-THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT, DECEMBER 6. 1999 6B "NEGLIGENT OR NOT- LAWSUITS CAN BE EXPENSIVE IgH Sky-high damage claims and personal liability judgments ranging as high as $5 million ap|»ear more and more Irt-- quentlv in the headlines and they arc being brought against moderate-income |>eoplc as well us the wealthy. If. for example, your recrea tion room is frequently full of active youngsters, or if you trans|x>rt your entire little league team in your station wagon Ihe |*issibilitn , s of your bring hit with a $500,000 darn age suit arc not remote. Worse yet. negligent or not. it can lie financially crippling just to de fend yourself. With the growing trend toward large claims and judg ments. every businessman and bis family should consider car rying extra (MTsonal liability protection. The Atlantic Com panies have made it easy and economical to obtain this type of coverage Some of the typical questions middle-income prop erty owners and business execu tives have tx*en asking about the Atlantic Companies Personal Comprehensive Umbrella Pol icy an-: Quest ion : ho needs ■ million dollar liability policy? Answer: These liability policies are needed by professional peo ple such as doctors, lawyers and dentists and. in fact, by anyone who owns property, in vestments. or has even a mod erate income. Que •lion: K\!ull» what kind of coverage doe* one get under an umbrella liability |»nlirv ? VnsMer: The term "umbrella" is used to show that the |X>licy spreads out to cover underlying policies It comes into use when you are involved in a claim which exceeds the limits you carry on your automobile, homeowners, or other primary liability |>olicies. In addition, it covers areas of your liability which are not cov t ri'l in your primary policies. Glamorous Gifts Can Cook Too! 1 ■ vj Some homemake' on you Christmas iist are probabij young brides, who are makinj "do with mismatched, utensils Others no doubt are experiencec cooks with battered kitchen equipment. Doesn't this suggest a marvelous gift idea that would delight both groups? Pot? and pans are the glamour gift of the season, especially the new aluminum cookware with slock design and zingy colors in every hue of the rainbow! What could be more fun for the recipe collector to unwrap Christmas morning thay a matched set of tine cookware. Today's aluminum utensils, with their attractive porcelain, enamel or anodized finishes, go directly to the dining table as decorative serving pieces. When not in use, they pose attractively on kitchen shelves, hang on walls, dangle like mobiles on handy beams - or placed dramatically wherever theii: brilliant colors add strikingly to kitchen decor. b/ S/I.an lurmere. Sylvania lighting and Design Coordinator How To Be A Show Off Kveryone has some prized pieces of china jrlassware or sil vcr they love to show off. Some women collect delicate bone china formal cups jjLjA and saucers; ° th *™ have a (JW «J« candelabra f fetish or are antique plate fanciers; and LL ' " there are those for whom cut crystal is the living end. What ever little objets d'art you have and want the world to see, a lovely place to show them off to In-lit advantage is a display cabi net, break front, hutch or wall niche. To light up any one of these adds visual interest to a room and supplies some general illumi nation. Several small incandes cent bulbs are usually preferred t> one or two higher wattage bulbs. Since only the objects in the display cabinet are to be seen, the bulbs themselves must be completely hidden from view. Tiny low voltage incandescent strips are available on • custom basis for lighting individual shelves They are attached to the bottom edge of each shelf, are completely shielded and produce a low level glow on the objects on display. In cabinets with glass shelves recessed incandescent fixtures may be used over them because the light is not blocked by shelves. A Sylvania 75-watt re flector bulb for every 18 inches or a 50-watt reflector bulb for every foot of display shelf makes crystal and glassware glow with an inner life. If a dark or richly colored background is used in the cabinet, the contrast increases the drama while decreasing the overall sensation of brightness •f the objects such us libel, slander, false ar rest. defamation of character, humiliation, false imprison ment. wrongful eviction, wrong ful detention, malicious prose cution. or invasion of right of privacy This | m>l icy is world wide in nco|»e. covers for non owned automobiles, aircraft and wutorcriift as well as for prac tically all pro|M-rlv of others left in your care, custody and control Coverage provides for defense costs in their entirety, but any judgment against you would Ih- subject to a deductible of at least s2"io in most states. Queslioii: ('-ail yon (i«' exam ple- of skill lhi« "umbrella" |mliri Mould mine ill handy? Answer: Yes. here arc three • A friend allowed a couple lo live in his home. The explosion of a faulty gas stove killed the tenant's wife, resulting in a SI .000.000 suit. • A municipality required u permit for burning trash. Suits totaling SBOO,OOO were filed against a housewife who did not secure such a permit and neg ligently caused a fire which de stroyed twelve homes and 4.000 • A 5350.000 award was made to the parents of a child who was drowned in a neighlxir's swimming pool. Question: Docs this policy in clude any medical expense cov erage ? Answer: It may be extended in most states (at nominal cost) to include catastrophe medical ex penses over a deductible amount. Question: Where can I net more information about comprehen sive liability insurance? Answer: Just ask your local Atlantic Companies agent. Funds Sought For Bus System In Burlington BURLINGTON - Members of the Bus Transit Committee here will go before the Alamance County board of commissioners and the Burlington city council this week in an effort to raise $20,000 needed to start a bus system in the area. John W. Davis, chairman of the committee, said he and other committee members will attend the commissioners' meeting Monday and the city council meeting Tuesday night to request the needed funds on a "one time only" basis. "I feel that if we get the money to begin operations we won't need any additional money from these sources. Once we start running I believe the bus system will be self-sufficient," he commented. Mrs. Eunice Haith, a leader of the citizens' movement, has asked all bus riders and others in'erested to meet at the municipal building Tuesday at 7 p.m. to show support for the committee's request. Mrs. Haith said attendance at the city coun cil meeting "may determine the of their (the coun cil's) actions." Davis said $35,900 has been raised so far. A total of $56,000 is needed for the bus system to begin operations. The word plant comes from a Greek word meaning "wandering." . 1 Phone 682-9295 41 I(|J q Laundry and |[ew [lllielncJ Dry Cleaner * CASH A CARRY OFFICES Comer Ruber* sad Holleway Street* Chapel HUI St. at Daks Ualverslty R*a4 Quick As A Wink—Rasher* R4. at Avoadale Dr. SaaKery Office: 2SM Aagler Ave. 1 RENTALS SANDING MACHINES POST HOLE AUGERS TOW BARS POWER TOOLS SPACE HIATUS CAR TOP CARMRS CARPENTER TOOLS LAWN MOWERS foUXNG TASLES t CHAIRS SEWER AUGERS BAST EQUIPMENT AND BEOS A* COMPRESSORS IOAWNG TOOLS MVAUO NEEDS FANS. LAOOERS PASTOR-SHMPMENT GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER; WATER PUMPS RUG SHAMPOOING MACHINES UGHT PUNIS CHAM HOISTS ' MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO UST 2W 256-4414 DURHAM'S FIRST COMPUTE RENTAL CO. 2334 GUESS ROAD DURHAM, N.(3 SCLC Workshop Lists Abernathy Rev. Ralph David Aber nathy, president of the Southern Chriatian Leadership Conference, la acheduled to speak here Saturday at the Memorial Auditorium as part of an all-day workshop on non violence aponsored by the N. C. Conference of the SCLC, Milton Fitch of Wilson, state SCLC coordinator, said Sunday. The workshop will cover all aspects of the problems of the poor, including the educational system, the political structure and the economic system, Fitch said. Fitch said black leaders from throughout the state have been invited to the workshop along with several "high federal of ficials." Among those who have accepted the invitation, be said, are Mrs. Eva Clayton of War renton and John Edwards of Durham, director of the N. C. Voter Education Project. Fitch said that invitations have also been extended representatives of the U. S. Miami Hearings Set to Probe Cocaine Ring WASHINGTON - A smuggling and distribution ring that uses women to bring in 50 to 70 per cent of the U.S. co caine traffic will be spotlighted at congressional hearings in Mi ami this week, investigators say. They say the ring is run by Cuban refugees who once smug gled cocaine through Havana and has the scope of an organ ized crime operation but has no known Mafia connections. The House Select Committee on Crime hearing is scheduled for Thursday. The committee plans to hear testimony on Flor ida's new law to fight infiltra tion of legitimate businesses by organized crime, and on Miami law enforcement Friday, Satur day and Monday. "We expect to show that Mi ami is now the major port of en try for this dangerous drug," Chairman Claude Pepper, D- Fla., said Saturday in a formal announcement. A member of Pepper's staff said most of the smugglers are women who bring cocaine into Miami International Airport on scheduled airlines from Nicara gua and two other Latin Ameri can countries where cocaine production is legal. He didn't name the two. Movie Camera Theft Reported A cameraman for WRAL-TV reported this weekend that so meone stole a camera and three lenses from a car belonging to the station Friday afternoon in downtown Raleigh. Jack G. Edwards, of 2727 Avent Ferry Road, said he had parked the car in several places downtown Friday, and that he left the car unlocked near the Hotel Sir Walter. A 16-millimeter movie camera, valued at $650, and three lenses valued at a total of $520, were discovered missing from the" car Saturday af ternoon, according to Raleigh police. Edwards said the camera and lenses belonged to him but were leased by the station. Department of Health, Educa tion and Welfare; Shaw University President King Cheek; How ad Fuller of Malcolm X Liberation Universi ty in Durham; and Nathan Gar ret, director of the Foundation for Community Development in Durham. Registration for the workshop will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, Fitch said. At 9:80 a.m. ttae group will break up into smaller workshops to discuss various problems of poor people. After these meetings, each group will report on its discussions. After a lunch break, three choirs the Hyde County Freedom Choir, the Bill Land Choir of New Bern and the William9ton Freedom Singers will perform. Then at 2:30 Dr. Abernathy is scheduled to speak. ! .i \ I BgSf {WBHjjjffir P 11 jnV mmmmf % YES, VIRGINIA, that is a boat sailing over the highway. It's a common sight on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. Key seg ments in the 17.6 mile-long superstructure, spanning the waters between the Delmarva Peninsula and Virginia Beach, are two tun nels that carry automobiles under the bay's shipping channels. Standing on one of the four man-made islands, which anchor the tunnels, this tiny traveler trains her sights on a passing freighter. Two bridges and a trestled roadway high above water level com plete the engineering wonder. Temperate weather through the fall and winter makes the Bridge- Tunnel route ideal for motorists driving north or south. A With Each Claim Check for 3.00 Worth of Garments y at Regular Price ... Brought in Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday! 5S •su&nssi | M>n •: T,,e, •• Wed - Ywr dflthM look bo»t«r I 1 SHIRT toniorl Cot on brnht.r M I— I cDCr-f AI with "Mortlnliliw," th» .| II OrbCIAL mo«t In Dry Cloonlni... II I _ , _ _ _ |1 5 ~'1.70 TOM S ———— Reg. 1.90 OIM HOUR Open 7 «.m. - * p.m. Dolly ■ _ Open ».m. • » p.m. Monday thru mmnm. • »?»«* J'l Northgate Shopping Ceitet 1M MOT IN tm cxnmm + Lnlversity Dr . (o pp.) Fore.t I Hills Shopping Center GORDON'S GIH $ 4 lO *r§ 6o ' 4/5 QT.'ill -TINT t |Mi V/ 1| OOari\ v- ~ ) » DISTILLED % £ LONDON DRY A m c, « f lily. ■ OlSlllltOft BOIIKO IN TN( USA BY >IU W ■ THE OlSTltKftS COMPANY IIMIKO W I>" BuNOIN, N ' • PIAINfUIO, 111 r SPIRITS OISTHLEO FROM GRAIN. 90 PROOF GOROONS ORY GIN CO. LTD.. LINOCN. N.J. Pilot to Testify WINTERTHUR, Switzerland —The pilot of an El A 1 airliner riddled by machinegun bullets in an Arab commando attack will be called to testify Monday in the murder trial of three Arabs accused of the assault, prosecution sources said Sunday. The sources said Prosecutor Oskar Birch also will put on the stand two firemen who alleged ly saw Israeli security agent Mordechai Rachamim kill one of the four attackers in the assault on the plane at Zurich airport Feb. 18. The Israeli airliner was sprayed with 180 submachine gun bullets as it was taxiing for takeoff. The Arabs allegedly attacked the airliner from behind a snowbank bordering the taxi strip, killing a trainee pilot aboard the plane and wounding four other crew members. ELIZABETH CITY - Fifty units are scheduled to participate in the Christmas parade here Wednesday, at 3:45 p.m. ■ ■lll 1 a 11 111 I f 11 ■iw y HKjKni ■■ UHL vj jfar JWm llijop^a^l n r: ■Kt'Tvl I v_ GULF MARKETERS HOSf NAACP—These Gulf Oil mar keting men, from the company's Eastern Marketing Region, met recently in Philadelphia with Region Vice President E. F. Jacobs (fifth from right, front row) and Daniel G. Kean (fifth from left, front row), Senior Public Relations Representative for a discussion of special mar keting problems and to play host to the Pennsylvania Con ference of Branches of the NAACP at a reception follow ing the group's Awards Ban quet. From left are Sales Repre sentatives T. L. Knight, Linden. N.J.; J. A. Finley, Baltimore (C. Hoffberger Co., a Gulf sub sidiary); G. O. Strothers, Pitts burgh; C. J. Evans, Pittsbureh; D., E. Smith, Baltimore; Sales Supervisor D. A. Young, Bos ton; Sales Representative R B. Bowie, New Haven, Conn.; Mr. Kean; Sales Representative Lawrence Edgerson, Camden; Jacobs; Sales Representative J. A. Hendricks, Washington: P. W. Bennett, Philadelphia; C. A. Hereford, Boston; R. 0. Vaughn. New York City (Gul? Plastic Products Co.): B. E. Willis. Baltimore: and K. L Hawthorne who 1s on loan to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania as Executive Director of the Governor's Council on Ur ban Affairs. PACKERS 5 One of the Nation's w Oldest and Most *" Respected Hand Soaps Invites You to Try its New CAROUSEL* CHILDREN'S NURSERY RHYME ASSORTMENT Five Bars of High Quality Soap Imprinted with Nursery Characters and Attractively Packaged in a See-Thru Carton 5 Separate Colors 5 Different Nursery-rhyme Characters PLUS Packer Soap Quality Perfect for Christmas Birthdays Children of all Ages 500 REFUND To obtain your 50? refund, send this advertisement and the name "Carousel" from two (2) packages of Packer's Carousel Soap together with your name and address to: Carousel Refund Offer Cooper Laboratories, Inc. 546 Bedford Road Bedford Hills, N.Y. 10507 Offer expires Dec. 31,1969 Henry A. Vickers, Jr. James W. Brown, Jr.. There's a right time to get personal Your estate, your future, your family's security are very personal things . 4 T K he best w ay to safeguard them is through the personal attention of a trained protection expert an experienced Metropolitan Life insurance agent. Why not call me about your personal affairs today? Metropolitan Life TONY'S GRILL. OPEN 7-DAYS 12 NOON-12 MIDNIGHT B. B. Q. RIBS WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES AND A COMPLETE LINE OP GROCERIES 800 LIBERTY ST. DIAL M 2-9477 "There is a good thing going" at Alston Heights Subdivision I m vwy' / u'w' f*. «(T * ifii'w. r'. HuP "■ "■ '1 KI -4|^Kf NU I' - jC— ►-^■■•^rir "Yes at ALSTON HEIGHTS SUBDI VISION, located in the 2200 block on South Alston Avenue, we.really have a "Good Thing Going. * Hfere are some reasons why. 1. Close to NCC University, Research Triangli Park, Bus Stop, Churches and Schools. 2. There is a choice of a 3, 4 or 5 bedroom home. 3. The price of these lovely homes ranges from a low $17,500 up. 4. ATTENTION VETERANS—No Down payment Only a small down payment for others (FHA). 5. We pay Closing Cost. You can use the money you save on closing cost to buy needed articles for the house. 6. We arrange all financing. (See me) 7. City water, sewer and paved streets. 8. I am at the model home for your convenience from 4-6 p.m. Monday thru Sunday. Other hours by appointment. 9. No home is identical to any other home. 10. Only a small amount of cash needed to deter mine ef you can qualify for one of these beau tiful homes. Now don't you agree that there is "A Good Thing" going on at Alston Heights Subdivision? "GO see R. C." R. C. Price Realty Co. 1220 FAYETTEVILLE STREET DIAL 682-0125 NIGHTS, WEEKENDS 489-4655