*'l4 THE CAROLINA TIMES ~ -4>UgHAJW, -• SATURDAY, 2-A Outcome of HSw Bett Borrtbing Will te Watched * ■ * We trust the s)£2hiding respectable white people will not,.j£s the daily press to write off the recent Uoflifcajfi or lake Bern. Such eonnnttted against citireftt -fc»r merely eternising the fof fire speech and the light of assembly, d concern liberty and Jjß»- n this co diifrv* "ta Jtke JetiS, we must a& to recOgftiit the in the state that no iii % country so long a? the ftitflom of the htifnblest Hfrn is unsafe. ' ' the sad sta& of af* -w Bern, which >ecame unexpectedly e of the bomb ings, can truthfully H»» sate* to exist* in practi cflK every city of :he South H not in all of iH. Genftaßv spealtiag. the respectable wHjp peopfc, the white church and even the departments, have done Utile or nothi ng in the average city M impress upon the minds of the ignorant whites, like those who usually go to make up t£e Ku Klux Klan, No Segregated YMCA for Duifom Several days ago our attention was called to*'the fact that Durham is the only major city in North Carolina that dos not have a Xjjgro YMCA branch. Because this news- JKWf r reca 'l s that approximately 35 years it opposed, along with the late R. L. Mc- Dongald, efforts on the part of certain influen tial persons of both races, in Durham to establish a segregated YMCA iu this city, we think it only fair to say here and now that we are still opposed to such an idea. (i Certainly YMCA facilities for the Negro jpr#, and boys of Durham are badly needed. We still hold, however, that if they must be had- at the price of encouraging segregation, in what is supposed to be a Christian institu- to'provide a soothing salve for the ' ences those who pretend to believe in of Jesus, that it • » better to be without them forever.- - »- , A Plea ior the Air Fottfe Cadets J • * _ • 4»•»* -J* When you read o? the cadets, 'who haw resigned from the Air Force Academy because bf clasaoom cheating, ym will ««ed to be re minded* hat the line thUt seP4fofc s J'&ht ro * n from bad tfild "SticPss from fail; lire in all bf us is so frail that none of us is* 4ure of himself that «l»e i* able to foretell What, tomorrow may bung iorth. The young men ifi the Air Foffcf, TilTe those at West toint and the Naval Academy, are a select, broup, representing the best the nation has po offer ih young manhood. That they allowed themselves to become entangled in a chesting scandal is indeed regrettable. As regrettable as it is though, it is our hope that some way may bp, found .to giwe each one ! « Bombing and Burning of ttardies I It is hard to understand what passes jhrcjugh miad and; soul of any human being « Jvho is so ttiinus the reverence for rfctiglods buildings woul^l bhurch. If Men acts of revenge aVe the only answer the'white people of Jonesboro, La. }iave to give for efforts Negro citizens have .»s . . - made in their civil rights struggle; may Gad have mercy, on the young white people of ihat city whft must grow up under such influence. i It is harfl to visualize what any white jninister cas say to his congregation on Sun flay morning, or any time thereafter for that flatter, when he climbs "into in au attempt to preach the gospel of jesus Christ. We can only picture him as a hypocrite with 4 long ipioifp face and slobbering out words about the fathrhood ■lomb- of Gpd, 4nd the brotherhood of men—that is white mm- -i 1/ I Well, weiiave news for those of both races frho get the silly notion that - the Fatherhood df God and the brotherhood of mah can be achieved through h&tred and acts of revenge. The path of history is strewn with bleached bones from the carcases of natkyip and indi- ■ viduals who thought qould achieve their ~ f.,; dirty ends" by might and power rather than by the grace of God Who left His new com i raLii . T fetJbSCIUPtION TtATftM - ?m'«)«i«w ft4.M fimr MM* * ?nj. Jikfc. i> : Jp' £; other anti-civil rights grotJps and individuals, that Negro citizens have *hy Hfefcts they ark bound to respect. The mere fact fhfct \%> Ho#tb»Wgs were com " mitted in New fiern is *n indication that somewhere along the line fh6se who 'responsible fof thetn had to believe that they could botrtfe Negro >to'rties,Visinesses and individuals with the ftilt sanction of fbose who belong to the po\f+t Strtictttl* or the lead ing white citizens of vtft city. Now that the Ffel has arrested those respon sible for the bombings, the eVery leading citizen of New Bern, from the mayor, the pastors of tht white chtirtVs and the law enforcement agencies on down will be watched with keen interest. It is our hope that the courts, both federal and state, will have the open and full support of every respectable white citizen of New Bern and Craven coun ' tv. Unless this is done, those responsible for the bombings, and those who sanction theiri,' will resort to other crimes against Negroes that in time is certain to. seap a harvest of violent race relations. Frankly, we arc of the opinion that all of the YMCA-and the YWCA branches in the South should remove the wofd Christian from their names and refer to themselves simply as young men and young women associations. To include the word Christian in their names is downright mockery afid "hypocrisy. It appears to us that recent (demonstrations staged against businesses, churches, schools and other in North Carolina and the remainder of the Sooth, should have in cluded the YMCA's and the YWCA's. These two so-called Christian institutions • are not only practicing segregation, they are encoura ging it. As badly as such facilities are needed for the Negro meh and boys of Durham, we think their self-respect is by far more im portant and that What they ate pacing for it is well worth the sacrifice. g-| of them ianotHer chance. If they are the type of young men the nation Heeds m its milftaty forces, they will iemetgc the stronger becAUffe of their unfortunate e*J>erience instead of surrendering to the stigma that goes with such incidents. So short is life and. so demanding are its problems, even trtider the most favorable cir cumstances, that it is hard to ijrtemiihe what the best of -us might do if placed irt the same position as that of thft cadets at the Air Force Academy. It is in the djiiVit of forgiveness for 98 younjf men, whose Hires are yet in front of them, that we a A that serious thought be given to the idea 6f 'giving th«n another chance. ■ ■ mandment nearly 2,000 year* ago and ad monished all of ub to .tare one another, t So we say to Negroes everywhere, both soung and idd: Uet hate hut let ns love, let them tfesott tb revenge hut let as resort to fprgiverifM, ftt Wert hoWih and burn churches but let. tdj have feveVence for all churches ahd all things pertaining; to the church. If we do this, We canhot lose. Troth is on our side, the. la* U & ;dto side and , those who resort to burning charches will some day be weight in the balances and found wanting. ; , 1 . rI - ' ' •" * THE OWEfeN CROSS INDUSTRY has made s«ch strides fn the study of the cau&s df accidents Mid has ap ' plied Vetnedies wKAt such Vigor ami intelli gence that ft is fkr safe'r hotr to fee kt work in a modern fadftHJr. than "to be at home or on the In the factory, stow:, office building h is the business of sIM Wft ¥t> iMr that Stairways are properly lighted, 'that they have safety rails, t the trtSds 'ai'e solid, that nothing projects either kt the top or on the steps that would trip static one. , i Scalds and burns and falls are the common est causes off scrims fcawuboW accidents. Ways haVe been found to minimize such dan-. gers in factories -frh6fc processes cafl for the use of hot WaftfeVriftfffs/ fcfftosivVs,. For m the & U& movement has I*4 sold mj, ha&. vT, » •' 'P: Nb MATTER how 4XX# We f&AV be in ; #e «w die mistakes oTtfA othir ftsflow. 1 * ■ /S LEADERSHIP'S 'NEW LOOK' " ; ' ' 1 8® 1 > k,K /f^g Bsi if \ V^scm hjx SPIRITUAL INSIGHT By REV harouj ROLAND "Justified through faith, let u» continue a* peace. • Rom. 5:1. Justification, a right relation ship with God gives peace. Deep though will reveal the very prac tical nature of this idea of right relationship with God as a b&Sls of true peace for man. Being right in the sight of God, takes away all disharmony. Having been settled in God there is nq| real reason for discord. Thus tha soUl that is justified finds God' 4 peace, ~Jfue *■ peace, then, is grounded in fellowship with God, Sin, seen in this light, a disruption of fellowship "*ith God. Peace, true peace, then is a gift of Christ, the Prince of peace. Christ, you remember, said to his followers... "My Peace I Give Unto You.." This is the most precious spiritual possession. Christ in thinking of the preciousness of his peace says let not the world take away By WHITNEY M. YOUNG, JR. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN The South could achieve ra cial juStice before the North. If this sounds like a surpris ing or far-fetched declaration, one not supported by the daily reports of unrest and turmoil from that troubled region, I would like to suggest that north erners may be viewing the South from a moral valley, not a moun tain top. Many northerners look down on southern whites because so many of them often refuse to serve Negroes; because many employers pay Negro workers less than white men for perform ing the same labor; because In tegration of the schools is slow •nd voter registration, as in Selma, Ala., is often m«**d by violence and mass arrests. The fact is the South is un dergoing a vast confrontation over civil rights. Long pent-u] > hostilities are flaring into th ij open as Negro citizens challeng ■; the status quo and bitter white i resist. Northerners who "deplore" a i] Alabama sheriff for clubbing colored woman over the heai I because she sought to registe might pohder this: many north emers who secretly harbor pr« judice against Negroes haven' even gotten to the point of ex pressing it yet. The South may be a sick pat lent, racked by fevers and cor ▼visions, but at least it has owr ed up to the fact it is ill and i Undergoing treatment. In man; ways, the North is no better of than the South; its system o ghettoizatjon and segregation I just as deplorable as Dixie's, fen jost as harsh and inhumane. T*ke housing, a field when social scientists like the emi Dent Dr. Karl" Taeuber, of the Uhiversity of Chicago's Popula tion Bt/ti Research Cehter, era # ' Peace, True Peace is a Gift of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace your gift of peace. You know how that little sin robs you of your peace. We do wrong and then fear and anxiety, eat away our peace. Peace, wonderful peace, is a gift of Christ. Then let us ever be on gaurd le'st this precious gift of peace is fritter ed away and we are left in restlessness. Are you -willing to Pay the price of this peace of God? You can have it but it costs some thing. We all long for this peace. Then remember that the path to peace is silhple. The path is lined with daily acts of right living. So its not too dif ficult. You do not have to take righteousness in such big chunks. !All you have to do is just live right only one day at a time. It |s easy anybody can do it. Make up your mind and you are on your way. Anybody can do right for twenty four hours Just fight the battle for TO BE EQUAL measure the extent of segrega tion. In his analysis of census tract data—Dr. Taeuber finds that Spokane, Wash., is as segre gated as Miami, Fla.; that Flint, Mich., is more segregated thin Shreveport, La.; that Chicago is more segregated than Atlanta; that Omaha, toeb., and Birmlrtg ham run neck-in-neck; and thbt Dayton, 0:, beat* out 'Mobile, Ala. by a firetrap. Northerners who habitually heap scorn on Mississippi add Georgia for the fiery crosses that light up the night sky in those uncivilized backwbods Re gions eonvehfentty overtook the charred bodies of families taken out of slum housing—people Who die because suburtla «eys "Keep Out-" and because, to some banks, the slum profit able business. TJ»ey overlook the slu tn schools and the inferior Jobs 1 and the discrimination In, the ;•'trade and all the quiet i .men and tHftnes — "the gentle people bf toil t, night end day behind the scenes i to keep their block or their union ball all-white. They vote down, as "New York State voters did in the last election, bond issues i. for public housing. And they I i cheer the tiemcgdfcaes and hate- I ri peddlers who mask thetr hostil ! ities in bills to "cut tares" by | cutting Welfare allotments and medical cafe, i Northerners have too Jong 'tak en their racial bloodpressirre by l i. fastening the armband around i nthe man down South. Each time 1 /the man In Jacksonville or o*- j' ford, Miss., had a fit they point' j ed to bis aboplexy to ptt>Ve the State of Yhefr trirti Health. I t ''Things are Okky here Wcatrae -N«rfr York is better thfcn ttWr Orleans," they 4*. Btft It ** There bre some people w*»6 find ' nothing to chdori* from between \r/fU. nßrlvlU ■flQ giro. twenty four hours and you have it made. Yes, this is the wqy to daily peaceful living. L«t's give ij a trial. Do you see any evidences of peace around you? What about you and your family? Look at the face of human beings for just one day to see if you can see evidences of the peace of God. What will you find? Vou will find some calm, serene and composed faces. These can be the mirrors of God's abiding peace.. And thep yqu will aee other faces shattered by the dis quieting effects of inenr fears, hates and anxieties. The love of Christ will drive out the peace disrupting inner influences. Jift tified through fiith we may con tinue in (Jbd's peace. Christ of fers you it. Christ the Price of Peace can and #ill give you peaoe for your disturbed and restless ,souls. Yes, the South Is in turmoil. But the sacrifices of its Negro citizens lined up to vote, to pray, to buy a meal, to sit down in a bus depot, to enter a school, are beginning to bear fruit. Integration of the schools are tragically slow—is at least moving in the right direction. And qualified Negroes art nail ing down jobs in the banks ind corporate offices of big southern cities. The South has a long way to go. It has a hard road to travel But when the sheriff of Selnia, Ala. and the city's Public Safety dirrjlor over the mass arrests of Negro citizens who want to votfe, '«• know that opinion Is ~ forming that is favorable to the side Of justice and fair play. We know that the southern monolith is being broken. We know that a * new hope is taking shape and a new prosperity. So it is quite possible that ra cial justice will come to the South before the North. The South will rise again, someday, not in anger or rage, but with the courage to accept the ine vitable, to live'with itself. j . ST. MARK, YOUTH DEPT. OBSERVES YOUTH WEEK The Youth Department of St. Mark AMEZ Church is sponsor ing a week of activities in qbi servance of Youth Week whlcfo is January Si throygh' February 7. St. Mark youth atyng with youth tafm community churches are in ctArgfc of services throughout the entire week. On Sunday,' January JJJ, Jerry Cduhcil ahd Jennifer Durham tervefl as Stoitfiy School superia I ■ - - - I * Last week, a committee of citi zens from Tucson, Arizona, re presented by Robert Choate, in •vlted me to be one of the prin cipal speakers at sessions of the Southwest Conference on Pov erty. They emphasized that they wanted someone who could be depended upon to speak his mind and to discuss frankly such problems as those they face in the region. There are large numbers of Negroes, Ind ians and persons of Spanish de scent who live in ghettos, face job and housing discrimination and many of whom have to take care of families with in comes of less than S2OOO per year. 1 was intrigued by the invi» tation since this area of the country is known as Goldwater country. Arizona was one of the eight states which did not go for Lyndon Johnson and the voice of Goldwater conservatism is still strong there. I was also Intrigued by the fact that, in Goldwater terri tory, I would have the oppor tunity not only to talk about the anti-poverty program as it regards minorities, but also that I would be welcome to say what ever I wanted to say with regard ' to my ideas about the Republican Party and how it regain its pow er, if it wishes to do so. Although I dealt with many Of the bread and butter issues which had been under exami nation during the sessions, I placed heavy stress on what I called the poverty of the Re publican Party. 1 asked the qilestion: "Does the Republican Party need an anti-poverty pro gram?" I think the party does. I think so, I pointed out, be cause, at the convention of the GOP in San Francisco, the Re publican Party, often referred to as "the rich man's party," ex hibited a miserable povei-ty - not a poverty of money or re sources, but the poverty of prin ciple. The embarrassing "weak ness of Mr. Eisenhower, the cyn ical oratory of Mr. Dirksen, the miserable opportunism of Mr. Nixpn, the capitulation of Mr. Scranton - all demonstrated to this country and to the world that the leaders of the party be lieved that the Republicans are too bankrupt that they had to go along with men like Goldwater and Scranton who made no se cret of their contempt for mi norities and for the fundamental principles upon which the party and this nation were founded. I said these things in Tucson and ttie audience, many of whom WtSre Democrats who dont be lieve there is such a thing as a liberal Republican; many of whom were representatives of the minority groups, responded with an approving applause Letter to the Editor Editor Carolina Times Durham, North Carolina Administrative heads of insti tutions, both private and public, generally concur thpt a level of morale is essential to maximum efficiency and per formance. In fact, they deem the two to be susceptible to equation. Vet, in areas vital to the well-being of every citizen, there is presently deep concern for the lack of such morale which threatens the safety and sanctity of private property with in our own environs. This con cern Is currently founded in editorial rumor, and investigation. Recently, I inadvertently dropped a lighted cigarette into h trash can in my home. For tunately, ho meast/rable damage was incurred. However, during the anxious moments between discovering and extinguishing the fire, the thought occurred to me that I might fare better by not Calling the fire protection UHit Assigned to my residential area. For, only the week before, 1 had engaged in conversation With numbers of Station Number I and was shocked to discover tin extremely low Morale Which Jtettila. Vou wfa recall that several weeks ago, some of the men as signed to Station Number 4 were punished for failure to answer a call. While I have no quarrel With that ad Jon, I have an abld- Hit cohceA for the factors which which surprised -'die-:, jfith Its intensity., . I that, ther* wefe a few mtti of last Republican campa}®.?! tioned Ndfson R&tlWller and his fight oto tile copyttlfion floor. The applause whiohjgjieetfed the New Governor's >&irie was thunderous. J paid' tpbute to men like Ken Keating, John Lindsay and Jaqk Javits. As a result of the capture of the Republican Party, fey the Goldwater Conservatives, I point ed out, the Republican Party had awaken on the morning after the election, a political pauper. ' Despite the fact that anyone with common sense would rea lize that the way for the party to become enriched is to turn hack f.om the Goldwater Con servatism path, back to the Prt?" ciples of Mr. Lincoln f Ri) tf» fundamental principles '# are supposed to guide this the conservatives In evfcry stpte are still trying to get ths pMy to go down the blind hUeyg in dicated by the former Seiatyr from Arizona. I warned fhat tfte Negro would not buy this. • as the Negro voter nbcad NUqn, buried Barry, I said, we -,wou|d scrap Scranton and reject Row ney - or any other leader of the Party who insisted that the GOP stand pat, try to jcoort the white South at the expense «f black Americans pf fail to con sider the legitimate aims and de sires of the Negro people. I understand that Mr. Bliss, the new Republican Ntotlonil Chairman, Is a real expert at political strategy. I am glad to see him replace Mr. Birch who was, after all, Mr. Goldwater's tool. However, mindful of thte fact that Mr. Bliss >lndteatel that he would only "accept the chairmanship if Senator Gold water okayed it, and mindful of the fact that there ore st|U some do-or-die Republicans who want to cling to t|ie lciflji Of Itfe gro who will try to iell Martin Luther King down tlio river to try. to get a few extra votes. I told the audience' in TticsOh that, if they believe the Negro Revolution is over, they hive another think coming. The Re publican Party may be willing to wallow in a poverty of princi ple and really commit suicide. The Negro is not. The Negro i» marching up Freedom Road an 4 he will not be stopped. But it would be a shame if we coilM not preserve a two-party system. For in nations where there is no two-party system, minorities* and the nation, are in tfoublp. Maybe we can't expect iTie Re publican Party to havfe a s4nse of history, but we lift ink it might be possible for the GOP to dis play an awareness of current events. > In any #ay constitute the bastt for grievances which reflect themselves in low morale anif,in k ficiency so detrimental to rn welflfelng of our.'commußity (! -1- A lmited investigation, of fkH rise to some tions. ./ ■' r J' A Why is Station Number 4 filMrfi'* aged by • a person holding The rank* of Prtvat* while Ihe otm stations are managed by faint? Are the fruties arttl slbilities the vrae?, Should rift the rank be the Does the pYfejjetrt arrariienftm imply so great a difference in competencies? Are the men bf Station Number 4 without hope of advancement in rank and sat ary? Why wis that "ancient reMc" assigned to Number ♦? Why wai the new truck taken from Num ber 4 and reassign# to another station? Is it true float a depart ment official saja that the toe* of Number 4 how to take care of the equipment? Do the prevailing condition* reflect a new breed oi discrimi nation? I. woMd, not rtfef (ft answer to .thase raBthm s Mr*. Indeed they sorely need tit At tention of oirr City CoondlWaft for the Third Wkfd, n *«tl ilb other City Fathers. Meanwhile, to Whoftt iftkß %e cry should > dwaster fftu u p** us? " ■ Yburs trnty, David w stith, rmmnii Neighborhood Cotttl«* l Hillside Park—

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