SHELD lC. M^al IJnveils New Office Building VOLUME 40 — No. 2 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1983 RETURN REQUESTED PRICE; IS Cent* Body of Mother Musing Since Dec. 20 Found in Yadkin River WAR E»D REPORTS — J. M. Stcwari (ttvnding pr«- skknt of Mutuiil ScTing* and Loan Association, and John H. , Grewlh of 20 Percent Noted In '62 by Bank A Kr i.vth i«te o; slightly more than 20 percent for Mechanics and Farmers Bank was reported to stockholders at the annual meet ing of the financial institution in Durham on Monday night. John H. Wheeler, president ol , thc^bank, delivered the report on the bank’s operations last yeai duriifg his annual ^address ti stockholdprs. ( A large number of the firm’5 stockhulders were on hand for thi meeting, held in the bank’s main lobby on Parrish street. The stockholders elected one new director, William J. Walker while I'eturning the others to of flee. Re-elcctcd as directors wer» Dr. Clyde Donnell, I. O. Kunder- burg, H. N. Harris. C. A. Haywood, W. J. Kennedy, Jr., E. II Merrick, T D Parham, J J Sansom, Jr.. J. C. Scarborough, A. T. Spauld ing, C. C. ^pauUliug, Jr., A. E. Spears, J. S. Stewart, J. E. Strick land, J. H. Wheeler and C W Williams. (Ste related story this page.) Ihf report siiowed tiial. tho baulc's sKietij inu'easud to more thaa niillioi) dqiing thc^year Assets at Hie end of lOtil wore ro poned .lit, fa0.112,3»|i^. The increnuc represented an ov crall ;;rowth cf 20.8 percent. . A big factor, in tli€ survey, ol Jast years opcraUons wa.s tht •opening of tlie Charlotte brunch The now unit, ioCatfd at Beal.tie& Ford Koad, was formally opened last .spring. Wheeler pointed out that 4'i percent of tlic total increase in amtrt gain.«i jn 1!^ wa.s recorded by thc'Charlotip branch. Taking a louk toward the future, Uie bank presidont revealed hopes jeachlng a goal of $20 m'l- tn^^iwits by 1965. "AltkfNlp/ last year’s earnings wav iijlfttly uiiffer that j)Osted in See OROWTH, 6-A WhaaUr (right) ol Maohaniet and Farmers bcnk, ara shown dallTarlqg annual raports on tha oparations al lhair ilinu A' NEW K. C. MUTUAL HOME OFFICE — Hara is the archt- tect's conception of how thf new homa office building for North Carolina Mutual Lifa fforkTo Start In Spring On $5 Million Structure ■vere missmg ind the woman’s purse, coat, and in^ shoe were in the car. A skirl 'jelonging to the victim was later pulled from the river. WALKER WJ. Walker, Jr, Elected Director I At Bank Meeting William Jay Walker, Jr. was elected to the board of direc tors of Mechanics and Farmer.': Bank at the firm's annual stock holders’ meeting held in Durham Monday night. | Walker wns the lone new ftiember eleetcd to the Board be the stockholders voted to return tjlie incumbent directors t^ of tice again. Re-elected were Dr. Clyde Donnell, chairman I. O. Funder burg, R. N Harris, C. A. Hay wood, Raleigh; W. J Kennedy. Jr.,. E k Merrick, T. D. Par ham, J J' Sansom, Raleigh, J. C. Scarborough, Sr.. A T Spaulding, A E Spears, Char lotte, J. S. Stewart, J' E. Strick. land, Raleigh, Dr C. W. Wil liams, Charlotte, and J. H. 'wheeler. | Walker, 53. replaces the late Dr. L. E. ^McCauley, of Raleigh.' on the iSoard Dr. McCauley died last year. { The new bank director ie a See WALKER, 6-A ' during the annual n:eetings of the two in.!.itulions held in Durhem early this week. —Photos by Purefoy Mulual^aviflgi Assets Increase By is Million Assets of Mutual Savings and Loan Association of jlurham, in creased by $316,995.40 during 1962 to a 4otai of $5,212,473.43 at year’s end. the Institution an nounced at the annual share holders’ meeting iietd 'Tuesda'y night. John S. Stewari, President of the Associatipn stated that the new mark represents a gain ol 6.48 per cent 'from assets re ported at the end of 1961. According to the institution’s 1962 Annual Report, net sav ings gains recorded during the year totaled $264,828.25, bring ing total savings held by. the association to an all-time high of $4,250,792.19. . The association also reporied record dividend payments ol $*158,668.08, based oir.a dividend rate of 4 per cent. The Annual Report also re vealed that the association’s mortgage lending volume rose to a record $4,654,345.31 in 1962, approximately 9.86 per cent above "the volupic of Ihc previous year. “The stronger mortgage lend ing activities of our associati,£n. and for the sayings and loan business as' a whole, in the face of a relatively modest national demand for housing, inc^cate that our associaiions arc steadi ly reinforcing their leadership ,in„this field,” Stewart said. ke forecast a slight increase | partment of Religion and Philoso in h' Ronda Woman Apparent Auto Mishap Victim RONDA — The body of ^ young Negro woman, who had bew miss ing since December 20, Was re covered from the Yadkin River near here early Sunday. Friends identified the body found trapped by a large sub merged tree as that of 21-year-old Billie Bailey Dobbins of ..Bt. 2, Ronda. The young mother of one child hnd been the si;bject of a .seareh by as many as 125 volunteers from nine different rescue squads since th^ csr she reported driving .sub mersed iii the river Decerijbet' 21. near the ^linj||pan^'Ro4SiM'id|o Coroner- *M. W. Green said' a .ormal -inn^uest to determine the cause of^deatli would be hold. Positive identification was made ■jy two of Mis. Dobbins’ close friepds. Mrs. Dobbins’ husband. ■ Rufus, a truck drh'er, was on a run to and New York City architects, West Virginia, wtien the car was with M. A.-iHam of Durham as ^ 'ound. The vehicle’s ignition key.s j associate, prbvision can be made; nri’e door was open * for parking 300 Insurance company will look after it is completed. Tho I building is to be erected on lha southeastern corner of tha Chspel Hlll'Duka street inter- | section in Durham. Street shown in front of the stzuctura (center foreground) is Chapai Hill, and one at the right is South Duke street. LAURINBUM The arrnt of tw:, Megr» •" tcalisK N* *»lved a Laur- inbiirc mysterj. WlK> waa fcwitilfl 4 sumptiuris ^ two thofy brieli lMi»? !■ » fa.ihton- able white ieetkm .Mi* Tr»»f«iH«f 54. and Miss iWty Pohrtim » W«-re accus d, o# aleallnt; th* ovrr a Icn? period of 8rOm a s-ift whtr* one ot them employed Thj(j|^‘ were lirfieved to fc® inv''st jpg R in L«1nb«Br*’i myster) mansiniL ReaidkDta of th« neighborhood where the home was beinj bniti ^ did not knoM who owmed it. F,n month* it has been source of ru mors- here. The ftolstoB siaten pwrrhasptt ‘He lot for $8,000 through a white agent, KHtfees said. Police Truemiller Pnlston was emplojred as a cook and maid by the of the theft. C. H Morris, a Wagro nadertakeri The fficers gavo thi* account oi Uw arresta: For months, Morris anspccted that j|u>ney. taken fronr, the safe in ^?resid*ncc. on the second floor ot his buainass e^ tabiiJbment, the B. Morris nuier I al Home Friday, while Wdini; in a claw’t he undertaker iwpehed his BMif* -pen the eomWnalion lodt on the ■iafe. He jumped from cower, grab bed the maW and'’c»U«d poUc*. Under questionin?. Miss Pols ton implicated her' «i*ter> wlr •vork* as a maid in Mie Seiattand (county) JWepi'wial Hocpitzi an^ she was arrested. The total cost of the project is will consist of 12 stories. Only the'^ard of' *1^?'litr expected to be in the $4 to $5 two other buildings in Durham Bishop* of the ArME Zion dhurch . , , e-viral boxn and sultcasc' million range. I rre taller, the Hill building, ol Its semi-annual meeting which Sttttcasc, As planned, designed, and. 16 stories and the Jack Tar New Office to Be City^s 3rd Tallest Norlli Carolina Mutual Insurance company's new home The architectural design of JNorth Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company’s new home office, a twelve-story sculptured concrete building featuring a unique structural concept has been unveiled. According to A. T. Spaulding President of the firm, copstruc-' office will the third tallest tion is scheduled to begiaf tp tift Durham, fwheii c^rnpleted. Siwing ql 18H3 on th^Y%»;| ABcordingiao a»eha«ct's-^lans- _ Aorea’.’.slte,»t- the 'CdrAer-of.wl|litireJ»a*e4 Aljit,w«*k-b»- the B^h^-Kaynippd Jones, Chai^l Hift and Duke StTeotjCj office in 0krhi)m, the buildfng-Fj^^^PiSfc- to I* Tarheel to Be Senior Bishop of AMEZ Chur^^ engineered . by Welton Bec- ket and Associates, Los Angeles hotel, which has 14 stories. White House Press Aide at High Point HIGH POINT — The Annual Dinner Meeting of the Cart Chavis Memorial VWCA will be held on Monday, January 21. The guest speak f for the oc- cassion will be ANDREW T. HATCHEfl, Associate Press Sec retary to tlve President o‘f the United States. Hatcher has had ti very in teresting and successful career both as Educator, Editor, and politician. . two and three-level parking structures placed among the trees on the south side of the site. “The high rise structure will enable us to make the most de sirable use of the site and at the| See BUILDING, 6-A | “I $100,000,000 Error | The Carolina Times was guilty of $100,0(10,000 error in re- | portitag a story in last week's' [ edition on the year-end meet- { lings of three Durham fin ancial firms. The article re- ! ported that North Carolina ' Mut|ial had assets of $172,000.- 000 at the end °f 1961 I while the firm's reports actual- | ly showed assets of $72,000,- 000. North Carolina College Campus To ba C-D Fall-out Shelter Area Sit^Mfig Could Become F|r-Reaching GHEENSBORO — An audi ence was told last week at A and T. College that if the Su-. ^ preme Court renders a decision' favorable to defendants in the' famed ‘’sit-in” • cases, it will be the most far reaching civil rights decision in the history ol | the country. | The speaker was J. Kenneth' Lee, Greensboro attorney, who delivered the main address at Harrison Auditorium on Tues-1 day morning, January 8. His ap-1 pearance was one of a series of lectures entitled, “Significant Issues of Our Times,” being presented at the' coll^pge this year. He spoke on the subject' . „ , . . ; .. ,1 smce 1956 4S a likely choice to from the perspective of a! '' lawyer. | Detailing the developments in full of new clothliC- The a#ste*s were charged with "rand larceny and hcM in the county jail u»der $10,000 bond pending a hearing aroand Janu ary 1&. will be held at St. Luke AME Zion Church 7th and Church Streets, Wilmington, N. C. Dr A. J Blake, Pastor, January S- 12, 1963 He will succeed Bisop 'W. J. Wall. sorved tite ^a•t- six months. It is expected that." W J Walls will again assume the duties as secretary which office he has held for a number of years. He was elected both chairman and secretary at the July 19S3 rneeting and Bishop H. T. Med I ford was elected to serve as sec- ; retary while Bishop Walls waa ; the chairman. Ministers & Laymens Associa tion will elect officers and it is felt that Dr. E. Franklin Jackson, Washington, D. C. i here this week that it will would be re-elected as president.' tinue it* afloela to The office of the first vice-pre- students gein sident was vacated by the death while schoola ^ of Dr. S P Perry a short time | Th* ago. This office will be filled at through'tk* the W'ilmington meeting. Dr. G Legal Dei W McMurray, Birmingham. Ala ' here tluh 'Mffll Jlsr bama, who is the executive sec- be^ retary, is expected to be re- ley, elected also. Dr I. B. Pierce. stcM Indianapolis, Ind , treasurer ia Thw succeed himself. NAACP Issues Policy Stand On l^redMi I NEW YORK — la ilM waka ^ of JaoMs More«Hlh‘* Ihra^ to withdraw team th* UaivetaitT ol Mississippi. k» NAACP aa . North Carolina College has entered into an agreement with the office of Civil Defense, with approval f^bm the North Caro- Shaw U. Dept. Head Succumbs Supreme C;purt hearing of Wrlj^ht-MichBUX Marriage Annulled revealed this week. the Una Department of Adminstra- the “sit-in” cases, he told the tion, to use areas on the cam- audience that more than 100 ■ pus as fallout shelters. j lawyers, both white and Negro, The college’s role in this many of them considered ex-1 COLUMBIA. S. C. The phase of the nation’s defense perts -in constitutional law> cnarriage of Miss Beverly Ami' program was announced recent-1 were in Washington last Nov- Wright and Henry M. Michaux. ly by President Alfonso Elder, ember to collaborate oa ' the jj..^ of Durham. N. C.. was an- In making the announcement, cases which involved more than bulled here last month, it waa. Elder also said the campus com- 1,700 arrests., mittee, chaired by Business He described court decisions Manager William Jones, woul^ which deny that ownership of work with the Durham Civil property gives fh^ owner the RALEIGH — Funeral services Defense office in training and fdr Dr. Moses N. DeLaney,. 45, organizing shelter personnel wi^l be held here Sunday at the Serving on the committee Witn | IVftirfin Street Baptist Church at Jones are Robeirt Duncan. Ale- 12:15. i xander Gardner, Marion Thorpe, DeLaney, chairman of the De- James Price. Charles Alston, See sit-in; 6-A ousing and . mortgage lend ing activities during the coming year. All of the firm’s officers and directors were re-elected for the year. Thft^ officers are E. R. Mer rick, clfairmaqr-of the board oit directors; John S. Stewart, pre sident; Dr, Clyde Donnell, vice- president; W. J. Kengcdy, Jr , vice-president: G. W Logan, Sec ASSETS, 6-A phy, died at his home on Satur day at 508 Doby St. and R. P. Randolph. The follow(ing areas wiy be used for Civil Defense on the A Memorial services was' campus: Annie Day Shepard scheduled to be held for him al Dormitory (Shelter; Basement Shaw University on Wednesday ,'Rec«eation Room); Old Senior at noon. j Etormitory (Shelter Location; DeLaney was a native of Sum- Basement Recreation Room); merton, S. C. tind received his Home Economics Building (Shel. formal training at Morehouse ter Location: Basement); Infir- Collegc (A. B.), CogAte-Roch- niary (Shelter Location: Base- ester Divinity School (B. D-), ment Storage Room); Faculty See DELANEY. 6-A 1 See HCC. 6-A Daisy Bates ' Seeks Divorce Mrs. Daisy Bates,- state pre sident of the NAACP during the 1957 school desegregation crisis in Little Rock, Ark., has filed for divorce against L. C. Bates Her suit alleged Bates had treated her with “abuse; con tempt. and studied ncglecf”. As editor-publiBher of the Arkan sas Gazette, a Veekly news- See DIVORGE, 6 A \ Judge Legare Bates granted the annullment in an order entered on Dec. 21. B|. Perry Columbia attorney, represented Miss Wright, who was plainulf in the action. I The order by Judge Bate*' granting the annullment raad in part: [* ’ "... the marriage was never^^ consumniated and that hj Son of false-and fraudulmt presentations in regard to marriage relations and by wn of fact that, said have never lived togctiMr man and wife that said should be annulled aatf .11 i ^ ordered that the tract entefod into betwwn Sea ANNULLED; t-A

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