded 16 year old. She added that she had built a fire in a stove earlier but told the children not to put any miore wood in it. She left at 7:30 to work on the George T. Yates Farm in the home community. When she returned home about 3 p. m. the mother found the three room house burned to the ground and all four children dead. MILDRED BLACK-,r“W>SS Hrii HOMECOMINQ” Hillside Picks Queen, Prepares Nine Contestants Trail Closely As Prize Deiby In Final Miss Hattie White of Durham nosed out Mrs. Ruby Devine for top position in the already red hot Carolina Times subscription contest this week. With only one more week to go and the closing hour set for six o’clock Saturday November 3, the contest manager will call in extra help to take care of the avalanche of subscrip tions that- are expected to flood the office of the Carolina Times Turner, vice president of North As it now stands, it is hard to Carolina Mutual Life Insurance who will be the winners oi Company, and executives of|^*'e three top prize*. Sff close are several other Durham business | standings of the ten top con firms. (testants that any one of I Sendwe made brief remarks at the dinner. He was introduc ed by Wheeler. could walk off with tk» new Falcoli, for the first brand prize; the brand n*w color television for the second prize, or the $300 in cash for the third the contest manageiMj^ not be surprised if a dai^^rse enter* the picture at the last moment and walks off with one of the top prizes. Rumors are going the rounds^ that some of the con testanti are holding back unlil the la*t minute when they expect to shoot the works In an effort toj .vin the Ford Falcon. I 1216 Miss Mildred Black, pert 18 year old senior coed member of 1-2-4 homeroom at Hillside High School, has been elec'ted to reign ^ Hi 11b for 1962 and will be officially crowned on Thursday night, November 1, at Durham County Memorial Stadium during half- time activities of the -Hillside Georgetown football clash. j The Hillside homecoming queen, President of the Indus- trial Cooperative Training Class, I is an active member of the school’s Vocational Club, and the! Mt. Olive AME Zion Church., She is al.'io a fornu-r member, of the Hillside Band and a | former majorrette. I Miss Black is the daughter of and Mrs. Fred Black of Sedgefleld Street. i The Congolese official ^ scheduled to hold a press confer ence Thursday morning. He will leave Durham somfetime late Thursday or Friday for Atlanta. ,tE inmSES COItVEM- :OH _ I* • etoM —e- of a*l««alw to tt* an- Htrtb Carolina Stato AsaociaHon eonvon- HO W in sMsion • . Ttr hotal la Jack Th* conTsntien oponod on | TuMday and is schaduled to I and on Friday. On Wadnasdar aftarnooiw dalagatM{ haard j Mrs. Judith WhiUkai, of Naw 1 York, axaculiva diractor of I flM Antarleait Huni» > tion, dalivar an addras* at an aftamoon maating, Businasi ■ataiens and eommittaa ra- ports wara *lat«d to occupy dalagata* on Thunday and Fridar. photo by Pur^fo* The relative stsnding of con ; Queen will be attended them testants this week is as follows; j njjggi,/, Glatiys McDonald, j ' . ,, , 1 MUiKlfll Delores Nicholson. Miss ilattic White, Ourhani - j McDcmald, 16, is a mem-1 Mrs. Ruby Devine, Durham i 117'nil'ber of 12-2 homeroom and is an L\Irs. Maudie V. Dickcr.son, Marnarettsvillc active member of the Dramaticf Mrs. Louise Lassiter, Rocky Mount Club and the Oak Grove Free | Mrs. C. Woods, lUiriin>;ton nTT 'm Baptist Church where ihe [ Mrs. Ulysses CirinifS. Durham 7 sm! President of the | Mrs. Odestcr Moore, (Ircenshoro Choir and secretary to Miss Sylvia (hitlaw. Koxhoro Mrs. Mattie Lakin. (lastonia Mrs. Svniiiitr Dave, Durham Mrs. Marian Crutcl-.ficUl. Durham Mrs. Viola iirodie. Durhi’.ni Mrs. Inc/, Minor. Clia|)el Hill Mr. James Salis))iiry, Kocky Mount Mrs, (]. J*'. Dalton.'Satcsville .Mrs. Odcs.sa Kdwards. Durham tk m • Mrs. l-'lorin.t Shoffner. Cireenshoro 7r',wv. Mrs. Thelma Hamlin, Koxhoro ,. Miss Henrietta Johnson, (Joldsljoro Mr. Walter .\danis. Jr.. Gastonia I Edenton Leaders Vow to Fight Laws ')SO.(XM ')71.(X J1S..=10J l.U..'^0() •m.fxx: .Ml (XX) ,1v(KX) .Mr. Walter .AUams. jr.. oasionia Mr. Thomas F. Ldward.s, Garysburg Mrs. yueniilla Thompson. HillHhuro Mr. Clifton Johiisni. IJurham Mr. Marvin (jerman, lirecnvillc .mI.IXX) Mrs. Mar_\ J. Strickland. Kinston Miss \’vt)niie lillis, Greensboro •• Mrs. .Mbert Hester, Hiilsl)oro •Mrs. Mary l-ee, UurlinKton .ViOOO Mr. Henry Harris. .Sanford .V (X)0 Mrs. Kula Steele l^aney, Durham .V'(XX; •Mrs. Ruby Williams, L'hapcl Hill .V'.CXX) .Mr. Clarence Walden, Halifax .VI.OiK) Mrs. Roxie Small. I’ittsboro UlOOO Mr, Clifton Stone. Chapel Hill .V).(XX) .Miss Knim^ Holmes, Fayetteville .K^OfX) .Mrs. Mary W. Cant, Oxford ,... .V»(XX) .Mrs. .''adie M. Srieed. Koupemont .W).flOO Mrs. Delores [,. .\rtis. Ralei^rh .K).(XX) .Miss l.ois Haiztip. Hij»h I’oint 30.000 .Mrs. l‘‘lora K'. .Vlrxjre, Winston-Salem 30.000 Mr. O. H. Uavis, Charlotte .M'OOO See CONTIift, 6-A Mrs, 1104 Her parental, Mr. and Julius Corbitt, reside at Glenn Steet. Miss Nicholson. 17, is a mem- t)er of 12-4 homeroom where See HILLSIDE, 6 A ANSWERS WHITE EDITOH— Harptr's msgaiina adiior John Flaithar lavaral waaki ago pointed out in api article ap pearing in ihit publication a list of things Negroes of America needed to do to make them- selves pelatable for integra tion. John Fleming (above) answers Fleisher's article in this week issue. See page 2-Ai "What ihe White Man Needs Most . . ." EDENTON — Civil rights leaders In thi* northeastern North Carolina community have dinance restricting peaceful picketing. . The ordinance, passed by the Town Council, is avowedly aim ed at persons protesting segre gation. It state* that no one can picket a residence or place of business in Edenton without ap plying to the town clerk for a permit 24 hours in advance. If the permit is granted. It costs $10. If anyone plckcts without a permit, he Is subject to a $200 fine or 30 days In jail. Edenton is following a pattern spreading throughout the South. A number of cities have adop ted laws restricting picketing. In a Joint statement, Norman L. Brinkley, local NAACP pre sident, Golden A. Frinks, Edcn- ton civil rights leader, and Frederick H. LaOarde. region al representative of the South ern Christian Leadership Con- I ference, labelled the Edenton or I dinance as “unfair, uncon.stitu- I tional . . . and in clear violation of every citizen’s right to peace- i ful protest under the First I Amendment to the U. S. Con stitution.” They added: See roiNTOM, 6 A PRESIDENTIAL KISS — Nerth Carolina College's pre sident, Dr. Alfonso Elder, biie- •M Mtss Marva Roberts, a Baltimore, Maryland, senior •t the eollega alter rrowning her "Miss Homecoming" at the halftime ei the If C C- Maryland State Celiese gane last Saturdar. Leokins on ap provingly (0r in envy) are, leh (• right: ee oaftains Ro bert MeAdhte, ta«CM Rar- ■nond SabiMt fullback; wmt Careie .Aunaa, Charlotte, junlo* attiitilint. The ZwqVm BMde the ocflMisB a happy ob». by winniaf lS-0.