—THE CAROUNA TIMES SATURDAY, NOV. 4. 1967 2B BAKERY BOWLING DAIRY SHOK RIPAIR WANT ADS •ATM fO* CLASSIFIED ADVERTtSiMSWTI Display Classified Ads per column inch ** ® RMder Cl*uKl*d Adts 25c per word (10 wortf fainlmum) No ads accepted after Tuesday noon. All Classified Ada must be paid for In dvance, prior to publication to guana t|f publication. PHONE 882-3913 or 6886587 TOR FURTHER INFORMATION. ASK FOR CLASSIFIED DEPT. IMPOST ANT MOT ICE The Carolina Times will not be reiponlible for typo graphical errors not made on its accounts If at fault, the advertisement will be printed in following issue witkowt cost to the advertiser. Notice of error must be made within 48 hours after ap pearance of first publication TAXI DRIVERS WANTED COLOGNE - Organi- IMMEDIATELY sera of the International Exhibi- apply in person tfon of Fine Foods sart 251.850 c lini Cab Company , persons came to see the array _ ,„ v ,. n ;♦—-» if delicacies provided bv 3.000 West 1 companies from 64 countires. Chapel Hill.-H- It k now possible lo enjoj a picnic up to the >«r> last da>s of summer. And cookouts. patio and beach parties too. Insects, which can spoil all the fun. are often at their worst in the iatc summer months. To combat them, science has come up with a number of good sprajs. But be care ful. Some mas contain materials that can be harmful. To be absolutely sure, select one of the aerosols that says "Non-Toxic to Humans and Pets" in bold letters right on the label. These can be used around the children - and your fa»orite picnic foods. The sprays that are allowed to say "non-toxic lo humans and pets" contain py rethrins, nature s own insecticide. Only the insects are affected. Your fun won't be spoiled by uninvited guests that crawl or zing in. And you won'i be upsetting the balance of nature either. No dangerous residues are left on Bowers, sand or grass. CALL QUALITY FOR QUALITY BAKERY NEEDS Pies - Cakes - Donuts and Bakings For Special Occasions Quality Bakery PHONE 682-3265 512 E. PETTIGREW ST. DURHAM, N. C. f Tonight's easy pick-up BUCKET OF CHICKEN A7R 15 Pieces Tender, Tasty Chicken * 1 Pint Delicious CrackUn' Gravy Melt-in-your-mouth (torn* 5 to I people) Take It ftom the Colonel. ..*Vi finger Ddrfrf goodly Take home Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight All you do ii pick it up. The lervico hwddan. •» We fix Sund seven da coionb. Mm®** wrapt Ke*tn*ki| fried RINALDI'S TAKE HOME 910 MIAMI BLVD. 804 9TH STREET DURHAM, N. C. ROSEMARY A FRANKLIN STS. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. — Death Payments Run 9% Higher In Half Year (7t MM.. Oct. 33, 1947) Death payments to life insur ance beneficiaries throughout the nation ran almost 9 per cent higher during the first half of 1967 than in the same period last year, according to the In stitute of Life Insurance. The 1967 death payments to taled more than $2.8 billion and were up $227 million. Over half the total was paid under "ordi nary" policies, although—with the rapid growth of group life insurance protection—death pay ments under group policies showed the largest increases. All other types of benefit pay ments by life companies also rose, with policy dividends show ing the largest dollar gain and annuity payments the greatest percentage growth. Policy dividends totaled more than $1.3 billion and were up $96 million, reflecting not only the overall growth of life in surance protection, but the fact that higher yields on invest ments of policyholders' funds and other factors have enabled many life companies to raise dividend scales. • A 9 per cent increase in an nuity payments was due both to wider coverage of insured pen sion plans and to larger pur chases of individual annuities in recent years. Benefit payments during the first half of 1967 and increases over the first half of 1966 were as follows: t months Im cr— — 1*47 S % (linilliMi) Doth Payw'ts $2,838.9 +1227.4 + (.7% Ordinary $1,499.7 +IIII.O + 8 0% Group 1,126.3 +-113.3 +11.2 Industrial 212.9 + 3.1 4- i.5 Endowments $ 525.3 +J IS-3 + 3.2* Ota. Paa'b 91.0 + 5.0 + 5.8 Am'to rv/m'H 626.0 + 52.1 + 9.1 Sur. ValiMS 1,135.3 + 73.5 + 6.9 Poflcr Dhrld'ds 1,311.4 + 96.0 + 7.9 Going Home After School Never accept gifts or rides from strangers. Go home promptly after school and don't loiter along the way. Stick to your safety route and stay away from dark and lonely streets. Check in with your mother to let her know if you plan to play elsewhere. Then come home promptly at the time she sets. (This safety panel, one of a ser ies for JUNIOR FIRE MARSHAL, has been prepared as a public service of The Hartford Insur ance Group.) Expo 67 Goes Out In Glory MONTREAL Expo 67 closed Sunday in a blaze of fire works, salutes and oratory after drawing more than 50 million visitors in a six-month run, a' record for world fairs. In closing ceremonies, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson de clared that Expo 67 was "one of the moet imaginative acts of faith in Canadian enterprise and ability ever attempted." The prime minister said the fair bad made Canadians more conscious of their own capaci ties and potential and added. "We have discovered that we do have a character and quafty 1 our own. rich and diverse, but Canadian." The only disappointing a**ct of the fair was the aize of the deficit. This is expected to reach $250 million, far above the $47.5 million foreseen in 1963 when the government gave the go-ahead to the project. c. E. SHEPHERD representing lh* Metropolitan Life 1 MUOMI CONTACT «V VWK.N.V. LIKE, HOSPITAL, GHOUP INSUKANOE AND ANNUITIES mJ 725 BROAD ST. M-7717 200 Americans is in the U.S.MMY RESERVE NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate of John High, deceased, late of Durham County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undesigned at 116 West Par rish Street, Durham, North Carolina, or or before April 21, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 17th day of Octo ber, 1967. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator Estate of John High, Deceased Oct. 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate of James Arthur Woo ten de ceased, late of Durham Coun- I ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 116 West Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before April 21, 1067, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 17th day of Octo ber. 1967. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator of Estate of James Arthur Wooten, Deseased Oct. 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE . HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate of Roberta Blackwell Carrington, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under signed at 116 West Parrisn Street, Durham, North Caro lina, on or befpre April 21, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 17th day of Octo ber. 1967. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator of Blackwell Carrington, deceased Oct. 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministratrix of the estate of LUCY A. ROYSTER, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 118 Syca more Street, Oxford, North I 'UOg I IR"***"*, KtHruCKY • A ■■ t|gg|jP*Z.DU i THE BOURBON K LUXE D»TNI£RY COMPANY, LOIHSVIUI, KENTUCKV, 86 PROOF. CONTAINS 49% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. ♦ 1968. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of October, 1967 (Mrs.) Rebecca Smith, Administratrix of the Estate of Lucy A. Royster, Deceased M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney Oct. 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11 NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministratrix of the estate of David Felder, deceased, late of Durham County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 506 Nelson Street, Durham. North Caro lina, on or before April 23, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of October, 1967. (Mrs.) Laura Felder, Administratrix of the Estate of David Felder, Deceased M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney Oct. 21, 28; Nov. 4, 11 NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate >f Oscar James Shaw, decease!, . late of Durham County, Nor h Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 116 West Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before April 28, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 25th day of Octo ber, 1967. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator Estate of Oscar Jamei Shaw, Deceased Oct. 28; Nov. 4. 11, 18. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS NOIICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministrator of the estate at Georgia Pearson Joyner, de ceased, late of Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to claims against the said ewate to exhibit them to the an desrsigned at Post Office Box 1428, Durham, North Carolina, oo or before the 29th day of April, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th day of October, 1967. Conrad O. Pearson, Ad ministrator of the estate of Georgia Pearson Joyner, Deceased Oct. 28; Nov. 4, 11, 18 TOKYO A Japanese trading company said Sunday the war in Vietnam almost had cit off its supply of South Viet-' namese monkeys for medical research, including tests of polio - vaccines. The Tozai Trading Co. said it use. to import about 2,000 mon-' , keys a year f.-om South Vietnam but the war had destroyed the monkeys' homes or frightened them av-.y. THEN AND NOW Turn of the century velvet draperies and cotton curtains were pretty, but they were also pretty hard on whoever had to take care of them. Velvet faded when exposed to the sun's rays, and the cur tains had to be starched, stretched and ironed. Hems hung unevenly when the draperies shrank or stretched during cleaning-they were a headache for homemakers! Today, pretty-as-a-picture windows are draped in ele gance, style and easy care! PPG fiber glass draperies, which carry a five-year guar- - j an tee, can be washed simply j by soaking them in water and mild soap because soil doesn't j . penetrate. They never need ' a touch-up ironing, because they have a built-in finish; -and since they can't stretch ■ out of shape or shrink when washed, hems always hang evenly. BRIGHT IDEA If the view from your win dow isn't tops, Vou can con ceal it—and still let plenty of light into the room by hanging fiber glass draper ies. Made to look just like such materials as antique sat in, linen or cotton, and avail able in many designs and colors, the weave controls light. PPG fiber glass draper ies are the latest bright idea for giving your windows an attractive shade of differ ence. i fill 111 0 Laundry and 1 I llteoif I [{civic J Dry Cleaner* I ■ CASH St CARRY OFFICES 3 i Corner Roxboro and Holloway Street* H Chapel Hill St. at Duke Unlverilty Road §M Quick As A Wink—Roxboro Rd. at Avoadale Dr. Drive-In, Cor. Broad and Englewood Are. MB , FREE TOM'S " -°° LL *- R5 /!§f S Omhour IPW.* i uvi.-WN. » 1 2 cc*Tiri(t •' '/(A A ™* l »0* T IN D*Y CLEANING Now 3 Convenient " r=SQ» W * Location* 1 ottuxa Vour clothes look bet fl r— ter longer. Colors 1 p" SHIRTS brighter with "Mar- S tmTwJ? ull' tinizing" the most in (J ' ry Cleaning . . . and j 1 *•«. uc m you save, too! H f 5 for SIJ» I I o*w / «.m.. '"■—' l—-"" « p.m. Dally V TOM'S ■ •W. Club B1t« IJH I (OPP. N§rtHf*t« ft One HOUR . »•*«•«:—» FUj|| •I _ • Vl«ml B1»C mminm. TIC HOST IN DWY CLEANING • CnlTtnlty Dr. •»». FK«I hihi MBHHB i >■ i | i mowiw c»»««r) rtMui run I ( ?UT nOWEK rLA NTS "fUNEHAI. DESIGNS. i \ kvi 1 DIAL 682-3866 " | ] £ Ron* For Evjnry Occasion j! 1 1001 NORTH JBOXPOKOjST 1 (\f Q J| :VtoKJtooll«gp JotyicSlfi/o LAUNDERERS & CLEANERS ' Phone 682-5426 REFRIGERATED FUR STORAGE AND BOX STORAGE Purefoy's Photography B Natural Color Commercial Proms - Dances and Groups Call: Day 682-2913, Weekend 682-7316 /"BETTER SAFE^ \THAN SORRY^ prov!D^ss7ECTlo^with AUTO INSURANCE Have you compared your rates and bene fits on auto insurance with other companies? Before you renew or check with us. Com pare our low rates. CONSULT US ABOUT OUR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN Union Insurance & Realty Co. PAYiTTBVILH ST. rHOWI IM-lIM