■dfl Bfc>- V HL vjy _K k^l^BKn HP^ I I m '?■ m I 111 i t ■ ,;M| I By ? ■ 4^H Ifl ■ ■V■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ READING FOR A USEFUL CA REER—PameIa June Osborne, Springfield, Ill. smiles her ap preciation as she receives a scholarship check from Eugene AME£/CA's TYPICAL PUARMAC/ZT h.- //V THE U.S. PILLS AN few 4, AVERA6E OP 12 PRESCRIPTIONS 7^lE*'' A YEAR FOR EACH FAMILY K ME SERVES. §QeCAUSE A rUAZMAC/tr *KEEPS KECOKPS of EACH PERSON'S PRESCRIPTIONS, HE CAM APVISE AGAINST PATENT MEPIQINES WHICH MIGHT INTERFERE WITH A MEPICATION A PERSON IS ALREAPV TAKIN&. HE CAN ALSO TELL CUSTOMER WWAT THEY SMOULP OR SHOULPN'T EXPECT PROM A NETY PE^G. tfjfoir Aw/cc oe rueiz c c PHAKMACISr OFTEN STEERS » WJU PEOPLE TOWAR.P EFFECTIVE RELIEF / W FOR AILMENTS LIKE COLPS ANP VV > MINOR PIGESTIVE UPSETS. _J /V --"WHAT'S GOOD foe. A COLP ? CORICIPIN, OF COURSE."' IS-THE /&?£& /JFF7 APVICE OP MANY PHARMACISTS R=, rf, TO PEOPLE WHO SEEK RELIEF H ITL FROM SNEEZING, CONGESTION 1 IVSSILJW/1A ANP OTHER COLP SYMPTOMS. trfoPAV'S PHARMACIST IS A * SKILLEP PROFESSIONAL WITH * H 4OR 5 VEAIZS OF INTENSIVE, B SPECIALIZE? TRAINING IN A V CCETrSS? WW COLLEGE OP PHARMACY. APOUT a sk£ 4-,000 EM-'S IN PHARMACY ARE 'JL, , H 133 EERFIC CON FERREP> T*V u.s. COLLEGES >- ANP UNIVERSITIES EACH YEAR SJet fewamezicahs Aee awake « OP-TUE VALUABLE SERVICES THEIR UXAL PHARMACIES PEJZPORM EACH PAY TO HELP KEEP THEM IM 600P HEALTH ! ■ BOYS' BATH BOASTS A NAUTICAL THEME Trnm ■■fv *®K ; Tf -*J ■jHjjgg^^ Wr/ wr v JHH Practicality and good design BUM team here to create a boy's bath with a nautical theme. Strong sea colors and decoratina accents like Lady Scott Prints, the ship's wheel, mirror ana sea anchor give the bath a strong nautical flavor well within conventional budget limits. When you're planning a bath for one or more active boys, easy-care fabrics and wash able wallpaper are musts. But auch practical consideration* need not rule out an attractive decorating scheme. In this rendering of a cheer ful young bath, designed by the Scott Home Service Center, wallpaper patterns and colors are in a nautical mood. The mirror mounted above the cab inet aink is a replica of a ship's wheel, and is flanked by mini ature sailboats. The tub enclos ure wall sports a ship's anchor, and sailor's signal flags add salty flavor and bold color accents. Masculine blue is the domi nant color and is used In shower curtain, rug, towels, and Lady Scott bathroom and facial tissue. The facial tissues Rhoads, a member of the board of directors of the Sangamon County Chapter of the March of Dimes. Through Health Ca reer Awards, many chapters come in an attractive dispenser box that sheds its brand name wrapper to become a color ficcent in its own right. The nautical bath is just one of several illustrated in a new 12-pctge four-color booklet, Accenf Decor, offered free by the Scott Home Service Center. Each bath was designed wlfh the budget limitation of the average homemaker in mind. Decorating schemes ranging from English Regency to Orien tal take their cue from color and pattern rather than expen sive custom fixtures and can be reproduced in whole or in part by anyone who enjoys working with color and pattern. To receive a free copy of Accent Decor, write: Lady Scott, Box 1989, Philadelphia, Pa. 19113 offer March of Dimes scholar ships to help young students finance their studies in the seriously undermanned health professions of medicine, physi cal therapy, medical soc : al work, nursing and occupation al therapy All of these profes sions make important contri butions in the team approach used at the 77 March of Dimes Birth Defects Centers establish ed for the rcseaeh and treat ment of birth defects. The de fects strike 250,000 American babies each year. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by Oswald W. Harris and wife Johnnie B. Harris, dated November 29, 1065, and re corded in Book 708; at Page 264, in the Office oTtlii lieg ister of Deeds of Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness there by secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms there of subject to .foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Dur ham County, North Carolina at Noon on the 18th day of Febru ary, 1967, the property con veyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Durham, Oak Grove Township, and State of North Carolina and more parti cularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the northside of United States Highway No. 85 at the southeast corner of the prop erty of P. N. Baldwin and run ning thence along and with the northeast line of P. N. Bald win property north 26 degrees 0 minutes west 237.6 feet to an iron stake; thence north 22 degrees 0 minutes west 297 feet to an iron stake; thence north 11 degrees 0 minutes east 192.1 feet to an iron stake on the west side of a branch; thence south 56 degrees 37 minutes east 749 feet to an iron stake on the northwest side of said United States High way No. 85, thence along and with the northwest property line of U. S. Highway No. 85 south 57 degrees 0 minutes west 522.5 feet to an iron stake, the point and place of beginning. The same being the property of P. N. Baldwin and wife, Esther G. Baldwin as per plat and survey thereof by Eu gene Davis, Registered Sur veyor, dated January 7, 1964 and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book , at Page , to which reference is hereby made for a more par ticular description and con taining 4.86 acres. Saving and excepting the following ease ment and right of way con veyed to the State Highway Commission (1) a fifteen foot, easement along the west boun dary line of above described Book 305, at Page 264, Dur ham County Registry; (2) Right of way across Southern boun dary line of of above described track of thirty feet more of less by deed recorded in Book 310. at Page 451, Durham Coun ty Registry. This Property will be sold subject to all prior encum brances and all prior and 1907 Ad Valorem Taxes. This Sale 'will remain open for ten (10) days to receive In creased bids as required by law. J. J. Henderson Trustee William A. Marsh, Jr., Attorney . Jan. 21, 28; Feb. 4, X' STUPID AMIRICANS On February 2, 1827 a law passed in Illlnoia providing "No Negro or mulatto shall be * witness in any court against a white person. Recruiters Face Busy Month At N. C. College Forty-one corporations, fed eral agencies, and educational institutions and systems will send recruiting representatives to the North Carolina College campus in February, William | P. Malone, the college's place ment director, revealed this week. Malone, who indicated that more than 300 representatives from various firms and agen "ies will visit the campus this vear, said even more* recruit ment visitations are requested during a school year. Confirma tions arc often impossible, he said, because of limitations on facilities at the college for in terviewing, testing, and other related activities. Already confirmed for Feb ruary are the following, he «:aid: Camp LeJeune Depend ants' Schools, N. Y. Central Railroad System, Federal Pow f>r Commission, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Eastern Airlines, Kinslon Graded Schools. Radio Corp. of America, Atomic En orgy Commission, University of Pennsylvania, Naval Re search Laboratory (Norfolk, Va.), Baltimore Public Schools. .United Airlines, Atlanta (Ga.) Public Schools, Carteret County Public Schools (Beaufort) Scott Paper Co.. The Sherwln-Wll 'iams Co., U. S. Navy (Norfolk, Va.)-' The Glidden Company, Camp Minisink (N.Y.), the U. S. Soil Conservation Depart ment. International Business Machines 'Corps., Omaha (Ne braska) Public Schools, the Brunswick Corp., the Job Corps 'Univ. of Wisconsin), Agricul ture Rsearch Service, Peoples Gas. Light and Coke Co. (Chi cago. 11l ), the Tennessee Val ley Authority. Celanese Corp., General Foods Corp.. Blue Bell Inc., Capt. Bills Seafood Jjf THE FINEST FOOD FROM THE SEA Fresh OYSTERS I SHRIMP PHONE CU-7M7 WELLONS VILLAGE J ► Dial 696-8202 for Service" J \\ > LAUNDERERS-CLEANERS * • 2805 Anciw AT*. • Wellon. Vill*f* y 4 ' • So. Rozboro St. tt Lake wood Ave. \ : . /] CASH IN A T • TVfVMnH • MJBCAI MTWMMTS • SOT MM MFUS • UMDISMSOM . PROVIDENCE LOAN OFFICE i DIAL 6M-4431^, M INTBMIT NOW CUT jM J % AT PKOVIDINCa ,/ .uAI: Tom's o ■"-mmm: Now 3 Convenient LOCATIONS fit Your clothes look better longer. Colors brighter with "MARTINIZ- f ING" the most in * * I 1 Cleaning . , , and CZ SAVE, TOO! »"• ***» II H v FREE SHIRTS J r-i .. .DOLLARS Miljjjk StT U •! J Wttti each claim Flnlak I , >• «h#c* lor n or VJWI (la Unit, at » I , mora In dry dean- Hoi. lie aa. ina brouoht In . „ - .■' | *J 5 for $1.30. F • \ °* M ' a,m ' TOM'S— ■ I • W. Club BItC k|H ... t l « low. Mlrllmta J ©ntHOUR 4 «—•»«-** tea '!« . ~ 1. .. /' a Miami BIT*. I mmum. H T'ciwtw n ,.. ■ n- ■ THE MOsr iN wry CUEANINO , " I I tSSitm CaaHn TkaaMO T«oy j A T*§ £ 0 '■'*- "%>>• ■■ vL ,/f I B m f. I J KR ■jfe&^jtf'''''"' A -x, *i NNPA HOST Garth Reeves, publisher of the Miami Times, was host for the 27th annual workshop of the National News paper Publishers Association held recently in Miami Here Mr. Reeves introduces Stephen N. Lockett, second from left, recently appointed Winston-Salem Forsyth County Howard University Graduate School, Nationwide Insurance Co., John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philadelphia Teaching Project, Prudential Insurance Co., N. C. State University, the National YWCA, and the Corning Glass Works. assistant to the vice president general sales manager fqr Sea gram Distillers Company. Look NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Alfred Fike, de ceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina; this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at 2821 S. Roxboro Street, Dur ham, North Carolina on or be fore the Ist day of August, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 28th day of January, 1967. Helen Pratt Fike Administratix Estate of Alfred Fike •Jan. 28; Feb. 4, 11, 18 F, H. Brown, Attorney MAIDS New York Sleep-in jobs. Salaries to $65. Free ad vanced. Rush references, phone number. Able Maids Agency, 163 N. Main, Freeport, N. Y. MUSICAL NOTE Helping people get more of a kick out of music is a new tape cartridge stereo system that takes all popular cartridge sizes rather than just one or two. It's made by Arvin. lipO t I mon. _SAT. H; i RADIO DISPATCHED D | DRIVE IN SERVICE | !j i DIAL ll' J1 682-1566 | I 1 WEAVERS I CLEANERS I ■ 1111 FAYETTEVILLE B M DURHAM J A' fj Hm Best Way To 3} Exprtss Sypafty (vary iyrar la Nl W MT funaral alaaaa la l>im wM ■ CM*. Ai a malt, ear tarel jS UaaWH, apraya aaJ amlki "J HaJ M» he mil tWI C£ le»»e er ea»e«elve t» he heeaK | X M. lit aa aba* ye* aerplea. i Long's Florist '■ SOI PayMtovtlto M. I Parhn, M. fl SAT., FEBRUARY 4, 1967 THE CAROLINA TIMES— ing on are Frank L. Stanley, publisher of the Louisville _De- " fender, at the left; and R. C. WPffi U.THoMPSoN (JBSATUKES teOM Ourse £PAC£, IN " WAK OF THE *--;WOKLPS", A FAMOUS NOVEL &Y H.G. WELL 6, WERE INVINCIBLE TO 0OM&6 AMP PULLETS, &UT WE£E FINALLY j~* ' 1 " " "~ r - ■ -- - - ; i I ; j J HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW SOFT ROLL SHIRT? j •|. CALL 682-5426 -| 1 800 N. MANGUM ST. C. ' Jl -Ml. I- .«. J - I I I . 1. W»li I WHEN YOU TAKE IT HOME M youre INVITING JfW TROUBLE I If yciur business closes after regular banking hours you can still put your money in our safe, convenient, burglar roof night depository. Come in soon and let us show you how we help our friends who "might" have to carry large sums if it weren't for our night depository. i^ameis -jj E1 CuiWMI, M»rth Wells, vice president-general "sales manager for Seagram Dis tillers Company. 1B

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