Stanford L './arren Public Library Fcyottcville St Munniiii) Two Shot In Night Club Scrap as Kin Disagree PRINCIPALS IN N. C. MUTUAL IfXPANStON — Shown here TMking over agrcemtnt bt- tween h Carolina Mutual Hit* Insuranct Company and Unity Mutual Life in Chicago ytiit week arc efficiaU of the two firms. Tha afrMineni, which gav# N. C^ Mutual c»n* 'trot of Unity Mutual'i await, resulted in the Durham ’.firm's extensions of its oBtrftions for the first time to Illinois. Shewn left lo right are Joseph Good- loe. North Carolina Mutual secretary; Asa T. Spaulding, N. C. Mutual p'*esidenl; A. W. Williams, Unity Mutual pr?si- M?nf; and Mrs. Lillian Ward, Unity Mutual secrelar*/. I An argument betwen relatives I at 0 Durham night spot reiiulted ' in the wounding ot two men, 1 onn seriously, early this weeic. I Warrants were issued against i five per.sons, four of whom ore : related, in the shooting incidLMit i which toolt place Sunday night i al the “Blue Moon," a DurhanA night spot located on south Rox' I boro road. Philip Bagley, 32, of 531 Pearson St., one of the shooting victims, was reported in only “fair” condition at Dul?e, hos pital early this weelc whore he had underffonp surgery for- re moval of n bullet in the area of See SHOT, 6-A feCari |"THi^«UTMlUNORi^ E p".j^ ’volume 39~ No. 50 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1362 RETURN REQUESTED A & T (^U.EGE PRESIDENT Proctor Receives Promofion To Second Ranking Pe^ Corps Post WASHINiGTON, D. C. — Dr. Samuel D Proctor. A. and T. “verseas administration of the College presldetit on leave, Corps. PjUCCVOR PRICE: IS CeaU PRIZE WINNERS — Grand priie winners in the Carolina Times subscription contest are shown here in the Shrine Bowl partfde which precedvd the East'Weit Ali.iiir high school football game in Durham Sun* day. The three ladles received their prises at the game'i half- time ceremonies. Left to right they are Mrs. Maudie Dicker* son, 3rd place, of Margarttes- vilte; Mrs. Ruby Devine, 2nd, of Durham! and Miss Hattie White, 1st place, also of Dur ham. —photo by Purefoy Local Company Buys Chicago Insurance Firm CIMC.XCO — North Carolina Mutual I.ll*- Insurance Company liu.s oxtondiMi its op^riitionii to Illinois. Till- Derham. C. bss>d linn coiiiitli'l. d piirrhusi* this wi'i'k Ilf u :U vi’ar old Chjcato lii.nii.nnci' foinpany and will tnin.- i- r the firm's pcrsonni'l and po- licyhoNic'rs to It.'* mvn (ini'r-'"ot»s. X'crih (’:iriilliia Mutual officcrii A. T. SpiuiiillnL', pri'sidi'nt. and Jd.Ki'ph W. (i'lVMlloc. spcrctary, tifnns of the asrecm''!.! here Wi**y with Unity Mu- - liil l.ifi- iiisunince Company of- iViuls. . . W. Wiliiam.H, president of Unity .MiiIumI, will bfcomt! a vice- pn-.-iident of North ('arnljna Mu- luul under ti'imn of the asfiC- inoiit. Tln! actual purchaxo ef Unity .Mutual 'ivaii cffettt'd by the rrin- suruncf hy .\urth Carolina Mu- iiiai of Unity’s business. Thi" Chicni>o firm was formed in l!)28 und has bt*pn dir^ct^d for , lilt* past 20 years by Williams riifre are nioro than 100 a;;rnt.s, 1 staff nienilierii and officers in thf It has dn- u ONE OF THE BEST” ilasons Oust Member in State lonvention Over Newspaper Suit Ith nis wife and. two serv- sDhs' since early 19fli, Is expec- a« the Cosp's director of ted to return here to assume operations in Nigieria since Jan ^ offices in his new job. uary 1062, has been elected to A native of Norfolk. Va.. the post of associate director Proctor left A. and T. College of the Corps. | last J.muary on an 18 months —Hi» jaaior-responaibiUtji. j KMKITORr 6^A sociate director will be to co- ^dinate recruiting, fining and ' La^yej.g Marsh'alp \t ‘Die Miss’ Cost Qov^t $400,000 Shrine Bowl Declared Success; To Return to Durham Next Year The Shrine-iponsored NtfVi leries of the Ret throu conipany’s j^jt^^onuel. sets over $3 niilliun. ;h ranlcing Shrine Mfl^'lal re- Hed 6Hrly^thls week ghdnerl-ira Vfor rrank G Burnett. Imp-rlal Boys Cliibs throu cdntet tiOB • dvri to let up North Carolina Mutual’s Ill inois officc will be located at the former Unify Mutual offices, at 4SI/0 South ftlichiftan avenue. A joint statement Issued on the purchuae by Spaulding and Cjrr IMADIT’CS rmrvin a^recmfnt ST. MARK 8 CHOlIi and stated that It would I •‘''*I>1“ Unjty Mtitual's former * A I iHilicyholdi-rs to enjoy a new and 1iir«er lift insurance prnvlaions tiir ordinary, enduwnmei The Cathedral Choir of st. 1 Kruup and Mark AM£ Zion Church ot i "'''H Insuruiwe. which lh« Rev. R L Spuaksl SpuuWim* induy, De^mler 16' in the Church Sanctuary. i £xo«rpti from Hunderi Mi.« | (lah, carols, anthems, and spirit- XMAS MUSICAL KINISTON — The Wednesday morning session of the 92nt meeting of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F & A M saw the Grand Master Clark S Brown, suspend Alexander Barnes, high rank ing Mason and veteran news t)aperman, indefinitely, The suspension came as the result of a tiff between the head of the 25,000 member or ganization and Barnes over a suit filed in Wake Superior Former Durhanft Clergyman Dies !n Richmond, Va. I Potentate of the North Carolina Shrifiers, told the TIMES that fllW of th4? most successful in tiie history if the event. j Approximately .1.000 fans braved the icy winds of Dur ham's County stadium to see the best high school players in the state. The West won. 20 0. ;I‘m sure we were all pleased with the attendance and the way Durham handled the game,”, HILLSBORO — Orange Coun- Burnett said. i ly Negro 4-H Achievement “It was one of the best we’ve Night will bo held at the Coun- See SHRIlfE, G-A Orange County Leaders to Get Awards Friday out the state. season will be fea-' I lured by the cliuir. P. Dumas, aMlstint a8«\’y 'Terror, ntid TNaH Gaill.ird. ili oeliir of training. Williams. formi-T Unity Mutual WASHINGTON. D. C. — Use . ; of federal marshals and lawyers { I in the University of Mississippi i vorks. to collect an alleged past intei?ration crisis from Sept iue bill. I ember 1-5 through October 31 RICHMOND, Va. — Rev S Barnes took the floor to ex- cost the government $406,580. P- Perry, former pastor of St., )lain his participation in the That figure was made public Mark AME Zion church in Durjhad.” he added. | ly courthouse in Hillsboro Fri- .natter, and when he had finish- Tuesday by the Justice Depart- ham. N C , died here on Tuea > The game returned to Durham . day at 7:30 p. m. ;d Brown immediately proceed- ment, which said it included ail day, Dec. 11. ' this year for the first time in' W C Cooper, district 4-H ed to suspend him. \ its expenses during the 46 days Funeral services will be eon- three years. Although it was ciub agent from A and T Col Brown is the head of the from travel cost to buying tear ducted on Saturday, Dec 15 at started in Durham in 19.18. it lege in Greensboro, will be the Order any ruling made by him gas pellets. 2:30 p. m. at Hood's Temple was shifted to Greensboro be- guest speaker, is final and Barnes has no alter-1 The total did not include the AME Zion church here. i cause of a lack of by Mrs Bettye Jones and Mrs native or redress. Barnes im-' biggest expense of the opera- Rev Perry was pastor of Durhamites in the event, mediately withdrew from the tion in Mississippi, the use of Hood Temple, having been as It ran for two years in Green* session. | federal troops to enforce the signed here from his pastorate boro and was suspended last Barnes was a candidate for court ordered admission of Ne at St Mark in Durham several year. Grand Secretary of the Order, gro James Meredith as a stu- years ago. Burnett announced at the Soloists are Mrs Daniels and Mrs Ella S. Huyi'S, sopranos; Mrs Judith Settle and Mrs Ethel H Howie, altAs; Robert Howie and Joseph C. Settle, b/isses; and Fred Btun- son, III, tenor. Mrs Jartie Speaks, director of music, ;Arill direct the performance. 'Ac companists are Mrs Sarah Barden, organtst and Mrs Car rie Grant, pianist. mm I k' ad. df«vcfei the firm to itii Barbara j (''Vel ol s-hl^v'm'’nt. He See ir. C. MUTUAL, 6 A Tempo of Drive On Ice Cream Co. Is Increased Court, by the Carolinaian week session, held in Ra- dent at the previously all-white The AME Zion minister was game that it would be returned ly newspaper for which tjarnes a a i • See MASONS, 6-A university. See PERRY, 6-A to Durham next year. Naomi Neville of Sunnyside community in Chapel Hill Town ship will show color slides ol 19«2 4-H camping and project activities. Representatives from the fol- Sec AWARDS, « A Durham Board Moves Toward Desegregation Carolina Times Winners Colled Prizes a The months old campnign against segregation at a Dur ham ice cream parlor wai iieightened this week by a pro test registered against the city school administration for main- tuining a purchase contract with liie firm and the conviction of a white man for assaulting a Negro picket in front of the establishment. The Royal Ice Cream com „ pany, target of the campaign. The Durliam Board of Edu- has been the object of attacks cation Monday night made its (q,. h, segregation policy sincc first move to provide a plan of ,957 ^he firm, locatcd in • desegregation for Durham City neighborhood whose racial com schools. ] has shifted from white ' The Board appointed a three-' Niogro in the past few years, man committee to report to the maintains separate entrances for board within 90 days a plan for whites and Negroes, desegregation of the city schools. Eric Moore, Negro mem- Included on the committee, Durham school headed by Dr John Glasson. was board, said Monday night at the D Eric Moore, lone Negro mem board’s regular meeting that ber of the board. The other pMCtice of the school administra member of the committee it tion purchasing ice ercaqi George Parks. from the Royal Ice Cream Co., is being investigated by at least I The action came as a response two Parent-Teacher organi* to the Fourth Circuit Court’s tions. i ruling in October against fur He said the groups felt Ih ther discrimination in the Dur- it was unlawful for fedC" , ham School system. funds, which make uj part The Court ruling, made on a Durham sch(»l lunch r I case involving some 200 Negro be used for the I students, ordered the District wmmodilies from f I Court to provide for their trans- racial discrir j fers to white schools by the ' beginning of the accond »emc«- informed the t^r or by Feb. 1. and ordered*Jvei » that Nc'giro acbitol wer» thi^tnwd with tb In a^re three panels, grand priae winners in the Carolina Times recently concluded sub- lerlption contest are shown t* ceiving their prises during the halftim* ef the Bhrlne bowl game In Durham on Safunl^r- In pailel at laft^ Mrs. MauK« Dickerson, «f MnrganttrWe, accepts third plce prize, S300 ciMek. fram Carallna Time* managins editor Clalhan'lleea.^ Center panel shows Miss Hat tie White in front of the 1M3 fo'd Faleon which tha ha4 Jint tccafvad as f>tet priae. In’ i»anel at right Mrs. Rubr Dt- vine, second place winner, ae- ecpts eongratulaliens ftom Rosa “itffBr (ecelTiog’ aoler i telcTisioa tet —photos by Purefoy the school board to submit plan of dcsegrcKation to thf , . ,, District Court or submit to an *hcir jobs in a spe^ll ‘injunction barring the school meeting if they i board from further assign-, purehasca p menu. lleeCrewnCo. Moore sold he ’The commlttce’t plan will not, were “Incrwllb^.’/ affect the 200 pupils involved Alfo dur in the Circuit Court ruUng since oorder'|i they are provided for spieci |4ine pf ^0 ® fically in the court order.

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