—IBB MMUM* TIMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, IMB 2-A The Right lo Vote Bill by voting in all election!. Negro citi in this issue of the Carolina Times, or soon thereafter, the voting rights bill, jost passed by the Senate and sent to President Johnson for his signa ture, will be the law of the land. The bill assures all citizen of this country the right to vote without regard to race, creed or color. Therefore, it is possible, the first time in the nation's history, for Negro citizens in the deep South states to have a part in the election of the type of person who will hold public office. Because of the far-reaching effect the measure can have in determining the kind of persons who will hold public office in the future, it behooves every Negro citizen to take advantage of the opportunity by registering as soon as possible and following thru by voting in all elections. The re cording of a massive number of re gistrants and taking an active part by voting in all election Negro citi zens can best show their appreciation to President Johnson for passage of the voting rights measure. Because Negro teachers and minis ters, by virtue of their professions, cannot escape positions of leadership in their respective localities, we call upon them to shoulder the majcfr re sponsibility of arousing N/egroes to register and vote. By so doing, they will not only render a service to their own race but to the nation as a whole. In North Carolina, there are apjioxi- Proposed School for Halifax County R(*j»orts to the effect that, in order to continue segregated schools, a group of white |M.-rsons in Enfield, are planning to file |*ipers in Raleigh for the incorjjoration of a private school will evoke no surprise for any one who has lived for any length of time in Halifax County. With the pos sible exception of Roanoke Rapids, race relations in Halifax County are al>out the |>oomit in the entire state. Especially is this true of Enfield where for the last half century or more the white jieople of the town have not yet learned that the only way they can keep Negroes in the ditch is to stay in there with them. One has to live in Enfield to realize that such vicious and ignorant white people, still exist in North Carolina. In short a majority of Halifax Coun ty more resemble* a back wood's sec tion of M ississippi than a county of a state, that is supi>osed to be among the most enlightened in the. .South. As a The FBI and the UNC Slaying Kvery resectable citizen in this country recoils at and abhors crime, whatever the tyi>e or cause. The hor riahle slaying of a cocl at the Univer sity of North Carolina, along with the slaying of two coeds at Austin, Texas, are two most regrettable Crimea in that they cut off lives of three pro mising young people who were in the process of equipping themselves to better serve their fellowmen by ob taining an education. Whatever the racial identity of those, responsible for these three un timely deaths, it it our hope that they will soon be brought to justice. We urge the law enforcement agencies and those living in the vicinity of the crimes to spare no effort or money Crime in North Carolina The report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that crime in Nofrth Carolina showed an increase in 1964 over that of 1963 should cause a dis tressful feeling of evety respectable citizen in the state. We suspect that along with the increase in Crime in this state, that a correct report would dis close that during the year 1964, the people of North Carolina made a com parable increase in money appropriated for education and money donated for churches and other religious institu tions. There is something basically wrong with any social order that continues to register an increase in the most sordid Crimes the people commit in the face of the erection of more and bigger church structures and schools and more and bigger contributions to those same institutions. One is compelled to inqufre if there is ever to be a turning point and if the church is going to wield a-greater or lesser influence in the realization of such a goal. We think the rise in the horrible mately 15,000 Negro teachers and nearly 10,000 Negro ministers. The l>pth together constitute probably the largest storehouse of intelligence to be found within the race as a whole m the entire state. By becoming the leaders in a massive register and vote campaign, they will not only help bring freedom to Negroes in this state but those in states like Mississippi. Alabama and Louisiana. In an address to some 300 principals and supervisors here last Friday, E. B. Palmer, Executive Secretary of the North Carolina Teachers Association stated that displacement of Xegro teachers in this state as a result of the Civil Rights /Vet of 1964 "has pre sented itself as the worst in the na tion." What Palmer did not say, how ever, is that in the ballot, the Negro teacher has a sure, and effective wea pon at his disposal whereby he can de fend himself against reprisals that are now being inflicted on him if he will only use it properly. Again, we urge our teachers and our ministers to take the lead in arousing Negroes in this state to exercise, their citizenship rights by making use of the new power placed into their hands by the Negro voting rights bill. By so doing, they will not only place their people, in a position to preserve their freedom in this state but every other southern state, where the ballot has, heretofore, been denied them. result of such downright meaness and ignorance there is practically no sem blance of a line of communication be tween the few intelligent white people of Enfield and its majority Negro population. What the members of the white group in Enfield need to know is that segregation as a way of life is a dead duck and that any program that trains white or Negro children to fit into a segregated pattern if only training them to be a misfit in the kind of world they are going to have to live in. It thus appears that it will be the white children who attend the pro l>osed segregated school who will be losers and not the Negro children who by training and experience in an integrated educational set-up will be prepared to fit into the social order tomorrow in which all men will be judged by their ability instead of the color of their skin. in the. search now being made to bring to justice lx>th the slayers of the co eds at Cha|>el Hill and those of Aus tin, Texas. In the case at UNC. it is hard to understand why there should be. any further delay in calling on the Fede ral Bureau of Investigation to assist in the hunt for the slayer. After more than a week of fruitless effort of local and state authorities, we think it is time to call in the Fill or any other agency that might'help in the case. It is our feeling that further delay in seeking federal aid only adds to the difficulty if and \Yhen the FRT is eventually called on to assist in the hunt for the killer. crimes committed by persons in this state present sa challenge to the chutch, educational institutions and other organizations operated for the elevation of mankind. We, also, think the time has arrived for both our re ligious and educational institutions to do a Vestudy of their efforts to deter mine how they can help to halt the increase of horrible crimes in this state presents a challenge to the missing the boat, when in spite of the millions invested in churches and schools, crimes of the most sordid* type continue to increase. The husband who doesn't tell his wife everything probably reasons that what she doesn't know won't hurt him. More and more these days I find myself pondering on how to recon cile my net income with my gross habits. ~ One of the pleasures of age is look ing back at the people one didn't mar ry- TRYING TO MAKE AMERICA TRULY* FREE ■n >. / JKA4 e HB^y r / *VCWf ARE MORE W HOPELESSLY EN— V y yjSF SLAVED THAN THOSEI /- /^W" WHO FALSELY BE- I UEVE THEY ABE ft - / Jk A. f\ %; /=»££.* ft v i f : tot rue 9j 1 flrjl • FCFC* TB JWI HBERL SPIRITUAL INSIGHT "TH. apirit h life HMH." Rom. 1:10 The spirit of God is indeed life with its true meaning and beauty. The spirit quickens, en riches, heals, reclaims and raises life to its most sublime level. And what can life really be without this spiritual dimen sion? life is indeed empty and meaningless without the magic touch of God's spirit. The ulti mate conclusion is that the spirit is life itself. Life is a shameful, inade quate substitute without God the spiritual ground of all be ing. Who can ponder seriously the deep mysterious meaning of life without concluding that the Spirit is life. Some interpret life apart from God and the spirit. What is life without God. What can life really be without God as the ultimate ground of being. What about an Alpha and an Omega? It seems that a rational being tak ing a look at the vast wonders of the creation must conclude that God is. The Bible does this "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Only God can be the answer to the How, The Why and the Where of the Wonders of the FACTS Th"J NEGRO S^skkswFHS Tm+l - l Efca^J ImKsUB 62 NO REGIMENTUNITEDSTATES COLORED INFANTT?/ RREP | THE LAST SHOT IN THE CIVIL WAR AT PSBfIWNSWIIE,TEXAS, MAY 13,186- - Life is Empty and Meaningless Without the Touch of God's Spirit Creation. The spirit is life— and God is the ultimate ground and cause of all things. Life falls flat on its face with out the vital power of the Spirit. The spirit, therefore, must be the key that unlocks the deep mysteries of the universe. The creation was in the beginning, and must forever remain a dark meaningless void, without the life-giving power of the spirit. The spirit gives meaning to the infinite vastness of the universe. And the same spirit gives meaning to the sin-marred, wretchedness of the life of a man. It was when God breathed upon man in his spirit's power that man become somebody—the master piece of the creation. God. the spirit, gave meaning and dig nity to the being and the life of man. In fact God breathed on man and he became a "Living Soul." Truly, the spirit is life. It is through the spirit that life comes from God and re turns to God in the blessedness of a joyous celestial realm. What a joy to know that we through the spirit can come back to God. Yes, the spirit re deems and brings us back to God. It prepares us to share in By REV. HAROLD ROLAND an eternal life with God. The spirit is life. The spirit is life abundant. And above all the spirit is the hope of life with God in Heaven. Then to really have life in its true meaning and dimen sion we must rest our souls finally in God the creator, God the redeemer and God the Holy Spirit. -Finals (Continued from Front Page) Wilhelminia Garner, Mrs. Clau. dette Hardaway, Mrs. Carrie Harrison, Mrs. I. H. Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hudson, Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Judson King, Miss Cynthia Purnell, Jettie Purnell, Mrs. Mable Rogers, Mrs. Pattie Tay lor, Mr. and Mrs. John R." Til lery, John Turner, and Rev. and Mrs. Spencer Williams. The sponsors of this school, believing that it has signifi cance for the whole community, are extending a general invita tion to any interested citizens who may wish to attend the Thursday evening program. «ltga«Sfo»g»f Published every Saturday at Durham, N. C. by United Publisher*, Inc. L. E. AUSTIN, Publisher Second Claw Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. 27702 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 per year plus (12c tax in N. C. (any where in the U.S., and Canada and to service men Overseas; Foreign, $7.30 per year, Sin gle copy 19c. Principal Office Located at 438 E. Pettigrew Street, Durham, North Carolina -Convocation (Continued from Front Page) nesday program during a mini sterial breakfast, and 10:30 a.m. the keynote worship service will be held and will be addressed by the Rev. S. S. Morris, Jr.. pastor of Choppin AME Church, Chicago. Among other speakers dur ing the convocation will be the Rev. Philip R. Cousin, presi dent of Kittrell Junior College; Albert Miller, youth president, and the Rev. H. J. Mattison. -Elks (Continued from Front Page) units, seven Drum and Bugle Corps, four floats and 90 cars. By contrast, this year's Pa rade will consist of approxi mately 6 divisions, comprising 36 brigades, with 270 units, 21 Drum and Bugle Corps, 12 floats and 270 cars. Prizes -will be awarded to top units in the following catego ries: Best Drilled Junior Herd,. Largest Junior Daughter Group, Largest Juvenile Group, Best Dressed Drill Patrol, Largest Drill Patrol, March Unit Travel ing Greatest Distance, Best Pur ple Cross Unit, Best Drum Ma jor, Best Uniformed Drum Ma jor, Best Junior Drum Major, Best Decorated Automobile, Most Artistic Float, Best De partmental Float, Best Decorat ed Float, Winner Beauty and Talent Contest, 2nd Place Beau ty and Talent Winner, 3rd Place Beauty and Talent Win ner. Ernest M. Thomas Sr. is Chairman of Awards. -President (Continued from Front Page) EEOC programs. Vice President Hubert Hum phrey will open the conference, welcoming the conferees at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 19. Chairman Roosevelt will intro duce the EEOC Commissioners and state the objectives of the meeting. The conference will consist of seven workshop sessions, followed on Friday, August 20, by a two-hour report session presided over by Roosevelt and concluding with a 4:00 p.m. press conference. -Registrars (Continued from Front Page) contacted in Mobile County in structions on registration pro cedures. Miss Simmons said, one of the most disheartening episodes in the Alabama campaign was experienced by NAACP work ers in Augusta, where 100 eli gible Negro citizens refused to register for fear of losing their jobs. Mississippi River Boat in New York by GAILE DUGAS, CFN Women's Editor When Mark Twain was in India at the age of sixty, he said: "All the me that is in me is in a little Missouri village on the other side of the globe." He was referring, of course, to the sleepy little town of Hannibal, the home of the immortal Tom and Huck, where Twain himself spent his youth. Today, some thing of the spirit of Mark A Twain lingers on 'I in New York, a city he loved and one in which he lived and" wrote LI for a time. A i, . iilL. r plaque marks a sMWIBfI-F house in Green "SOPRL wich Village which was once his home and, on the ground floor of the Em pire State Building, there is a unique restaurant where Sam Clemens would feel quite at home. The Mark Twain Riverboat restaurant catches the eye from the street since the pad dle wheels (from Mississippi River steamboats such as Twain piloted) are clearly vis ible. The main floor recreates the plush dining salon and gaming rooms typical of the old Mississippi riverboata. Below deck, there is dancing nightly to a riverboat band on what is known as the Prome nade Deck. Around the room are sections commemorizing periods of the life of Mark Twain. They include the ornate San Francisco room with its red velvet walls, huge mirrors and ship figureheads. For Sam Clemens worked as a newspa perman in San Francisco. Next is the New Orleans Room decorated with posters of minstrel shows and tne Mis sissippi River Ix>unge with a mural depicting' a half-dozen sidewheelers coursing down the broad river. Teachers In Joint Session In Swansboro SWANSBORO "Free to Teach" is the theme of the 12th Annual NCTA-NEA Joint Lead ership Conference to be held August 12-15, at Hammocks Beach in Swansboro. The keynote speaker for the occasion will be Samuel B. Eth ridge, assistant secretary for Field Services, Professional Rights and Responsibilities Commission, NEA. Ethridge will address Classroom Teach ers at their planning conference on Thursday, August 12, at 2:15 p.m. and on Friday, August 13, at 10:00 A.M. Topic for the first general session is "The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Teacher Wel fare." The Second General Session will begin at 2:30 P.M. Friday. A panel discussion on "Oppor tunity for Responsibility" will take place and ■will include the following panelists: Attorney Derrick Bell, NAACP Legal De fense Fund, New York; Attor ney Julius Levonne Chambers, Manior Thorpe, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Department of Labor—Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Carol J. Hobson, Special ist, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D. C. E. B. Pal mer, executive secretary, NCTA will moderate the panel. The Tiird C?ncr?l Session ii scheduled to it 7:00 P.M. Friday night. The featured ad dress will be given by Dr. Tins ley L. Spraggins, assistant spe cialist, Technical Assistance Branch Equal Opportunities Program U. S. Office of Educa tion, Washington, D. C. This will be followed by: Classroom Teachers Meet Administrators and Supervisors. Saturday, August 14, the 14th General Session Will get under way at 9:00 a.m. and the dis cussions will center around "Areas of State and Local Asso ciation Responsibility and Ser vice—An Over View." Discus sions and plans -will be focused on Merger and Teacher Dis missals. -Bates (Continued from Front Page) Rock's Public schools. It was she to whom the nine Negro boys and girls who pioneered the desegregation of Central High School looked for guid ance and inspiration in that trying time. In 1098 Mrs. Bates and the Little Rork Nine were award ed the Spingarn Medal for dis tinguished achievement. the gambler's favorite weapon, hangs on the wall of the Gam bler's Den. Over the deep, mirrored stairwell that leads to the lower deck, revolves a large replica of a riverboat naddlewheel. Mirrors shoot back splinters of dazzling light from the long, horseshoe shaped bar. An unforgettable dish aerved at the Mark Twain Riverboat and the other Longchamps Restaurants, is the Broehett* of Pork Tenderloin. Here, for your flies, is the recipe: B large mushroom caps 6 tablespoons butter, divided IV4 pounds lean pork tenderloin cut into IV4 inch cubes slices bacon, cut into IV4 inch squares salt and pepper '/4 cup fresh bread crumbs Saute mushroom caps in two ta blespoons butter for several min utes, then thread mushrooms, pork cubes and bacon squares alternately on 4 skewers, melt re maining butter and brush over meat and mushrooms. Place about 4 Inches from preheated broiling unit and broil about ten minutes, turning several times. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and continue broiling and turning until nicely browned and pork is tender wtMn tested with fork. Serve on bed of rice. Serves four.