Tilings You Should Kaoir 1 tf " 1 nr •" ' r '" T " ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■*■ ■> MTNEHR ... A STOLID WORKER TO IMPROVE 3§nVy'fWM * CONDITIONS FCR FfIEED-MEN y Mfc ~ THRU'SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. FOR YEARS SHE TAUGHT NEGRO './J-iVK ; 6IRLB IN WASHINGTON. D.C.—AND i;. • SHE WAS FOUNDER OF THE FIRST GIRLS SCHOOL OF METHODS IN THAT CITY./ ~ cg/irr,"* / f ' /r * e - - i. I lUK '* 1 . NAACP ATTORNEYS CONTINUING j DRIVE AGAINST CAPITAL PUNISHMENT j " ( ! COUNTY, FIa.—NAACP Defense Fund Attorneys \ continued to press in their nation al, campaign against capital pun 'ishippnt with an appeal for the "I,life of William Benjamin Craig, death row prisbher here, this week ( fqr the rape bf,.a White woman. Jn> an effort to exchange death J for life Legal De ';'iense Fund attorneys entered a motion for a rfedifction of sentence, '"in Craig's behalf, before the Cir 'puit Qourt in Leon County, Flori " tia. The motion was denied. 1 However, Legal Defehsfe Fond ' attorneys, Clark said, "We ' will carry this case to thfc Florida 1 State Suprem* Court and, if neces sary, on to the' t).s. Supreme '' Court to end this abuse of the "Constitution and this senseless ' and cruel waste bf human life." 1 William Craig has been in death row nearly two years. During his '"'trial and firSt appeal, he was by court appointed counsel. Already, the Legal Defense Fund is attempting to save, from the irli IfM GILLETTE I i;. ; f •—] Foamy , ai SHAVING CREAM S.H m 7 qe ill' I «i. - SUPER-SATURATES rm , YfIUR BEARD! ■t't™ . u! =* 1 I"'- __ "" "" ' 10 "' M ' . £ FIFTH *ZAO PINT Li ', " « .. --, •' / • .' - '■ ■ M I W 80 PROOF ♦ ** .J '' ; MfMAMbeMftLfealltfte#,MMrratt,com. i t -. 4 ~ ' ' * * _ "• '-• - 4 • electric chair, two other Florida Negroes, Jerry Chatman and Rob ert Shuler. They, too, were tried and convicted of raping a white woman. The attorney's • motion for re duction. of sentence 'from death to life imprisonment for Craig, Chalman and Shuler are based on the same points of law—alleged "illegal imposition of a sentence." They base their argument on th'esfe points: • The death sentence is illegal ahd void in that it constitutes cruet ahd unsual punishment in violation of the Bth and 14th Ctohstittitional Amendments. • Thp confusion of having a jury decide both the guilt of the defendants and the punishment is denial of due process of law. • The fact that many more Ne groes are executed for rape than white. Particularly, when a Negro male is convicted of raping a white female. After a thorough study of the number of Negroes put to death for rape in Florida and the rela tionship between whites executed for the same crime, Legal Defense Fund Director-Counsel Jack Green berg stated: "At every point in the judicial process—from the arresting offi cer to those who might commute the death sentence—Negroes are more likely tb receive harsh treatment. Competent counsel is often unavailable, juries are often all white. At every juncture where justice is secured, or tempered with mercy, the Negro defendant is at a disadvantage. There are good grounds, indeed, for assert ing that in some cases the death penally for rape is a modern sub stitute for the lynch mob." Greenberg, along with Legal De fense Fund Attorneys Tobias Si mon, Howard W. Dixon and Mau rice Rosen, all of Miami, and Clark, New York City, are hand ling the appeals of Craig, Chat man and Shuler. Apple Juice Said To Be the Best For Baby Feeding WASHINGTON, D C. A two year study of the effects of apple juice in the feeding of babies, as reported in the Virginia Medical Mwithly, established for the two doctors conducting the sttidy that apple juice wns more readily ac cepted and tolerated by the babies than citrus juice, and with bene ficial results. This is especially significant since Vitamin C, es sential to growth processes and vital in Infant feeding is now easily available (In apple juiefe) to the babies who cannot tolerate juice. The study was conducted on 379 private patients born in the Win chester, Va. Memorial Hospital, who came under the care of Drs. William G, Way and Joseph M. Damron, between January 1960 and January 19(52. Both full term and premature infants were in cluded. Little has been written or stud ied previously on the acceptance or tolerance of citrus juices by in fants in their first weeks of life. The study conducted by these Board Certified Pediatricians was an attempt to comapre various ob servations in two groups of in fants. The first group received "in fant prepared" citrus juice (orange juice) and the second group re ceived "infant prepared" non-ci trus juice (apple juice). 379 BABIES STUDIED The compilation data from this two-year study shows that the babies fed apple juice exhibited significantly fewer disorders than tire Infants fed orange juice. As further evidence of the dependent relationship between the type of juice taken and the physical con dition of the infant, one compila tion of statistics demonstrated the rate of occurrence of the disor ders among infants fed first orie type of juice and then the other. In every case the number of dis orders observed while the baby was on apple juice was less. In the case of "rash" and "colic" the difference wis sufficient to meet Ihe definition of "significant." This was also true of all disor ders taken as a group. The conclusions drawn, from the statistical study on the observa tions satisfied Drs. Way and Dam ron that apple juice was more readily accepted by the Infants than citrus juice. In addition^ VSGiLLETTE I W SLIM-ADJUSTABLE I RAZOR SET s l— COMPUTi WITH . | OILIiTTI STAINLESS I I STfkt llAOlt. 1 ittlkMiMOd! I i'j f ! . '• X .... i. I [| w - #V; . . ; \j • : .j. ACLU Calls lor Care In j Naming of Appeal; Court Judge «r ■ ■ NEW YORK The American fjv'l Tibpi'Vs Union called on President Johnson rPC'ntly to fill j two vacancies in a key federal eonrt with judges who are capa ble of enforcing the law fa'rly j an ' are "fully committed to the " M ititutional doctrine that all 'tvens are entitled to equal treat-, ment regardless of race." The civil liberties group releas-1 ed a letter sent to the President urging tliat sprcial care be given to pend'ng appointments for posi- on the U. S. Court of Ap Deals (or th a Fifth Circuit. Judge, Ben Cameron died last year and JudSP Joseph C. Huteljeson, Jr.,, resigned. The ACLU said it war, not departing from its traditional j non-partisan position of supporting: or opposing particular candidates or prospective appointments, but said "it (is) proper in view of the singular role of the Fifth Circuit, to offer our views r ,on the manner of filling these vacancies." The letter was signed by Ernest An gell, chairman of the ACLU Board of Directors; Edward J. Ennis and Osmpnd K. Fraenkel, general counsel; and John de J. Pember ton, Jr., executive director. The ACLU pointed out that the federal courts in the South play a critical role in the expanding ef forts to achieve racial justice un der la\y, and that in several cases ther eare federal district judges in the Fifth Circuit (covering Ala bama, Florida, Georgia, Mississip pi, Louisiana and Texas) '-A-hose acknowledged hostility to the laws they are bound to enforce has deeply corroded the quality of local justice. It has been the Fifth Circuit's burdsn, in case after case, formally to correct the recorded those infants fed apple juice ex hibited less disorders of rash, colic, excessive flatus, change in stools, and spitting, than those who received the citrus juice. • ■Do's And Don is THAT"-; T«e YOU CAN ENJOY THE JOKE, WITHOUT DISTURBING OTHERS WAYsrr Money: (gAVE IT tfPjSMQWiT „ IT £ — fit WIN IT ' IT / ' ' laytodr am acquire tnoney •«- T ft* mdc Is to love some. . Regular amount! put Into yonr Barings account gives [ year account a tWMfqr boort. Aa the balance goetj *m the interest yw urn y «p mmmnrtwOiy. ' » .! flf Start taring mi earnfaf today. V. ifUi Mechanics & Farmers Bank (toil Itf W. PARRISH ST. *}s FAYETTEVILLE 81! j»a / V . J- . • - ■ ' ♦ » tJJ V.*» t if ** by these district i;i .iV'i ; { jftya!ili".hod principles of federal ' a ''r •T' „ H'liilf-n i-; !*>ni n ! •(.'] hy the pr..;ence rr the Fifth Circuit,'• j 'ln> A''!.l' o some judges for' vd pinion , rr recorded r>'V it 1 •i lli«v ,ve not I '.lwfpe'v#. ; fully roinniilled to the' | doctrine that ail j I a' " entitl d to equal treat -1 ' regardless of i ace. li is es-j '-iajfty therefore, that the law not I tVi\v:.rt"d bv the ;nv | """nf'n'Mit of men to I'-e Fifth i \v'io :i-> ipeanahl: of en the law fniily by reason personal determination to frustrate the application i f prin | wlVch ••••'" by now thorough ly V-,tablishe«l Although faith in the rule of law still strongly held through the country, the ACLU informed the Piesident, "the action of such jud'/es does weaken tiiat faith and thereby encourages breach of law on the part of all who ;ire involv ed in both promoting and resist ing equal treatment. The nation must now be reassured that any lower court departure from estab lished constitutional and statutory principle will not be allowed to ttand unrebuked on appeal. "We are aware that '.h- trad'- tion of senatorial perogativo will create difficulties in the appoint nvit of judges in the FTfIK Cir cuit. hut We li'-ge tiiat you resist this tradition—to the point of its abandonment if need be—in order to re I 'nforce the justly acclaimed integrity of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit." j . ( | STILL IMPROVING Friends and relatives of M>s. Mary Neal are ahppy to know that she is still imprt vine from iier recent illness. M, Neal h at i home with her soli and ■ in-U.-.v, Mr. and Mrs. Josjpli Neal, 512 Todd St. Jfc AS c t td A iWfli SATURDAY, MARCH 6, IV6S DURHAM W I J ON TV THIS WEEK VVTV D -Ihan.**! M SATURDAY MAPCH * e -»n tr, t City of Junele 7::«) Jet.sons K.ou Mister Mayor trni) '(Vnn. Tine do 9 30 Hee. IlPathcote 10:00 Quick Draw 10:30 Mighty Mouse 11:1)0 Linus The Lion 11 UO Fury 12:00 Sky King p> *»| fiMW'J 1:00 Wild Kingdon 1 ~io Jungi 'ineater 2 4 r Sportsview 3 00 The Hollow Crown 4 00 CBS Goi; 5:00 Big Three Golf 0:00 Flipper , 6:30 Wait Disney 7:30 Jackie Gleason 8:30 Gilligau's Isle 9:00 Man From UNCLE 10:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 Three Star Final 11:30 Country Style SUNDAY, MARCH 7 6:30 Sunrise Semester T 7:00 Tarheei Gardener 7:30 Bob Poole 8:30 Gospel Jubilee 9:30 Movie —Caine Mutiny 11:00 Camera 111 11 -30 Expl'/iin," 12:30 Face the Nation 1:00 Amateur liour 1:30 NBC Sports 2:30 CBS Sports I 4.00 Profiles in Courage 5:00 The Kestlfcss Sea 6:00 Twentieth C.-ntur" 6:30 Mister Ed 7:00 Lassie 7:30 My Favorite Martian 8:00 Ed Sullivan 9:00 Bonanza 10:00 Candid Camera | 10:30 What's My Lir.e | 11:00 CBS News ' | 11:15 Spectacular Sh -':ase MCMDAV, MA.7C:: 3 6:00 Sunrise Semesler 0:30 Channel 11 Morning Sh./.v 7 ut) Jamboree 7:5J News 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 9:30 Match Game 30.00 CBS News 10:30 1 Love Lucy 11:00 Concentration 11:30 Jeopardy 12:00 Love o 1 (..fe 12:25 CBS NEWS 12:30 Search iur Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Ugnt 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As Vi'i rid Turns I 2.00 Password 2.J0 ituuse Party .100 Anot.ier World 3:30 KJtie of Night 4.00 Secret Storin 4:30 Make A Deal 5:00 oyd 'lha>:lon tj.Oo news an I Weather 6:30 ÜBS Ne\vs 7 00 tlaiei 7..J0 Dl-. kd 'are B:3b Andy Cliittith 9:00 Lucy 9:30 Happy Returns 10:00 All red Hitchcock 11:00 lltli Hour Report 11.30 The "nttiiglTV Show TUESDAY, MARCH 9 6:00 Sunrise Semester 0:30 Channel 11 Morning S+iow 7:55 News 8:00 Capt. ICangareo . 9:00 Cartoon Shop 9:30 Match Game 10:00 CBS New., 10:30 1 Love Lucy 11:00 Concentration 11:30 Jeopardy 12:00 Love of Life _ , / 12:25 CBS News 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As World Turns 2:00 Password 2:30 House Party 3:00 Another World 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Secret Storm 4:30 Make A Deal 5:00 Lloyd Thaxton 6:00 Elliot and News 6:30 CBS News 7:00 Munsters 7:30 Mr. Novak 8:30 Red Skelton 9:30 Petticoat Junction 10:00 Hullabaloo 11:00 News Wea/Sports 11:30 The Tonight Show WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 6:00 Sunrise Semester 6:30 Channel 11 Morning Show 7:55 News 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 9:30 Match Game '' 10:00 CBS News 10:30 I Love Lucy 11:00 Concentration 11:30 Jeopardy 12:00 Love of Life 12:35 CBS Ne*s 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As World -Turns 2;00 Passwdrd 2:30 House Party 3:00 Another World 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Secret Slorm 4:30 Make A Deal 5:00 Lloyd Thaxton 6:00 Elliott 6no News 6:30 CBS Newo 7.00 Virginian 8:30 Hillbillies 9:0 Dick Van Dyke 9:30 Cara WlUiains i— -10:00 Danny JjCaye 11:00 News/W«a/Sport! 11:30 Tonight Show' THURSDAY, MARCH 11 6:00 Sunrise Semester 6:30 Morning Show 7:55 News . ' 8:60 Capt. KapttttttL 8:00 Cartoon Shop r IK (;30 Mttd GI&S mtL t*** * • • r ?o ninncr Hour News 1000 CP.S Npws 'f»-:in I i.ovp Lu*v ' t ml Coni-en'ration 11 3ft '■'•no I.OVP of Life I?■ ? r i CBS News 1? 3ft Sp'ifh for "Tomorrow 12 45 Lieht t 00 Pef>rv M»r>n I 'tn As Worltl Toms ' °ftft Password ' "ft Hopsp Partv I ftft \VnrM 3:30 Erttfp nf Nirht 4»ft Sp«tp( Storm 4 lift. Malf c A TIP:' ' 5 lift L'ovrt Thaxton C OO F/'Kott and News G3O CBS News 7-ftft Daniel Boone r oo Pi»rrv Masnr. 9:00 The Rogues 10 00 Opfendnrs 11:00 11th Hoir 11:30 Tonight Show FRIDAY, MARCK 12 6:30 Morning Show 7:55 News 8 ()T> Capt. Karsaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 9:30 Match Game 10:00 CBS News 10:30 I Love Lucy 11:00 Concentration 1:30 Jeopardy 12:00 Love of Life 12:25 CB" News 12:30 Search fo'- Tomorrrw 12:45 Guiding Light 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As World Turn* 2:00 Password 2:30 House Party | 3:00 Another World 3:31 Edge of Night 4:00 Secret Storm 4:30 Make A Deal 5:00 Lloyd Thaxton 0:00 Elliott aiu News 6:30 CBS News 7:00 Bifleman 7:30 Rawhide 8:30 Hope Theatre 9:30 Gomer Pj'le 10:00 Slattery 11:00 News/Wea/Sports WRAL Channel 5 SATURDAY, MARCH 6 7:00 Bomba. Jungle Boy B.OU Theater 9 30 Discovery 10:00 Sltqn.Hgans 10:30 Annie Oakley ll:O0 Caspei Cartoon Stow 11:30 Porkey Pig 12:00 The B'tiTii fc.mny Bhov 12:30 Hoppity Hoflptr 1:00 American Bandstand 2:00 Teenage Frolics 2:30 Shell's Wonderful World 3:30 Pro Bowlers Tour 5:00 Championshm Wrestling 6:00 Grand Ole Opery 30 The Wilburn Brothers ":00 Porter Wagoner Showf 7:30 The Ling Family 8:30 The Lawrence Welk tflie* '• *3O Hollywood . alace J:3O The Harvesters 11:00 ABC N'PWs 11:15 Datelihe 11:30 Movie of the Week SUNDAY, MARCH 7 7:30 The Big Picture 8:00 Musical Medrtatans 815 'ine Christophers 8:30 This Is The Lite 9:J) T\ Gospel Time 9:30 The Builwinkle Show - 10:00 Lone Ranger 10:30 Beany and Cecil 11:00 Light Unto My Path 12:00 FDR 12:30 Oral Robrrts 1:0j Church of our Fathers I:3C The Circuit Rider 2:00 NBA Basketball 4:00 Nationwide Bowling . 5:00 Wide World of Sports 6:30 Johnny Qtiept My-Three ,S)nn k *, 7:30 Skating CliaYhpifinsmfS \\i-r 8.-90 Broadside 1 i i 11:00 ABS New:- 11:15 ABC Scope 11:45 Keyhole MONDAY, MARCH B 6:15 Aspect 6:45 Ray Wilkin.-? 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 Feeme Fare 10:00 Time For Uncle Paul 10:30 Trailmaster 11:30 The Price Is Right 12:00 High Noon News 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Tenn. Ernie 1:30 The Donna Reed Shcrtr 2:00 Flame In The Wind 2:30 The Doctors 3:00 General Hosbltal x 3:30 The YoUng Marrmls 4:OC The Early Show A 6:00 Dateline \ \ 6:20 Ron Cochran NPr/i \ 6:35 Dateline-Viewpoint \ 6:40 Dateline-Weather 6:45 Dateline-Reeve 7:00 Donna Reed '/:30 Voya»s At The Bottom of The Sea 8:30 No Time For Sergeants 9:00 Wendy And Me 9:30 The bing Crosby Show 10:00 Ben Casey II 00 Dateline, Sports, Weather 11:30 The Les Crane Slow TUESDAY, MARCH 9 6; 15 Aspect 6:45 Ray Wilkinson-Farm News 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Today Con't 9:00 Fern me Fare with Bette Elliott and Jack LaLanne 10:00 Tltne For Uncle Paul 10:30 Trailmaster 11:30 The Price Is Right 1£:90 fitch Noen New* 11 53 Fitter knows Best _ i-no Tenn. Ernie • • -n I :U0 The Donna Reed ShoMr 2.C0 £lar.9 In The WM J. "**" -... "ictors l;W Sisusttti . j 3 30 TI.P Voting "'irni'da 4 tm Fnrlv Show f "(5 D.iti'linp Viowpotnt 6 4ft Dctphno Atlantic A'eath .r »f4* DntHine-HPPV -7 fto Honeynooners « 7 3ft Com ha' ft 3ft MrHaloV Nav> « ftp 'Hie Tycoon 9 30 Peyton Placp 14) 00 The Fußitive » 11 00 Dateline, SporTs , Weather 11:30 TV Les Crane . how ' WTDNCSDAY, MARCH 10 t 6:15 Aspect t fi 45 Rny WiSUfnsor 7 00 Today 7:25 Vewpoint 7:30 Today 9 00 Frinmp Farp 10:00 Time F->r Uncle 1 aul 10:30 Trailmaster 11:30 The Price Is Right 12:00 High Noon News , 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Hello Pea Pickers 1:30 The Donna Reed Shov 2:00 Flame In The Wind 2:30 The Doctors 3:00 General Hospital 3:30 The Young Married* 4:00 Earl Shew 6:00 Dateline 6:20 Ron Cochran News 6:35 Dateline-Viewpoint > 6:40 Dateline-Weather 6:45 Dateline Reeve 7:00 Dpath Valley Days 7:30 Adventures of Ozzie and 1 t, Harriet 1 8:00 The Patty Drke Show j 8:30 Maverick 9:30 The-Grand Award of Spofts 10:30 Branded 11:00 Dateline 11:30 The Les Crane S^ow THURSDAY, MARCH 11 6:15 Aspect 6.45 Rav Wiik.naon 7:00 Todar '' 7:25 Viewpoint 7:30 Todny 900 Femmo Far* , ( 10:00 Time For tlncle Paul 10:30 Trai.master 11:30 The Price is Right I 12:00 Hieh Noon News t 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Tenn. Ernie 1:30 The Donna Reed Show 2:00 Flame In The Wind ' > 2:3 ft Thp Doctors I 3:00 General Hospital , 3:30 The Youne Marrteds 4:00 The Earl Shtrjv 6:00 Dateline 6:20 Dinner Hour News 6:35 Dateline-Viewpoint A 6:40 Dateline Atlantic Weather, 6:45 Dateline-Reeve 5 7:00 Thursday Nite Movie ■' 9:00 Bewitched u 9:30 Peyton Place ,i 10:00 Jimmy Dean Show . . , 11:00 Dateline, Sports, Weather I 11:30 The Les Crat.e Sho'v ' FRIDAY, MARCH 11 J 6:15 A.;pec T | 6:45 Farm Repur ! 7:00 Today 7:25 Viewpoint >■/ 7:30 Today 9:oft Femme Fare 10:00 Timp For Uncle Paul 10:30 Trailmaster , 11:30 The Price is Right 12:00 High Noon News 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Tenn. Ernie 1:30 The Donna Reed Show 2:00 Flcme In The Wind 2.30 The Doctors 3:00 General Hospital 3:30 The Young Nlarrieds 4:00 The Early Show 6:00 Dateline 6:20 Dinner Hour New: 6:35 Viewpoint 6:40 Dateline-Weather 0.45 Dateline-Reeve 7:00 Arthur Smith 7:30 The Flintstones (color) 8:00 The Farmer's Daughter 8:30 The Ad/iams Family .i Vateirtine's i ■5, Call Mr.'-- DiapldEti'd flO:00 12 O'clock High 11:00 Dateline, Sports, Weather' 11:30 Starlight Theatre » "I used to cryforno reason at all" One of the fir3t "change-of-life" danger signals No wonder a woman feels like cry'ng! The suffocating surge of hot flashes one minute; cold, clammy perspiration the next can make a woman wonder "What's come over mel" Change-of-life panic sets nerves on edge, fills her with fear! Proven help! Woman aftfr woman in doctors' testa got remarkable relief from hot flashes, nervous tensions! Some women worry themselves sick"; some women do some* thing «bout awesome change oi-liie symptums. Thousands have 'found that LydiaTii. Pinkham Tablets helped them ms dramatically, as quickly* as 1 ' this gentle medication.. Ms helped other women. a new, johnny-come-lately rem edy, but a tried and trusted "friend"...to relievo func tional mid-life relieve woman's burden of suf fering! Get Lydia E. Pinkham Ushleta today. ■j»nn u——w—■■a—o 5B