».y \ %^iH •"' - . ]"'"'" ~ m f ' " '" 7 QUESTS AT RECENT LUNCH- I:ON at Raleigh's Downtowner Motor Inn are pictured with Mrs. Willie Otey Kay (left), the NMA Donates $2,000 to United College Fund NEW YORK—Dr. John L. S. Hollcman last week presented j a gift of $2,000 to the United i Negro College Fund on behalf | if the National Medical elation. Dr. Holloman is presi dent of the medical group com-1 pospd of N T r>»ro physicians from | a" part" of the country. In accepting the contribu-1 tion. Dr. Stephen J. Wriyht, i president of the Fund, noted: j "The National Medical Asso-1 ciation's continued support of | the Fund exemplifies the grow, i ing determination of Negro] professional groups to advance , and accelerate educational op-; portunities for Negro youth. | "Fully 80 per cent of all Ne- | gro physicians," Dr. Wright | added, "received their tinder-1 graduate training at UNCF j member colleges and univer-! si ties. Dr Holloman is a»9sduate ' If you think going to school is kid stuff... % • * ; -j you've got to be kidding! .t> * • ' v «i Employers don't kid around these days. If you a really successful and rewarding future don t have a good education, you just don't have So, if you're in school now... stay there! Learn it. Period! But lots of other people do. And they'll all you can for as long as you can. Jf you're out be the ones who get the good-paying jobs ... not of school, there's plenty of valuable training you. YouH be lucky to get what's left qver. available outside the classroom. Find out about Today, to get a good job, you need a good edu- it. Get in touch with the Youth Counselor at the cation. Employers insist on it. Good jobs demand local office of your State Employment Service it. So you'd better get it... if you want to enjoy Or visit a Youth Opportunity Center. To get a good job, get a good education . Published m A public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council. -- ''V • .... ' ' ' honoxee, and Mrs. Robert ,P. | Daniel (r ght), hostess are Mes-j dames Asa Spaulding and Al fonso Elder, Durham; and Mes-1 sity. and is a prominent New York Crtyl practitioner" He is also co-chairman of the Medi cal Committee for Human Hights. an organizat'on which supports civil rights activities. lie edditiof!?!!" servos 3s 3 member of the UNCF's Medi cal Com-nittee, composed cf 46 outstanding Negro and white physicians. Most of these are Fund Raisers at North Carolina College to Visit Four Cities North Carolina College fund raisers. Professors George Nix on and Herman H. Riddiek, will fake personal appeals for support to local NCC alumni chapters in four North Caro lina cities in the near future dames James Gordon Taylor, Frank, Constant C. K. Otey, Garrett Laws, Harold While, | presidents or presidents-elect "f county medical societies in I 'ho New York City area. The United Negro College Fund is the fund-raising arm 33 fully-accepted, private • Ilexes and universities. Dur ing the past two decades, the n - tnd has rasied more than $95 -v.Von to help support these I institutions. f.rship fund drive by alumni. A challenge gift of $33,000 by 1 -e Alfred P. Sloan Foundation attaches a premium to alumni giving. Alumni gifts will be matched dollar for dollar, gifts by private donors in .North Carolina will be matched at rate of one dollar for every two dollars, and other contri- Ralph Campbell, James A. Boyer, and P. R. Robinson, all of Raleigh. butions are to be matched one dollar for every three dollars. N xon and fofmer head foot ball coach Riddick will be at the Hayes-Taylor YMCA in Greensboro at 8 p.m.. Tuesday, January a 3l; at the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA in Wilming ton at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Feb ruary 3; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glover Hill, 3005 Te -esa Ave , Winston-Salem, at 7-30 p.m., Wednesday, Febru ary 8: and at ,the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Samuel Chess. Penny wood Road, High Point, at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 15. WOMEN PAST 21 WITH BUODIR IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 21, common Kidney or Bladder Irritations affect twice ai many women as men and may make you tense and. nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired, depressed. In such irri i tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating •arm in strong, acid urine and by anal YOUR FAMILY FINANCE: B] WHAT MAKES \s>y BY O&sryocorL What's tight money all about? Just what does the term mean? How doeft it affect you—the wage earner, the housewife, the fam ity-and what can you do in planning the family finances to take the tight-moneysituation | HSSMj answers, we IB talked to one of W L. the country's top monetary UV experts, Dr. former as to Secretary the Treasury-and, before that, vice president and economic ad viser of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas-Dr. Walker has been since 1961 executive vice president of the American Bankers Association. Here's how part of our inter view went: Q. Dr. Walker, how does a monetary expert explain "tight" money? What does the term mean, and what causes it? A. "Tight" simply means "scarce." There's a heavy de mand for money, from people who want to borrow for one rea son or another, and there isn't enough money to go around. It's as if you had a room with 10 chairs in it, and 12 people wanting to sit down. Q. Where did the money go. to create this scarcity? What happened to it? A. It isn't a matter of there being less money. In fact, our nation's supply of money has been increasing all along. It's as if you had nine chairs in that room yesterday, and you brought another one in today but at the same time, three viRS. ROBERT P. DANIEL FETED IN RALEIGH AND WASHINGTON. D. C. PETERSBURG—Mrs. Robert, T> . Daniel, whose recent mar nage to Virginia State Col lege's esteemed President was one of the Mid-Atlantic's social h ; ghlights. has entertained and has been feted in a round of I activities in Raleigh and Wash ington. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel were guests of Attorney and Mrs. John O. Plummer, Jr. in their Washington, D. C. home. Atty. Plummer is the brother of Mrs. Daniel. Mrs. Daniel entertained her niece and husband, Major and Mrs. William Ford of Balti- BLAGUES OF LOCUSTS WER.E SO ORB A PEP IN EARLIER DAYS THAT THE INSECTS OFTEN APPEARED IN MYTHOLOGY AS A MONSTER . f i COVERED ALMOST 2,000 Ej riling _ SQUARE MILES. A 6WAUM J|j- WEIGHING ABOUT ts"o OO GetAl PAAAAGC TD | I Hra =r— . RANCtIANP GRASS AMMGRICULTURAL ■■ •- "= CROPS EACH YEAR -- MOCE TWAM (■» M — ~ ~TsT~~ i2O MILLIOM WORTH IN TU£ ~~ U.S. ALONE . EXTENSIVE chemical cornea. PEO6PAMS ARE FRfQUEMTLV U' TO peo tect ceo ps m MAR 1 'J total pestkuction- Weather Ahead. Let U* Cap When you're driving on RJgsbee Tire Sales snow m-M treads. yoo'U (o in the snow. But now, Rigsbee ( Tire Sales makes your car go on Ice. too. We can J - V - INGRAM ( 1 Insert new carbolold tip studs In your snow retreads Wholesale Salesman i H||||| so you can ride without chains .. . Studs dig on ice Rigsbee Tire Sales of g|ggj| to five yon needed traction. The carbolold tips on fers YOU the finest ' > these studs wear with the rubber so you get anti- SERVICE on all items ' skid protection throughout the life of the tread. The sold, the best PRICES cost is economical, so drive In or call either of our possible and flexible two convenient locations now before more snow and TERMS. (We handle ' ice comes. our own financing.) > HERCULES— Best rubber on the road 1 i Stewart Rigsbee—J. D. Brothers !!■■/ 108 Laltewood AT*., 688-1388 2720 Hillsborough Road, 286-4444 1 ( vrj Closed Wednesday 1:00 P.M.—Open All Day Saturday ' more people came in looking for a place to sft down. Q. Then the question seems to be, "Where did all those peo ple come from?" Who are they? A. Let's go back about a year. Our economy was riding the crest of a long, uninterrupted period of economic expansion. Four or five years earlier, un employment had been a prob lem. Now employment was so high that production bottlenecks were developing, because of la bor shortages. The machinery of production was almost fully employed, too. Our whole econ omy was produemg almost at full capacity—cranking out all the goods possible with the available supply of men and machines. And just then, in mid '65, we suddenly asked the econ omy to do more—to turn the crank even faster. Q. This is when we had the big escalation of the Viet Nam war? A. That's right. War, of course, consumes enormous quantities of material—not just military goods, but everything from steam boilers to shoelaces. And our economy was asked to produce all this in addition to what it .was already turning out, working at nearly full capacity. Q. Which meant that produc tion facilities had to be expand ed A. And financed. A company that needs half a million dollars for added plant space, new tools and machines, will usually look to a bank to furnish part or all of the money needed. So many producers of goods wanted funds, in order to increase out nut, that the demand for money began to surpass the supply. Q. So that's the story of what made money tight? A. Not the whole storv Pro I more, Md., with a dinner par ty at the S'leraton-Carlton Ho-~ tel in Washington. Mrs. Daniel sponsored a spe cial luncheon in Raleigh for Mrs. Willie Otev Kay, Mrs. | Daniel's aunt, and in recogni- I tion of other relatives who served as hostesses—Mesdames James Gordon Taylor, Frank Constant, Garrett Laws, C. K. Otev, all of Raleigh, and Mrs. Donald Hayes of Atlantic Ctiy, N. J., all aunts of the First Lady, and cousins: Mesdames 1 j Harold White, Nelson Greene, i Ralph Campbell and John Kay. I SAT., FEBRUARY 4, 1967 THE CAROLINA TIMES- ducers of goods haven't been the only people demanding money. With everybody so busy and prosperous, consumer in come hit new highs. We've all been buying new cars, tele vision sets, appliances, boats hundreds of things, in record quantities A great deal of all this is financed, directly or in directly, by the same banks being, asked- to finance new production facilities. And final ly, let's not forget the biggest borrower of all the govern ment. Domestic spending on the various federal programs, in addition to the cost of a war resulted in heavy government borrowing. Add up all of these demeands on the money supply, and there just isn't enough to go around. Q. How does all this affect family finances? What should the average family take into ac count in its spending, saving, and financial planning? A. The consumer public has felt the pinch of tight money principally in the mortgage market Other than that, con sumer credit hasn't been seri ously restricted Banks have had to be more selective about the loans they make, but the money supply hasn't dried up entirely, by any means, and banks are making every effort to meet the legitimate financial needs of the people in the com munity. Anyone with good cred it who really needs a loan for a good purpose will usually be taken care of somewhere. And there are signs indicating that Ihe worst of the problems about mortgage money is already be hind us. Loans will probably be more available in the near fu ture. though interest rates aren't likely to drop back all the way down to the old levels. Monev is 3-IN-1 IDEA . " ar a A footstool ... a TV seal . . . and a storage area—these are the identities of this 12" x 20" birch stool that you can easily make at home. The stool flips its lids. A clever hinge ar rangement allows the two lids to operate independently with both using the same lid sup port. Sturdiness is provided by use of doweled joints, and all bonding is done with the unique Thermogrip electric glue gun developed by USM Chemical Company. . ||§>gQ WHEN YOU CONSULT Ub ABOU f REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE MATTERS. OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, AUTO, FIRE AND ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE PROTECTION AS SURES YOU OF THE VERY BEST. Consult Us Before You Build, Sell Rent or Renovate Union Insurance & Realty Co. 814 FAYETTEVILLE ST. # PHONE MMI 33 1 ! ' likely to remain relatively tight for some time. But what can have the most serious conse quences for family. finances is continued inflation. Q. What's the relation be tween tight money and infla tion? A. Tight money is a kind of safety valve. When money gets scarce, and it becomes harder to borrow and spend, that tends to check the kind of inflation you get from "too much money chasing too few goods," in the classical phrase. Tight money has created problems for the banks atanfr with the banks' customers, but I think we all agree that the pinch we've felt is a small price to pay for any thing tending to control infla tion. That by itself, though, isn't likely to be enough to stop inflation entirely. The heaviest spender, again, is the govern ment. and unless we move in the direction of a balanced Fed eral budget, through reduced nondefense spending, we're in danger of more inflation, and more of the rising prices that already have stirred up a lot of housewives. Dr Walker, along with other economists we've talked to, thinks tight money will be with us for a while vet. Home own ers. in particular will find inter est rates pegged near present levels, while increased costs of material and labor will be re flected in substantially higher prices of new homes. Whether we'll get the same kind of increases, across the board, in the cost of living— that's something few economists are willing to make firm predic tions about. Too much depends, they feel, on government's will ingness to do something about living within its means. Firm Plans Boat Plant NEW BERN, - The i Hatteras Boat Building Co., of I High Point plans a plant near ; New Bern, but has not an nounced when construction will begin or how many persons it will employ. David Parker, company president, announced Friday I night at a banquet in New Bern that the firm had pur | chased land for the plant about ! a mile north of New Bern, I AM AND FM RADIOS LUGGAGE WRIST WATCHES Royal Portable Typewriter $34.95 Poleroid Camera $24.95 Sam's Pawn Shop 122 E. Main St. Ph. 682-2573 Durham. N. C. 3B