>:ann Film laboratories WINSTON SALHj^cGatbam M. ' yinfltcjn-6al®®» K. C. • 7/20/coo?). DemonstratibiK Should Stop, Says State College Head ^ ^ ^ ^ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ "★ ’ X STAfE OmCAL RAPPED FOR RACIAL INSULT TIMES Winner Leaves for Holy Land ^ ^ if.,, jf if. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MAN HELD IN SHOTGUN SLAYING ms Meivmt VOLUME 4S No. II SdiQol Board y«t$s to Appeal Court Order After n««rly hour* of deMb«r»(ions. the Dorhatn City BoaH «C. E^cation voted ■ 3-1 MrNcr thli ir^k /j Appearl a fetleral jiidfe's repent ord«r (iv- lag «leoieiitary and Junior hifh right tn attend the Ichobi of their choice in September. The ootift order rejected waj oiM 4rMwn up two weelu aso lU^ *0)^1 board attorney Mar- a^U TV Spears and attorney for Negro pl^ntiffs, Ja'mei' R. Na- brit III ajyi Conrad Pearaon, and •pproveA' last week b y Judga BtHinlin Stanly. ^ ' ' ' ^'T^iOMgh ihe (iM*r >was appeal- attorney Speara mid that it would retrain in ei(tec^. until the case is heard and decided by the U. S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal*. He «p«culBtad ,that the higher covrt wou)ti not get to hear th^ oa«e until after' school opens in Sept. : *fhe order wa^ the outc9me of a three-year old court suit •gainst the city achoot board, filed by parents of huikiteds of Negro school 'th'.ldren: seekhtg integratioii’ of t>c^llc schools. In the meetinii, earlier this week, the board nt^t to consider Ha course under thf new order. '8b[ white persons - three wom an - attended the session as visi tors. . > The board's move for an ap- , . „ , II P^al came toward the eNl of the ing. of Bumice Adams, alias , . - .. . „. T, , M mnA meeting. Twice before, the board Buster Pugh Adams, 45. of 604 / . ; .. PI V ft Qt members ign9red suggestions for i-icKett St. -1 ,ppe,i £,om the order. Adams was announced dead, The first time an appeal was on arrival at Duke Hospital last suggested, the board ended by Saturday afternoon after being adopting a three-page state- shot in the face and shoulder. mei^t lifting a history of the with a'I2-guage shotgun In front court suit and the objections it of Mclver’s home at the Rox-. bad ralaad to the outline of the boro address. |:prl«r, but concluded with a com ' Witnesses to the shooting saTI ment that “however, so long as that Adams and Mclver had the order is in effect, the school been arguing at another house board, the administrative staff, And that Adams followed Mclver and the school faculty will make IwAne. They said that Adams every effort possible to provide stood out stde Mclver’s home and a good educational program for ihoflted curte word* and threats ‘ the coming school year, within at him. K was reported that Me* l the limits ot their authority." lT*r aafced Adami to leave from I Two of the six white parents See MOUMINT. 8-A Sac BOARD, 6-A DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1963 RETURN REQUESTED Pitl£E: 15 Conts Term Used by sue Officer In YDC Issue Elids In Deatti For Durham Nan ‘ A local man is being held in Jail without bond awaiting trial for the last weekend shot gun (layiixtf- of another Iscar ^n. ' City polioe jare lioldlng Walter Jamas Mcl^or, 53s of 005 S. Ro]d>oro St., In Connection with the last weekend shotgun slay> -AT PRINCIPA1.S-SUPERVIS04S^ ..nilegt afficialt on the Durham, lehayU; Dr. Bon4; Or. Jottpli MKT—Or. Harxa Mann Bono >-'>ll*g* campus. From left to riaht.! Taylor, diraclor af NCC'i summar ~ 'ciiy >cha«| and host; Mits Lotlio O ■v|^, NCC countolor; and J. M. Scjl«fl*r, principal, Whitfod Jr Hl«h School, Durham, Mrd'from Mt, principal tp*akcr{ Thebaud Jtffori, Gastonia, al Ihi rocont 14th annual Con r :ouncilman and principal of High •Mcraf High School Principals .i;t 11 (and High School; Mrs. M. B. Sefpar^fisori, ditcuitai th« propi'M i Smith, suparvisor,' Bladan County •HIk datagatos and North Caro’iVi.i EOrFORIAL A Disgraceful Public Official Wluie Group Seeks Boycott in Reverse to Protest integration Move# to sqtMSh Integration 1 many saptlons inside the city, efforts iniiliite)! by th« local ] It was the second meeting of NAACPCORX chapter aAa later [ the graop; f)i« first was held two taken up by W. Grabarek ' weeks mo in an open field in and company hilve been extensi-1 Ourha£ County and more than I fled in the last #e«k by an all'*! >00 atnnded. stead it was. written by hiigh public official entrusted wit| a i;rcat responsibility and authnn^ aUiH-ting all of the wople oil N»rth Carolina, im^uair.g (ivci one miiiion of its Iwgro citizens WV thinic it would be ^ard t( find an intelligent member ol tho racc, however, who has reao of Mr, Worthington’s letter Ahu would have one particle o^ fair nt'ss or common decency when the ri'^hts of a Neffro are coa cernpd. « As it now stands it ap'/’trs ti,\at Jiurth Caraiina's Utilities Commissioner • does not havt enough intelligence to realize hi.s own unfitness for high public office nor does he have enough rospcct for the governor of thi‘ state who appointed him to re sign. It also appears that unless unless there is great pressure brought .to bear by the people See EDITORIAL, 6-A nAiite goup knovra as the Dur ham County •'White Cltlsens Council. At a "white rtlly” held In Dur ham County laM week, akwkeamen for the newljr form ed council said that the group’s ACTIO* K.AlfllED aVowed purpoae is to "proteflV the rights of tKa nation’s '^hlte citizen by preMfving aegrega* Uon." > The meeting drew spnH 3.500 white citizena Gorman community, Rc^gembunt, B a- bama, Oak Qro^, and • •7 y«ap oM Roy Harris form-1 er manritn the Georgia House i of Reprasantatives and president of the CItlsens Councils of America, was tbe rally’* prlnci- pal spealscr. In a letter dat«d May 30 and ' circMlatad In tha Durham area W. C. Pfowa of Raleigh laauad 1 a can to,,M'CBBtloni*ta groups I to «a( tagethar bccauaa ‘‘gioup i •ottan ia naoded to combat inte gratlon." Ooa copy ot the Itttei ' Sec OIIOU^ 6-A., i Every respectable cUii -ti of North Carolina ought to bow his kead in shame at the remariir made by this state's Utilitief Commissioner, Sam Worthington in a letter aai^iressed to N ,rtb Carolina's Young Ut.‘mocraiic Club President David Keid. II Mr. Worthington has an iota o. self rcspect loft in his heart and an ounce, of repentance in iiis soul he will resign riis position as utilities commissioner ui North Carolina of i.is^ own ac cord. Certainly sucn a coursc pursued by Jlr. Worthineton would relieve Governor Sanford from being ‘placed in the uncn viable position of having no ic- spectable alternative but to ask for the public utilities commis sioncr's resignation. When a public oiilcial of any state allows iiimseif to bocome so filled with malipe and hatred as is evidenced in Mr. Worf.iiiig ton’s letter to YDC Presiden* ■ Reid, he cannot hope to retain the respect of decent fellow of ficials of the Democratic Part) in North Carolina, to say noth ing of those of the YDC and thf> respectable citizens of,the state in general. We are sali.sfied that all eood citiierfs of North Carolina, espe dally those who are Christians, appreciate the fine and eotirage I DANVILLE, Va. Tiie Rev. ous gesture made by the YDt,^^-'" Chase, President of the officials in chansing the Rite oi Danville Christian Progressive | the YDC rally in Raleigh from„* AA^pciation (D.C.P.A.) was ar-1 segregated hotel to one that is ^'csted at aijout 4:00 a. m. on integrated. Such a move is cerjJu'y 29 when police kicked in tainly in the direction of the! storm door of his home, | coal of better race relations to seized him, and took him to Jail^ which all good citizens of North j ® bath;^ Carolina have been movinR for ^ the past several monttis. It 1 Ui' | arrest was part of the ther bespeaks the inteiiuent aftermath of heightened anti foresight of the Y.'C officials. , segregation activity in Virginia On Sunday, July 28 when 80 Had such a'etter been written I persons were arrested in Dan- by an ignorant person or one of f ylile, 24 Negroes were arrested limited advantages there might the same d^y for trying to wor- be some excuoe to overlook the ship in a white church in Farm aentiment expreised in it. In-,ville, Va. , ' 1 Pittiford Denies HeWiI At Hillside High Holman T. Pettiford, of Dur ham, former coach at Washing ton Union school in Roper will not become athletic coach at Hillside when he takes a Job at the Durham institution this fall. Pettiford spiked rumors that he would replace one of the coaches of Hillside's four major sports this week. Pettiford revealed that he has accepted an assignment as a tea cher of science at the high school this fali.^^^’" ' Earlier runfiory had spread that one or moV coachcs at Hill side would b e replaced this year. Pettiford and the names ol two other well known coaches in the area had figured in the speculation. I See PETTIFORD, 6-A Two local li'adcr.i have joined other state leader.i in heaplns^ criticism upon Slate Utilities Coixi missioner Sam Worthington for hi*- emlMttpred l,lter to Statf* Voung Democratic Club Presiden' David Reid uf Greenville in which he assailed iteid for changing the ite of the joint State-Southerr YDC rally from the racially s. gre :;atC(l Sir Walter Hotel in Kaleigh to the integrated Carolina llotil in the same city. Attorney Floyd McKissick .iiivj banker John H. Wheeler expre.sseii grave di.sappointment with the state official for his remark.s con cerning the site changing.* Worthington, in his letter, ac cused Reid of being a "prize .stupid scapegoat" tor ibanging the site of the YDC rally held in Kaleigh last weeki-nd, and used .the term "nigsers" at least twice in the letter. McKissick, \'AAC1’ lawyef, >aid that he supports the letter .sent to Worthington' from the president of tho Raleigh \AACP chapter, Kalph.iCampbeli. Campbell accused the state of ficai early this week of showing "utter disrespect for the Negro ppople of this state" and aslced that Worthing resign. McKissick, a member of the state YDC and also the National | Chairman of COitE, said, “I fee' that a public servant who live° off the tax paying people should bo impartial toward buth races white and black. He," the attorney said, "is uettint paid from iiinus collected from- niembers ot both races and his duij; is to treat'them both alike, "The letter he wnte,'* sick continued, “is unl>ecomiiig of a public official and'i^ shoW^ th^t^ he is not capable and should not ‘ have a duty of publlCi trtlst." He; .said that he definitely supporti* | what Campbell wrote. I ' 1 ‘ - I Canipbell said in his letter that "In Vii.'A’ of your utter d.srf.spec', fir the Negro people of the state. wfio“ Comprise a large portion 0/ total population; it tppears to us ^hat you are totally incapible and I unqualified to hold the high nosi , tion of commissioner of the Utili ties Commission, Your immediate i resignation and its immediate ac ceptapce would restore to the com I mission some of the re.spect which your letter has em.i.iciated.”’ Wheeler, president of Mechanics and Farmers Bank and Chairman of the Durham Committee on Ne gro Affairs, said, "The letter is really not worth commenting on.” However, he did say that Worth ington's i.-T “.shows (hat he is obviously living in the pa^f." WORTHINGTON’S COMMENTS Worthington wrote ,ii) his let ter dated July 19 that "it would have been a travesty enough to have changed the place of the YDC rally because of North Caro lina niggers—to" change it for the plants and emmissaries of the Kennedys. NAACP and CORE con- See YDC, 6-A RIDLEY TAYLOR Elizabeth City President, NCC's Taylor See Negotiation Need DUNGEb j DALLAS, Tex. — Two pro- I mincnt North Carolina college educators called for a turn from demonstrations to negotiations in the current national unrest I over race relations. They were Dr. Walter Ridley, president of Elizabeth City Tea chers College, and Dr. Josep*i [H Taylor, director of the Noath 5Carolina College Summer School . and chairman of the History De- I partment. • “Tiiere ia no doubt in mind i thct the demonstrations against segregation - have done a great deal-to achieve the goal of equal opportunity for Negroes,” Dr. Ridley said. ‘;But now that the demorstra- tors have stimulated action, we siiould move into a new phase — -negotiations.” Rev. Dungee and ife are Given | farewell Party HENDERSON — The Rev. John ipungec tand his wife weri giy^h d* bon voyage recep tion! at Cotton Memor^l Pres- byt#Man Church here (Wednes day hight as the *oft anqken min^i lstcf*yi'’p4iri*ff to*dlep&r(vfof*'tti#' Holy Land. Rev. Dungee is scheduled, board an airship at Raieigh-Dur- ham airport on Friday afterrioon , for a ITIght to New 'York where he will leave two days later on , a 17 day trip to the Palestine area. > He will be accompanied by his wife. I Rev. Dungee won the trip by virtue of his first place fini.sh i in the CaroIlJia Times second an i nual Mini.sters Vacation Popular ity Contest last spring. Several members of the Col ton Memorial Church are cx- . pected to accompany the Rev. [ and Mrs. Dungee to the Ralcigli- Durham airport to bid them fare well on Friday. His plane is scheduled to take off at 12:10 p. m. The trip will take in stops at such famous European cities as Paris, Rome and Athens. T h« See DUNGEE. 6 A Dr. Taylor concurred in 'Wd- ley’s statement and pointed out that racial demon^iratiorts ^n' Durham^i last Easter in which more thaii l.tfoo pi^fe kr-* rested restilti|d tia. forini|tion ; pi volunteer committee* on racial equality fh^oilghOi^jKJrt)» rolind. . I ‘ I The two mdn Were in Diltksl for the opening of the Ameifcnn‘ Teat'h'.'rs Associaiion. ^ Comnrwhtlng swathe organiza tion. Dr. Ridley sai^ the Negro tcachers association game Into being befpre 1900 because of a thoroughly segregated society. "We hope the time will come,” * he said, “when thene will be no need .of the association.” MARLON BRANDO JOII^ICKETS TERRANCE, Calif.—Actor »lar- Ion Brando joined a CORE hous ing picket line here this week The well-known star has appeared several times at CORE demonstra lions on the West Coast. Also appearing with the more than 125 pickets was actor Perneh Roberts who plays the part of "Ad*m” on the Bonanza TV seriei The picket line was held as • development site where CORE al leges that builder Don Wilson ie. fuses to sell to .Negroes. Wilson has I been approached by CORE for a (rear to get him to change his policy but thus far they have been rebuffed. Arrest Made In Wee liours Police Take Man in Pajamas to Jail The Rev. Chase nc(used to put on any clothes and went to court on July 29 dressed as he was at the twie of his arrest. ‘’Danville i^lice continue to show th^ utter disrespect of human dl^ty when they grab a man from his bed and take him naked to jail,” said Avon Rollins, Executive Committee member of the Student Nonvio lent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In the peaceful demonstration in Danville on July 28, demon- strator* marched In two* to Main Street where they were ar rested and put In waiting po- ]ic« vehicles and t large van 4I I legedly belonging to tlie city I I Public Works Dept. As the 1 Chief of Police threatened to' I have newsmen who had gather-1 ' ed for the announced DDay put ^ In Jail, the defnZ^strators were I charged with violating an in-! junction and an ordinance pass- j I ed earlier to curtail protests. SNCC field secretary John ^ : Robert Zellner was arreted one hour after the demonstration on the same charge although' witnesses stated that ]ie followed , the marches at over 50 yurds Four other SNCC .workers were I arrested for participating in ttm | demonstration, (hrce of them H'hite. ' 1 Newsmen were repeated!^ blocked from viewing the de monstration and CBS and NBC news representatives were shov ed by -police. One cameram.* reported that his knuckles were rapped while he was filming the scene. In other developments, six Negroes, most of them students from Virginia Union University in Richmond, were admitted to the Danville Holiday Ir/i but re fused service. Local SNCC worker Gladys Gil«s r«porlea that 342 Negi((et liave been i>uc- tessfully regisiered^to'vote since July 10. ! .tr.eai cf » Farmvlllp. respited from their at* tempt to wor^p at the Farw- ville BaptlsV'^hutch when tha Board nfeacon. swore out a warrant^^ interrupting aiil dlsturbinf public Worship. Some Negroes w^re successful in wor shipping in .other white church- cs in Fannvllle. T't) e s e Farmville arrests -brougM to a peak the protoat ' activity in Prince Edward Coun I ty whick began after SNCC I workera Ivantioc i>oDaidiion and Kolin StMrruO wutit Uiuro bavof' at d«>a Hgu. 'I'hik i» itie ftrft '“diri^ct Metioii" t « r e a 1981 sciiwl s:rii;w

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