V Dungee Clings Grimly to First Place in Ministers Contest ¥ ¥ ANTI-SEGREGATION PROTESTS SWEEP SOUTH ★ ★ * * * + » * Unformed Baby Found In Durham Storm Drain ancppd jlwWrw'IAiWi^Eii^ VOLUME 40 — No. 15 DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1963 RSfURN REQUESTED PRICE* 15 Centf i Slj^LSIDE BAND ON CON-1 iown W^vihinBtoQ-i CentlitutiOn fitUTiON AVE. — Hillsi4« Avenu* kturing clly'* Mnttml school'* Band m«reh«t | Charty Bloisom patad* h»l^ in Ih* nation's capital last Salur- Th* trip to Washington for th«, day. This seen* shows tl^e band paiad* was the second for the as it noars the rereiwinji stand, group in the past two years. Action Pressed in Miss., Ala., Powell Losies $200,000 Suit As Contest Concludes 2nd Period ' fhc darlthorse rumors that have becrf circulated about the Carolina 1^l1^^cs Ministers A'acatlon Popular- jjji gaipihH mnmpntum this wecic when the Reverend J. C. Har ris^ of Statesville, who held 7th place in lest weeic's standing, ad vanced to fourth place this weelc. W^lth the second period ending Monday (April 18) at noon when the vote pornts lor eacn on year subscription decreases by 2,900 points, the contest manager was preparing for a grand push. , The n«xt t'.vo weeics are expect ed to be hectic, contestants, their worltcrs and friends are expected to pour it on in an* all-out attempt to waiit off with the big graati prize, which is a free round trij) to the Holy Land with stop offs other points of biblical interest. Sec^d prir.e is ii fri* aifplape round trip to Bermuda and third* a freft airpl^nt rtund trip to NtW Yoric. Deipite Rev. Harris’ spectaeuUr ?ain this week, the R;v; John Dun gee, of Ileirdersiin, la.st weeii’s leader, clung grimly to firM place in the face ,of. close compelitiojii Durham, and the Rev. J. K Jones 1 ",;^",7;;;;;,'‘thrverdici' from the Rev. A. D. Moseley, of ■ of Danville. j x xt i-l j Mo.selcy and Jones have bpen StUjdcnt Nabbed giving a chase for first place for Stealing' Library NEW YORK — Mrs. Esther, Jkmes,>66, who, sued Rep. Clayton IPoweifl for $1,000,000 was winn“i in the case when on Thursday a New Yorlc Supreme Court jury decided that Rep. Powell libelled her over television and ordered him to pay $2tl.S00. Rep. Powell referred to Mrs. James on a television program as a “bag woman” graft collector for the police department. Thfiee Sdeking City Offices In Tarheelia The body of a newborn baby boy was discovered in a sewer in the 1300 block of Sputh St., late Wednesday. County health officers decid ed late Wednesday to remove the fetus Thursday after a ques tion of procedure arose over the proper manner in handling the case. A city sanitation crew sent Teachers Vote To Increase Memliers Dues RALEIGH — Proposals to hike membership dues and in crease pay of executive were two of the most important peices of legislation to be approved by the annual convention of the North Carolina Teachers Asso ciation here; ^ The state teachers concluded their annual gathering at Ra leigh Memorial auditorium here last Saturday. The group voted to increase of Kinston became the first Ne membership dues for each tea- j Sro to be elected- to a campus wide Cher from $8 per year to $10.! office t**® University of North There are approximately 12.000 Carolina. members of the PTCTA. j Parker, a junior majoring in in A proposal to increase pay of | terna’ional relations, was elected the NCTA’s executive officers, in an eight man race for foui also M^eived a favorable reac-1 position of the delegation to the tion from the convention body. National Student Aisofiatian, Par- to the scene to investigate com plaints of bad ordors and water flowing out of a manhole found the baby around 3:30 Wednes day afternbon. Clyde Crabtree, superinten dent of the city water and sew er department said he believed someone had thrown the baby near the sewer manhole. Detective Lt. Ed Atkins order ed the body covered until fa ther investigation could be made. The body was not removed Wednesday because County Cor- orner Dr. D. R. Perry was awaiting instructions from County health director Dr. O. L. Ader. He said he could not con tact Dr. Ader Wednesday. Coroner Perry defined the discovery as a “three months old male fetus.” BOYCOTT LIST ; REMAINS STATIC The list of stores under boy cott by the NAACP and COKE I in Durham remained uncharged I again this week. Spokesmen lilted the follow ing stores which are on the boy cott list: segregation swept throughout the South this week wftti hundreds of young N«groes denMMistratlng against all. forms of racial segregation in several souihem cities. Hundreds of them were jail ed as a results of the demon strations. The hottests spots again this week were Gretenwaod. Mis*. Birmingham, Afa., where police continued to use police dogs and make mass arrests. The Rev. KiirtiB I>uther King Sears. Robbins. Walgreens,* Bmniagham ac Bererly Shop, Royal Ciothinfl ^ gation in downtown Jiinch coun- Actien against these stores is opposed by hia arch being taken by the two groups the race struggles im that for their failure to react afliea Police Commissioner Eu- ments with th© two groups on Connors, who has order- hiring of Negroes. All the stores ^ ^ arrests. are picketed each day.' Kinston Youth First Negro Elected To Major Office at Univ. of N. C. CHAPEL HILL—Kellis Parker Hegro ApimuiM tcLBostnaster's Job in Los Angeles, California LOS ANGELES. Calif. — Los' the third largest Post Office in more ..Jar j Angeles will have r. new Post master Monday. April 15, when 40 year old Leslie N. Shaw is sworn Negroes will be | in by United States Senator Clair _cilt offices in ^ En^e' to assume charge of flie 10,; the World. Shaw was appointed'acting Post master of the city of Los Angeles by Postmaster general J. Edward Da» lait ♦iponth^ |ivili Seji^icei p^ in compensatory damages for loss of incoine and damage to reputa tion; and $200,000 in punitive damages for •A’ant on maliciou:> ;>hd reckless defamation. A spokeman for Powell said that the past two weeks. Rev. T. H. Murphy,, ,of ^nder- son, rounded out the top f)ve. Relative standings of all conr- Icstants for this weclt is as fol io a's: at Rome, Athens, Jerusalem am ' Rev. John Dungee, Henderson 3.670.500 Rev. A. D. Moseley. Durham 3,655,500 Rev, J. M. Jones, Danville 3,499.500 Rev. J. C. Harris. Statesville 2.876,000 ftcv. T. 11. Murphy. Henderson •■ 2.448,500 Rev. W. T. Bigelow. Durham 2,323.000 Kcv. Kcrmit Degraffenrcidt. Pittsboro j;......?.. 1.829.500 Rev. A. W. Lawson, Durham 1,817,000 Rev. J. R. Manley, Chapel Hill '. 1,416.500 Rev. I. W. Choale.s, Durham 1,278,000 Rev. Walter Yarborough, Kranklinton 1,112,500 Jlev. U. L. Speaks, Durham i 098,000 Rev-. Z. D. Harris, Durham . 872,000 Rev. E. L. Kirliy, Kcidsvill*> ...; .. 714,000 Bishop M. T. Mitchell, lialliniore, Md Jlev. J. M. Thompson, Ka.st Orange, N. J 552,000 i rolina R?v. Harold Cobb, Burlingaon ' 396,500 j gjg^g ,Rev. K. O. I'. Godwin, Win'.ston-Salem 348,5001 Rev. J. H. Mangum, Kranklinton ..j.. 257,000j Rev. James Wert*, Charlotte ..' 2S6.5C0 ! Jlev. L, T. Daye, Mebane 206.500' Jlev. W. L. Jones, Greenville 191,000 Rrv. Clyde Johnson, Weldon 112,000: Books From UNC CHAPEL lin^L—Garrett Weav- cr, 19, North Carolina College stu dent of Chapel Hill, was arrested Saturday for larceny of books from the UNC library. He"^ released under $100 bond. See nabbed. 6-A North spring. Carolina elections this The Rev. J. W. Morrison, pro minent Graham minLster, is seek ing a seat on that city’s council. In Thomasville, Roger t. Phillips has filed as a candidate for coiin' cilman at-large. John W. Winters, ir'fumbent. will be trying for his .second term on the Raleigh city council. In announcing his candidacy in Graham, the Rov. Morrison said: "If elccted. I wish through my service . . •. to contribute to*the continued industrial and educa tional development of our rapidly was growing city. I shall endeavor at all times to represent the best ' See SEEKING, 6-A 000 employee oepration whicFi is '*'iU bcitifr Durhamite Breaks Precedent in North Caolina X-Ray Society Mrs. Margaret K. Goodwin, ehicf x-ray technologist at Lincoln hospital of Durham, broke a pre- cedent last week l>y being elccted to a state office in the North C; Socicty of X-ray telyrfii- - Mrs. Gondwlr’.s election to the po.st of secretary-treasurer came at the ly become acting- Postma.ster at ceremonies in the County Board of Supervi.sdrs' Hearing Room in the Hall Administration. He will be sworn in by Senator Engle a the ceremony attended by civic leaders and representa tives of Federal, State, County and City government who have been invited to be present. Raymond R. Holmquist, Regional Director See POSTMASTER. 6-A ker*eame in a close second to In man Allen', outgcing president ol the student body and son of At lanta's Mayor Ivan Alien;. Last summer Parker was one of tour U. S. delegates to the United Nations Collegiate Conference in .A.thens. Greece. PARKER ing toward his permanent poiiiffti^nt bj^"t*residttit''Kertiredy and confirmation by the United States Senate. He will become acting Post master after a full day of activi ties Monday marking his in.stalla- tion. At 9 a.m. he will hold a press conference with Senator Engle. At 10 a.m. he will officialjs received a life sentence in Wavne GETS LIFE In Greenwood, police lait week continued to round up Ne groes wt«o staged mass marcli- es daily to the r^istrar's of fice in a' registrati»B-v«te cam paign. Greenwo^ officials said they would pernut Negroes to go to the registration office singly or in' small group* but net in. mairches. - > The Greenwood .actioo was by the pesence ol Dick Gregmry,. conriediu of na tional fame„’ who joined the young Neixoes. in. the registra tion march**. However, police refrained (ronf«arresting him, although 1^ 1^' joui^ed up ^A^^i^stri e, S. C., last week, approximate! 2i.H Negroes staged a stai.irua at ' the .regia- tmr’s offie* -The of the bfflcc 9 isnL^uttil 4:30 p m. Howt ^er, ewily got inside of the o/fiee and nine t**se;;ifert arrtpted. say ^ t*we;«|fer ^lifitiies^. say Se4 ihlOTiSi; W. G. Enloe appears t6 have found a iutway to retain his post as ntiayor GOLDSBORO - A Negro youth Superior Court Tuesday after be- j ing found guilty of first degree burglary with intent to commit rape on a 16-year old white girl. Sentenced was Leroy Battle. 18, ■ d Route 1, Mount Olive. Judge > Chester Morris passed the sen tence after a jury had recom-i mended life imprisonment. | Battle was charged with enter ing the f ome of Harvey darwick See SENTENCED, 6-A TUEZZVANT ANDERSON IjUKIED ' CHARLOTTE — Trcw.vnt An l - son, veteran Negro journalist, was buried here Saturday moring. ■ Aiidorsor;, wFiose career as a rtcw^iwiperman Npanncn three di was a member of the staff of the Pittsburgh Courier for sev eral years. He was a.ssociated ‘jvith the Courier at his death. He died late last week in Macon tia., and was returned hero for tuneral servicds Friday. AMVETS’ EASTER EGG HUNT MONDAY Durham Post 510 AMVETS will oponsor two Easter Egg rolls on Monday, one at' ten a.m. at Hill side Park and a second at Burton scto6ol. \ DIAL 682-2913 NEWSPAPER SERVICE JONES ECLH>1S OWN RICORD BOSTON — Sam Jones, former Vorth Carolina College basketball ?rcat, eclipsed his own profession il- record by sc)ring 47 points for I he Boston Celtics ia the finals of the eastern division pUy-offA with the Cincinnati Royals. Society in Washington, D. C. last week. She won the election in a two- way race for the office. “''ft«41jarkcd the first time that a IS be.(?n elected, to office in the'ortganization. Negroes have held ‘ifenbcrship in tne Socicty only in me past few years. Mrs. annual convention of the Goodwfn was first, becoming a | member in 1952. Seven other Ne- j groes have since been accepted. | Mrs. Gooc/.vin succeeded Mrs. I Cosette Hartsell, of Concord, as' scretary-treasurer. Mrs. Hartsell was elccted president of the So ciety. The Society is an organization of x-ray technicians throughout the stale. Jt was formed to pro mote research and exchange in formation on radiological tech niques. It is affiliated with the Ameri can Society of x-ray technicians, and membership in the group com prises operating technicians in most of the major medical facili ties in the state. i Graduation from an x-ray course approved by the American Medi cal Afsoriation is the principal MRS, GOODWIN requirement for membership. J front), IS year old junior, e|eel«d presidenl. She ia Crits, back ▼ice-president On row, left to right. V NEW HILLSIDE STUDENT OF- ter, FICERS — Newly elected offi-j wn cers of Hillside high school are the daughter of Mrs. Irene Gwendolyn Brown, eectelary: pictured here following the stu-j Jackson of 1927 Cecil St. Left and Garald McClain. pailiaaM» dant-wlde' elecUons held at iha, of her is Chrislophai Fiskar,^ tuian. achooL Coavlaaea Jackion (etn-1 tretstiiar, anil righl is Simuelj * of the city here this week after leaders of demonstrations against segregation at a movie house ttie mayor owns and the naayor have reached an agreement OQ the manner of conduct of the ’ demonstrations. Enloe threatened to resign as mayor of the city in order to take legal action to protect bis interests in the Ambassador theater. The theater has been the tar get of a week-long demonstra tion by student's ia Raleigh. Sunday night nearly 300 in front of the theater box fice waiting in vain to pu I a ticket. I Ealoe said the action by I students had blocked entrances [ to the theater and prev«ntiiM( I (white) customers from gettiag : in. He threatened te take legkl : action against t!w demonstra tors and feh he wpuld have to resign as mayor to do so. In fact, reports said he had al ready prepared a statemeoi ol resignation to h^nd to the Coun cil on Tuesday. However, shortly before Um Council meeting Tuesday, he re ceived assurances that the de monstrations wouU not bfc>ck the entrancM to the Bovie house, located hi downtown Ba- leigh on Fayetteville St. In announcing htg deciti*^ not to step down, Itokie report ed that the arrangewkent twr the demonstrations wcfe “ettUrely satisfactory.** and that I since hb ol^ect^)** t,0 tb^m ! hai been removed, he eoiv templated no DEttoa agaiaat them. H o w e V et. deweestfetioBi against segrei^lkei gt the tbe* •ter coHttao^ «|j^,i«eek. oe« JA J

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