I—TOE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE ZB, IMP 6A J PLA YCOLONIAL'S ] U.S. CHOICE... FULL CUT EXCITING GAME ■■ .MJV j TOE RACES I E!|mb|^L EVERY ™ - lf%f% m%# a.|A U T I U.S. CHOICE... BONELESS ROUND _ |U. S. CHOICE ... BONELESS RUMP I 1N colorj_ IB&flST"'- 5 H BOAST " $ 1" f me *~s| FRYER PARTS ... SA . vs f N |iTi'iti J '"' ll "- a I rn, sliced Bacon |„ tt „ lt tltlE | SAVE ON 8K #THIGHS LB JMF PRICES GOOD THRU SAT, JUNE 28. 1969 cK w AMr quantity rights reserved Imni * LIVERS 69 * OT assr »69* 1 JE « D 1 FANCY YOUHG TENDER US. GRADE "A" HSH STICKS V 49^ I DETERGENT I■■M B| £1 SHRIMP °*"* $ 1» I WITH BORAX 1 mmh P| U FRESH PORK I ||| K V LB. HAMC jK ' SRy tender sliced _ I I I VI feS ft 3Be I LIVER 69 BACON 4 b l o b x 89c V WHOLE OR HALF SMI ■ J®®: OLD WAYNESBORO COUNTRY j OSCAR MAYER VARIETY PAK %> — WiSS# HAM •*? 1-Hunch Meatß9!. "• >7 C SILVER LABEL-SAVE 20c * l® s ® EE!3I ICOFFEE «.™ 49 c M SAVE UON If ™ 1 SAVE 64 ON H j waidorf I Mayonnaise , 391CBISCOI I BATHROOM 2 OUR PRIDE "FRESH BAKED" SANDWICH 1 Aff M I TISSUE BREAD 4 -•I" I 1 1 4 ROLL PAK I llllinir >*■ loaves • A | 24-oz. BOTTLE I H 11 FROZEN - APPLE ' PEACH ' COCONUT CUSTARD % || 1 3S c I Morton's Pies 29 14 91l "STY i ™ft' S 9 , JQ4 i OVEN KRISP SEALTEST: "EASY open TOP" oleo W s *«W! place PAK . j • CANNED ! Aiu m i ntim Foil - 29* ■ COOKIES J ■i ■ Jlll'lllgg Lemonade: D RINKS isS™ 'iJrifH f _ *aLH? T-3L i'COFFEE -if-99* 1 1 *s| SHOOiltffe VIA i FARM charm | .$8 PIGK-OF-TH E-NES! % J cgfLWl—jlU Breakfast ss 59S j PKG * yc 1 GRADE '/TI Watermelons _ 79 Home Grown Peaches ». 18| J Slicing Tomatoes .*■ 25 c (JSSjJ CUCUMBERS O, dei | DEDDEDC EA WILA r.rSo- W wkLA ™^ u^ No 81 SELL E E|% ••••• ■■nSpPft CHASE AND SANBORN lj) lllW|RT\\ ONE TI ~CNT. SCHICK SS jflj CALIFORNIA LONG H INST. COFFEE .Bf »|M INJECTOR BLADES nkf CALIFORNIA LONG ■■ i% J« \\lA|||U VOID AFTE R JUNE 28. 1969 Agk JB \ig» VOID AFTER JU "E «g "3^ WHITE POTATOES 5„ 39' Peru Plans Takeover US Holdings LIMA -The Peruvian government announced Tuesday E.;pi expropriate all major Mffrfracts now privately owned ■in divide them among the people, including vast lands owned by such U.S. investors as tbe W. R. Grace Co. and New York Gov. Nelson A- Rockefel ler. President Juan Velasco Alva rado promised "just enmpensa tfao" for all land holders, both foreign and Peruvian, whose properties will be turned over to the peasantry under an agrarian land reform oi unpre cedented aeope. Velaaco announced the gener al objectives of the land reform program that will effect untold millions of dollars worth of U.S.-owned as well as Peruvian held property in a nationwide television address. , His voice repeatedly broke with emotion. His immediate audience at the presidential palace interrupted his speech throughout with applause and rising shouts of ' Bravo" and "Viva Larid reform" The land reform law, Velasco said, "will be applied through out the country, without privile ges and with no exceptions. "Only in this manner will a coherent agricultural develop ment be possible." This made it clear all of the major U.S. investors in Peru would feel the bite of the reform law, a development which swept far beyond even the most pessimistic predictions of diplomatic observers here. The action furthered a trend of expropriation begun last October by Velaaco'i military regime. At that time, Peru took over the properties of the U.S.- owned International Petroleum Co. without the compensation offered in Tuesday's announce ment. That expropriation pro voked a crisis in diplomatic relations with the United States which still is unresolved. Among the U.S. firms stand ing to be hit hardest by the new law is the W .R. Grace and Co. of New York City. Grace has varied interests in Peru but under the land seizure it apparently will lose only its vast sugar plantations at Paramonga andj^artavio. Drug Use Is Hinted fir Death LONDON . Scotland Yard pathologist! Monday per formed an autopsy on the body U Judy Garland and eources Mid incomplete preliminary actress ntay have died from an wsrdaae of drags. 47-year-old Miss Garland was found dead on the bathroom floor of her London home early Sunday by her fifth husband. The London Evening [News said a box of pills was 'found near her bod^. A family spokesman said Miss Garland's husband, Mick ley Deans, would accompany the kbody to New York by plane j Wednesday for funeral services probably on Friday. ' Scotland Yard sources said further detailed teats on several body organs were being E' id out. by. the pathologists the autotan apparently to determii* the cause of death on visufd examination. '.The sources indicated the testa performed thus ' far (poinded thoae dofte whaa drugs 4r? auapecfc One jwcf test is a Await Inquest An official spokesman for Scotland Yard would s*y only that the findings would not be disclosed until a coroner's jtnqueat is held on Wednesday. The Yard sources, who disclosed the suspicion that drugs may hive been involved, emphasized "it Is absolutely 'impossible to fcjv if such an .oveofctf* was either accidental or otherwise." Scotland Yard reported earlier that no suicide notea were lound. Scotland Yard refused com raejt OQ a London newspaper report v Mias Garland was thaatht to have obtained 100 sieepat taiets from a local dnigglst Saturday. The Evehlng Newt said a bet containing » fills was found near her body mit tyd not idghtify the pills. k Ah effidal Yard spokesman ML "Some tablets were taken Mun the boose bat they ware 3* found beaide the body. They Xrffl not bfxMamVed unless the autopsy ndicatei a drags factor. , , "If all the formalities are completed in time, her husband will fly from London Wednes day with ttie body. If hs does, the funeral will probably be in New York on Friday/' said Brian Southcombe, "!« Gar land's press spokesman. BMI -You brag about your ability to Judge people by their dress. What About that little blonde over on the beach? SN—lnsufficient evidence.