, —THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 2A Junior Civil Rights Organizations We. have observed with much ad miration and gratitude the tremendous contribution Negro youths have made in bringing about a change for the better in race relations in the South since World War 11. As pointed out by Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, former president of A. and T. College, in a recent address at Shaw University, "There would be no civil rights act, voting rights bill, integrated restau rants and hotels today—but for the civil rights demonstrations of 1959 and 1960. It should be remembered that the demonstrations referred to by Dr. Proctor were without the par ticipation or any sizeable support of Negro adults. Because cf the rapid changes so often brought about by spontaneous action on) the prrt of N'egVo youths in the past we would like to suggest for the future that serious considera tion be given to setting up in every city and county of the state an or ganization of young people separate and apart from those operated and controlled by adults. Here in Durham, tor an example, we have the Committee on N'egro Af fairs and the local branch of the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. Moth organi zations are doing a fine job in their own wav of getting at things and we The Primary Run-off For Sheriff [t is going to take the wisdom of a "Daniel tome to judgement" to ad vise Negro votefs of Durham County which one of the two candidates for sheriff to sup|>ort in the Democratic run-off to he held here. June 25. When it conies to the rccoTd» as pertaining to Negroes, every self-respecting member of the race will find it hard to muster up a great amount of en thusiasm for either Sheriff Jennis Mangunt or his opponent. J. 1!. Law sou. It will lw rivalled that Sheriff Mangum did absolutely nothing to scptare tile police brutality exhibited several months ago by two deputies in his department when a Negro was tCU t> r tlu'.. iiy'l'c of .one of them and brutally beaten with a night stick ■>r sticks. In the case of Mr. Law son. one needs only to turn the pages of his tory back to November 27, 1930. It was on that memorable day around 10 .UJ o'clock p ni. when the then Pa trolman became involved, along with Patrolman „1 ; . H. Smith, in the shooting of a Negro, Bonnie Lee Appreciation For Lincoln Hospital It is so seldom that public institu tions, such as hospitals, nursing- homes and orphanages are praised for the services they endeavor to render the sick, the injured, the aged, the child less and other unfortnuates that when we do come across an expression of appreciation for such services we think it deserves special mention in these columns. We are also convinced that too often those who compose the general public assume the attitude that persons employed in such institutions, as those mentioned above' should feel grateful for being permitted to work in them. As a result such institutions are con tinuously the objects of condemnation rather than praise, however much they may endeavor to serve the public. Below we are publishing a copy of the contents of a letter which we re ceived this week from the family of the late J. L. Holloway concerning Lincoln Hospital which we feel should receive wide circulation in Durham and elsewhexe, because it expresses appreciation for the fine service being rendered by Lincoln Hospital to the people of this city and vicinity. Editor Carolina Times We are. writing to express our Must Help 'Sell' Our Leaf Mart The annual Durham tobacco market pro motion campaign wa» launched this week without a great deal of fanfare, but with two important point* of difference to set it somewhat apart from similar cam paigns of the past. This season, the Durham Merchants As sociation is assuming the primary respon sibility for the drive to raise same $6,500 in funds, to be matched with a similar amount to be provided by tobacco ware must not forget the contribution each has marie in the struggle to make the lot of the Negro better in Durham The same applies to such organiza tions in other cities. In spite of what has been achieved by the Committee on Negro Affairs and the local branch of the NAACP we are of tho opinion that a junior counterpart of COXA and the NAACP would do much to furnish inspiration and push for the adult groups in the matter of providing leadership for the race as a whole. hilc the young pepple do attend and participate in both of the meetings of the above named organizations to some extent, we have observed that they do not take as active a part in them as they would •n an i/rganization composed entirely of those in their own age group as are to be found in the Junior Cham ber Hi Commerce and other organized group-, oi young people. We would like to urge. therefore, that efforts be put forth immediately tu organize in Durham, other cities of North Carolina and the South jun ior branche-. of the various adult civil rights groups now in operation. We, would iurth.T suggest that their course of action be determined solely bv the membership, which should be composed of youths and young adults Dave, residenHof the Mill Grove sec tion of Durham County. As always, in such case.s involving police brutality against Negroes, the police depart ment supposedly went through the form of an investigation and came up with the usual findings, clearing both l.awson and Smith. In his statement concerning the shooting the then Chief of Police. H. Iv King, stated: "I am confident the men thrmglit they were doing their duty, and I don't have any idea they were shooting in ail effort to hit the man. One of those shots apparently went a bit low when Dave was run ning up an incline." It. therefore, appears, in so fav as Negro .voters are that those who cast their ballots for sheriff in the Democratic run-off primary on June 25 will have no choice. About the only course they can puruse to protest the candidacies of the two men now running for the office of sheriff of Durham County is to engage in a write-in campaign when the elec tion is held in November. thoughts regarding what we con sider to be an outstanding communi ty institution—Lincoln Hosptial, of Durham, North Carolina. Recently our father, Mr. John L. Holloway. was a patient in this hospital during his last days. We can state honestly and without reservation that the quality of medical care, and treatment ac corded our father was truly out standing. It is indeed gratifying to personally see the dedicated con cern of a hospital staff at all levels medical, nut-sing, para medical and administrative. in their efforts to truly give total medical care, second to none. Huge size does not necessarily de note high quality. Lincoln Hospi tal personifies the best in medical concern for the individual patient in a manner that is not cold and distant, but warm and personal to a degree that we have not ob served elsewhere. It is our fervent hope that this fine institution of compassionate heal ing, which also served our late mother several years ago, may continue to do so for generations vet to come. housemen. In the past, the campaign ef forts have been steered by the Chamber of Commerce. This season, the necessity for a success ful campaign to raise funds with which to .. promote the Durham market—to bring more tobacco growers to the city to mar ket their crops—is, perhsps, more urgent than in a good many previous years. Cant Be 'Smoothed ' Over 'POWER AND LIBERTY ARE LIKE SJk Ifki J HEAT AMP MOISTURE; WHERE ikjT" -*'•/ THEY ARE WELL MIXT, EVERY TMIMJ PROSPERS; WHERE THE (j/t?. SPIRITUAL INSIGHT ™ %3f * 'At th« tim« fi*«d I will com*." —Rom. 9:9 Men intheir impatience fail to wait for God's appointed time. Those who will exercise patience will receive the prom ises of God. Ourtime and God's time may be a little different. We, in our weakness and finiteness, work from the nar row perspective of time We by nature are bound by time and space. We work within the framework of definite limita tions. Thus we get impatient as we await the fulfillment of the promises of the Eternal God. But God works from the per spective of time and eternity. The Psalmist is trying to tell us this ... "A thousand years is but as yesterday when it is passed .. " Then let us ever remember God's promise. "At the time fixed I will come." Our impatience produces fretfulness as we wait for God to fulfill His promise to us. Here then do we see the need of the spiritual resources of faith and patience. Many of us do not like the connotations of the word patience. Many see -Ambassador Continued from front page duce Ku Klux Klansmen, John Birchites, and Rockwell Nazis, why cannot we be permitted to have our share of the lunatic fringe and of aberrant groups too?" he added. During the commencement honorary doctor of law de grees went to U. S. Congress man John E Fogarty (D-R.1.), Michigan State Univ. President John A Hannah, Borough of Manhattan (N. Y.) President Constance Baker Motley and the Rev. Dr. William Holmes Borders of the Wheat Street Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga. -Beauticians Continued from front page president; Mrs. Beatrice Shav ers of High Point, second vice president; Mrs. Carrie L. Sim mons of Whiteville, secretary; Mrs Louise Renwrick of States ville, assistant secretary; Mrs. Mildred Williams of Raleigh, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Lola Byers of Asheville, treas urer; and Mrs. Rosa Lee Steen of Winston-Salem, financial secretary. Mrs Massey, the retiring president, was honored with a formal banquet in the Grand Ballroom of the Queen Char lotte Hotel. Remarks were made by Miss Myra Roseman, Mrs. Massey's 3rd grade teach er, and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Ran dolph, principal of University Park School and director of the Mid-Atlantic Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. The convention voted to meet in Greensboro In 1967 and in Rocky Mount in 1968. A one day meeting of the association will be held in Lenoir July 7. Those Who Exercise Patience Will Receive God's Promises it as an excuse to let unjust and sinful things remain as they are. But true patience is that spiritual power to wait for that which we are confident shall come to pass. As we wait in patience for the coming of God to fulfill His powers we can be assured our waiting is not in vain. When tfie clock strikes, and the time is ripe God will come. Patience waiting for God's promises is not in vain nor futile. f God will reward the patiencer of the just. Thus we are rightly commanded "To wait and be of good courage." We can rest our hopes on God's word. Believing souls become a little uneasy at times when they behold ttie glamour and fading glory of the unjust. They seem to flourish for awhile—yes, remember its just for awhile. And thus we are told "Fret not yourself because of evil doers for they will soon be cut off." And then the word of God adds to support the faith and patience of the right eous. "I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." It is al- -Teachers Continued from front page thit the longtime teachei was tired because her outside acti vities detracted from her teach ing duties and created tension in her relationship with her principal. The appeals court stated that "the only reasonable inference which may be drawn from the failure to renew Mrs. Johnson's contract in the fase of her splendid record of 12 years . ■ . was the board members' ob jections to her racial . activi ties." In the Hendersonville case, also a reversal of a lower court decision which found "no in ference of discrimination," the Circuit Court declared: Patent upon the face this record is the erroneous premise that when ... the all-Negro school was abolished, the Negro teach ers lost their jobs and that they, therefore, stood in the position of new applicants." -Pupils Continued from front page George Brown, Wanda Bullock, Thomas Burkett, Albert Bur roughs, Wayne Charles, Andrea Cooper, Stacy Cooper, Pamela Cox. Lennie Curington, Eric Cyrus, Elsie Evans, George gvans, Gary Farrington, Or lando Fenner, Linda Gaines, Vickie Hackney, Barry Hall, Christopher Holloway, Kenneth James, Beverly Johnson, Delo res Johnson, Mary Johnson, Mary Ann Jones, Tamie Jones, Vincent Key, Demeta King, Vanja Lawrence, Charles Leath ers, Colleen Leathers, Herman Limehouse, Michael McNeil, Tracye Norwood, Mlchatel Pat terson, Judith Reld, Lo willls Richardson, Rosalyn Simmons, Angela Smith, Oliver Smith, Ronnie Smith, Loretta Suitt, By REV. HAROLD ROLAND ways safe to do right and trust God. God will honor his prom ises. God's word will be fulfill ed. Then let us rest our hopes in God knowing that "At the time fixed I will come." Yes, God will be there at the appoint ed time. Let us resolve to take our stand on God's promises in the assurance that in due time God will reward our faith. The point is to trust God and He will bring it to pass. Men by nature will fail at times. Men work within the framework of definite limitations. Men in their depravity let us down. Men take sick and are unable to keep their promises. Men die so they find it impossible to keep their promises. But he Aho stands in unshakable faith on the promises of God will not be let down nor disappointed. We as believers in God have the great promise of Christ as He ascended into Heaven. "Lo, I am with you always." Truly our labors in the Lord are not in vain. Jerre Taylor, Symetta Thorpe, Anthony Timberlake, Thomas Van Hook, Leon Vereene, An tonio Vinson, Gina Washington, Alonzo Whitted, Juanita Wil liams. SECOND GRADE ENTRANTS Those graduating who will enter second grade in the pub lic school in the fall include Valerie Allen, Bernadette Ba die, Derrick Bridges, Raymond Brown, Tyrone Clayton, Shir ley Dixon, Jacqueline Evans, Regenia Harrington, Brenda Irving, Phidalia Jeffreys, Al bert Johnson, Marlene Johnson, Michael Johnson, Angelus Jones, Leroy Jones, Fernando Kea, Calvin Key, Shelby Lassi ter, Kenneth Lawrence, Benja min McCray, Sheila McQuaig, Ricardo Privette, Mariam Ri vers, Sheila Rogers, Sonya Row land, Kevin Simmons, Dawn Tabon, Kathi Williams, Jacque line Wilson. "Medics Continued from front page ties. Thr General Electric Co. recently extolled him as one of the most distinguished and influential educators at work in America today. In addition to Dr. Brice, the President-Elect of the Nation al Medical Association, Dr. J. L. S. Holloman of New York City will address the business session on Tuesday night and also serve as a clinician on the Wednesday program. An elaborate program for children of the parents attend ing the convention has been arranged under the guidance of Mrs. Carolyn Johnson of Dur ham. The program Includes ac tivities for children ranging in ages from 2 to 18 and baby sitting services will be provid ed for those in need of such. fkiCa Published every Saturday at Durham, N. C. by United Publishers, Inc. L. E. AUSTIN, Publisher Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. 27708 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 13.00 per year plus (15c tax in N. C. (any where in the US., and Canada and t» wit* sko Overseas; Foreign, $7.30 per year, Sin gle copy 15c. Principal Offiae Located at 436 E. Pettigrew Street, Durham, North Carotin* To Be Equal By WHITNEY M. YOUNG JR. Our Berlin Walls AMERICA'S deteriorating cities are a major national con cern. Aging slums in the hearts of our cities have be come racial ghettos—decaying prisons for victims of discrimination and poverty. Yet this tragic situation is neg lected as cities plan large-scale developments—office blocks, cultural centers, convention halls—to attempt to lure back the millions who have migrated to the suburbs. But it is these depressed ghetto areas wnich are most in need of massive transfusions of concrete and steel th« symbols of urban vitality and strength, .'r.less i.iese sec tions are to deteriorate further, unless their residents are to continue to be victims of : civic neglect, immediate action must be taken. The trickle of antipoverty funds jßfc J? into the ghetto cannot change anything without more visible, tangible signs of will ingness to upgrade the ghetto and make it MMF truly a part of the city. What better way than to locate these huge new developments In ghetto areas which are usually situated in the very centers of the cities? HI I recently convened a meeting of busi- Miv IUUHG nessmen and legislators from Harlem and we set in motion a plan for New York which can be an ex ample to other cities. The proposal was simple that the planned World Trade Center, scheduled for construction in a congested part of lower Manhattan, be placed in Harlem. The World Trade Center is a controversial office complex including two buildings designed to be the tallest in the world. Several Sites Are Available There are several places in Harlem where the Center could be built without relocation hardsrips and the trans portation to and from all parts of the metropolitan area is excellent. Moving the project to Harlem would be a sig nificant first step in the effective rehabilitation of the com munity, eventually attracting other business additions. About 10,000 workers will be needed for the construc tion of the Center, and Harlem's pool of underutilized man power could be put to work, helping the economy of the area. The proximity of such a large office complex would provide hope for schoolchildren and jobs for the many pro fessional and clerical people in the neighborhood. Apart from the immediate upgrading of the ghetto, it would bring an influx of about 80,000 workers into Harlem daily peo ple who never see the ghetto now unless they happen to look out of the windows of their commuter trains. > - » It is imperative that there be an interchange of people between the ghetto and the rest of the city. Only in this way can the false stereotypes which exist in people's minds be broken down, to be replaced by common understanding and a diversity of experience which can only enrich those who take part. Inducements and Improvements In addition to this integration of the work force, we could expect integrated housing developments to come into the neighborhood, since Harlem's central location would be an added inducement to those who prefer to live near where they work. This large influx of workers would also serve to improve public services, now so sadly neglected in the ghetto. Police, sanitation, and other public agencies would be forced to improve their service once the powerless peo ple of the ghetto were joined by workers from all parts of the city. Dos And Dorits J >«| \J/ BR Don't Tell Her She Can't; Tell Her She Can—And She Will -Brown Continued from front page of public relations and market ing. He is considered by many to be an expert on industry problems that concern ethnic marketing and industrial re lation. A native of High Point, Brown is active in local and regional civic and business af fairs. He also serves on the N. C. Outward Bound School board of trustees. Another High Pointer, David Parker, presi dent of Hatteras Yacht Com pany, also serves on the board of trustees of the N. C. Out ward Bound School. Brown is married to the for mer Sallie Walker of High Point.

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