Watts Hill Predicts New Era Negro Colleges In NCC Address '*■ A. L "• " (i 'S TrMflr" - . |L\Rr, ■ 3? /* COMMENCEMENT PROCES SION—Dr. Charles W. Orr, left, marshal at North Carolina Col lege's 56th annual commence ment Sunday, leads the pro N. C. Higher Education Head Sees End Unequal Education Says Gap of Negro And White Colleges Will Be Closed Watts Hill, Jr., chairman of the North Carolina State Board of Higher Education, Sunday predicted that the gap between predominantly Negro and white colleges will be closed with in creased appropriations to Ne gro colleges from the State Legislature. Speaking at North Carolina College's 56th commencement exercises. Hill said, "I believe this legislature will begin a na tional breakthrough by making money available to the tiadi tionally Negro colleges to en able them to catch up with their white counterparts." PROBLEMS OF NEGRO COLLEGES Hill stated there • are good reasons for the special prob lems of the Nqgro college, stemming—from the pattern of segregation in the past. Presi dents and deans, he said, were caught between the needs of See HILL 2A Secy Wirtz Names Holmes To Labor Department Post w 1 \ J» /J ' fK ■L. #?- .ww LIBRARY SCIENTIST - Patri cia Johnson, left, of Roxboro, wearing for the first time the hood showing that she is a Mas ter of Science in Library Sci ence, receives her diploma from William Jones, North Car olina College vice-president. North Carolina Advisory Group Sponsors Civil Rights Confab RALEIGH Heslip M. Lee, vice president for develop ment at Shaw University and acting chairman of the North Carolina Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, announced this week the completion of two days of closed meetings con cession of administrators and trustees to the college's gym nasium. Among those shown are, in foreground. Dr. Bascom I Baynes, chairman of the board Mrs. I. Stephens Owens to Get Ph.D. Degree from Duke Univ. Mrs. Ida Stephens Owens, a resident of 415 Pilot Street, Durham is a candidate for the Ph.D. degree in Physiojpgy from Duke University at com mencement exercises on June 5. 1967. A native of Whiteville, Mrs. Owens is a 1961 graduate of North Carolina College, with the degree of Bachelor of Sci ence. Following graduation she worked as a laboratory assist ant in biology in a National Science Foundation Summer In stitute for High School Teach ers North Carolina College. She was enrolled in the De partment of Physiology and Pharmacology at Duke Univer sity in the fall of 1962 to be gin. work toward,,the Ph.D. de gree Mrs. Owens' dissertation sub ject was: "Amino Acid Esters as Inhibitors of Growth and of Looking on at the Sunday com mencement is Miss Evelyn Pope, dean of the school of library science at NCC. Jones was one of the four recipients of an honorary degree of Doc tor of Laws. ducted by the Advisory Com mittee in Fayetteville. The body met in the Cum berland County seat to review employment policies and prac tices of the federal, state, coun ty and city governments of Fa ye tteville's metropolitan See ADVISORY 2A of trustees, Watts Hill Jr., ■ speaker and chairman of the State Board of Higher Educa tion, and William Jones, col- I! lege vice president. .*ll MRS. OWENS Amino Acyl-tRNA Synthetases in Astasia Longa and Euglena Gracilis." She is the fjrst Ne gro and the first woman to re ceive a degree from Duke Uni versity in this field of study. D. C. Man to Head Training For Youths WASHINGTON, D. C—Hor ace R. Holmes this week was appointed director of the Of fice of Planning and Evalua tion for the Bureau of Work Programs of the U. S. Depart ment of Labor. Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz, who made the appoint ment, said Holmes, who is pres ently Chief Program Analyst in the District of Columbia's Of fice of Program Coordination, Department of General Admin istration, would assume his new post on June 5. Holmes, who is 40 years old, will be one of the Bureau of Work Program's top operation al executives. He will be re sponsible for analyzing and evaluating work experience and training programs affecting 500,000 youth and adults throughout the Nation. These include the Neighbor hood Youth Corps, Operation Mainstream (in rural areas and towns), New Careers, and Spe cial Impact. These programs also provide necessary suppor tive services, including reme dial education and individual and group counseling. The information Holmes de velops will be used to deter mine the effectiveness of these programs, which have a budget of $500,000,000, and to make administrative determinations concerning their futtire course. Holmes was born in Wash ington, D. C., where he attend ed its public shools and How ard University, graduating in 1949 with an A.B. degree in soffffccgggxcccc mm mtmmam sociology, and in 1951, with a Masters degree in social work. Voter Education Project Secured For North Carolina Durham Man Is Named to Director Post The formation of a North Carolina Voter Education Pro ject, with John Edwards of Durham as director, was an nounced here this week. The NCVEP has received a one-ear operating grant from the Voter Education Project of the Southern Regional Council. Atlanta, Georgia, with which to begin its work. The NCVEP will be a state wide organization with pre cinct, county and congressional district representation. It is similar to the South Carolina Voter Education Project, which has operated successfully for several years. The non-partisan organiza tion will have three major mis sions: voter registration, citi zenship education, and leader ship training. Its work will b? largely—but not entirely—with Negro residents. Formation of the NCVEP was spearheaded by a group of N. C. Ministers. The Rev. A. I. Dunlap of Weldon is acting chairman. Edwards, who is 25 years old, experience in lead ing registration campaigns. As neld-secretary-at-large for the NAACP Voter Registration, he •organized and directed regis tration drives throughout the Southeast. Before becoming director of the NCVEP, Edwards was a community worker in Dur ham's anti-poverty program, Operati-qn Breakthrough. He a4so has been employed .by Ex periment in Self-fteliance, Win ston-Salem's anti-poverty pro gram, and has directed the Winston-Salem Boys Club. Edwards attended Durham Business College and was trained for anti-poverty work through the North Carolina Funda's Community Action Technician Program. Edwards is married to the former Eloise Freeman of See EDWARDS 2A jjfcj ' L '*/?•" WARNS AGAINST INVAD- i ING N. VETNAM— (Boston) I Senator Edward W. Brooke, his wife behind him, warns at his news conference here May 22nd against the move Over 25,000 CR Petition Pour Into NAACP Bureau WASHINGTON, D. C.—More than 25,060 signatures of sup port for the 1967 civil rights bills were received during . a three-day period here at the Washington bureau office of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP announced two weeks ago at a New York City news conference the launching of a nationwide drive to gain one million signatures to sup port enactment of the 1967 civil rights legislation. Clarence Mitchell, NAACP Washington bureau chief, said €3it Carpila VOLUME 44 No. 21 DURHAM. N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1967 PRICE: 20c 13 Homes Of Negroes Burned In Haywood County, Tenn. 1 I I |L # ■■ 1 ■HHII^HHHMHHBHHHHHHHHHPH ATTEND DAUGHTER'S FU i NERAL (New York)—Geo. | Schuyler (right) and his wife, Josephine attend funeral serv ices for their daughter, Phi- | LBJ Names Negro Lawyer To D.C.Juvenile Court Bench ment of U.S. troops into i North Vietnam. Brooke said it would completely change the nature of the war in Southeast Asia. If any of our 'The initial response has been overwhelming ... At this rate we should achieve our goal of one million signatures." Responses have come from states in the Far West, includ ing California; from the Mid west, from Texas, from several southern states including Louis iana, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Virginia as well as from the northeast ern seaboard states, Mr. Mit chell reported. At his news conference, Ex ecutive Director Roy Wilkins had stressed the need for "em phasizing support for the pas I Hppa ""SWtOyier, in St. Pat rick's Cathedral here May 18. I Francis Cardinal Spellman (left) conducted a pontifical troops went beyond the 17th parallel it would then be an American war against the North Vietnamese, he said. (UPI Photo) sage of the 1967 civil rights bills," and pledged visits by pro-civil rights delegations to Washington during the debate on the bills. Negroes Graduating From United States Military Academy WASHINGTON, D. C. Among the seniors at the. Unit ed States Military Academy, scheduled to be graduated on Wednesday, June V, are two Ne- See GRADUATES 2A high mass for the Negro con cert pianist who died a hero ine's death in Vietnam May 9th. (UPI Photo) Fauntleroy Is Choice For Judicial Post WASHINGTON (Special) President Lyndon B. Johnson announced Wednesday his in tention to nominate John Dou glas Fauntleroy, 47, Negro lawyer in Washington, to the Juvenile Court bench of the District of Columbia. Fauntleroy was born in Wash ington and is a graduate of Terrel Law School, having done his undergraduate work at American and Rutgers Univer sities. He is a member of tht D. C. Democratic Central Com mittee and has been active in public affairs. He is married and has four children. In naming Fauntleroy to the judgeship, President Johnson improved his own precedent shattering record of judical ap pointments of Negroes to the judiciary. In October last year President Johnson named four Negroes to the judiciary in one day, more than all the Republica'n Presidents com bined throughout our history. Among the Negro appointees to the federal bench in the Democratic administration are: Judge James B. Parsons, U S District Court, Chicago Judge James B. Parsons, U S. District Court, Chicago. Judge A. Leon Higginbot ham, U. S. District Court, Phil adelphia. Judge Spottswood W Robin- son, U. S. Court of Appeals Washington, D. C. Judge Wade McCrea, U, S, District Court, Detroit Judge Constance Baker Mot ley, U.S. District Court, N. Y Judge William Benson Bry ant, U. S. District Court, Wash ington, D. C. Judge James L. Watson, U. S. Customs Court, N. Y. Judge Aubrey Robinson, U. See FAUNTLEROY 2A No Protection From Police Against Terror CINCINNATI "Houses of Negroes are being burned again this year in Haywood County, Tennessee. Three out of the eight Negroes who have dared to run for office have had their houses burned. We find this de plorable," the Executive Com mittee of Fayette - Haywood Work - camps, mostly Cin nati clergymen, said in a state ment released this week. "Last year thirteen houses of Negroes were burned or bomb ed. News of these burnings al most never reaches the news papers." They referred to four new burnings. The first was on the night of April 14 when the house of Joe Taylor, just west of Brownsville, was set afire Joe Taylor had run for the of fice of Boad Commissioner. According to Taylor, "The deputy sheriff said gasoline had been poured along a strip of grass and on the corner of the house. If this fire hadn't gone out it would have burned us all up while we were sleep ing. There was nothing in the newspapers about it." On the same night two more See BURNED 2A jßk ■** •' GOODE Principal Gets 6 Yr. Certificate At NCC Finals L. M. Goode, a native of War ren County received a six year certificate at NCC's 56th An nual Commencement Exercises on Sunday afternoon, May 28. Goode is no stranger to NCC's campus for he received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from the institution. He plans to continue his studies at UNC, Chape] Hill. He has been a teacher and principal in the public schools for the past fifteen years. Pres ently, he is serving as princi pal at Lyon Park School. He has served as Sunday School Teacher and Chairman of Trustee Board of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Bisca, Since coming to Durham, he is a member of Mt. Vernon Bap tist Church. He is a Mason, Fraternity member and a member of sev eral professional organizations. Goode is married to the for mer Mildred Butler and the father of one son, Lee M. Jr.