DUNGEE 1ST, MOSELEY 2ND IN HOLY UND CONTEST ^ ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★★★★ ★ Parents to Boycott East End School In Durham Boarding House ENRAGED MAN SLAYS TWO ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ¥ ★ ★ ★★ Parents Protest Split Shifts at ! Durham School REV. DUNCEE REV. MOSELEY REV. JONES m€ VOLUME 40 — No. J8 Jones Takes in Second il Contest '7^110 lipv. John R. DUugcc, of lf|ifdcrsoin who led every week Bitm- th* first in the Carolina Times sccond annual Minister^' C^Ot'e.sti CHpturecl the grand prizt lU-the conlc.ft this wceit. i^y. Dungec wiii get a irui fl^nd trip to the holy Iqnd for Wif first place finish. Sf'cond prize in the conlcst wa- won by the Rev. Alexander b H«wlpy. of Durham, and Rev. Jolin JI. Jones, of Danville, picked up the third prizo. ; Ucsults cif the contc.st were an- nomccd early Tliursday as an in- df^cHdcnt auditing committer, hiiaUorl by William .1. Walker accountant, veriiicd the eldest results. in the top ten. in W(src the loflowiiij^ llovcrends J. C. Harris, Sfcl'csvilk: T. II. Miiriihy, Hen dmiDil; Kcrmit DcGralfenrcidi, K»ro; W. T. Bigelow, Apex; A Durham; J. R. Manley, 1; and I V/. Choatei ,. J*cv. Walter Yarboroufth. oi ior Court Thursday r^klinton, and Rev. R. L. Sp'iaks, against Nathaniel E. )|^h>rhtnfi,.taiAc in nth and J2ti., Sr., undertaker,'' Who; PfloleM' r»fi^ctivcly. | said, jailed to provide a "Chris-1 jWv. Dungee, pastor of Cotton! tian burial for'Boole’s son Pre.sybtcrian Church, amass-1 The suit alleged that the oitrtiore'than 2 million vote mar-1 undertaker buried Poole's in- g|i to vin tht! grand prize. Ho fant son in a pine box in a shal- jutnpcd into the lead in the sec-1 low grave contained at least ond week of the contest and was i three other infants wrapped in .ari ||*TME~T>MJTHljNCRiSEl>^ DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1963 RETURN REQUEST5D PRICE; 15 Centr Court Awards Man $5,000 In Suit against Undertalier FAISON MRS. EATMON Failed to Give Decent Burial, GREENSBORO Willie Poole of Oreensboro was award ed nrKire than $5,000 in Super- a suit Har|«tt, never headed. ■’Although he was pre.ssed at sev ersi points in The slx weeks con test by Rev. Moseley and Rev. .loites, he finished with a rus.T Itttalling 8,051,500 votes. Rev. Moseley, pastor of Mt Gilead Baptist Church of Ournam will get a free round trip to Ber muda for his second place finish A relative newcomer to Durham, ftpv. Moseley started slowly and moved Up to second place at the half way mark. He remained in second until the end, barely nos ing' out Rev, Jones with less thai! 300,000 votes. Rev. Moseley’s final total was 6,- 337,500 while Rev. Jones finishcu with 8,045.500. Reverend Harris and Murphy, who finished fourth and fifth, re spectively, waged a hot race for one of’thc top th/cc spots b..' failed to pick up enough points in the final weeks to move up. i Both maintained fourth and fil'ti positions in the conlcst throug.i out the sixth weeks. Rev, Bigelow, who was an early leadrr, fell behind midway in th'_ contest and wound up in scv;-ntS This was the second year ol the newspaper. The grave vvas discovered psrttaltjr opsnecr ~by~two deputy-’ sheriffs who were investigating a report that someone was in the process of burying a small foreign car. Some 400 parents of the East End community voted Wednesday I night to Ifeop their children out ; of fl'rc damaged East End .school. The action came at a spcciul meeting at the Mickle Community Center called by the East End Betterment League to consider a; course to pursue in the sehuoll crisis. I More, than 7 0 0 elementary j school chitdren assigned to East { tnd have been attending double' sessions in the undamaged sec-1 I tion of the school since a SSaO,- : 000 fire last week left the main - part of the building a gutted hull. But community residents voiced a strong protest to the plan at it.S: announcement and urged the: board to reconsider the move i Wednesday night's action was part of this protest. The motion to boycott i school received unanimous i proval from the gathering whiclV Elmo L. Faison, whom ings earty Sunday morning re- crowded the t'ommunity Center, police say sliot and killed his ported t^at Faison shot and kill : The meeting '*as presided over landlady,. Mrs, Ester F. Eatmon. ed Mrs. Eatmon and Davis fn , by Reverend A. D. Moseley, pas- High St.. and her neigh- an aj^part^nt drunken rage I tor of Mt. Gilead Baptist Church. Elijah Davis, 4ti, of 817" " ■ ; and John L. Holloway, chairman W*8h St. of the Betterment League. In addition to the boycott ae- • (tion, the parents ad»|H«d a pusi- tion to be presented 40 the board at its'' regular meting Monday high|t asking it to make other ur- rangements for accomiiKHiating Set EAST END 6-A Woman's Body Riddled with Slugs; Man Shot and Beaten with Rifle A 44 year old Durham man Faison was captured Sunday waii behind bars in Durham this afternoon after be was reported ■ week after his arrest in con- seen lying beside a hogpen' in tho *'‘-*ction with a double slaying East Durham section of the city, ap- bcre early Sunday. .Witncsaes to the fatal shoot- GOVERNOR OMEGAS — Persons shown in The officers later learned that i this picture were those who look Nathaniel Hargett Jr., had re. ported his car stolen. He was later convicted on charges of filing a false insurance claim and causing false information to be broadcast over a police radio. Martin A. Martin, Civil Rights Lawyer, Dies part in a specie I awards pro gram Saturday at A. and T. Col lege. sponsored by the 6th di strict Omega Psi Phi fraternity. Gov. Terry Sanford, 2nd from was given the 'Citisen's and Mayor David Schenk were Aw»rd' by the fraternity. Ellit of the Greensboro City Council. F. Corbott, who arranged the on hand representing the city, program, is shown on the left. George Mears, first grad basi* Dr. Walter Ridley, president of leus, of N. Y.. (extreme right' Elisabeth State Teachers Col- greeted the Governor "for the lege (n e x t). presented the fratarnity. award. Welde Falkner, member | Kennedy Has Kept Campaign Promises to Negroes, Negro Democratic Leader Asserts’in Address are , Boycott’ Group Complains The boycott of a selected group of downtown Durham stores con tinued this week with the li.st of stores under sanction remaining' unchanged. Targets of the boycott are Sears, Walgreen's, Kobbins. Thom ! McAn and Royal Clothing Co. I I The action is being sponsored by the Durham NAACP and CORE. Spokesmen for the organization.s REV. SPOTTSV/OOD Bish. Spottswood To Keynote C-R Rally Sunday RICHMOND, Va. — Martin A. Martin, civil rights lawyer, died at age 52 of a heart at tack at his home here Saturday night. Martin, a native of Danville, was a graduate of Ohio State I I960 campaign promise to open University and the Howard Uni-! the doors of the White' House Minislrrs Popularity Contest. Tnc verslty School of Law. He had j and the federal government to Rev. James A. Brown, of Durnam I practiced law for a quarter-icen- ^11 Americans and to place won the grand prize and, took a tcry appearing as a council for j qu'aiified Negroes in positions of (rop 17 day trip tiirough soutacrn' plaintiffs in racials segregation national responsibility. Europe and the Holy Land las | ca.ses locally and nationally. At August. Rev. W. L. Williams, of one time he was chairman of the Wrhlon. '.von the trip to nermuda,' State Legal Staff of the NA- I ACP. ; Funeral services were held j Wednesday, May 1, at the First I African Baptist Church. I Surviving are his wife, Mrs. I Ruth J. Martin; two sisters, Mrs. Today, a hundred years after the complete disfranchisement the hill, had taken a look at the complained this week that N*--- Emancipation, I believe we stand of Ntgroes. | promised land, and had been gmes are violating picket line» at on the threshold of a new era | Mentioning 20 or more Ne- sent sprawling back down ; Sears, Walgreen Drug Store ami r^LEIGH — Accordinij to of liberty in America,’ Louis groes from the South who serv- again. I oscoe-Griffin. Information given bv leaders of Martin, deputy chairman of the j ed in the U. S. House and Sen-1 The rebound began, he said, | They are crossing the lines as- naacp tht*' ••Fropdom .. „ ... . .. .. . .. J T 1 if w.>riin’» thor.. ” ..n.. I e iAIAACP IHe t recaom Democratic Natiohal Committee. I ate, told an audience at North Car- 20th olina College Friday. I by now the Negro and the Rev. M. C. Swann, of Dur liam, won the third prize last vcar Sixth District Omegas Close Annual Meet He said .also that President John F. K,°nnedy has kept his Addressing the 28th annual meeting of the Association of Social Science Teachers, Martin j was the principal speaker at an j assembly which included wel-1 scribed as a social force capable j groups have passed out leaflets’ “ddresies by militant of shaking the whole society and explaining the reason for the serving to crumble the mores and customs conditioning social behavior. "Finally,’ he said, "the Korean conflict helped to ac- See PROMISES. 6-A , he said; “As we enter the with World War I, continued >f we weren’t there,” one membei , T h century, it is obvious that through the depression follow-' of the group said. Dorton Arena in olLervanc° of now the Negro had climbed ing World War II, which he de- In addition to picketing, thej School Secretary Is Charged In Check Fogery Mrs, Pearl Wyche, 31 and Mrs. Annie Regan, 50, roomers at the EUttrooK hom^. were quoted by police as saying that Fasion had iHfen drinking armT came into the house and start ed shooting, first at Davis then at Mrs. EatnwD. ^ I The shooting took place around 2 a. m. Sunday. Police Ay :Faison used a .22 . calibr? automatic rifle. Alter shooting .Mrs. Batmon and Davis. Faison soiashed over the head StB SLAYS. 6-A N. C. Elks to^ Stress Rights in State Confab GOLDSBORO — A heavy em phasis on civil rights ^vilI fcatun the annual state convention o: Elks which gels underway here Saturday. Among the items on the aeend;) of the organization is a drive tn register some 10,000 Negro voters in Eastern North Carolina, accord ing to convention spokesmen. .■Vction is expected to be taken to implement the drive at the convention. Highlights of the meeting will ing of the Emancipation Pro ” htri'ader' l“'e. "Au^m. action and urging support fot' tishcr of the Carolina Times, and their boycott. | ^ ever t ^ Moseley, pastor of Mt. The action seeks to secure wider Kelley Alexander, State Pre- Gilead Baptist Church, of Durham employment for Negroes in the sident, announced that Clarence and a former leader of civil rights Durham area. GREENSBORO—The Sixth Uis-I trict annual meeting of the Omega Youth WjllVeS P.si Phi Fraternity, presided over xj • i by Ifarold R. Boulware, Columbia, Mcarin^ IH CHARLOTTE — Miss Gladys j come remarks by Durham Mayor Wall of Brown St., who E. J. Evans and NCC President formerly was secretary at Plato ‘ Alfonso Elder. His subject (and Price High School, has been nun. ivi«riii.; iwo sisiers, , the conference theme) was, “The charged with forging 29 ch^a W. Gladys Flint and Mrs. Bea-1 Emancipation Proclamation; lOO 5>'556 03 on school 4 • TT 1. I. ^ w Aftor’ funds. She waived hearing in trice Helton, both ot Columbu.i, Years After. . , , mi ' Recorders Court last Thursday Martin discussed three periods and was released on $1,000 bond in the century-long struggle of for the trial in Superior Court. Negroes for full citizenship righs — the period from 1865 to 1875, in which efforts at Re construction brought Negroes the right to vote and some mea sure of participation in the South’s political power structure; I Ohio; and two brothers, M .C. i Martin of Danville and R. D. j Martin, Jr., of Washington, D. C. Mitchell. Ill, son of Clarence movements in eastern North Ca Mitchell, Jr., Director of the rolina. Washington Bureau of the NA- in addition, provisions are ex- ACP, and a member of the pected to be made to give aid Maryland Legislature, will team to Negroes in civil rights action» up with Bishop S. G. Spotts- in Caswell and Sampson CountifiT I wood. Chairman of the Board of j ' Directors, to not only give the I audience the facts about the organization, but to show it that 100 years is long enough to wait for first class citizenship. Alexander pointed out that, oven though the organization ^ 5^,^ had done l^airly well m North Can>lina that the surface had i. . . ^ „ fractured nt>« when her car not been scratched and that Ne- ... , . . .,,, . struck a power pole Mi>n- grocs must be willing to pay to become first blass citizens. Teacher Hurt In Car Wreck Mrs. Katheryn E. Walker, teu- day Morning as she was driving north on Roxt>oro St. Detective said that Miss Wall wrote the checks, signed them with the name of Principal James Burch, and counter- signed them with her name as' I The^jver of the ballot will Policeman Buddy Rogers ouot treasurer of the school. All ‘ CANDIDATES - Shown here the first time since Reconitruc- ^ explored in every way. The ^ Walker at soying checks were not cashed, tHey are Mrs. Lattice Vickers (left) lion, in the state. Mr*. Viekers. North^Carolina hM the fwjnt Of her car said. and A. Reed Johnson, candi- a Carrbero mother, ia running The S. C., cloiicd here Sunday, after Fire ChargfeS \ one of the most successful se.s-j Jesse Preston Trice.ilS year j the period characterized by the sions ever held. It is composed of, olcl boy charged with t#o counts I so-called Hayes-Tiiden ‘deal,’ chapters in the two Carolinas anil |of setHng fires in Annectlon I which led to withdrawal of superintendent of the spring in North is Carrboro. Johnson is seeking IS considered one of the outstand-i with the $500,000 f£e which ' federal troops in 1877 and caused system and Buroii Carolina. They are lust two of election to the EnlieM City ing districts in the fraternity. | ruined half of East E« elemen- the collapse of Reconstructlftn | witnesses agair , unprcdentedly Urge number Council in a r»ce that will be The meeting o)l)ened F'"idayitrry school In Du»ym last' govcrnmenlj>; and a period, | Wiss Woll.s in her forthcomin-g j of N«>(iroFt who dacidad Tuasdayf May See OMEGAS, 6-A j See YOUTH, #A beginning in 1090, which s|aw trial, public ofllce. la many cases Iql^! causing her to »w«rv».' to tht dates for city officers in elee- for the Board of Commlsaieners United States and one of ^ . i_ m.—... ^the lowest registered averages — ' in the nation Is said to be a re- Th« e«r fkrcUrcd a b^tal 4u 1 II 1*^- was plat;»{ ut flection on the civil conscious- ness '''f rn'-*- The futt tnat Set RALLY, B-A Mr? Wa.iher i* rtni+'it :m t, L.liLkAil. U‘> {>4Lv -,

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