8B -THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1980 n i ■s==3bbhhb| I 1 WKSAY Hl..\( K | hHBHIMi H iswaututl. IM sojul a 11 I Ik U ■ I m. "vofeSlVlvD ■n * -ii y wr-%. ** *c r7s7~Tm 1 * Eh n Fsm^^B ■ ■' ; » *%- '-i' Ka ' HHHI v : • t POOD TOR NEEDY—Theodore Carter, director of develop ment at Bennett College, and Land-type In Ocean Raises Big Question By Don Seaver BEAUFORT —Continental- 1 type rocks never before found on the floor of the open ocean have been discovered by Col umbia University scientists and students working from D ke University's Research Vessel "Eastward." The granitic-type rocks have been dredged up from the floor of the Caribbean Sea They indicate either that a lost con tinent once rose from these waters or that nature is now building a new continent in the area. Their discovery also may have important implications for other fundamental hypo theses about the earth's make up, past and present. Announcement of the find was made here by Dr. C. G. Bookhout, acting director of Duke's Cooperative Oceanogra phic Research Program which operates the Eastward. Dr. Bookhout said that large quantities of the "grani tic material" have been dredg ed up by Columbia students led by Dr. Bruce C. Heezen of Columbia's Lamont-Dohorty Geological Observatory. The operation was part of a three-month international expedition into Caribbean wa ters by the Eastward, a cruise that will end later this month. The granite-type rock was brought up form the eastern flank of the Aves Ridge, a north-south submarine feature that extends from Venezuela to the Virgin Islands. It may have wide geological implications. A fundamental concept of geology is that light-colored granitic, or acid igneous rocks are confined to the continents, and that the earth's crust beneath the sea is composed of heavier, dark-col ored basaltic rocks. Thus, the occurence of the light-colored granite rocks on the sea floor may lend support to an old theory that a conti nent formerly existed in the region of the eastern Caribbean, and that therefore, these rocks may represent the core of a subsided, lost continent, scien tists here said. On the other hand, it could be that the find will lend sup port to an opposing idea that continental rocks now are be ing formed from oceanic rocks and sediments in the area and that a continent is in effect being built up. FoUowup studies and radio active dating of the rocks may now provide the key clue. If the rock is found to be very old, this would support the theory of a lost continent. The discovery also may have important implications for the ories of continental drift and sea-fk>or spreading, ideas that have come in for considerable scientific investigation and re working in recent years. Nearly two tons of the panitic rock were brought aboard the Eastward during a two-week period in February. Hiey were collected from 50 locations between Barbados and Jamaica. The expedition, which in its entirety has involved scientists from 11 universities, is being sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Duke's coopers tire oceanographk pro gnm. Doris Scott of Richmond, Va. president of the Student Senate at the Greenaboro college, pack one of the more than 20 cases of foodstuff aent to aid the needy in Beaufort and Jasper Counties in South Carolina by Bennett students. POVERTY NOT CONFINED ' TO CITY SLUMS The Manpower Report of the President, prepared by the U. S. Department of Labor, points out that over 11 million rural Americans—three out of every eight—were living in poverty VEA Teachers to Hold Statewide Clinic on Political Action Apt. 11 RICHMOND, Va.—Guberna torial candidates in the Demo cratic primary, William C. Bat tle, State Senator Henry E. Howell Jr. and Lieutenant Governor Fred G. Pollard, and Republican gubernatorial no minee Linwood Holton have accepted invitations to address a Political Action Clinic of teachers to be sponsored by the Virginia Education Associa tion at Natural Bridge on April 11 and 12. Other speakers who will in terpret Virginia's political struc ture and current trends include the executive director of the Virginia Commissions on Con stitutional Revision, the major ity and minority leaders of the Virginia House of Delegates and the political analyst of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. In addition to the course in politics provided by the above speakers, six successful teacher politicians will give insights into politics from their vantage points in party machinery and local and state elected posts. The purpose of the clinic said Dr. Robert F. Williams, VEA Executive secretary, is "to provide our teachers with an analysis of the political process and to expose them to prominent Virginia political figures, relating the role of the individual teacher and the process." In addition to the clinic he noted that 11 area legisla tive meetings set for April would present condensed ver First Black Shopping Center 'Beautiful' to A&P Manager PHILADELPHIA -Wilford Smith, black manager of the A&P supermarket in Progress Plaza, is a soft-sell salesman. This is readily apparent in his conversation and in his actions as he directs a staff of more than 70 full-and part time employees in the spanking bright and bustling 17,300- square-foot food center. Smith's voice reflects pride in his personal contributions to the success of a real "going thing." His involvement is indicated by his frequent use of "our" to describe personal (all black), customers (83 per cent black) and prices ("no different from any other A&P"). Smith has come a long way to get where he is today after 10 years with A&P. First stop when he arrived 17 years ago bom Jamaica, was the baggage room of a local railroad station. Hie railroads, he says, was responsible for"the best thing that ever happened to me." It laid him off. Like virtually all A&P men, he started at the bottom but moved up the ladder higher and faster than most. His first managerial post was a company ■tore in Springfield, Pa. In July 1967 he earned a Philadelphia ■tore assignment at 2206 North in 1966. as compared with only one out of eight residents of metropolitan areas. U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE HELPING VETS FIND JOBS The U. S. Employment Serv ice is making a concerted ef >• fort to help veterans of the military service become re - established in civilian jobs. Representatives of the local offices of the State Employ ment Services offered assist ance to nearly 200,000 newly released veterans during the final six months of 1968. sions of the clinic's emphasis on making the teacher's politi cal voice a more effective one. A similar clinic failed to materialize last year he noted because late scheduling and conflicting VEA activities kept advance registration too low. He noted that advance registra tion for this year's clinic ap pears to be strong. A. E. Dick Howard, execu tive director of the Virginia Com mission on Constitutional Re vison and assistant dean of the School of Law at the Univer sity of Virginia, will be the conference keynoter. Guy Friddell, political ana lyst and editor of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, will be the Fri day night banquet speaker. On Saturday morning House Majority Leader J. M. Thom son (D-Alexandria) and House Minority Leader M. C. Butler (R-Roanoke city) will give educational views and accom plishments of their respective parties. VEA Teacher-politicians on the program include Del. O. Beverly Roller (R-Augusta), Councilman H. E. Fauntleroy Jr. of Petersburh, Mayor Archie Manuel of Middletown, and Leonard Rose, chairman of the Alleghany County Board of Supervisors. Also, Eugene Truitt, Rep ublican chairman of Fairfax city, and Willian O'Brien, cam paign chairman for State Sena tor Edward T. Canton 111 of Chesapeake. Broad and remained there until he was named manager of the big supermarket at Progress Plaza late in 1968. What's it like at Progress Plaza? "It's beautiful," he says, "and when the lights go on at night, it's even more beautiful." Easy going and articulate, Smith gestures expressively as he talks about the supermarket, one of 16 business establish ments occupying 63,000 square feet of rental space in the $1.7- million Plaza built by the Rev. Mr. Leon H. Sullivan and 650 stockholders of Zion Invest ment Associates. GARDEN PLUMES JKI JJg From mid-summer to frost you can hive the brightest, gayest colors in your garden if yon plant plumy ectasias. Winners National Scholarship Achievement Program Revealed EVANSTON, m.-Over 340 winners in the fifth National Achievement Scholarship Pro gram for outstanding Negro students were announced to day by John M. Stalnaker, president of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The Achievement Scholar ship awarded today are of two different types. About 110 of the winners will each receive a four-year Achievement Scholarship that provides between $250 and $1,500 a year, depending upon the need of each student, to attend the accredited U. S. college of his choice. These four-year Achievement Scholar ships were provided by 69 orga nizations, primarily corpora tions and corporate founda tions. The other 230 winners were awarded National Achievement SIOOO Scholarships, awards, which are new in the 1969 program. These 230 new awards ere one-time, non-re newable scholarships, with the SI,OOO grants payable next fall when the winners enter accredited colleges or universi ties. The National Achievement SIOOO Scholarships are under written by Ford Foundation grant funds. The 1969 winners represent 36 states and the District of Columbia. Over 38,000 Negro students from 4,500 schools nationwide were candidates in the competition. About 1,450 were named Semifinalists last fall. Further screening led to the choosing of 75 Finalists. All of the new Achievement Scholars were chosen from the group of Finalists. Winners of the National Achievement SIOOO Scholarships were cho sen for their outstanding abili ty and potential for future accomplishment by a selection committee made up of experi enced college admissions direc tors and high school counselors. The committee based its selec tions on data submitted by THE U.S. ARMY RESERVE M UJijA Fur hats and coats are snuggly warm but they can't help your pretty face when cruel winter winds blow. Protect your skin from winter by wearing a mois turizer underneath your make-up. Deep Magic, by Toni, a silky light, non-grea»y moisturizer guards against dry skin when applied before your make-up base. Add powder, if you wish. Your skin looks and feels down-soft. And if mini skirts are your style, don't forget to protect your knees! To avoid rough, red knees, rub in Deep Magic before you don your high-style boots. It's high fashion to have soft, pretty skin. Celosias are the plumy relatives of cockscombs and, because of their more open, lighter form, give an entirely different effect in the garden. Because of the same attri butes they are generally more useful for indoor arrangements. They're as easy to grow as any annual you can name just plant the seeds where you want the blooms and thin seed lings to allow the mature plants room to expand. What could be simpler? You should see their beauti ful colors: from greenish yellow through pale and deep yellows to gold, orange-red, scarlet and crimson! How can you resist such an array? And why resist? A few celosias in your garden will make you very happy. the students and the schools, and on test scores. The amount received by a Scholar is not made public since it Is based on confiden tial information. The average flrst-year stipend of the 1969 Achievement Scholars was $1,168. The four-year scholar ships can be used at any U. S. accredited college and conti nue through the full four years as long as the student main tains normal progress toward a bachelor's degree. The Achievement Program seeks to identify, honor, and encourage outstanding Negro students generally. In order to improve college-admission op portunities, the names of over 1,900 Commended students were sent to colleges and uni versities early last fall, and a list of the highest scoring 10,000 participants in the 1968-69 Achievement Program was made available to colleges. The Semifinalists were publicly announced last October and individually identified to the specific colleges in which they had indicated an interest. The program is administered by the National Merit Scholar ship Corporation of Evanston, Illinois, which also conducts the National Merit Scholarship Program, now in its 14th year. Negro students may compete simultaneously in the Merit Program, but no Scholar may receive financial assistance from both programs at the same time. O.HOUSEHSEPmS kl Making resolutions about housekeeping for the New Year? The trouble with most housekeeping-type resolutions is that they're too hard on the housewife. Here are four easy to-keep New Year's resolu tions: 1. I will stage a sit-down strike. There are some things I will not stand for. Ironing, for example . . . which can be done sitting down at an ad justable board. Another ex ample is chopping up cups of things like celery, nuts and potatoes. These cam be chopped just as well from a sitting posi tion on a counter-high stool. 2. I will stop being a con veyor belt. I will make up two seta of cleaning equip ment, one for the bathroom, ' J one for the / kitchen. This \ /\ / way I'll save stairs and steps. In each set there will be three basics: a high-concentration pine oil cleaner-disinfectant, a stiff brush and a sponge. 3. I will change the color of Monday. No more blue Mon days if there are no more wash days. Instead, I will wash two loads of wash three times a week, tucked in between other chores. 4. I will make use of the 25th hour. The 25th hour in the day is the time a woman has to herself. I'll take it when the children are napping or at school or, if possible, just be fore dinnertime. I'll take a hot bath, a short rest or read some thing to keep my mind as ac tive as my muscles have been. One hour to myself for such a small indulgence will help me remember that it is no longer true that a woman's work is never done—if she stops before she's done in. And there are the four New Year's resolutions for easier and more efficient housekeep ing in 1969. THEY ANSWERED THE CALL There are many ways to answer a call for help—with service, with medical aid, with money, with compassion. Sometimes these respon- Vfi ses are antici pated, as when k the firemen and policemen Jonai Salk times they are not, as when a passer-by dives into a lake to keep a small child from drown ing. Sometimes they result from years of research and devotion, like Jonas Salk's work, where the outcome was a vaccine that in 15 years has nearly elimi nated the crippling threat of polio. And sometimes they come from a sense of obligation and duty. To Dag Hammerskjold, the cause of peace was worthy mof his time, energy, and Anally his life. When his plane crashed in Dag 1961, Ham— Hammerskjold United Nations secretary general, was bound for the Congo, where he was trying to maintain a cease-fire. Not peace, but war and a fierce, intense battle between the British and American "MEETING ALITALIA FLIGHT PA PIC T.TOHT 107. . . FONDLY, FRED.- f JJi-VJIIX • • • Climb off in a cling of crepe, subtly enchanting. iA i • Spread your bat-wi'ngs "LOVE ON THE ROCKS AT A in softest Celanese acetate VERY IMPORTANT VILLA. . . crepe turtle-necked and DEVOTEDLY, VICTO^." belted by Claret. The new posh in peasant jfIHL J&jSl types: a pants suit by Breich's calculated ruins with a lot of ; modern pizazz ! NEW YORK. (ED)—lf the landscape looks rather grey and slushy-and life seems full of dandruff and clogged drains darling, you do need someone to take you out ot all this. How about a voice with a slight, but fascinating accent? A smasher in the international set. Eyes like Omar Shariff and a dash like David Niven. An overseas call that says - "Darling meet me in Sardinia." And the only problem is what to wear to a legendary island of craggy rocks and crashing waves and shimmering, golden suns. .... . . ... When your Alitalia jet floats you gently down onto Sardinia s shores, there is the mystical feeling of landing on some ancient bird's giant wings. The hundreds ol years have wrought little change in jagged cliffs . . . winding grottoes . . . and savagely beautiful shores. But your fashion calendar will be strictly Twentieth Century ... and you can be prepared tor extravagant admiration from open-hearted, .friendly natives ... to jaded members of the been-evervwhere, seen-evervthing set. _ , , . The picturesque fishing villages will smile on you in crisp Celanese Arnel jerseys . . . trom little tennis minis to Hamlet-sleeved floats of pleats. The beach, sand and sun scene (from Neptune's Grotto to the villa of a famous beauty) will adore your Fortrel knits. Clinging close in baring, daring swim suits. Or lending a crisp new dash to pant suits that show up from sun-up to midnight. Night-time is pure glamour . . . when the international crowd gathers at the Costa Esmerelda for a peacock parade of fashion. You more than hold your own in the chic department, in a devastating acetate crepe jump suit. Everybody's watching . . . while all the best men get your message. Now!! Where's your next fascinating port of call? Wherever that happy landing, you're sure of travel-go-lightly clothes that will fit into your fling. Right at your fingertips are all the great, easy-does-it fashions that let you carry that crisp, fresh American air all over the world. Low-Cals To Rescue Lovely Shapes Somedays don't you feel it takes a miracle to keep a trim figure and be a "mindstickcr" for that man of your dreams? Not really just common sense. Meals can be nourishing, tasty and still r.ot heavy-up the avoirdupois. And they can per form that miracle of miracles— keep the budget in shape too! Low-cal beverages can be de pended on as a great ally. One serving of Tab contains only one calorie per 6-ounce serving and it's sugar free. The remainder of the meal can be in trim-slimming food. For ex ample, a molded tomato aspic topped with another salad mold of cottage cheese in chicken broth. Add hard cooked eggs and chicken for hearty appe tites. Proceed slimmingly with a green vegetable and sherbet sweetened with sugar substi tute. Only 66 calories per serv ing in the sherbet and the en tire meal less than 225 calories. Whether it be an engagement party, a shower for the bride or just a "thanks-for-being-you" supper for the love of your life, you'll love this menu—so easy on the figure, so pretty to look at and so very pleasant to eat. Candlelight and roses add the touch of romance in combina tion with silver and crystal— altogether irresistible! LOVE-LITE SALAD Red Heart: 1 can (2Y* cups) tomato juice 1 bay leaf 4 whole cloves IV£ envelopes plain gelatin Vt. cup cold water 4 drops liquid sugar substitute 1 /6 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons lemon juice In saucepan, combine tomato juice, bay leaf and cloves. Bring to boil, simmer 10 minutes. Re move bay leaf and cloves. Soft en gelatin in cold water, add to hot tomato juice, stir until dis solved. Add liquid sweetener, forces outside Baltimore in spired Francis Scott Key to answer the call—and his patri totic response was the com position of the "Star Spangled Q Banner." And now another war is pencil calling, and Scott Kay groups like Catholic Relief Services are re sponding with money and sup plies to aid the starving and homeless civilians in Biafra and Nigeria. Through simultaneous action, these groups have been sponsoring the airlifts carrying food, clothing, and medicine to the Biafrans. Aid is then dis tributed through more than 500 feeding centers, each providing daily meals to about 5,000 hungry men, women and children. Help them continue helping others in Biafra and elsewhere by sending your contribution to the nearest Catholic church or to Catholic Overseas Aid Fund, Empire State Building, New York, N.Y. 10001. salt and lemon juice. Pour into lightly oiled, heart shaped mold. Cnill until set. Unmold on large plate. White Heart: 1 cup chicken broth V* teaspoon rosemary % teaspoon ground ginger 1 envelope plain gelatin % cup cold water 1 cup dry cottage cheese 1 hard cooked egg, cut lengthwise in sixths Shreds of cooked chicken, if desired Heat chicken broth with rose mary and ginger. Soften gela tin in cold water; stir into hot broth until dissolved. Cool slightly, add cottage cheese. Arrange egg slices around edge [ENJOY: Our Famous Pixza—Spaghetti— Lasagna and Veal Parmegiana GEORGE S PIZZA PALACE 682-9881 RESTAURANT 682-5160 PROVIDE PROTECTION WITH AUTO INSURANCE Have you compared your rates and bene- Ifep'' fits on auto insurance with other companies? Before you renew or start a new policy, check with us. Com pare our low rates. CONSULT US ABOUT OUR INSTALLMENT t PAYMENi PLAN r Union Insurance & Realty Co. •14 PAYITTIVILLI St. PMONf ttUISS of small heart shaped mold, add gelatin mixture. Chill until set. Place the white heart in center of red heart. Garnish with rad ish roses and parsley. BUTTERMILK STRAWBERRY SHERBET 2 cups buttermilk 2*6 to 3 teaspoons liquid sugar substitute Dash of salt 1 cup crushed strawberries 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 egg white Mix buttermilk, sweetener, salt, strawberries and vanilla. Freeze to mush. Whip egg white stiff and fold into well beaten fruit mixture. Freeze without i stirring. 4 servings.